
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충청남도농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2021년에 개발된 ‘Pinky Lang’은 분홍색 홑꽃 타입의 스프레이 국화 신품종 이다. ‘Pinky Lang’은 2016년 10월에 육종 하우스 내에서 2016년에 순백색의 진한 녹심이 매력적인 품종으로써 선발 된 백색 홑꽃의 ‘Bodre’ 품종을 방임 수분하여 48개의 종자 를 채취했다. 채취한 종자를 2017년 파종한 뒤 우수개체로 선발되어 2017년부터 2020년까지 4년간 촉성, 억제, 자연개 화 작형별 주년생산성 검정을 수행하여 선발된 우수계통을 ‘SP17-425-01’이라 계통명을 부여하였다. 2020년 최종적으 로 우수한 계통으로써 평가 및 심의를 받은 뒤 ‘충남SP-68 호’로 명명하였고, 당해 년도 12월 직무육성 신품종 선정위원 회를 통과하여 품종명은 ‘Pinky Lang’으로 하였다. ‘Pinky Lang’은 고온기에 화색이 변하지 않고 녹심이 매우 진하며 줄 기가 튼튼한 품종이다. 여름철 흰녹병에도 강하여 고온기 수출 품종으로 적합하다고 판단되었다. ‘Pinky Lang’은 연중 3 작기 재배테스트에서 단일처리 후 개화소요일수는 자연개화 작형 52일, 촉성작형 49일, 억제작형 50일이었고, ‘Yes Luna’ 는 각각 51일, 52일, 52일로 전반적으로 개화소요일수가 짧 았다. ‘Pinky Lang’의 절화장과 줄기굵기는 각각 104.5cm, 4.71mm으로 ‘Yes Luna’가 109.5cm, 4.25mm인 것에 비 해 5cm정도 짧았고 줄기굵기는 0.46mm 더 굵었다. ‘Pinky Lang’의 꽃 크기는 5.6cm이고 ‘Yes Luna’는 6.8cm로 1.2cm 작았다. ‘Pinky Lang’의 한 줄기에 달리는 꽃의 수와 한 송이 당 꽃잎수는 각각 27.7개, 30.9매였고, ‘Yes Luna’ 는 각각 18.0개, 37.0매인 것으로 착화수는 9.7개 많았고 꽃 잎수는 6.1매 적었다. 여름철 재배테스트를 통해 확인해본 결 과 흰녹병 저항성이 높은 경향을 확인하지만, 1~10% 정도의 병반을 보여 완전저항성을 가지진 못하는 것으로 사료된다. 자연개화 작형에서 절화수명의 경우는 24.5일로 ‘Yes Luna’ 에 비해 2.1일 길었다. ‘Pinky Lang’은 과습한 경우 줄기가 연약해질 수 있기 때문에 생장억제제인 Daminozide를 처리 하여 줄기를 강건하게 하고 절화 품질의 균일도를 높여 고온 기 재배에 안정적인 생산이 가능하여 수출할 수 있다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction This study examines acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on students in dept. of advertising public relations. And this paper tries to analyze how university students feel and perceive acceptance effect of concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation and how the types are classified. Examining opinions of concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students is an important direction for research at the level of multiple discussion in which we can look at it from the center of social and cultural issues, and meaningful for the development of the related researches in the future. This paper purposes to examine the characteristics and the subsequent implication of acceptance type of acceptance effect about concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students' self-consciousness and to suggest subsequent use value. Theoretical Development This study is to examine the types of university students who perceive acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation. In addition, until now, the interests and researches of the related societies are most actively in progress however there is hardly analysis on the acceptance types of acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students' self-consciousness found. So this study tries to discover a type of acceptance in which university students themselves define and structuralize acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation through Q-methodology approach. Research Design In this study, Q-methodology will be applied to the sorting of statement cards to determine students’ reception type derived from the effect of a behaviors. As a source for statement cards, a Q-concourse was developed based on newspaper articles, specifically Korean articles on acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation related political items, advertisements, and interviews; from this data a Q-statement was written and a P-sample selected. Following this, sorting was done to determine the Q-sort, which was then analyzed using a PC QUANL program(for Dos). The Q-sample for this research is composed from the statements of acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation, in order to document their subjective opinions and values. At first, 34 Q-population (concourse) was selected based on the media related literature review described above, and interviews targeting the general public. As the next step representative statements were chosen randomly and reduced in number to a final 16 statement samples for the purposes of this study. These statements include all opinion values and were written to have positive, neutral, and negative balance. Since Q-methodology deals with intraindividual differences rather than inter-individual differences, it is not influenced by the number of the P-sample. In addition, since the methodology of a Q-study does not infer the characteristics of the population sample from the sample, selecting of the P-sample is likewise not governed probabilistic sampling methods. Finally, in this research, 34 people were selected as the P-sample. Result and Conclusion In order to see the subjectivity types of the university students' participation in acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation, Q-factor analysis was conducted and three factors were found. As the result of the using QUANL program, 12 students were in type 1, 12 students were in type 2, and 10 students were in type 3. Here, the number of students are meaningless and these three types explains about 40(0.4011)% of total variance. Since the people whose factor weight is higher than 1.0 is 6, 4, and 2 for each group, we can say that type 1 is the biggest factor. In addition, the representative Eigen values are 5.4079, 4.6256, 3.6039 each. The study used Q methodologies in order to observe the subjective propensity of the university students about successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation. At 3 types of analyzed results, it’s not unfamiliar concepts compared to the past, the most of respondents shown the various opinions as a matter of the expanding and understanding successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation of university students.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 북한 핵전략의 유형적 특징과 전망을 분석하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 핵전략의 개념과 유형, 북한의 핵능력과 선언적 핵전략, 북한 핵전략의 운용상의 특징과 전망을 살펴본 후 결론에서 우리의 대응을 도출해본 것이다. 최근 북한의 핵무기 배치와 핵능력 증강은 우리의 안보와 군사적 대비태세에 매우 심각한 문제를 제기하고 있다. 핵전략이란 핵무기 의 구성·배치·운용을 둘러싼 군사전략을 의미한다. 북한의 핵전략에 대한 연구는 북한의 핵무장이 실체화되었다는 매우 현실적인 가정에서 출발한다. 우리 국방당국이 북핵에 대한 대응책으로 선제공격, 미사일방어, 대량 응징보복 개념을 제시하고 그 도입과 전개를 서두르는 것은 북한의 핵무장을 전제로 한 조치이다. 