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        검색결과 114

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For licensees who face the decommissioning project for the first time, even if they can utilize their experience in operation, they should be well prepared and assessed for the risks of dismantling activities reflecting the characteristics of decommissioning. This can be included in the risk management of the decommissioning project, but what we want to discuss in this study is the evaluation of the industrial risk of the actual work before the dismantling work is carried out. We would like to focus more on the review of dismantling activities subject to industrial risk assessment and a series of processes for risk assessment. The dismantling work plan will need to obtain approval from the supervisory department before work on the Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs) can be carried out. At this time, risk assessment may be included among many safety-related required documents, which are divided into radiological and non-radiological risks. The target activities at Level 1 level can include preparation for dismantling and maintenance of facilities, dismantling big components, removing the contamination of concrete structures, managing radioactive waste, etc. In addition, it can be composed of preparation work, removal of connections, lifting/installation, cutting, radiation/radioactivity measurement, and withdrawal as detailed work stages of each item’s activities. For domestic nuclear decommissioning projects, two major performance organizations, licensees and contractors, must be considered. Regarding risk assessment, the licensee will have a supervisory department controlling decommissioning activities and an HSE department at the site, and a process will need to be established in consideration of the contractor’s work organization. Therefore, activities in the risk assessment process may be established. In this study, risk assessment was reviewed as safety-related matters to be considered when carrying out the dismantling work. Safety-related risk assessment is a necessary procedure for performing practical dismantling activities, and this should be considered well in advance. Therefore, work activities and criteria were established for risk assessment, and the performance process was assumed to apply them. In terms of the performance organization and the responsibilities and roles of the processes to be performed by each organization were constructed, and this can be referred to in the process of preparing for the decommissioning project.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As a result of various generation, transmutation, and decay schemes, a wide variety of radionuclides exist in the reactor prior to accident occurrence. Considering all of the radionuclides as the accident source term in an offsite consequence analysis will inevitably take up excessive computer resources and time. Calculation time can be reduced with minimal impact on the accuracy of the results by considering only the nuclides that have a significant effect on the calculation among the potential radioactive sources that may be released into the environment. In earlier studies related to offsite consequence analysis, it is shown that the principal criteria for the radionuclide screening applied are as follows; radionuclide inventory in the reactor, radioactive half-life, radionuclide release fraction to the environment, relative dose contribution of nuclides within a specific group, and radiobiological importance. As a result, it is confirmed that 54, 60, and 69 nuclides are applied to the risk assessment performed in WASH-1400, NUREG-1150, and SOARCA (State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses) project in the United States, respectively. In addition, in this study, the technical consultations with domestic and foreign experts were carried out to confirm details on criteria and process for screening out radionuclides in offsite consequence analysis. In this paper, based on the literature survey and technical consulting, we derived the screening process of selecting a list of radionuclides to be considered in the offsite consequence analysis. The first step is to eliminate radionuclides with little core inventory (less than specific threshold) or very short half-lives. However, important decay products of radionuclides that have short half-lives should not be excluded by this process. The next step is to further eliminate radionuclides by considering contribution to offsite impact, which is defined as a product of radioactivity released to the environment (i.e. ‘inventory in the reactor’ times ‘release fraction to offsite’) and comprehensive dose (or risk) coefficient taking into account all exposure pathways to be included. The final step is to delete isotopes that contribute less than certain threshold to any important dose metric through additional computer runs for each important source term. Even though it is presumed that this process is applicable to existing light water reactors and the set of accidents that would be considered in PSA, some of the assumptions or specific recommendations may need to be reconsidered for other reactor types or set of accident categories.