
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, hybrid devices were developed to simultaneously remove odor and particulate matter (PM) emitted during meat grilling, and their performance was evaluated. A ceramic filter system and surfactant microbubble plasma system were used to reduce particulate matter. For odor reduction, an electro-oxidation system, an ozone-active catalytic oxidation system, and a multi-adsorption filter system were used. By combining the above particulate matter reduction and odor reduction devices, the reduction efficiency of odor and particulate matter generated during meat grilling was analyzed. As a result, most of the six combined device conditions showed a reduction efficiency of more than 90% for particulate matter. The combined odor also showed a high reduction efficiency of less than 200 times the emission concentration standard. This study also evaluated 22 types of odorous substances, of which ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) showed removal efficiencies of more than 99%. Therefore, it is expected that the combination of these technologies can be used and applied directly to the sites where meat grilling restaurants are located to effectively contribute to the simultaneous reduction of particulate matter and odor.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The distance between livestock facilities and residential spaces is decreasing. Moreover, livestock odor complaints are increasing due to the large-scale and concentrated livestock breading industry. In order to reduce odor from livestock facilities, bio-curtain that are easy to install and inexpensive are commonly used in Korea. However, there is a lack of basic data on design standards and operation manuals for bio-curtains. The installation density of the bio-curtain material is an important factor that affects the odor reduction rate, increment of the load on the ventilation fans, and the structural stability of the curtain. There are limitations on deriving the design conditions of the bio-curtain by only field experiments targeting invisible air. Therefore, aerodynamic simulation such as CFD (computational fluid dynamics) can be used to obtain quantitative data according to various environmental conditions. Bio-curtain is a porous medium with a complex structure, and it is necessary to derive aerodynamic coefficients to analyze it. In this study, the wind speed and pressure difference according to the design density of the bio-curtain were monitored using the experimental chamber. Using the field results, a pressure resistance curve was created for each flow velocity and installation density. The viscosity and resistance coefficient of the bio-curtain were calculated through the derived resistance curve.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present trial verified the effects of spraying microbial agents on odor reduction in commercial pig farms of different operating sizes and barn types. Farms without microbial agent spraying and those sprayed with microbial agents at two different intervals were compared. The treatments included spraying of water alone every day or a mixture of water plus microbial agent at 24 and 72 h intervals. The experimental farms were divided according to size into 1,000-, 3,000-, and 5,000-head farms and according to barn type into gestation, farrowing, nursery, and grower-finisher farms. To compare odor concentration within each housing barn, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas levels were measured. The average concentrations of ammonia (p<0.01) and hydrogen sulfide (p<0.05) gas were the lowest in all types of farms sprayed with the microbial agent at a 24 h interval. In farms sprayed with the microbial agent at a 24 h interval, the decrease in ammonia concentration according to barn type was in the following order: farrowing (p<0.01) (11.0 to 1.8 ppm), nursery (p<0.05) (17.0 to 9.2 ppm), grower-finisher (15.3 to 8.8 ppm), and gestation (9.7 to 6.4 ppm) farms. Moreover, spraying the microbial agent at a 24 h interval significantly (p<0.01) decreased ammonia concentration from 19.9 to 10.4 ppm, from 11.1 to 4.1 ppm, and from 8.8 to 5.1 ppm in 5,000-, 3,000-, and 1,000-head farms, respectively. Overall, spraying microbial agents every day may be the most effective method to reduce odor in commercial pig farms.