표출된 북한의 선언적 핵전략은 ①‘핵보유국법’ 상의 핵억제·보복전략, ②핵선제공격론, ③제7차 당대회에 나타난 ‘핵선제 불사용원칙으로, 그리고 북한 핵전략의 저의 및 운용상의 특징은 ①기존핵 국가 관행모방을 통한 비난회피, ②선언적 핵전략을 통한 자신의 핵전략의 호도, ③핵전력과 핵태세간 격차로 인한 핵전략의 미정착 등으로 각각 요 약해 볼 수 있다. 북한은 개정헌법(2012.7), ‘핵무력과 경제건설의 병진노선(2013.3),’ 그리고 핵보유국법(2013.4) 등을 통해 스스로 핵보유국임을 규정·선언하고 있다. 하지만 ‘핵보유국(핵국가)’ 지위는 오로지 NPT만 부 여할 수 있는데, 이것은 이미 닫힌 시스템이다. 현실적으로 우리가 당면한 북핵위협을 억제·극복해 나가기 위해서는 튼튼한 한미동맹과 긴밀한 한미 공조하에 북한핵의 억제는 물론 비핵화·무력화를 위한 우리의 단․중․장기적인 정치․군사적 대응책의 수립·이행노력이 긴요하다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As information system is getting higher and amount of information assets is increasing, skills of threatening subjects are more advanced, so that it threatens precious information assets of ours. The purpose of this study is to present a strategic direction for the types of companies seeking access to information security. The framework classifies companies into eight types so company can receive help in making decisions for the development of information security strategy depending on the type of company it belongs to. Paired comparison method survey conducted by a group of information security experts to determine the priority and the relative importance of information security management elements. The factors used in the security response strategy are the combination of the information security international certification standard ISO 27001, domestic information protection management system certification K-ISMS, and personal information security management system certification PIMS. Paired comparison method was then used to determine strategy alternative priorities for each type. Paired comparisons were conducted to select the most applicable factors among the 12 strategic factors. Paired comparison method questionnaire was conducted through e-mail and direct questionnaire survey of 18 experts who were engaged in security related tasks such as security control, architect, security consulting. This study is based on the idea that it is important not to use a consistent approach for effective implementation of information security but to change security strategy alternatives according to the type of company. The results of this study are expected to help the decision makers to produce results that will serve as the basis for companies seeking access to information security first or companies seeking to establish new information security strategies.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In appeals for donations, some charities highlight why their programs are important or abstract meanings that individuals' contributions can have. On the other hand, some other charities highlight how their programs are implemented or specific actions that are to be made. Drawing on construal level theory, we posit that abstract, “why” laden appeals will be more persuasive than concrete, “how” laden appeals when psychological distance (via physical distance) is high (vs. low). One experiment was conducted to test this premise. Specifically, we examined whether the location where the programs of a nonprofit organization were run was far (i.e., a foreign country) or near (i.e., domestically) would moderate the persuasiveness of abstract versus concrete messages. In terms of the procedure, participants were first asked to read a message from a nonprofit organization helping children suffering from rare diseases in their own country or in foreign countries. Then, they indicated the extent to which they were willing to help the nonprofit. To manipulate the message type, we varied the headline as well as the content of the message so as to make on version construed at a low level and the other at a high level. Further, to investigate a moderating role of disease types, we measured the changes in response to when disease names are suggested more specifically due to the variation in the degree of familiarity to the charity subject. The results of this experiment supported our prediction on the fit effect between physical distance and message type. To be specific, when the appeal was for a foreign cause, abstract messages generated a higher willingness to help the nonprofit. Conversely, when the appeal was for a local cause, concrete messages generated a higher willingness to help the nonprofit. These results indicate construal fit effect in a charitable giving context. Furthermore, we investigated a moderating role of disease types given that such fit effects can be stronger among low- (vs. highly) familiarity of disease. We observed a significant three-way interaction involving the degree of familiarity.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to find empirical evidence of causal relationship between strategy type, market orientation, strategic management accounting (SMA) strategic costing technique, and financial sector performance of private universities in Indonesia. The research object in this study are private universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Yogyakarta is chosen because universities there are one of the barometers of higher education in Indonesia, and the city has quite a number of universities. The respondents in this study are the leader (manager) of private universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data analysis is done using SEM-PLS with WarpPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study show that market orientation has significant influence on the development and implementation of SMA strategic costing technique, while strategy type does not have significant influence on the development and implementation of SMA strategic costing technique. This study also finds that the implementation of SMA strategic costing technique significantly influences the financial sector performance of private universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study provides theoretical implication regarding SMA development in universities that consider that contingency factors (market orientation) can encourage increased organizational performance. It indicates support for contingency theory that states there are no general principles that apply to all situations.