One-dimensional MgO nanostructures with various morphologies were synthesized by a thermal evaporation method. The synthesis process was carried out in air at atmospheric pressure, which made the process very simple. A mixed powder of magnesium and active carbon was used as the source powder. The morphologies of the MgO nanostructures were changed by varying the growth temperature. When the growth temperature was 700 °C, untapered nanowires with smooth surfaces were grown. As the temperature increased to 850 °C, 1,000 °C and 1,100 °C, tapered nanobelts, tapered nanowires and then knotted nanowires were sequentially observed. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the MgO nanostructures had a cubic crystallographic structure. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis showed that the nanostructures were composed of Mg and O elements, indicating high purity MgO nanostructures. Fourier transform infrared spectra peaks showed the characteristic absorption of MgO. No catalyst particles were observed at the tips of the one-dimensional nanostructures, which suggested that the one-dimensional nanostructures were grown in a vapor-solid growth mechanism.
Boric acid-containing B-10 is used in a nuclear reactor as a coolant and absorbs thermal neutrons generated during nuclear fission in the primary circuit. Boron-containing coolant water waste is generated from maintenance, floor drain, decontamination, and reactor letdown flows. There are two options for aqueous solution waste of boric acid. One is recycling and discharge through filtration, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. The other is immobilization after evaporation and crystallization processes. The dry powder of boric acid waste liquid can be immobilized by cement, polymer, etc. Before the mid-1990s, concentrated boric acid waste was solidified with a cement matrix. To overcome the disadvantage of low waste loading of cement waste form, a method of solidifying with paraffin was adopted. However, paraffin solids were insufficient to be disposed of as final waste. Paraffin is a kind of soft solidified material and has low compressive strength and poor leaching resistance. As a result, it was decided as an unsuitable form for disposal. In KOREA, paraffin waste form was adopted for boric acid waste treatment in the 1990s. A large amount of paraffin waste forms about 20,000 drums (200 l drum) were generated to treat boric acid waste and were stored in nuclear power sites without disposal. In this study, we want to obtain high-purity boric acid waste by oxidizing and decomposing solid paraffin waste form through a boric acid catalytic reaction. In this reaction, paraffin is separated in the form of various by-products, which can then be treated through a liquid waste treatment device or an exhaust gas treatment device. The proper temperature for sample decomposition during the catalytic reaction was set through TGA analysis. Compositions of by-products and residues generated at each stage of the reaction could be analyzed to determine the state during the reaction. Finally, the boric acid waste powder was perfectly separated from paraffin waste form with disposable products through this pyrolysis process.
Tin oxide (SnO2) nanocrystals are synthesized by a thermal evaporation method using a mixture of SnO2 and Mg powders. The synthesis process is performed in air at atmospheric pressure, which makes the process very simple. Nanocrystals with a belt shape start to form at 900 oC lower than the melting point of SnO2. As the synthesis temperature increases to 1,100 oC, the quantity of nanocrystals increases. The size of the nanocrystals did not change with increasing temperature. When SnO2 powder without Mg powder is used as the source material, no nanocrystals are synthesized even at 1,100 oC, indicating that Mg plays an important role in the formation of the SnO2 nanocrystals at temperatures as low as 900 oC. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the SnO2 nanocrystals have a rutile crystal structure. The belt-shaped SnO2 nanocrystals have a width of 300~800 nm, a thickness of 50 nm, and a length of several tens of micrometers. A strong blue emission peak centered at 410 nm is observed in the cathodoluminescence spectra of the belt-shaped SnO2 nanocrystals.
Zinc oxide(ZnO) micro/nanocrystals are grown via thermal evaporation of ZnO powder mixed with Mn powder, which is used as a reducing agent. The ZnO/Mn powder mixture produces ZnO micro/nanocrystals with diverse morphologies such as rods, wires, belts, and spherical shapes. Rod-shaped ZnO micro/nanocrystals, which have an average diameter of 360 nm and an average length of about 12 μm, are fabricated at a temperature as low as 800 °C due to the reducibility of Mn. Wireand belt-like ZnO micro/nanocrystals with length of 3 μm are formed at 900 °C and 1,000 °C. When the growth temperature is 1,100 °C, spherical shaped ZnO crystals having a diameter of 150 nm are synthesized. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that ZnO had hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. A strong ultraviolet emission peak and a weak visible emission band are observed in the cathodoluminescence spectra of the rod- and wire-shaped ZnO crystals, while visible emission is detected for the spherical shaped ZnO crystals.
