고추에서 Colletotrichum scovillei를 검출하고 계수하기 위한 반선택배지가 개발되었다. 기본배지로서 Potatodextrose- agar (PDA)가 사용되었다. 반선택배지의 최종 조성은 부생성곰팡이와 세균을 저해하고, C. scovillei의 생장에 양호할 수 있도록 확립되었다. 반선택배지는 pyribencarb 와 pydiflumetofen 각각 40 μg mL-1와 세균을 방지하기 위한 streptomycin 100 μg mL-1를 포함한다. 배지의 pH는 85% lactic acid로 4.8로 조절했다. 반선택배지에 배양할 때 C. scovillei의 균사생육 저해율은 Fusarium속과 다른 부생균보 다 뚜렷이 낮았다. 반선택배지에 과실과 줄기조직 현탁액 을 평판배양하여 탄저병균이 자연 감염된 식물체로부터 C. scovillei가 검출되었고, 신뢰할 수 있고 정량할 수 있었다. 이것은 자연 감염된 고추조직에서 C. scovillei의 존재를 검출하기 위한 반선택성배지에 대한 처음 보고이다.
The study was carried out to know the occurrence of the chilli trips of two varieties from three grape farm in Kyeongsangbukdo province, Korea. During the grape fruiting season, this work surveyed at intervals of about fifteen days from Jun to September, 2015 by using the yellow sticky trap. The peak occurrence time of chilli thrip at Hwaseo-myeon was in September and was August at Modong-myeon. The Gyeongsan site was almost more three times high occurrence density than that of Hwaseo-myeon and Modong-myeon of Sangju area. According to the variety and locality, occurrence time and density were different hightly.
This study was conducted to investigate effect of low temperature and ripeness stages on fruit quality of chilli pepper (cv. Nockgwang) during storage at 5, 7, and 10 . Fruits ℃ at three ripeness stages were selected based on uniform fruit size and three maturities on peel color: S1 (fully developed fruit just before the onset of ripening), S2 (fruits in the onset of color change), and S3 (fruits in completely red in color). Lower temperature attributed to increase fruit weight loss (WL) and WL was higher in S2 than the other ripeness stages. The highest respiration rate and ethylene production was found at S2 fruit while those of fruit in green and red showed similar and remained lower level during storage. Electrolyte leakage (EL) was higher as storage temperature decreased. After 28 d storage, EL rates of fruits at 5℃ were 43, 36, and 17% in S1, S2, and S3 while those at 10℃ were 17, 19, and 14%, respectively. These results show that chilli pepper fruits are tended to lose more water at lower temperature partially associated with increased EL. Thus, threshold storage temperature must be considered for avoiding chilling during storage and for extending the storage life of fresh pepper fruits.
This study suggests the yield forecast model for chilli pepper using artificial neural network. For this, we select the most suitable network models for chilli pepper’s yield and compare the predictive power with adaptive expectation model and panel model. The results show that the predictive power of artificial neural network with 5 weather input variables (temperature, precipitation, temperature range, humidity, sunshine amount) is higher than the alternative models. Implications for forecasting of yields are suggested at the end of this study.
sy-2 (Seychelles-2) is a temperature sensitive natural mutant of Capsicum chinense and native to Seychelles Island in Africa. Previously we showed that sy-2 leaves were irregularly shaped and defective in chlorophyll development at temperatures below 24℃. A segregation test revealed that the sy-2 gene is controlled by a single recessive gene. To identify the sy-2 gene, we performed a map-based cloning approach using a total 600 individual F2 plants derived from crossing sy-2 and the wild type C. chinense ‘No.3341’. Fine-mapping of the locus allowed us to position sy-2 to an approximately 170-kb region flanked by markers IN2-1-1 and SNP-3-7 on chromosome 1. Among the approximately 36 hypothetical genes in this region several candidate genes including: HSP90-like ATPase family proteins, lipid-transfer proteins, calmodulin-domain protein kinases, and zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) were identified. RT-PCR and sequencing of the hypothetical genes are under way to identify sy-2.
