어류의 번식은 뇌에서 분비되는 다양한 신경호르몬과 뇌하수체에서 분비되는 생식소 자극 호 르몬에 의해 조절된다. 극동산 뱀장어(Anguilla japonica)의 번식도 이 호르몬들의 작용에 의해 조절되지만 성 성숙 시 신경호르몬이 뇌하수체 호르몬을 조절하는 방법은 완전히 밝혀지지 않 았다. 이전 연구에 의하면 progesterone (P4), melatonin 및 serotonin (5-HT) 등과 같은 신경호 르몬이 일부 어류의 번식 과정 조절에 관여하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구에서는 뱀장어의 뇌 하수체를 초대 배양하였고, 안정화된 뇌하수체 세포에 P4, 17β-estradiol (E2), melatonin 및 5- HT를 처리하였다. 이후 처리된 호르몬의 작용이 뇌하수체 세포에서 번식 관련 호르몬인 FSHβ, LHβ, GH 및 SL mRNA 발현에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 조사하였다. 본 연구를 수행한 결과, P4는 뇌하수체 세포에서 FSHβ와 LHβ 발현을 증가시켰고, melatonin은 FSHβ와 LHβ 뿐만 아니라 GH 와 SL의 발현을 증가시켰다. 하지만 5-HT는 이 유전자의 mRNA 발현에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 이상의 결과는 P4 또는 melatonin이 뱀장어의 초기 성 성숙에 중요한 역할을 할 수 있음을 의미한다.
The method of natural spawning is very passive and inconvenient for the study of developmental engineering in marine medaka, Oryzias dancena. The optimum concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and carp pituitary extract (CPE) for ovulation and spawning, and the injection time for the artificial spawning of marine medaka were analyzed in this study. The success rate, survival rate, and hatching rate were highest with 100 IU HCG kg-1 BW and 5 mg CPE L-1 in both male and female marine medaka (p<0.05). After obtaining unfertilized eggs and sperm by the injection of HCG and CPE into the broodstock of marine medaka, artificial fertilization could be successfully achieved any time fertilized eggs are needed in this species. This result should be useful for developing a study program for marine medaka as an experimental animal.
Cellular cyclic adenosine-3’ 5’-monophosphate (cAMP) modulator is known as meiotic inhibitor and can delays spontaneous maturation in IVM experiment. Among many cAMP modulators, the role of Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) on IVM isn’t known. The purpose of this study is to improve the maturation of oocytes derived from follicles ≤ 3 mm in diameter through PACAP as meiotic inhibitor during pre-in vitro maturation (pre-IVM). First, we checked PACAP and its receptors in cumulus cells and, to establish the optimal phase and concentration of PACAP for pre-IVM, we conducted chromatin configuration assessments. As a result, the rate of GV (Germinal Vesicle) according to duration of pre-IVM was significantly decreased 12 h and 18 h after IVM (87.1 and 84.1%, respectively) compared to 0 h (99.4%). When COC was cultured for 18 h, the GV rate in the 1 μM of PACAP treatment group (82.1%) was significantly higher than any other PACAP treatment groups (60.5, 64.1, 74.4 and 69.9 %, respectively). So, we divided into four groups as follows; MF (the conventional IVM group, obtained from follicle from 3 to 6 mm in diameter), SF (the conventional IVM group, obtained from follicle ≤ 3mm in diameter), Pre-SF(-)PACAP (IVM group including 18 h pre-IVM without 1 μM of PACAP, obtained from follicle ≤ 3mm in diameter) and Pre-SF(+)PACAP (IVM group including 18 h pre-IVM with 1 μM of PACAP, obtained from follicle ≤ 3mm in diameter). To examine the effect of PACAP during pre-IVM, we investigated analysis of nuclear maturation, intracellular glutathione (GSH) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. In cumulus cells, PACAP receptors, ADCYAP1R1 and VIPR1 were detected but were not detected in oocytes. After IVM, the Pre-SF(+)PACAP had the highest Metaphase II rate (91.7%) among all groups (P<0.05). The GSH levels in the MF and Pre-SF(+)PACAP were significantly higher than in the other groups (P<0.05) and ROS levels was no significant difference among all groups. In conclusion, these results indicated that even though the oocytes were derived from SF, pre-IVM application of PACAP improved meiotic and cytoplasmic maturation by regulating intracellular oxidative stress.