ZnO crystals with different morphologies are synthesized through thermal evaporation of the mixture of Zn and Cu powder in air at atmospheric pressure. ZnO crystals with wire shape are synthesized when the process is performed at 1,000 oC, while tetrapod-shaped ZnO crystals begin to form at 1,100 oC. The wire-shaped ZnO crystals form even at 1,000 oC, indicating that Cu acts as a reducing agent. As the temperature increases to 1,200 oC, a large quantity of tetrapod-shaped ZnO crystals form and their size also increases. In addition to the tetrapods, rod-shaped ZnO crystals are observed. The atomic ratio of Zn and O in the ZnO crystals is approximately 1:1 with an increasing process temperature from 1,000 oC to 1,200 oC. For the ZnO crystals synthesized at 1,000 oC, no luminescence spectrum is observed. A weak visible luminescence is detected for the ZnO crystals prepared at 1,100 oC. Ultraviolet and visible luminescence peaks with strong intensities are observed in the luminescence spectrum of the ZnO crystals formed at 1,200 oC.
We propose a speedy two-step deposit process to form an Au electrode on hole transport layer(HTL) without any damage using a general thermal evaporator in a perovskite solar cell(PSC). An Au electrode with a thickness of 70 nm was prepared with one-step and two-step processes using a general thermal evaporator with a 30 cm source-substrate distance and 6.0 × 10−6 torr vacuum. The one-step process deposits the Au film with the desirable thickness through a source power of 60 and 100 W at a time. The two-step process deposits a 7 nm-thick buffer layer with source power of 60, 70, and 80 W, and then deposits the remaining film thickness at higher source power of 80, 90, and 100W. The photovoltaic properties and microstructure of these PSC devices with a glass/FTO/TiO2/perovskite/ HTL/Au electrode were measured by a solar simulator and field emission scanning electron microscope. The one-step process showed a low depo-temperature of 88.5 oC with a long deposition time of 90 minutes at 60 W. It showed a high depo-temperature of 135.4 oC with a short deposition time of 8 minutes at 100 W. All the samples showed an ECE lower than 2.8% due to damage on the HTL. The two-step process offered an ECE higher than 6.25% without HTL damage through a deposition temperature lower than 88 oC and a short deposition time within 20 minutes in general. Therefore, the proposed two-step process is favorable to produce an Au electrode layer for the PSC device with a general thermal evaporator.
ZnO micro/nanocrystals with different morphologies were synthesized by thermal evaporation of various zinc source materials in an air atmosphere. Zinc acetate, zinc carbonate and zinc iodide were used as the source materials. No catalysts or substrates were used in the synthesis of the ZnO crystals. The scanning electron microscope(SEM) image showed that the morphology of ZnO crystals was strongly dependent on the source materials, which suggests that source material is one of the key factors in controlling the morphology of the obtained ZnO crystals. Tetrapods, nanogranular shaped crystals, spherical particles and crayon-shaped crystals were obtained using different source materials. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) pattern revealed that the all the ZnO crystals had hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structures. An ultraviolet emission was observed in the cathodoluminescence spectrum of the ZnO crystals prepared via thermal evaporation of Zn powder. However, a strong green emission centered at around 500 nm was observed in the cathodoluminescence spectra of the ZnO crystals prepared using zinc salts as the source materials.
ZnO micro/nanocrystals at large scale were synthesized through the thermal evaporation of Al-Zn mixtures under air atmosphere. The effect of synthetic temperature and time on the morphology of the micro/nanocrystals was examined. It was found that the temperature and time affected the morphology of the ZnO crystals. At temperatures below 900 oC, no crystals were synthesized. At a temperature of 1000 oC, ZnO crystals with a rod shape were synthesized. With an increase in temperature from 1000 oC to 1100 oC, the morphology of the crystals changed from rod shape to wire and granular shapes. As the time increased from 2 h to 3 h at 1000 oC, tetrapod-shaped ZnO crystals started to form. XRD patterns showed that the ZnO crystals had a hexagonal wurtzite structure. EDX analysis revealed that the ZnO crystals had high purity. It is believed that the ZnO nanowires were grown via a vapor-solid mechanism because no catalyst particles were observed at the tips of the micro/nanocrystals in the SEM images.