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nuclear power plant decommissioning project inevitably considers time, cost, safety, document, etc. as major management areas according to the PMBOK technique. Among them, document management, like all projects, will be an area that must be systematically managed for the purpose of information delivery and record maintenance. In Korea, where there is no experience in the decommissioning project yet, data management is systematically managed and maintained during construction and operation. However, if the decommissioning project is to be launched soon, it is necessary to prepare in consideration of the system in operation, what difference will occur from it in terms of data management, and how it should be managed. As a document that can occur in the decommissioning project, this study was considered from the perspective of the licensee. Therefore, the types of documents that can be considered at Level 1 can be divided into (1) corresponding documents, (2) project documents, (3) internal documents, and (4) reference materials. Four document types are recommended based on Level 1 for the classification of documents to be managed in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. In this study, documents to be managed in the decommissioning project of nuclear facilities were reviewed and the type was to be derived. Although it was preliminary, it was largely classified into major categories 1, middle categories 2, and 3 levels, and documents that could occur in each field were proposed. As a result, it could be largely classified into corresponding documents, project documents, internal documents, and reference materials, and subsequent classifications could be derived. Documents that may occur in the decommissioning project must be managed by distinguishing between types to reduce the time for duplication or search, and the capacity of the storage can be efficiently managed. Therefore, it is hoped that the document types considered in this study will be used as reference materials for the decommissioning project and develop into a more systematic structure.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The domestic Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) decommissioning project is expected to be carried out sequentially, starting with Kori Unit 1. As a license holder, in order to smoothly operate a new decommissioning project, a process in terms of project management must be well established. Therefore, this study will discuss what factors should be considered in establishing the process of decommissioning NPPs. Various standards have been proposed as project management tools on how to express the business process in writing and in what aspects to describe it. Representatively, PMBOK, ISO 21500, and PRICE 2 may be considered. It will be necessary to consider IAEA safety standards in the nuclear decommissioning project. GSR part 6 and part 2 can be considered as two major requirements. GSR part 6 presents a total of 15 requirements, including decommissioning plans, general safety requirements until execution and termination. GSR part 2 presents basic principles for securing the safety of nuclear facilities, and there are a total of 14 requirements. Domestic regulatory guidelines should be considered, and there will be largely laws and regulations related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, guidelines for regulatory agencies, and guidelines and regulations related to HSE. The Nuclear Safety Act, Enforcement Decree, Enforcement Rules, and NSSC should be considered in the applicable law for nuclear facilities. Since the construction and operation process has been established for domestic decommissioning project, there will be parts where existing procedures must be applied in terms of life cycle management of facilities and the same performance entity. As a management areas classification in the construction and operation stage, it seems that a classification similar to Level 1 and Level 2 should be applied to the decommissioning project. This study analyzed the factors to be considered in the management system in preparing for the first decommissioning project in Korea. Since it is project management, it is necessary to establish a system by referring to international standards, and it is suggested that domestic regulatory reflection, existing business procedures, and domestic business conditions should be considered.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Concerns with colloids, dispersed 1~1,000 nm particles, in the LILW repository are being raised due to their potential to enhance radionuclide release. Due to their large surface areas, radionuclides may sorb onto mobile colloids, and drift along with the colloidal transport, instead of being sorbed onto immobile surfaces. To prevent adverse implications on the safety of the repository, the colloidal impact must be evaluated. In this paper, colloid analysis done by SKB is studied, and factors to be considered for the safety assessment of colloids are analyzed. First, the colloid generation mechanism should be analyzed. In a cementitious repository, due to a highly alkaline environment, colloid formation from wastes may be promoted by the decomposition of organic materials, dissolution of inorganic materials, and corrosion of metals. Radiolysis is excluded when radionuclide inventory is moderate, as in the case of SKB. Second, colloid stability