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        검색결과 6

        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tropaeolum majus, with a high decorative and food demand for vertical greening systems, has been utilized to revitalize urban agriculture. The effects of number of non-woven fabrics in a non-water environment and the adaptability of T. majus to this system were investigated. Planting ground composition of the container-type wall vertical greening system was made using non-woven fabric in one, two, three, or four layers. The results showed that the soil water content remained the highest when the non-woven fabric comprised 4 sheets. The morphological properties showed more growth with the 4 sheets than with 1, 2, and 3 sheets. In terms of physiological characteristics, chlorophyll content was mostly high in the 4 sheets, while shoot fresh weight value was in the order of 3 sheets > 4 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet, and root fresh weight value was in the order of 4 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet > 3 sheets. The dry weight of the measured values in the shoot was in the order of 4 sheets > 3 sheets > 2 sheets > 1 sheet while no clear difference was found in the root of each treatment. The difference in the flowring characteristics was not different, but in evaluating the characteristics as a whole, the growth in the three layers of non-waven fabric was the best. In addition, the soil moisture content and the growth characteristics were statistically significant as a positive correlation between the groups. Thus, greater the non-woven fabric, the higher is the adaptability of T. majus to dry stress under soil water-free conditions by maintaining soil moisture content. This showed that it represented an effective alternative as a method of vertical greening system for lower maintenance urban agriculture.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study selected commonly known species of fruit trees, and re-selected the species that endure the stress of extreme cold weather and physiologically restore themselves to the previous state until the following year. Then we could go ahead to propose the species that were appropriate as urban greening plants in weather condition of any part of the country. To do this, we conducted an experiments for six species of fruit trees based on the preference of the general public and recommendation of the experts; Morus alba (English name: mulberries), Diospyros kaki (English name: Persimmon), Prunus persia (English name: Peach), Elaeagnus umbellata var. coreana (English name: Korean Autumn Olive), Malus domestica 'Alps Otome' (English name: Alps Otome), and Prunus mume (English name: Blue Plum). The experiment verifies whether the trees survive without any stress from the cold weather under the national climate conditions (one in the suburbs of Seoul: Yongin city, one in the central Chungcheong region: Daejeon city, and in the southern Gyeongsang region: Jinju city in Korea). The experiment lasted for a year from August 2016 to August 2017. The levels of electrolytic efflux, chlorophyll content, plant height, fresh weight, and dry weight were measured four times (on August of 2016, January, February, and August of 2017) for each tree planted bare ground outdoors. Results showed that Diospyros kaki, Prunus persia, and Malus domestica 'Alps Otome' were proven durable and resistant to winters of all three areas (one in the suburbs of Seoul: Yongin city, one in the central Chungcheong region: Daejeon city, and in the southern Gyeongsang region: Jinju city in Korea). Especially, the increase of chlorophyll content and the reduction of electrolytic efflux were noticeable in Prunus persia than in the other two species, proving itself as the most cold-tolerant among the six species used in the experiment. In addition, interpreting from the physiological restoration data of one-year span before and after getting through winterer, Prunus persia was proven to be the most cold-tolerant species.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate and assess the cold tolerance of 24 species broad-leaved evergreen trees in southern region, South Korea, and propose the selection for urban greening responsive to the climate change. The cold stressed impact of each species was measured and calculated by the electrolyte leakage (EL) method, and then the lethal temperature was predicted by the non-linear regression analysis. The scattered plots and fitted curves of most species tended to show sigmoidal response curve. On assessing the EL values and sigmoidal response curve pattern with different temperature, the differences were obviously showed among all the species. Also, among the species within the same family, the differences were obviously showed. The maximum temperature difference among the species was over 10℃. Between Ilex rutunda and Ilex integra within the same family, Aquifoliaceae, it was over 10℃. The results indicate that there are significant differences in cold tolerance among different species in the same region, which are not affected by any environmental factors but affected by any genetical factors. Thus it is valuable to assess the cold tolerance on most broad-leaved evergreen trees in southern region, South Korea. As a result, Euonymus japonicus, Trachelospermum asiaticum, Dendropanax morbiferus, Ilex integra, Machilus thunbergii, Ilex x wandoensis, Cinnamomum japonicum, Distylium racemosum, and Castanopsis sieboldii may have better cold tolerance and survive the region closer to middle region, South Korea compared to the others.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seed spray technology prepares for landscape by spraying seeds, fertilizers and other materials but does not consider the relationship of the germination time and temperature of seeds for construction. The purpose of this study is to develop a functional formula that shows the relationship of germination and temperature for using the Papaver orientale L. seeds for the spray technology. The germination test in a chamber was progressed from March to April 2014 and the verification experiment proceeded in a greenhouse in May 2014. After culturing each 100 seeds of Petri dish and Papaver orientale L. seeds on filter beds 4 repetitive times, each 10mL of the first distilled water was sprayed to treat temperature at level 7 and the light source was maintained at 4~4.5μmoles/m2/s. The germination rate was investigated at two-day intervals, and the germination was based on the emergence of 3mm radicles. For experimental verification, seeding was implemented in a greenhouse and daily mean temperatures and germination periods were investigated. As a result of the treatment, based on a 50% germination rate, the functional relation between the temperature and germination period was found to be y = 1/-0.0004x²+ 0.0224x-0.0398, R2 = 0.9441. As the result of the analysis of the cardinal temperature from using graphs of functions, the lowest temperature was 2°C and the optimum temperature was 28°C and the highest temperature was 54°C, but in the actual test, normal germination was made at 5°C and the unusual germination of the final germination rate was below 50% at 35°C. In the experimental verification, as a result of substituting the daily mean temperature with functional formulas, it was found to be 4.4 days and the lapse of time for actual foliation was investigated to be 5.5 days.