The house fly, Musca domestica L. is a serious cosmopolitan pest in livestock production systems. Poultry farmers employ various techniques to control them but rely heavily on the use of chemicals which has the serious drawback of the target pest becoming resistant. We have selected two native natural enemies in Gyeonggi area where selected for the biological control of the house fly. Carcinops pumilio (Erichson) (Coleoptera: Histeridae), commonly found in poultry manure, is an important predator of house fly eggs and larvae. The substitute food source was developed for the mass rearing of C. pumilio. Spalangia nigroaenea (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) not only parasitized the host to produce its progeny but also killed host pupae by feeding. The parasitoid induced mortality had an effect on the parasitoid-to-host density relationships.
Medicinal plant extracts from 27 plant species in 20 families were tested for their larvicidal activity against house fly, Musca domestica (L.). Responses varied with plant material and concentration. Among plant species tested, Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica showed 100% larvicidal activity against M. domestica at 10 mg/g concentration. Larvicidal activities of Atractylodes japonica, Saussurea lappa, Asiasarum sieboldi, and Gleditsia japonica var. koraiensis were 89.3, 85.3, 93.3 and 96.6% at 10 mg/g concentration, respectively. Extracts of Prunus persica, Curcuma longa and Paeonia moutan produced moderate activity. Larvicidal activity of other plant extracts was less than 50%. Among test plant species, Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica showed the most potent larvicidal activity. The active constituent of P. leptostachya var. asiatica roots was identified as the leptostachyol acetate by spectroscopic analysis. The LC50valuesofleptostachyolacetateagainstM. domestica larvae was 0.039 mg/g. Naturally occurring medicinal plant extracts and Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica root–derived compounds merit further study as potential house fly larval control agents or lead compounds.
The house fly (Musca domestica L.) strains were derived from the Yumenoshima III strain by selecting with cypermethrin and methomyl for 19 and 16 generations, respectively. The resulting strains, cypermethrin resistance strain (Cyp-R19) and methomyl resistance strain (Met-R16), showed high level of resistance by 12906 and 51 times, respectively, comparing with the susceptible SRS strain. The Cyp-R19 strain was resistant to synthetic pyrethroids such as deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, -cyfluthrin, showing > 11000, 1231, 103, 292 times higher values than the SRS strain, respectively. It was also resistant to 3 organophosphates and 2 carbamates such as fenitrothion, profenofos, pyridaphenthion, benfuracarb, methomyl, showing resistance ratios fo 51, 17, 49, 39 and 62 comparing to SRS strain. The Met-R16 strain was resistant to synthetic carbamate benfuracarb, showing 6 times higher value than SRS strain. It was also resistant to 4 organophosphates such as acephate, fenitrothion, profenofos and pyridaphenthion, showing > 40, 103, 19, 60 times higher value. It was also resistant to 5 pyrethroids and a pyrrole such as cypermethrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, -cyfluthrin and chlorfenapyr, showing 3030, 249, 4063, 34, 330 and 86 times higher values than the SRS strain. Cyp-R14 strain which was selected for 14 generations by cypermethrin and developed 11014 times higher resistance to the SRS strain was used in the dominance and linkage group analysis. Cypermethrin resistance inheritance was incompletely dominant in house fly as judged by the reciprocal cross between the resistant and susceptible strains. The linkage group analysis for the major factors responsible for this resistance was carried out by themale-backcross method, using susceptible multi-chromosomal marker aabys strain. The major factors for cypermethrin resistance were located on the 1st, the 3rd and the 4th chromosomes, and the effect of the 3rd chromosome was most prominent.
Benzoylphenylurea계 살충제(BPUs)는 많은 종의 곤충에 불임을 유발하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이전의 실험결과 집파리의 불임에 효과적인 것으로 밝혀진 4가지 BPUs의 발육단계가 다른 집파리 성충에 대한 불임효과를 실험하였다. 수컷 성충 및 우화 후 교미하기 전의 암컷(우화 1일 후)과 교미 후 난소가 충분히 발육한 상태의 암컷(우화 5일 후)을 300 ppm의 약제에 24시간 동안 접촉시킨 후 1~2일 간격으로 채란하여 부화율을 조사하였다. Flufenoxuron과 teflubenzuron에 처리된 5일 암컷이 처리 1일 후 산란한 알은 전혀 부화하지 못하였고, triflumuron과 diflubenzuron에 처리한 5일 암컷이 산란한 알의 부화율을 23%로 크게 감소하였다. Flufenoxuron에 처리된 1일 파리가 처음 산란한 알은 es지 1%의 부화율을 보였다. 따라서 본 실험에서 사용한 4가지 BPUs계 살충제는 집파리 성충의 연령에 관계없이 산란된 알의 부화를 억제할 수 있었으며, 부화한 유충의 일부는 번데기까지 자라지 못하고 사망하였다. 실험에 사용한 4약제 중에서 flufenoxuron의 부화억제 효과가 가장 우수하였으며, 약효가 5일간 지속되었다.
유기인체 살충제인 Pyraclofos에 저항성인 집파리를 profenofs로 7세대 도태시킨 P-Pro 계통을 이용하여 Pro-fenofos 저항성의 유전학적인 분석을 행하였다. Profenofos저항성은 불완전우성으로 나타났기 때문에 가시돌연변이로 각 염색체를 표식한 감수성 ac, ar, bwb, ye, snp 계통을 이용하여 male-backcross에의한 연쇄군분석을 한 결과, 이 계통의 profenofos 저항성의 우성유전자는 각 염색체에 고루 존재하지만 제 2 염색체와제 5염색체 상의 유전자에 크게 지배받으면 웅성결정인자 M은 제 3염색체와 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다.
집파리를 chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos 및 permethrin 등 3종의 살충제로 누대도태하여 저항성 유발과 교차저항성을 조사하였다. chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos 및 permethrin으로 11세대 누대도채한 계통의 저항성 비는 감수성계통의 암컷에 비하여 42.0배, 3.8배 및 18.7배로 증가하였고, 수컷에서는 42.0배, 4.1배 및 16.4배이었다. chlorpyrifos 도태계통은 permethrin에서 암.수컷 각각 7.5배와 9.6배로 다른 살충제보다 높은 교차저항성을 보였으나, propoxur 에 대해서는 역상관 교차저항성을 나타내었다. dich-lorvos도태계통은 chlorpyrifos에서 암.수각각 13.3배와 15.9배로 높은 교차저항성을 나타내었으며 permethrin 도태계통에서도 chlorpyrifos에 대해서 암.수 각각 8.7배와 9.7배로 비교적 높은 교차저항성을 보였다.