should be evaluated to determine whether colloids remain in dispersion. Stable colloids acquire electric charges, allowing particles to continuously repel one another to prevent coagulation. Thus, stability depends on the pH and ionic condition of the surroundings, and colloid composition. For instance, under a highly alkaline cementitious environment, colloids tend to be negatively charged, repelling each other, but Ca2+ ion from cement, acting as a coagulant, makes colloid unstable, promoting sedimentation. As in the case of SKB, the colloidal impact is assumed negligible in the silo, BMA, and BTF due to their extensive cement contents, but for BLA, with relatively less cement source, the colloidal impact is a potential concern. Third, colloid mobility should be assessed to appraise radionuclide release via colloid transport. The mobility depends on the density and size of colloids, and flow velocity to commence motion. As a part of the assessment, the filtration effect should also be included, which depends on pore size and structure. As in the case of SKB, due to static hydraulic conditions and engineering barriers, acting as efficient filters, colloidal transport is expected to be unlikely. In the domestic underground repository, the highly alkaline environment would lead to colloid formation, but due to high Ca2+ concentration and low flow velocity, colloids would achieve low stability and mobility, thus colloidal impact would be a minor concern. In the future, with further detailed analysis of each factor, waste composition, and disposal condition, reliable data for safety evaluation could be generated to be used as fundamental data for planning waste acceptance criteria.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global concerns have grown regarding emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) caused by previously unknown pathogens. Considering that strengthening surveillance capacity for unknown diseases is one of the core capacities for preparedness and early response to EIDs, identifying areas with poor capacity could be beneficial to prioritize regions for the improvement of surveillance. In this regard, we aimed to develop prediction models to identify high risk areas for low surveillance capacity for unknown diseases in a global scale. Unexplained death events reported between 2015 and 2019 were collected from two internet-based surveillance systems, ProMED-mail and Global Public Health Intelligence Network. From the reports, the number of reported unexplained deaths at the first report and the time gap between death and report were extracted as measures for sensitivity and timeliness of surveillance capacity, respectively. Using geographical locations of the reports and published global scale spatial data, including demographic, socioeconomic, public health and geographical variables, we fitted two boosted regression tree models to predict regions with the low sensitivity and timeliness. The performance of prediction model for the low sensitivity showed moderate validity, but in terms of the model for timeliness, the performance was unreliable. Therefore, we provided predicted risk only for low sensitivity. The mean predicted risks of low sensitivity were, respectively, 45.2%, 37.4%, 12.5%, and 3.0% in low-income, lower middle-income, upper middle-income, and high-income countries. Enhancing surveillance capacity in low-income countries is highly required, given the predicted low level of sensitivity despite the importance of early response.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The goal of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities is to remove the regulations from the Nuclear Safety Act. The media that can be considered at the time of remediation stage may usually include soils, buildings, and underground materials. In addition, underground materials may largely be the groundwater, buried pipes, and concrete structures. In fact, it can be seen that calculations of the Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) and ALARA action levels was conducted in the case of overseas decommissioning experiences of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Therefore, the aim of this study is to review the remediation activities and scenarios applied for the calculation of ALARA action level from the overseas decommissioned nuclear power plants. Media that can be considered for DCGL calculation at the time of license termination may differ from site to site. If the DCGL for the target media was derived, whether additional remediation actions are required under the DCGL value from the ALARA perspective was identified by calculating the ALARA action levels in the case of the U.S. The activities to determine whether additional clean-up is justified under the regulatory criteria are remediation actions which is dependent on the material contaminated. Therefore, the typical materials that can be subjected to remediation are soils and structure basements in the overseas cases. Remediation actions involved in the decommissioning process on the structure surfaces can be typically considered to be scabbling, shaving, needle guns, chipping, sponge and abrasive blasting, pressure washing, washing and wiping, grit blasting, and removal of contaminated concrete. For the cost-benefit analysis of the media subject to DCGL calculation, it is necessary to assume a scenario for the remediation actions of the target media. The scenarios can be largely divided into two types. Those are basement fill and building occupancy scenario. In basement fill mode, buildings and structures on the site are removed, and the effect of receptors from the contamination of the remaining structures is considered. In the building occupancy mode, it is assumed that the standing building remains on the site after the remediation stage. It is a situation to evaluate how the effect of additional remediation actions changes as the receptors occupy inside of the contaminated building. Therefore, parameters such as population density, area being evaluated, monetary discount rate, numbers of years, etc. can be set and assessed according to the scenarios.