Garlic (Allium sativum) has been used as a medicinal plant due to its various functionalities such as reduction of cholesterol levels. The purpose of this study was to optimize conditions for the production of microencapsulated garlic powder (MGP) coated with whey protein isolate (WPI) to improve its production yield. WPI was mixed with distilled water followed by magnetic stirring at 500 rpm for 12 h to hydrate it completely. Garlic powder (GP) was added into the WPI mixture. Ratio of GP to WPI was 1:1. Subsequently, GP-WPI mixture was homogenized, and then spray-dried. To maximize the production yield of MGP, variables such as the mixing time and homogenizing condition such as rpm and time were tested. The optimum conditions for producing MGP were found to be as follows: GP and WPI mixing for 1 h and homogenizing at 8100 rpm for 10 min which improved liquid flow rate during spray drying process. The production yield of MGP under optimum conditions was 25.6 g/h. The results of this study might provide scale-up parameters on applications of GP for its commercialization.
본 연구에서는 초임계 CO2 추출법을 이용하여 공정변수가 대두유의 수율에 미치는 영향과 초고압 처리가 초임계 추출에 미치는 영향에 대하여 분석하였다. RSM 실험법을 통한 최적화 실험에서 468.18 bar, 80.23oC, 46.82 g/min의 조건에서 최대값 25.88%를 나타내었다. 초임계 추출법의 최적추출조건에서 초고압 전처리 후 추출 수율은 17.15-23.66%로 전처리 전보다 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 462.13MPa, 1분의 추출조건에서 정상점은 최대값으로 24.91%가 예측되었다. 초고압 전처리 후 초임계 추출에서 수율이 증가하지 않은 이유는 초고압 전처리시 입자의 뭉침현상이 일어나 평균입자크기가 증가하여 나타난 현상으로 추론하였다. 결과적으로 초고압 전처리는 초임계 추출 수율 증가에 영향을 미치지 못하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 초임계 CO2 추출법을 이용하여 대두유를 추출할 경우 추출 압력, 유량이 높을수록 추출온도가 낮을수록 더 많은 양의 대두유를 추출할 수 있다.
유기용매와 초임계유체를 사용하여 대두분말에서 지방성분을 추출하는 공정에서 분말화공정(분쇄)의 시간의 변화에 따른 입자도와 초고압처리에 의한 추출속도를 측정하였다. 대두분말의 입자가 작을수록 추출속도가 향상되었으면 이는 입자의 크기가 작아짐에 따라 전체적인 표면적이 증가하여 고-액추출에서 중요한 반응기작인 물질전달속도를 증가시켰기 때문이라 판단된다. 초고압공정을 적용 시 동일한 입자크기에서 추출속도가 현저히 향상되었으며 이는 대두분말 내부에서 발생하는 확산현상에 대한 저항이 초고압상태에서의 변화로 감소되었기 때문이라 사료된다. 초임계유출에 의한 추출은 수율이 낮은 단점이 있으나 입자의 크기가 큰 상태에서는 초고압처리를 전처리로 사용할 경우 시간당 추출량을 상당부분 증가시킬 수 있음을 보여주었으나, 입자크기가 작을 경우 초고압처리가 영향을 미치지 못함을 보여주었다.
This study was performed to enhance contents of low molecular ginsenoside using steaming and fermentationprocess in low quality fresh ginseng. For increase in contents of Rg2, Rg3, Rh2 and CK in low quality fresh ginseng, a steam-ing process was applied at 90℃ for 12hr which was followed by fermentation process at Lactobacillus rhamnosus HK-9incubated at 36℃ for 72h. The contents of ginsenoside Rg1, Rb1, Rc, Re and Rd were decreased with the steaming associ-ated with fermentation process but ginsenoside Rg2, Rg3, Rh2 and CK increased after process. It was found that under thesteaming associated with fermentation process, low molecule ginsenosides such as Rg2, Rg3, Rh2 and CK were increased as3.231㎎/g, 2.585㎎/g and 1.955m/g and 2.478㎎/g, respectively. In addition, concentration of benzo[α]pyrene in extracts ofthe low quality fresh ginseng treated by the complex process was 0.11ppm but it was 0.22ppm when it was treated with thesteaming process. This result could be caused by that the most efficiently breakdown of 1,2-glucoside and 1,4-glucoside link-age to backbone of ginsenosides by steaming associated with fermentation process. This results indicate that steaming pro-cess and fermenration process can increase in contents of Rg2, Rg3, Rh2 and CK in low quality fresh ginseng.
The refuse derived fuel (RDF) is available for renewable energy which can use alternative fuel to utilize recycling municipal solid waste (MSW). The RDF plant where can produce 100 ton/month of RDF, the largest manufacturing plant in Korea so far, were investigated in this study. The actual operated RDF yield showed 21.7% that was lower than expected yield; originally designed value was 25.0% in this plant. The cause of these results was that difference between physicochemical properties of MSW applied this plant originally and actual incoming it. The MSW affected to make separation efficiency of MBT process decreasing. It led to reduce amount of combustible material which needed for RDF after separating process. The each element of facilities was modified; decreasing width of the blade of a shadder from 110 mm to 63 mm, reducing the size hool of trommel screen to possible separating under 40 mm of MSW, increasing heat capacity of dryer from 2,000 Gcal/hr to 2,500 Gcal/hr, and conveyor type changed to prevent path MSW away during moving into each process and so on. After modifying facilities, got more combustible materials which were once lost and RDF yield increased to 30.9%. Whereas, low heating value of RDF was 4,725 kcal/kg, 0.8% of chlorine on average and other parameters were satisfied with domestic standard of RDF regardless of modifying MBT facilities.