A 10-year-old castrated male Korean shorthair cat weighing 4 kg was referred with signs of insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus based on clinical signs of polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. Diagnosis of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) was made based on results of an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test and a dexamethasone screening test. In addition, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) increased. Radiography, ultrasonography, and computed tomography (CT) revealed hepatomegaly, renomegaly, and adrenomegaly affecting both adrenal glands as well as multiple cysts in a generally enlarged pancreas. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the cat’s pituitary gland was enlarged. The pituitary gland had a predominantly unilateral extension to the left. The signal intensity of the pituitary gland on precontrast T1 weighted images was hypointense compared to that of soft tissue and hyperintense compared to that of cerebrospinal fluid. On T2 weighted images, the pituitary gland was predominantly hypointense with a hyperintense rim. Contrast enhancement of the pituitary gland was not evident, and a mild degree of ring-like enhancement was seen. In addition, mild peritumoral edema was present.
This is the first report of a cat with suspected double adenoma of the pituitary gland on the basis of compatible clinical signs, increased serum IGF-1 concentration, PDH, CT images, and MRI findings in diabetic cats with insulin resistance.
Human pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (PTTG1), which is a newly identified proto-oncogene, is highly expressed in normal pituitary tissues containing proliferating cells and in several cancers. Also, PTTG1 has been known as a securin to involve in the regulation of c ell-cycle and in t he p rogression o f tumor. B u t the effect o f PTTG1 in o ral squamous cell carcinoma (oral SCC) h as not b een studied yet. The objective of this study is to analyze the expression of PTTG1 in oral SCC cell lines (YD-10B and YD-15) and to evaluate the effect of PTTG1 on oral SCC cell lines for the migration effect by PTTG1 siRNA treatment. Western blot, migration assay, and zymography were performed to evaluate the effects of PTTG1 on the expression of MMP-2/-9 and migration activity after PTTG1 siRNA treatment. PTTG1 was expressed in oral SCC cells lines, otherwise, significantly decreased after PTTG1 siRNA treatment. There is no difference in expression of MMP-2 regardless of PTTG1 siRNA treatment. However, the enzyme activity of MMP-9 was significantly decreased. In addition, the migration activities of oral SCC cells were significantly decreased after PTTG1 siRNA treatment (p<0.001). These results suggested that the down-regulated PTTG1 could inhibit the migration of human oral SCC cells through the low MMP-9 expressions. Therefore, these findings provide a useful guideline for the migration mechanism of oral SCC depend on PTTG1 expression.
