본 연구는 복숭아 연화의 기작을 밝히기 위하여 ‘장호원황도’를 공시하여 과실품질 및 세포벽 관련물질의 변화를 조사하였다. 과실을 성숙기에 수확하여 과실 경도별 4그룹으로 구분한 후 25℃에서 10일간 보관하면서 품질특성을 조사하였다. 연화가 진행될수록 과육경도의 유의한 감소와 가용성고형물의 증가가 나타났다. 당의 구성은 서당의 비율이 가장 높았는데 연화초기에 84.0%, 연화말기에서 75.8%로 나타났고 연화과정이 진행되면서 환원당의 비율이 점진적으로 증가하는 것으로 조사되었다. 알콜불용성 물질 함량은 연화만기부터 감소하기 시작하였는데 수용성펙틴의 가용성도 함께 증가하기 시작하였다. 과육이 완전히 용질된 연화말기에는 수용성 및 CDTA 가용성펙틴과 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 가용성이 크게 증가하였다. CDTA 가용성펙틴의 분해는 연화만기에 시작되어 연화말기에 극심하였고 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 분해는 연화말기에만 나타났다. 종합적으로 볼 때 복숭아 ‘장호원황 도’의 연화과정은 펙틴과 4% KOH 가용성 헤미셀룰로스의 가용성 증대를 수반하며 셀룰로스에 약하게 결합되어 있는 matrix glycan의 부분적 분해와 관련이 있다고 보여진다.
건시의 품질에 중요한 영향을 미치는 물성적 특성과 세포벽 구성성분과의 관계에 대하여 연구하였다. 건시의 수분함량은 30-36% 정도였으며 물성특성 중 경도는 수분함량이 낮은 둥시(상주), Hagakure 및 고종시에서 높게 나타났다. 물성특성치 중 부서짐성, 경도, 껌성, 씹힘성은 품종간 유의차가 인정되었으나 응집성, 부착성 및 탄성은 품종에 따른 통계적인 유의차가 나타나지 않았다. 조세포벽의 함량, 세포벽의 펙틴물질 및 칼슘 함량은 경도가 높은 품종에서 높게 나타났으며 펙틴물질 중 수용성 펙틴은 경도가 낮은 품종에서 그리고 산 및 알칼리가용성 펙틴은 경도가 높은 품종에서 높게 나타났다. 주사전자현미경으로 건시과육의 세포벽을 관찰한 결과 경도가 높은 품종의 세포벽이 비교적 견고하게 관찰되었다.
This study was carried out to determine the amount of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in six kenaf cultivars during different harvesting stages. Three mutant cultivars (Jangdae, Jeokbong and Baekma), two original cultivars (Jinju, C14), and one Chinese cultivar (Auxu) were planted on May 14, 2013. Four harvesting times were made at intervals of 20 days from 15 July to 16 September, 2013. The overall growth characters of mutant cultivar ‘Jeokbong’ such as plant height, stem diameter, flowering time, and dry mass were similar with those of the original variety. The mutant cultivar ‘Baekma’ occurred 10-day late flowering in comparison with the original variety and also displayed higher dry mass than the original variety. Jinju, Auxu and Jangdae, mid-late maturing kenaf cultivars, had high dry weight compared to early maturing cultivars such as Jeokbong, Baekma and C14. In all cultivars, the lignin contents were increased by a late harvest. The Mid-late maturing kenaf cultivars showed high lignin content in comparison with those of the early maturity cultivars. There were no significant differences of cellulose, and hemicellulose content between the cultivars, however cellulose content in stems of these kenaf cultivars were significantly decreased by a late harvest. These results may provide valuable information to assist the parental selection of kenaf breeding.
본 연구에서는 복숭아 '미백도', '대구보' 및 '유명' 과실의 발육단계별로 과실의 경도, 세포벽성분 및 g1ycisidase 활성의 변화를 조사함으로써 수확후의 저장중 과실에서와 같이 발육중인 과실의 연화에서 도 -galactosidase가 중요한 역할을 하는지 알고자 하였다. 조사시기는 5월 13일, 6월 16일, 7월 16일, 8월 5일이었으며, 수확기가 늦은 '유명'은 8월 28일에 한번 더 조사하였다. Total sugar와 비섬유성 중
대추의 연화현상을 연구하고자 건조중에 세포벽 구성성분의 변화를 조사하였다. 알코올 불용성 물질, 세포벽 및 수용성 물질의 함량은 건조 6일까지는 변화가 없었으나 건조 9일째에는 알코올 불용성 물질과 세포벽은 감소하였으나 수용성 물질은 증가하였다. 펙틴질과 헤미셀룰로오스는 건조 6일까지는 거의 변화가 없었으나 건조 P일째에는 펙틴질과 알칼리 가용성 헤미셀룰로오스가 감소한 반면 산가용성 헤미셀룰로오스는 증가하였다. 셀룰로오스는 건조 중에 증가하였다.