Boron doped fullerene C60 (B:C60) films were prepared by the thermal evaporation of C60 powder using argon plasma treatment. The morphology and structural characteristics of the thin films were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrochemical application of the boron doped fullerene film as a coating layer for silicon anodes in lithium ion batteries was also investigated. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements were applied to the B:C60 coated silicon electrodes at a scan rate of 0.05 mVs-1. The CV results show that the B:C60 coating layer act as a passivation layer with respect to the insertion and extraction of lithium ions into the silicon film electrode.
The production of tin oxide (SnO2) microrods on iridium (Ir)-coated substrates was achieved through the thermal evaporation of Sn powders in which a sufficiently high O2 partial pressure was employed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the product consisted of microrods with diameters that ranged from 0.9 to 40 μm. X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and selected area electron diffraction indicated that the microrods were SnO2 with a rutile structure. As the microrod tips were free of metal particles, it was determined that the growth of SnO2 microrods via the present route was dominated by a vapor-solid mechanism. The thickening of rod-like structures was related to the utilization of sufficiently high O2 partial pressure during the synthesis process, whereas low O2 partial pressure facilitated the production of thin rods.
We present the results of one-dimensional numerical simulations of SNR evolution in the inhomogeneous medium considering the effects of the evaporation of the cloud and the thermal conduction. We have included the effects of changing evaporation rate as a function of cloud size and the ambient temperature so that the clouds could be evaporated completely before they reach the center of the SNR. The heat conduction markedly changes the density distribution in the remnant interior. To explain the observed morphologies of the centrally peaked X-ray SNRs(for example W44), the maximal thermal conduction is required. However, this is unlikely due to the magnetic field and the turbulent motion. The effects of the evaporation of the cloud and the thermal conduction described here may explain the class of remnants observed to have centrally peaked X-ray emmision.
열증착법에 의해서 온도 85˚C인 glass기판 위에 CdS 박막을 제작하였다. 두께가 200nm정도로 측정된 CdS박막은 공기 중에서 온도 250˚C-550˚C범위에서 각각 30분간 열처리 되었으며 이들 시료에 대하여 4-point probe, XRD, SEM, UV-Spectrophotometer 및 광발광 측정으로 전기적 광학적 특성을 조사하였다. 이들의 일련의 실험값은 열처리 온도 370˚C 근처에서 구조의 변화를 보여주었는데, 열처리 온도에 대한 비저항아니 XRD, SEM 의 측정은 cubic로부터 hexagonal구조로의 변환을 나타내었다. 특히 상온에서 측정한 광발광에서 green edge emission(GEE)피이크가 2.42eV를 나타내었는데 이 때의 발광 중심은 열처리할 때 생긴 S-vacancy에 보상된 산소로 이루어진 'CdO'의 악셉터준위에 기인하는 것으로 해석되며 그 이온화 에너지는 약 0.16eV이었다.
증착법을 이용해 증착시 기판의 온도를 변화시키면서 MnSbPt 합금 박막을 만들고 이를 열처리 한 후 나타나는 자기 및 자기광학적 성질을 조사하였다. Mn45Sb45Pt10조성의 박막에서 0.85˚의 높은 Kerr Rotation Angle값을 나타내고, 또한 광원의 입사파장이 단파장으로 이동하여도 우수한 Kerr Rotation Angle 값을 유지함으로써 자기광 재료로서의 기록밀도 향상가능성이 기대된다. 이 재료가 갖고 있는 열악한 자기적성질도 열처리를 통하여 포화자화값과 보자력의 향상 효과를 얻었지만, 자기광 재료가 갖추어야할 수직자화를 얻기에는 미흡하여 이에 대한 보완이 필요하다.