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The odor substances generated in a feed manufactory operating for the commercialization of animal-vegetable materials were analyzed and the odor reduction efficiency by a chemical scrubber was evaluated. The major causative substances in the feed manufactory comprised about 45.4% of ketone compounds and about 13.3% of aldehyde compounds. On the other hand, the removal efficiencies of diacetyl and acetoin as ketone compounds were 77.3% and 78.1%, respectively, by a chemical scrubber. Additionally, the removal efficiencies of acetaldehyde, butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, 2-furancarboxaldehyde, and nonanal were 86.0%, 78.9%, 67.4%, 52.8%, and 71.9%, respectively. These rates were higher than the odor generation substance contribution rate as a result of treating the exhaust gas generated from the feed manufactory by the chemical scrubber using 5% of C3. It was also found that xylene, methylcyclopentane, benzene, ethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and decane were almost not removed.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목표는 분변토로부터 분리한 Bacillus subtilis외 2종의 복합 생균제를 이용하여 제 조한 발효사료가 산란계 생산성, 계란품질 및 양계장 악취저감에 미치는 효과를 조사하는 것이었다. 산 란계 240마리를 4개의 처리구로 구분하여 완전임의 배치하였다. 실험 처리구는 대조구, 분변토발효사료 0.3, 0.5% (FECF3, FECF5), 일반생균제 0.2% (CP)로 구분하였다. 산란율은 일반사료를 섭취한 대조구 와 비교할 때 FECF 처리구는 유의하게 높았으나 CP 처리구는 차이가 없었다. 호우유닛, 난각두께, 파 란강도, 난황색 지수 및 농후난백 높이는 대조구와 비교할 때 FECF 처리구가 증가하였으나 CP 처리구 와 차이는 없었다. 계란의 n-3 함량은 대조구와 비교할 때 FECF 처리구가 높았으나 n-6/n-3 비율은 낮았으며 CP 처리구와의 차이는 없었다. 계분을 실온에서 5일간 방치 후 암모니아 발생량은 대조구와 비교할 때 CP와 FECF 처리구가 낮았다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        물리화학적 처리에 의한 양돈장 악취저감 효과를 분석 하기 위하여 물리적 처리 방법인 커튼과 화학적 처리 방법 인 오존수 분무를 병합처리 하는 오존수커튼 시스템을 상 업적인 양돈장에 설치하고 처리 및 설치 전․후의 악취발생 특성과 악취저감 효과를 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 오존수커튼 시스템은 돈사내부의 악취물질과 먼지를 배기구를 통해 커튼 내부로 포집 후 오존수의 강력한 산화 력으로 악취를 제거하는 안정적인 물리화학적 처리 방법 임을 확인하였다. 오존수커튼 시스템 설치 후 돈사 내부의 암모니아, 황화수소, 트리메틸아민, 휘발성 유기화합물 및 복합악취 농도가 높은 반면, 커튼 외부와 부지경계선에서 는 현저하게 감소되었으며, 악취발생량 또한 크게 감소되 었다(p<0.01). 측정위치별 악취물질농도와 악취발생량은 암모니아, 황화수소, 트리메틸아민, 휘발성 유기화합물 및 복합악취 모두 계절에 관계없이 돈사 내부, 커튼 외부 및 부지경계선 순으로 높았다(p<0.01). 돈사 내부의 악취물질 농도는 환기량이 적은 봄과 겨울에 높고 환기량이 많은 여 름과 가을에 낮았으나, 돈사 외부와 부지경계선에서의 악 취물질농도는 돈사 내부와 상반되는 결과를 나타내었다. 이상의 결과를 요약하면, 양돈장에서 배출되는 악취물질은 오존수커튼 시스템에 의한 물리화학적 처리로 90% 이상 저감 가능한 것으로 판단되며, 양돈장 외부로의 악취물질 확산을 효과적으로 차단함으로써 악취민원 제거를 위한 효율적인 악취저감시설로 활용 가능성은 충분한 것으로 사료된다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        악취저감과 분뇨의 액비화 및 돈사 환경개선을 위한 액비순환시스템을 적용한 양돈장의 악취저감 효과를 평가하기 위하여 액비순환시스템 적용 양돈장과 일반 양돈장에서 슬러리와 액비의 성상과 공기 중 및 액상시료 중 악취물질 농도를 조사하여 비교하였다. 일반농장에 비하여 액비순환시스템 적용 농장의 슬러리 성상이 현저하게 발효가 진행되고 있는 것으로 나타났으며 순환적용 농장 간에는 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 돈사내부와 배출구 및 부지경계선에서의 직접관능법에 의한 악취강도 평가에서는 액비순환시스템 적용으로 분명한 악취저감 효과가 인정되었으며, 돈사내부 환경개선 효과 또한 분명하게 나타났다. 돈사내부와 배출구 및 부지경계선에서의 공기 중 암모니아와 황화수소 농도는 액비순환시스템 적용으로 50% 이상의 저감 효과가 나타났으며, 메틸머캅탄과 트리메틸아민 역시 비교적 낮은 수준으로 조사되었다. 순환단계별 액상시료 중 악취물질 차이는 분명하게 나타나지 않았다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study of odor generation conditions in urban areas which were outside odor controlled(or management) areas were investigated using the air dilution olfactory method and instrumental analysis in Incheon city. From the study the generation of odor from residential sources and industrial sources was different from region to region. Odor intensity was high in industrial regions in the afternoon, but was low in school regions in urban areas. From the analysis, more effective regional policy suggestions to address different kinds of odor problems in urban areas are proposed.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전선공장 에나멜와이어 코팅과정에서 발생하는 악취의 저감방안을 마련하고, 악취를 저감한 사례를 소개하는 목적으로 수행하였다. 조사방법은 악취 발생원과 오염물 질의 이동경로를 확인하고, 복합악취와 지정악취물질을 측정하였다. 또한, 악취저감시설 인 촉매산화장치의 효율에 관한 실험을 실시하고, 전선공장의 악취 문제점을 제시하였다. 조사 결과, 공정상에서 관리 부주의로 인하여 악취를 저감 시켜주는 촉매산화장치의 촉 매가 높은 온도에서 제 역할을 수행하지 못했고, 발생된 오염물질이 옥상의 Push-Pull 덕 트 및 다양한 이동경로를 통하여 외부로 악취가 확산되는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같이 측정된 자료를 토대로 사업장 실정에 알맞은 개선안을 마련하였고, 실제로 사업장 관리 를 개선한 결과 악취가 50 % 정도 저감된 것을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated the concentration of gaseous odor emitted from paint manufacturing facilities and the cases of improvement for odor emission reduction. It was found that the companies located in odor management district observed the odor emission standard more than the companies located in other local industrial complex. We ascribed the reason to the continuous crackdown by local government and voluntary efforts of each companies. Finally, we described the improvement cases of process for odor emission reduction.