
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and F-actin cytoskeleton dynamics play important roles in the survival rate of blastocysts after the vitrifiedwarming process. However, the protective effects of Mito-TEMPO against cryo-injury and viability through F-actin aggregation and mitochondrial-specific ROS production in vitrificated-warmed bovine embryos have not been investigated. The aims of the present study were to: (1) determine the effects of Mito-TEMPO on embryonic developmental competence and quality by F-actin stabilization during in vitro culturing (IVC), and (2) confirm the effects of Mito-TEMPO through F-actin structure on the cryotolerance of vitrification-warming in Mito-TEMPO exposed in vitro production (IVP) of bovine blastocysts. Bovine zygotes were cultured with 0.1 μM Mito-TEMPO treatment for 2 days of IVC. Mito-TEMPO (0.1 μM) exposed bovine embryos slightly improved in blastocyst developmental rates compared to the non-treated group. Moreover, the viability of vitrified-warmed blastocysts from Mito-TEMPO treated embryos significantly increased (p < 0.05, non-treated group: 66.7 ± 3.2% vs Mito-TEMPO treated group: 79.2 ± 5.9%; re-expanded at 24 hours). Mito-TEMPO exposed embryos strengthened the F-actin structure and arrangement in the blastocyst after vitrification-warming. Furthermore, the addition of Mito-TEMPO into the IVC medium enhanced embryonic survival and quality through F-actin stabilization after the vitrification-warming procedure. Overall, our results suggest that supplementing the culture with 0.1 μM Mito- TEMPO improves the embryonic quality and cryo-survival of IVP bovine blastocysts.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 양식기법이 보급되어 어가의 양식이 활발해진 감태 (Ecklonia cava Kjellman)는 향후 다양한 품종개발이 예상되고, 이들의 구분을 위한 신품종 심사기준 (특성조사요 령) 작성과 기초자료가 되는 자연 개체군의 변이 폭과 지역적 형태 변이에 관한 연구 필요성은 더욱 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 감태 양식 개체군과 국내 연안 16개소에서 채집한 자연개체군의 형태를 비교하고, 주요 형태 형질의 특성과 변이 폭을 규명하고자 하였다. 감태의 품종 구분에 적합한 형질은 1차엽과 2차엽, 줄기에 대한 주요 형태와 특 징에 관한 14개 측정 형질과 4개 비율 형질, 총 18개 특성을 선정하였다. 군집 분석에서 전체 19개 개체군 중, 자연 개체군인 장길 (E4), 소록 (S7)은 동일 지역 개체군들과 유의한 차이를 보였고, 동해와 남해의 나머지 자연 개체군은 양식 2년생인 수유 (Q6, Q8, Q10)를 포함한 2개 집단으로 구분되었고, 제주의 3개 개체군은 별도의 집단을 이루어 지역적으로 구분되었다. 주성분 분석에서도 군집 분석에서 집단을 이룬 동해와 남해 개체군을 중심으로 양식 개체군은 중앙에 모여 나타났고, 장길 (E4), 소록 (S7)과 제주 개체군들은 주성분 1 (PC1)과 주성분 2 (PC2)에 연관된 2 차엽 지수, 줄기의 길이와 직경, 줄기 길이/1차엽 길이, 1차엽 길이와 너비, 2차엽 수, 2차엽 길이와 너비의 형질에 의해 각 축에 따라 구분되어 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 본 연구에서 조사한 18개 형질은 각 해역에서 유의한 차이를 보이는 개체군 구분을 위한 기준으로 유용성이 확인되었으 며, 감태의 각 지역 개체군은 향후 신품종 개발 후보 종으로 가능성이 클 것으로 기대되었다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The twenty six specimens of leptocephali (15.8–32.6 mm TL) of the family Congridae, collected from southeastern waters offshore of Jeju Island during August 2014, and were identified by means of morphology and genetics. Those specimens were identified as belonging to the family Congridae based on various combinations of morphological characters. An analysis of the partial 12S rRNA sequences (886 base pairs) of mitochondrial DNA showed that our specimens must be Gnathophis nystromi, because their sequences were concordant with those of G. nystromi adult (genetic distance= 0.001), furthermore their total myomeres being consistent with those of G. nystromi adult. Catch rates of G. nystromi leptocephali were higher in the offshore regions than coastal regions of Jeju Island. The smallest leptocephali (< 20 mm TL) were collected offshore from Jeju Island. We hypothesize that one of the spawning grounds of G. nystromi is located offshore in the Jeju Island. In conclusion, the hatched preleptocephali of G. nystromi might have been transported from offshore near Jeju Island to the Korea Strait by the Kuroshio Current and Tsushima Warm Current.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        콩에 큰 피해를 주는 가로줄노린재의 형태적 특징 및 온도별 발육특성을 조사하였다. 알은 2줄씩 콩잎이나 꼬투리에 산란하고 원형에 가까우며, 암컷 성충의 체장은 9.8 mm, 수컷 성충은 8.7mm로 암컷이 수컷에 비하여 크다. 부화율은 20, 25, 30 및 에서 로 온도가 증가함에 따라 높아졌으며, 알의 평균발육기간은 20, 25, 30 및 에서 각각 10.7, 5.0, 4.0 및 3.0일이다. 에서 1령, 2령, 3령, 4령 및 5령 약충의 평균발육기간은 각각 3.2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.3 및 5.9일로 온도가 증가 할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 각 태별 발육영점은도와 유효적산온도는 알은 와 65.5일도, 약충은 와 322.8일도, 알에서 약충까지는 와 386.4일도였다. 