본 연구에서는 독숙기와 성숙기의 감 과실에 외부 에서 에틸렌()을 처리하였을 때 처리시간에 따라 과실의 경도, 에틸렌 발생량, 세포벽 성분의 변 화 그리고 세포벽 팩틴의 주사슬을 형성하는 polyuuronide(PU) 및 곁사슬을 형 성하는 polysaccharide (PS)의 가용화와 분해가 어떻게 달라지는지를 알고저 하였다. 에틸렌을 처리하였을 때 녹숙기와 성숙기 감 모두 처리 시간이 경과될 수록 과실의 경도가 급격히 감 소하였으며, 감소의
This study was conducted to understand the characteristics of fruit softening during ripening which causes deep loses in quality of horticultural products during storage and marketing process after harvest. The changes of cell wall components during ripening was investigated. The climacteric rise was between 42 and 49 days after anthesis and then decreased. Ethylene evolution was similar to respiration. The hardness of fruit decreased markedly at this climacteric period and significances of textural parameters among the ripening periods were recognized but the significance between 50 and 55 days after anthesis was not. Sugar components of cell wall polysaccharides were uronic acid, galactose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, rhamnose, mannose and fucose. The contents of arabinose and mannose in alcohol-insoluble solids fraction increased, but other sugars were not changed. In cell wall fraction, the contents of uronic acid, galactose, glucose and arabinose were comparatively high, but galactose, arabinose and ironic acid were decreased markedly during ripening. ironic acid occupied above 75% of total monosaccharide in pectin fraction and decreased markedly during ripening. In acid-soluble hemicellulose fraction, the contents of uronic acid, glucose, galactose and rhamnose were high and they decreased from 50 days after anthesis. The contents of glucose and xylose were high in a alkali-soluble hemicellulose fraction and they decreased markedly at 55days after anthesis.
The cell wall components of fruit include cellulose. hemicellulose, pectin, glycoprotein etc., and the cell wall composition differs according to the kind of fruit. Fruit softening occurs as a result of a change in the cell wall polysaccharides : the middle lamella which links primary cell walls is composed of pectin. and primary cell walls are decomposed by a solution of middle lamella caused due to a result of pectin degradation by pectin degrading enzymes during ripening and softening, During fruit ripening and softening, contents of arabinose and galactose among non-cellulosic neutral sugars are notably decreased, and this occurs as a result of the degradation of pectin during fruit repening and softening since they are side-chained with pectin in the form of arabinogalactan and galactan Enzymes involved in the degradation of the cell wall include polygalacturonase, cellulose, pectinmethylesterase, glycosidase, etc., and various studies have been done on the change in enzyme activities during the ripening and softning of fruit. Among cell wall-degrading enzymes, polygalacturonase has the greatest effect on fruit softening, and its activity Increases during the maturating and softening of fruit. This softening leads to the textural change of fruit as a result of the degradation of cell wall polysaccharides by a cell wall degrading enzyme which exists in fruit.
This paper was investigated the changes of the cell wall components, enzyme activities during ripening of jujuba fruits for elucidating the softening metabolism of jujuba fruits. Firmness were decreased during ripening. Moisture content did not show any notable cahanges until ripening stage but they decreased a little In overripe jujuba fruits. Polygalacturonase activities were not detected at nature green stage and -galactosidase activities were until turning stage. But polygalacturonase activities in ripening and overripening were 51.31 and 100.72 units/100g-fr, wt. respectively. -galactosidase activities were 16.05 and 182.55units/100g-fr. wt. in the same stages. The content of water-soluble protein was increased in overripening. Stage the contents of cell wall and alcohol-insoluble material were. decraesed during maturation, but water-soluble material was increased. The pectin and alkali-soluble hemicellulose were increased until ripening stage, but decreased in overripe jujube fruits. The total pectin and insoluble pectin during ripening, but decreased in overripe jujuba fruits.
This paper was carried out to investigate changes in chromatograms of polysacctatides and soluble pectins on Sephadex G-50 and non-cellulosic neutral sugars of polysaccharides isolated from cell wall of persimmon fruits treated with polygalacturonase and -galactosidase in vitro. The chromatogram pattern of soluble pectins extracted from cell wall treated with -galactosidase on Sephacryl S-500 column were similar to those of untreatment, but contents of soluble pectins treated with -galactosidase were different from those of untreatment. The patterns of chromatograms In soluble pectins extracted from cell wall treated with polygalacturonase were more complex and lower molecular polymer than those of other cell wall-degrading enzyme treatments. Non-cellulosic neutral sugar of polysaccharides in fraction I of soluble material treated with polygalacturonase was rhamnose, those in fraction II were similar to those in fraction III and contents of arabinose, xylose and glucose were higher than contents of other non-cellulosic neutral sugars. Non-cellulosic neutral sugars of polysaccharides in fraction I in soluble material by -galactosidase treatment were rhamnose, arabinose, galactose and mannose. Content of glucose of polysaccharides in fraction II was higher than that in fraction I . Non-cellulosic neutral sugars treated with mixed enzyme were rhamnose, fucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, galactose and glucose. Compositions of non-cellulosic neutral sugars of polysaccharides in fraction I were similar to those in fraction II and III.
This paper was carried out to Investigate changes in the activities of cell-degrading enzymes, cell wall components and cell structure of peach during maturation and storage for valuation of quality. The firmness of peach was decreased during maturation and storage, and was remarkably decreased in Daegubo than Yumyung. Polygalacturonase and -galactosidase activities of peach were increased during maturation and storage, and were remarably increased in soft peach and in mature and soft peach, respectively. Contents of alcohol-insoluble substance, cell wall, and total and insoluble pectin of peach were decreased during maturation and storage, but cellulose and soluble pectin were increased. Intracellular space was enlarged during maturation and middle lamella was gradually degraded during maturation.