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - The purpose of this study is to apply a cost effective ultrasonic odor reduction method that generated micro-bubbles using ejector to the Southeast Asian wastewater market. Research design, data, and methodology - A leather maker located in Ansan-city, Gyunggi-do, South Korea was sampled from the collection tank to select experimental materials. Experimental setup consisted of circulating water tank-air ejector-ultrasonic device, and circulating wastewater. Sample analysis was performed by CODcr, T-N, T-P, and turbidity by the National Environmental Science Institute. Results - Experimental results show that it is most effective in removing odors when the frequency range of ultrasonic wave is 60∼80 Khz and the output is 200 W. It showed that the concentration of complex odor dropped from a maximum of 14,422 times to a minimum of 120 times. Also, analysis of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in specific odor substances has shown that they were reduced from 1.5 ppm to 0.4 ppm and from 0.6 ppm to 0.1 ppm, respectively. Conclusions - It is possible to shorten more than 12 hours in the treatment of micro-organisms. It can be seen that the processing time of odor after ultrasonic treatment in the pre-treatment facility is reduced by 25% when compared to the resultant micro-organisms after the chemical treatment, that is, the time of the bio-treatment of micro-organisms. Based on the results, it was confirmed that the pre-treatment method using the ultrasonic and the air ejector device of the experiment shows the effect of reducing the water pollutants and odor more effectively in a relatively short time than the conventional advanced oxidation method.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        5 public complaint areas against odor in Changwon Industrial Complex were selected and investigated to clear up the cause of the complaint. 16 companies operated in public complaint areas were visited and had a grip of their situation about odor generation and treatment. Two samples at it's site boundary of each company were taken to measure complex odor unit. Complex odor unit at the site boundary of investigated companies in the public complaint areas, for the most part, exceeded standard(odor unit 20) in industrial area. It was due to that this area was not designated as odor control region and that there are also many problems in current laws of Odor Protection Act, Air Quality Act and regional legislation. Accordingly, It will be necessary to revise the related legislation, to organize governance, to financially support the improvement of environmental facilities and to enforce guidance and the regulation rigidly for the odor emission reduction in Changwon Industrial Complex.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was compared the reduction effect of contaminants and odor according to DO change and EM (effective microorganisms) addition in maturation process of piggery slurry. The maturation processes were divided into three cases as follows: R-1 was operated at 2.5 mg/ℓ of DO without the addition of EM, R-2 was operated at 7.5 mg/ℓ of DO without the addition of EM and R-3 was operated at 2.5 mg/ℓ of DO with the addition of EM. The addition of EM was more effective than the increase of DO for the reduction of CODcr, NH3-N and T-N in the maturation of piggery slurry. In addition, the reducing effect of odor intensity appeared high even in the short-term maturation period in case of adding EM and one could not even smell the stimulating odor of piggery slurry.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The changes of contaminants and odor corresponding to anaerobic maturation process of piggery slurry were investigated by applying the additives, such as different kinds of complex microorganism products and deodorants containing microorganism activating agents. The pHs during 20-day anaerobic maturation were operated stably without great change regardless of the additives, although they were rather lower in the case that the additives were contained than the case that they were not contained. The effects of removing CODcr, NH3-N, T-N, and T-S in case that the additives were not contained, were not so great during the 20-day operation and so it would be difficult to remove the organic materials and nitrogen ingredients simply with anaerobic maturation process. However, in case of anaerobic maturation process that the additives were contained, their average removal rates were improved with the values of 49%, 63.5%, 48.5%, and 30.7% for above each of items, even if the 20-day of short-term maturation period was applied. Especially, odor intensity with the additives was lowered continuously during the operation period and it had more than two times of lowering effect compared to that without those.