Pituitary-specific transcription factor (PIT1) 유전자는 동물의 성장을 조절하고 근육 형성에 관여하는 유전자로서 최근에는 단일염기다형성 변이가 한우를 비롯한 동물에서 관찰되었으며, 한우의 경제 형질과 연관성이 보고되었다. 본 연구는 PIT1 유전자의 단일염기다형성 변이가 한우에서 성장 인자에 미치는 영향과 경제 형질에 대한 유전자형간 육종가와의 상관성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 도체 성적을 보유하고 있는 한우 후보종모
재래산양(在來山羊)에 있어서 prostaglandin 의 투여(投與)가 황체퇴행(黃體退行)시에 야기되는 호르몬 함량의 변화(變化)를 구명(究明)하기 위하여 발정주기의 10일에 (Lutalyse) 5mg을 3시간 간격으로 2회 주사(注射)한 다음 경시적(經時的)으로 혈중(血中) 난소(卵巢) 및 뇌하수체(腦下垂體) hormone의 함량을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 재래산양(在來山羊)에 있어서 발정주기(發情週期)의 10일에 를 주사한 결과 혈중(血中) progesterone의 평균농도는 주사직전에 였으며 주사후(注射後) 3시간에 로 약 60% 감소(減少)하였으며 12시간에는 로 감소(減少)하여 72시간까지 1.02ng/ml 이하로 감소(減少)하였다. 혈중(血中) estradiol- 함량은 투여후(投與後) 6시간부터 유의(有意)하게(p < 0.05) 증가(增加)하여 72시간까지 유지되었다. 혈중(血中) LH함량은 주사직전에 였으며 투여후 3~12시간에는 증가(增加)하였으나 그후 24~72시간 사이에는 에서 로 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 혈중(血中) FSH 함량은 투여전 였으며 투여후(投與後) 3시간부터 감소하기 시작하여 72시간까지 유의차없이 약간 감소(減少)를 나타내었다. 혈중(血中) prolactin의 함량은 유의성(有意性)은 없었으나 투여후 약간 증가(增加)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 이상의 결과(結果)에서 LH함량의 최초 증가는 혈장중(血漿中) progesterone의 감소로 기인된 것이며 성선척극(性腺刺戟) hormone의 분비형태(分泌形態)는 황체(黃體)의 퇴행시에 progesterone 또는 progesterone과 estradiol-의 함량비의 차이로 인하여 상위되었다고 본다.
The present work was designed to understand the mechanism of superovuiation and the cause of early embryo loss and Implantation failure in the superovulating immature female rats which were elaborated by a pituitary gland transplantation. A pituitary gland obtained from the orchidectomized rats was transplanted under the right kidney capsule of 28 day old female rats (PGT group) on the starting day of experiment which was designated as Day 2. The grafted pituitary glands were removed at 6h (RPGT 6h group), 12h (RPGT 12hgroup) and 24h (RPGT 24h group) after the transplantation. Control rats were treated with 41U PMSG on Day 2 (PMSG group). The estrous cycle and the levels of plasma progesterone and estradiol-17 were observed on Day 0, Day 5, respectively. The implantation sites, the weights of ovary and uterus, and the number of corpora lutea were examined in all group on Day 8. The resuft obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The percentages of the number of the rats in proestrus and estrus were 93.0%, 82.6%, 0%, 90.7% and 89.5% in PMSG, PGT, RPGT6h, RPGT12h and RPGT24h group, respectively. The synchronization of estrus cycle was dchieved in all groups. 2. The mating rates of each group were 80.2, 75.0, 0, 56.4, 57.8% in PMSG, PGT, RPGT6h, RPGT12h, RPGT24h group, respectively. 3. The numbers of copora lutea on Day 8 were 47.1 i 4.9, 18.1 0.5, 14.1 i 0.3 and 8.9 0.3 in PGT, RPGT24h, RPGTl2h and PMSG group, respectively. There were signIficantly difference between all groups (P<0.05). 4. The numbers of implantation sites (18.1 +- 4.0) in PGT group on Day 8 were higher than those of PMSG (8.5 2.5), RPGT 12h (9.8 i 0.2) and RPGT 24h group (10.8 i 0.2) (P<0.05). 5. The ovarlan weights in PGT (95.2 14.3mgIlOOg BW), RPGT 12h (51.7 0.6mgIlOOg BW), and RPGT24h (57.9 0.9mg/l00g 8W) groups were significantly higher than those of PMSG group (30.4 7.4mg/l00g BW) (P<0.05). 6. The uterine weights in PMSG (672.4 4.7mg/l00g 8W), and PGT (660.7 7.8mg/l00g BW) groupswere greater than those of RPGT 12h (403.0 1.lmg/lOOg BW) and RPGT 24h (490.1 0.9mg/l00g BW) group (P<0.05). 7. The plasma progesterone levels in PGT groups (15 lng/ml) on Day 5 were higher than those of PMSG (83ng/ml), RPGT 12h (S7ng/ml), RPGT24h (8lng/ml) group (P<0.05). 8. The plasma estradiol-17 levels in PMSG group (lBSpg/ml) on Day S were higher than those of RPGT 24h (l3pg/ml) group (P<0.05). But estradiol-17 levels in PGT and RPGT 12h group were too low to discuss.