에서 산란전기간은 10.0일, 성충수명은 암컷이 52.5일, 수컷이 38.2일로 암컷이 수컷에 비하여 수명이 길었으며, 이때 성충 한 마리의 총 산란수는 496개였고, 난괴수는 21.5개였다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Collaborative Robot (Cobot) that can collaborate with humans by fusion with many advanced technologies among industrial robots in the industrial field are attracting attention. In this study, the engineers of Small and Medium Enterprises can directly participate in the cobot design, and ultimately, the possibility of deriving the shape design of the differentiated cobot was studied. The method applied to derive the shape design of differentiated cobot is ‘Morphological Analysis’. First, the design elements of the form of cobots were derived as ‘Link’ and ‘Joint’. In addition, by analyzing the image form of the Link and Joint of the existing cobot, a new form element of the Link and Joint was proposed. In order to quantitatively identify the most discriminating cobot shape design, FGI (Focus Group Interview) was conducted to derive image types of 4 Link and 3 Joint. Then, the most important ‘Shape Combination’ was carried out in morphological analysis, and 12 new cobot shape designs were drawn. Through this, the applicability of the morphological analysis method in the derivation of differentiated cobot shape design was examined.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate egg development and larvae morphological development of catfish and to provide basic data to clarify the genetic relationship with Siluriformes fish. The mother fish that was used in this study was caught in the stream of Nakdong River in Uiseong-gun, Gyeongbuk. The temperature range of the breeding was 23.0- 25.0℃ (mean 24.0±1.0℃) and egg size was 1.62-1.70 mm (mean 1.66±0.05, n=30). Eggs of catfish began hatching at 54 hours and 40 minutes after fertilization. Immediately after hatching, the total length of larvae was 3.60-3.65 mm (mean 3.62±0.03, n=5) and had an egg yolk without swimming ability. On the third day after hatching, the larvae at the medium stage was 8.00-8.65 mm (mean 8.32±0.45) in total length, and two pairs of whiskers formed around the mouth were elongated. On the 12th day after hatching, the larvae at the juvenile stage was 16.5-17.0 mm (mean 16.7±0.35) in total length, and the stem of each fin was in the range, and the juvenile at this period was morphologically similar to the mother fish.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        On the 15 days after hatching, the larvae was 4.24-5.10 mm (mean 4.66±2.18 mm) in total length, and the fins of the membrane started to develop into a fan shape and the melanophore was deposited upper the alimentary canal of the abdomen and on the bladder. At 35 days after hatching, the post-larvae formed a branch-shaped melanophore on the head part with a total length of 6.98-12.5 (mean 9.35±1.71) mm, formed on the upper and lower parts of the caudal part, formed on the upper and lower parts of the caudal part, and deposited under the head part and abdomen. At 40 days after hatching, the juvenile was 11.3-18.1 (mean 14.9±1.53) mm in total length.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study monitored the morphological development of embryo, larvae and juvenile yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi, for their aquaculture. The fertilized eggs obtained by natural spawning were spherical shape and buoyant. Fertilized eggs were transparent and had one oil globule in the yolk, with an egg diameter of 1.35 ± 0.04 mm and an oil globule diameter of 0.32 ± 0.02 mm. The fertilized eggs hatched 67–75 h after fertilization in water at 20 ± 0.5°C. The total length (TL) of the hatched larvae was 3.62 ± 0.16 mm. During hatching, the larvae, with their mouth and anus not yet opened. The yolk was completely absorbed 3 days after hatching (DAH), while the TL of post-larvae was 4.72 ± 0.07 mm. At 40 DAH, the juveniles had grown to 30.44 ± 4.07 mm in TL, body depth increased, the body color changed to a black, yellow, and light gray-blue color, and 3–4 vertical stripes appeared. At 45 DAH, the juveniles were 38.67 ± 5.65 mm in TL and 10.10 ± 0.94 mm in body depth. The fish were green with a light orange color, with 7 faint green-brown stripes on the sides of their body. At 87 DAH, the juveniles had grown to 236.11 mm in TL, 217.68 mm in fork length, and 136.5 g in weight. The fish resembled their adult form, with a light yellow-green body color, loss of the pattern on the sides of their body, and a yellow coloration at the tip of the caudal fin.