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도가사상은 중국 예술 사유에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 노자의 “도법자연(道法自然)” 은 노자의 ’큰 기교는 마치 서툰 것 같다‘는 뜻의 “대교약졸(大巧若拙)”과 통하는 사유이며, 이것은 뛰어난 기교를 뛰어넘는 무위의 졸박미(拙樸美)를 지향한다. 노 자는 ‘도(道)’의 본성에 부합하는 대교(大巧)를 추구였고 그것은 도지교(道之巧)이 다. 졸(拙)은 꾸밈이 없는 자연 그대로의 것을 뜻한다. 약졸(若拙)하기 위해서는 “득심응수(得心應手)”의 숙련된 기술이 필요하다. 이기우(李基雨)(1921∼1993)는 한국 근현대 서예가이자 전각가이다. 무호 이한 복(無號李漢福)과 위창 오세창(葦滄吳世昌)에게 사사하였고 문화의 암흑기에서 서단활동을 하며 전각의 예술성과 서예의 발전을 알리고자 노력하였다. 고졸박소 (古拙素朴)의 토대 위에 현대적 미감을 접목하여, 서예는 물론 황무지와 같았던 전 각 분야를 과감히 개척하였다. 그는 석각(石刻)뿐 아니라 다양한 매체로 전각의 세 계를 무한히 넓혀갔다. 본 고는 그 기교가 “득심응수(得心應手)”의 경지에 올라 무 위함으로 대교약졸을 이루었던 철농의 예술관을 조명한 것으로, 이기우 전각 작품 에서 드러나는 고졸미를 통한 조형미, 격변(擊邊)을 통한 무계획의 계획, 도각(陶刻) 등 전각 매체의 경계 확장을 통한 예술 경계의 무한성 추구 등을 논하였다. 본 연구가 현대 예술가들이 근현대 한국 서예·전각가와 그 작품세계에 관심을 가질 수 있는 기틀을 마련하며, 유한한 자원으로 창작 활동을 하는 현대 예술가들에게 도가미학적 시야를 제공할 수 있기를 기대해본다.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, concern regarding disposal of cellulosic material is growing as cellulose is known to produce complexing agent, isosaccharinic acid (ISA), upon degradation. ISA could enhance mobility of some radionuclides, thus increasing the amount of radionuclide released into the environment. Thus, evaluation on the possible impact of the cellulose degradation would be an important aspect in safety evaluation. In this paper, safety assessments conducted in Sweden and UK are studied, and the factors required to be considered for appropriate safety assessment of cellulose is analyzed. SKB (Sweden) conducted safety assessment of cellulose degradation as a part of long-term safety assessment of SFR. SKB determined that ISA would impact sorption of trivalent and tetravalent radionuclides (Eu, Am, Th, Np, Pa, Pu, U, Tc, Zr and Nb) at concentration higher than 10−4–10−3 M, and impact sorption of divalent radionuclides (Ni, Co, Fe, Be and Pb) at concentration higher than 10−2 M. Then, SKB conservatively set the upper limit of ISA concentration to be 10−4 M and conducted cellulose degradation evaluation on each waste package type, considering the expected disposal environment of SFR. Based on the calculated results, some of the waste packages showed concentration of ISA to be higher than 10−4 M, so SKB conservatively developed waste acceptance criteria to prevent ISA being produced to an extent of affecting the safety of the repository. SKB conducted safety assessment only for the repositories with pH above 12.5 and excluded 1BLA from the safety assessment as the expected pH of 1BLA is around 12, which is insufficient for cellulose to degrade. However, SKB set disposal limit for 1BLA as well, to minimize potential impact in future. Serco (UK) conducted safety assessment of cellulose degradation for the conceptual repository, which is a concrete vault with cementitious backfill. Serco estimated that the pH of repository would maintain around 12.4. Serco conservatively assumed that the pH would be sufficient for cellulose degradation to occur partially, and suggested application of appropriate degradation ratio for safety assessment of cellulose degradation. To conduct appropriate safety assessment of cellulose degradation, an appropriate ISA concentration limit based on radionuclide inventory list, and an appropriate cellulose degradation ratio based on the pH of disposal environment should be determined. As for guidance, below pH 12.5, cellulose degradation is not expected, and between pH 12.5–13, partial cellulose degradation is expected. In future, this study could be used as fundamental data to evaluate safety of the repository.
        2021.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The EU, China, and other WTO members recently released their concluded MPIA with its Annexes I and II as a temporary arrangement to deal with the appeals of panel rulings before the Appellate Body resumes its operation. The WTO dispute settlement mechanism is a complete unit with unique features and inherent logic. Although this arrangement maintains the two-tier process with arbitration to replace the appellate review, there is a fundamental difference between them, which is embodied not only in the dispute settlement process but also in the implementation of the rulings. The challenges that the WTO dispute settlement mechanism encounters are not limited to those procedural issues, but they are also connected with the substantive rules, with which the procedural issues should be jointly resolved. This is the correct way to deal with the current challenges and to reform the multilateral trade regime.
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