Bacterial meningitis is an uncommon complication of pituitary macroadenoma. Bacterial meningitis can occur in patients with pituitary macroadenoma who have received sphenoidal surgery or had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea. A 62-year-old male visited our hospital for headache and fever. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed a pituitary macroadenoma. CSF study revealed acute bacterial meningitis. Intravenous antibiotics and hydrocortisone replacement therapy were started, and lead to good clinical outcome. Bacterial meningitis should be considered in patients with a pituitary macroadenoma who present with meningitis symptoms, even though in the absence of rhinorrhea or surgical history.
Surgical castration (also known as orchidectomy, ORX) has been frequently performed to avoid uncontrolled breeding. However, it has some serious disadvantages. Several laboratories have developed chemical castration methods, using bilateral intratesticular injection (BITI) of simple chemical solutions. The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of ORX and of hypertonic saline BITI on the androgen-sensitive tissues such as pituitary and hypothalamus. Serum testosterone (T) levels of ORX animals and hypertonic saline BITI animals (SAL) after 4 weeks of the manipulations exhibited significantly drops as compared with the levels of intact animals (Intact:ORX:SAL = 7.74± 1.31:1.34±0.19:1.28±0.18 ng/ml, p<0.001). Both ORX and BITI method induced similar stimulatory effects on the pituitary gonadotropin subunits and hypothalamic KiSS-1 gene expressions. In contrast, the effects of ORX and hypertonic saline BITI on hypothalamic GnRH gene expression were different from these gene expressions, shown an inverse relationship between the two groups (Intact:ORX:SAL = 1:0.45±0.06:1:2.07±0.41:1.51±0.37 AU; ORX, p<0.001; SAL, p< 0.05). In conclusion, we provided evidence that hypertonic saline BITI method has equivalent efficacy of T depletion to surgical castration in rats. The present study suggests the hypertonic saline BITI could be a promising substitute to conventional surgical castration.
Background & Objectives: Methoxychlor(MET), an organochlorine insecticide, has been thought a potent endocrine disrupting chemical. The present study was undertaken to examine whether short-term exposure to MET can alter the onset of puberty and the associated reproductive parameters such as hormone receptor expressions in prepubertal female rats. Method: MET (1, 10 and 100 mg/kg/day) was administered daily from postnatal day 25 (PND 25) through the PND 34, and the animals were sacrificed on the PND 35. The first V.O. day was monitored, and the weights of reproductive tissues were measured. To assess the structural alterations in the ovary and uterus, the tissues were embedded in paraffin and stained for histological analysis. The transcriptional activities of hypothalamic and pituitary genes were measured using quantitative RT-PCRs. The uterine and hypothalamic proteins were extracted and used for the ER western blotting. Results: As a result, 100 mg group showed advanced V.O. than control, 1 mg group and 10 mg group. The wet weights of ovaries from MET-treated animal dose-dependently increased. The uterine weights were increased in 1 mg group and 10 mg group, while the 100 mg group samples were not significantly different from control tissues. The adrenal, kidney, spleen and thymus weights were not shown any significant change. Corpora lutea and fully grown follicles were observed in the ovaries from the 100 mg group, while numerous primary and secondary follicles were observed in the ovaries from control group. Myometrial thickness of MET-treated group was dose-dependently increased. Epithelial hypertrophy and well-developed glands were observed in the uterus from the 10 mg groups. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that the short-term exposure to MET during the critical period of prepubertal stage could activate a reproductive endocrine system, resulting the early onset of puberty in immature female rats. Our study suggests that MET’s disrupting effect might be derived from premature activation of key reproduction-related genes in hypothalamus-pituitary neuroendocrine circuit.
Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 is known to take part in the control of the appetite and energy metabolism. Recently, many reports have shown nesfatin-1/NUCB2 expression and function in various organs. We previously demonstrated that nesfatin- 1/NUCB2 expression level is higher in the pituitary gland compared to other organs and its expression is regulated by 17β- estradiol and progesterone secreted from the ovary. However, currently no data exist on the expression of nesfatin-1/NUCB2 and its regulation mechanism in the pituitary of male mouse. Therefore, we examined whether nesfatin-1/NUCB2 is expressed in the male mouse pituitary and if its expression is regulated by testosterone. As a result of PCR and western blotting, we found that a large amount of nesfatin-1/NUCB2 was expressed in the pituitary and hypothalamus. The NUCB2 mRNA expression level in the pituitary was decreased after castration, but not in the hypothalamus. In addition, its mRNA expression level in the pituitary was increased after testosterone treatment in the castrated mice, whereas, the expression level in the hypothalamus was significantly decreased after the treatment with testosterone. The in vitro experiment to elucidate the direct effect of testosterone on NUCB2 mRNA expression showed that NUCB2 mRNA expression was significantly decreased with testosterone in cultured hypothalamus tissue, but increased with testosterone in cultured pituitary gland. The present study demonstrated that nesfatin-1/NUCB2 was highly expressed in the male mouse pituitary and was regulated by testosterone. This data suggests that reproductive-endocrine regulation through hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis may contribute to NUCB2 mRNA expression in the mouse hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
Gangliocytomas are non-metastasizing and slow-growing tumor. In the sellar region, the sympathetic nerve fibers normally do not exist. Therefore, isolated gangliocytomas had been rarely reported in the pituitary fossa. Herein, we present and review the gangliocytoma arising in sellar region associating with pituitary adenoma which is the most common tumor in pituitary gland.
Spermiation was stimulated in the mature grass puffer, Takifugu niphobles, with an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or carp pituitary extract (CPE). Spermatocrit and sperm density were reduced, but milt production was increased in both the HCG and CPE treatment groups relative to those in the control group (P < 0.05). These results should be useful for increasing the fertilization efficiency in grass puffer breeding programs.
Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) has been found to inhibit the synthesis and release of gonadotropin (GTH) in avian and mammalian species. It was originally identified in the brain of a quail as a novel hypothalamic neuropeptide with a C-terminal Arg-Phe-NH2 motif (RFamide peptide). Homologs of this peptide have been identified in a couple of model fish species such as goldfish (Carassius auratus) and zebrafish (Danio rerio). Understanding GnIH system could be particularly useful in some aquaculture species with problems of frequent reproduction and/or precautious sexual maturation. However, GnIH system in such species has not been studied yet. In this study, we have identified a pupative GnIH gene in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). We also investigated the role of GnIH in the reproduction of this species. The full length sequence of putative tilapia GnIH gene coded for a protein (197 amino acids) containing two modified RFamides (MPLRF and LSQRF) and a LPQRF cDNA sequence of 594 bp. This putative GnIH gene showed high homology with the GnIH genes of Takifugu rubripes (72%) and Tetraodon nigroviridis (74%). PCR analysis showed that expression of this gene was ubiquitously distributed in the whole brain, ovary and testis as well as in the peripheral tissues examined in this study (liver, kidney, intestine, spleen, muscle and gill) except heart and eye. Expression level of this gene in sexually inactive group was significantly higher than the expression level in first gonadal development and sexually active groups (P<0.05). On the contrary, the expression level of LH-β gene was low in sexually inactive group but significantly higher in first gonadal development and sexually active groups (P<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in the level of FSH-β gene expression between different reproductive phases in this species. In vitro studies revealed an inhibitory effect of GnIH on LH-β mRNA and FSH-β mRNA levels. No significant difference between GnIH and GnIH with LHRH-a treatments on LH-β and FSH-β mRNA expression in female tilapia pituitary cells.