sy-2 (Seychelles-2) is a temperature sensitive mutant of Capsicum chinense and native to Seychelles Island in Africa. Previously we showed that sy-2 leaves were irregularly shaped and defective in chlorophyll development at temperatures lower than 24℃. A segregation test revealed that the sy-2 gene is controlled by a single recessive gene. To identify the sy-2 gene, we performed a map-based cloning approach using a total of 1,010 F2 plants derived from crossing sy-2 and the wild type C. chinense ‘No.3341’. sy-2 gene is located on chromosome 1, 0.3 cM and 0.1cM away from cosII markers C2_At4g29120 and C2_At1g09070, respectively. The tomato genome sequence between those two markers was compared with pepper genome sequence. We found three of pepper scaffold sequences in this region. We developed seven ingle nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers on the pepper scaffold sequences, among which five SNP markers were co-segregated with sy-2. To fill the gap between the scaffolds which contains co-segregating markers, we screened a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library, and end-sequences of total of 22 AC clones were i. We found that five clones were overlapped to cover the gap. We fully sequenced four AC clones and found that the physical distance between C2_At4g29120 and C2_At1g09070 is 343kb. This region contains 70 putative genes such as HSP90-like ATPase family proteins, lipid-transfer proteins, calmodulin-domain protein kinases, and zinc finger proteins (ZFPs). To identify the sy-2 gene, we performed RT-PCR and found that a ZFP-like gene is differentially expressed between WT and sy-2 leaves. This result suggests that the ZFP-like gene is a strong candidate for the sy-2 gene. We are currently characterizing this candidate gene.
본 연구는 고추의 다양한 품질 관련 특성 연구를 위한 분자육종시스템 구축의 기초 연구로서, 고추의 매운맛과 고색소, 다양한 색소, 과형 등이 다양한 고세대(F6) RIL 집단을 육성하여 그 원예적 특성을 조사하였다. 자방친으로 단고추 계통인 “만다린(Capsicum annuum L.)”을 이용하였고, 화분친으로는 “블랙클러스터(Capsicum annuum L.)”를 이용하여 F1 조합을 작성한 후, 자식으로 세대를 유지한 고세대(F6) RIL 집단 129계통들에 대해서 과실특성과 초장, 잎, 꽃 등 13가지 원예적 특성들을 평가했다. 미숙과에서 성숙과로의 색 변화의 경우 그 변화 양상이 매우 다양하여 모두 12가지 양상으로 구분해 볼 수 있었는데, 녹색에서 바로 적색으로 변화하는 양상이 51계통으로 가장 많은 분포를 차지했고, 녹색에서 진보라색으로의 변화가 45계통, 상아색에서 주황색으로 변색하는 양상이8계통 등 숙기에 따른 과색 변화가 대단히 다양한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 숙과색은 적색과가 99계통으로 가장 많은 분포를 보였고, 주황색이 17계통, 황색이 13계통이었다. 과형은 크게 세가지로 구분되었는데, 삼각형 과실이 64계통으로 가장 많은 분포를 보였고, 타원형이 52계통, 심장형이 13계통이었다. 착과방향은 61.2%가 상향 착과성을 보였고, 38.7%가 하향이었다. 원예적 특성 평가 결과 본 F6 RIL 집단은 그 다양성이 풍부하여 향후 고추 품질 특성 연구에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
풋고추를 수확하여 선도를 유지할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 천연항균소재를 이용한 항균용제와 항균포장필름에 대한 각각의 효과와 두 가지를 병행한 상승효과를 확인하기 위하여 풋고추를 항균용제에 침지 처리후 1에 저장하면서 품질변화를 측정하였다. 그 결과 항균용제와 항균포장필름에 대한 각각의 효과뿐만 아니라 두 가지를 병행하여 저장하는 경우 상승효과가 더욱 두드러지게 나타나는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 따라서 풋고추의 선도를 유지하는 데에 천연항균소재가