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was examined the ovogenesis of Ussurian bullhead, Leiocassis ussuriensis and the morphological development of its larvae and juveniles and to use the results as basic information for the preservation of species and resource enhancement. For artificial egg collection, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was injected at a rate of 10 IU per gram of fish weight. During breeding period, water temperature maintained at 24.5~26.5℃ (mean 25.0±0.05℃). The process of ovogenesis reached the two-cell stage in 50 minutes after fertilization. In 73 hours of fertilization the movement of the embryoid body became active state and the larvae began to hatch from the tail through the oolemma. Length of prelarvae were 6.33~6.50 mm long (mean 6.40±0.06 mm) just after hatching having yolk with their mouth not opened. After thirty eight days of hatching, juveniles were 30.6∼32.5 mm long (mean 31.5±0.65 mm). The color was dark yellowish brown throughout the entire body, and the number of caudal fin rays developed to thirty six perfectly.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We have launched an investigation for Embryonic Development, Larvae and Juvenile Morphology, of Buenos aires tetra in order to build basic data of Characidae and fish seeding production. We brought 50 couples of Characidae from Bizidduck aquarium in Yeosu-si, Jeollanamdo, from Korea on March of 2015. We put them in the tetragonal glass aquarium (50×50×30 cm). Breeding water temperature was 27.5~28.5°C (mean 28.0±0.05°C) and being maintained. The shape of fertilized egg was round shape, and it was adhesive demersal egg. The egg size was 0.63~0.91 mm (mean 0.74±0.07 mm, n=20). After getting fertilized egg, the developmental stage was gastrula stage, and embryo covered almost two-thirds of Yolk. Incubation was happened after 16 hours 13 minutes from gastrula stage, and the tail of juvenile came out first with tearing egg capsule. Immediately after the incubation, prelarvae had 3.78~3.88 mm length (mean 3.84±0.04 mm, n=5), and it had no mouth and anus yet. 34 days after hatching from the incubation, juvenile had 8.63~13.1 mm (mean 10.9±1.66 mm), and it had similar silver-colored body shape with its mother.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Newly hatched black porgy larvae (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) swam to the surface, with the mouth and anus still closed and were 1.90–2.11 mm (mean, 2.0 mm) in total length (TL). The larvae were 2.71–2.94 mm TL (mean, 2.82 mm) on day 2 after hatching. At this time, about two-thirds of the yolk was absorbed, the bladder and intestines had formed, and the mouth and anus were open. Total length was 4.32–4.66 mm (mean, 4.45 mm) at the post-larval stage on days 5–6 after hatching, and the yolk and oil globule were almost absorbed. The end of the notochord began to flex, and 6–8 caudal fin rays were visible. The larvae were 15.37–16.1 mm TL (mean, 15.83 mm) at the juvenile stage on days 30–32 after hatching, and the number of rays in all fins was completely revealed.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Pleuronectiformes, blind-side malpigmentation (hypermelanosis) is common in cultured flatfishes, and is economically important. To understand the mechanism of blind-side hypermelanosis in flatfishes, we examined when the malpigmentation initially occurred, and studied how the symptoms proceeded during early development of the starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus. To assess quantitative pattern changes of blind-side skin, we observed morphological development of the whole body from 22 (total length [TL] 10.0±0.2 mm and body weight [BW] 8.8±0.57 mg) to 110 days (TL 23.4±0.7 mm, BW 193.6±23.3 mg) after hatching (DAH), and also examined the malpigmented area rate of blind-side skin and the malpigmented fish ratios. The experimental animals were reared in fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks in water at a temperature of 18.9±1.9℃ and salinity of 32.6±0.6 psu and were fed with rotifer and Artemia nauplii from 22 to 48 DAH, and with A. nauplii and commercial feed from 49 to 110 DAH. As results, the first staining patch seen by the naked eye was observed around the area between the anus and pelvic fin or caudal edge of the trunk at 80 DAH (TL 20.6±0.5 mm, BW 112.5±8.8 mg). The pigmented area and the pigmented fish ratios were significantly increased from 80 to 110 DAH. These results indicated that malpigmentation on the blind side of starry flounder was initially observed at about 2 cm in length and 100 mg in weight, and the pigmented domain on the blind-side skin was continually broadened by the differentiation of pigmented cells (melanophores and xanthophores) with growth.