The purpose of this study is to develop the protection of passengers in the event of a side collision with a school bus for children. Rub-rail is installed in the United States and other countries to protect the side of school buses for children to some extent. However, in the case of Korea, there are no safety devices to protect the side of school buses for children. Therefore, the FE model was analyzed to see if there is a difference depending on whether or not Rub-rail installed on school buses in the United States is applied, and whether it affects the damage to the human body. As a result, the maximum amount of intrusion at the point of collision differs depending on whether Rub-Rail is installed. It is expected that the evaluation results of IIHS for Rub-Rail may vary depending on the degree of intrusion.
PURPOSES : This study aims to perform a quantitative analysis of Forward Collision Warning and crash frequency using heavy vehicle driving data collected in expressway driving environments, and to classify the driving environments where Forward Collision Warnings of heavy vehicles occur for accident-prone areas and analyze their occurrence characteristics. METHODS : A bivariate Gaussian mixture model based on inter-vehicle distance gap and speed-acceleration parameters is used to classify the environment in which Forward Collision Warning occurs for heavy vehicles driving on expressways. For this analysis, Probe Vehicle Data of 80 large trucks collected by C-ITS devices of Korea Expressway Corporation from May to June 2022. Combined with accident information from the past five years, a detailed analysis of the classified driving environments is conducted. RESULTS : The results of the clustering analysis categorizes Forward Collision Warning environments into three groups: Group I (highdensity, high-speed), Group II (high-density, low-speed), and Group III (low-density, high-speed). It reveals a positive correlation between Forward Collision Warning frequency and accident rates at these points, with Group I prevailing. Road characteristics at sites with different accident incidences showed that on-ramps and toll gates had high occurrences of both accidents and warnings. Furthermore, acceleration deviation at high-accident sites was significant across all groups, with variable speed deviations noted for each warning group. CONCLUSIONS : The Forward Collision Warning of heavy vehicles on expressways is classified into three types depending on the driving environment, and the results of these environmental classifications can be used as a basis for building a road environment that reduces the risk of crashes for heavy vehicles.
This study reports an analytical investigation on the development of SB4-grade separated concrete median barriers. The proposed barrier sections comprise three designs, with heights of 810, 1000, and 1270 mm and upper widths of 90, 120, and 120 mm, respectively. Before conducting collision analyses on the proposed sections, the considered collision analysis model was validated using real collision test results; the model was found to accurately predict the real collision test results. The proposed cross-sections were modeled to perform collision analysis according to SB4-grade collision conditions. Results indicated that increasing the cross-section height increased the damaged area and decreased the strength, while the occupant protection performance remained mostly unaffected. Furthermore, the proposed cross-sections met the strength and occupant protection performance criteria specified in domestic guidelines, suggesting their suitability as a separated concrete median barrier for bridges.
본 논문에서는 한국전통게임에 사용되는 접이식 종이구조물(이하 딱지)의 접이과정을 모델링하고 게임의 승리조건을 만족시키는 충돌조건을 유전알고리즘을 이용하여 산정하는 과정을 서술하였다. 딱지는 A4용지 2장으로 구성되는 것을 가정하였다. 접이과정은 강제경계조건을 부여하여 날개부분을 꼬임의 위치로 변형시키고 강체판의 강제경계조건을 이용하여 딱지를 압착하였다. 이후 복원 력에 의한 완화해석을 수행하여 게임에 사용된 딱지의 형상과 응력상태를 구성하였다. 얻어진 동일한 2개의 딱지 중 타격딱지를 주어 진 충돌위치로 강제변위에 의해서 이동시키고 주어진 충돌속력에 대한 충돌해석으로 게임의 진행과정을 해석하였다. 이 때 승리조건 인 피격딱지의 반전을 일으키는 충돌조건을 산정하기 위하여 유전알고리즘을 이용한 최적화해석을 수행하였다. 이 과정에서 효율적 인 해석을 위하여 충돌해석을 2단계로 나누고 1단계의 해석결과 피격딱지에 반전이 발생할 가능성이 있는 경우에만 2단계해석을 진 행하였다. 1단계 해석에서 유전알고리즘의 적합함수는 피격딱지의 방향코사인이었고 2단계해석에서는 속도의 역수로 하여 전체적 으로는 가장 낮은 충돌속력을 가지는 충돌조건을 찾아내고자 하였다. 해석수행결과 다양한 압착두께에 따른 최적의 충돌조건을 찾아 낼 수 있었다.
선박 간 충돌사고의 원인 분석에서는 해당 사고에 적용되는 항법에 따라 책 임관계가 달라질 수 있으며, 이는 해당 사고와 관련한 민사나 형사소송에까지 영향을 미치게 된다. 따라서 선박충돌사고에 있어 항법 적용의 기본적인 원칙 은 중요하다. 현재 우리 해양안전심판원에서는 양 선박이 상당한 시간과 여유를 가지고 접근하여, “항행 중인 한 선박의 입장에서 상대 선박이 어떤 동작을 취하고 있 는지 파악하고 다음에 어떤 동작을 취할 것인지 예상할 수 있을 정도로 상당기간 침로 및 속력을 유지한 상태”에 한하여 항법규정에 명시되어 있는 일반적 인 항법을 적용하고 있다. 이러한 조건에 맞지 아니하여 일반적인 항법을 적용 하는 것이 적절하지 아니한 경우 선원의 상무 규정이 적용되고 있다. 한편, 사고 수역이 무역항의 수상구역 등인 경우 「선박의 입항 및 출항 등에 관한 법률(이하 “선박입출항법”이라 한다)」의 항법규정이 우선 적용되며, 「선박 입출항법」에서 따로 정하지 않는 부분은 「해사안전법」상의 항법규정을 적용하 게 된다. 무역항의 수상구역 등을 제외한 우리 영해와 이와 접속한 수역에서는 「해사안전법」상의 항법규정이 적용될 것이며, 이 법률에 명시적 규정이 없는 경우에는 선원의 상무 규정이 적용될 것이다. 항법의 적용에 있어 항법 적용의 시점(始點) 문제는 중요하다. 항법 적용의 시점은 어느 지점에서 충돌의 위험성이 존재하기 시작하였는지에 대한 판단을 기준으로 하여, 최근접점까지 도달하기 15분전이 되는 지점 및 양 선박 간의 거 리가 3마일 이내가 된 지점을 함께 고려하여 결정하여야 할 것이다. 양 선박 간의 항법변경에 대한 합의는 양측이 시간적 여유를 두고 충분히 항 법변경을 약속한 상태에서만 인정할 수 있을 것이고, 이러한 합의의 효과는 「 선박입출항법」과 「해사안전법」에 명시된 항법에 우선한다.
본 연구의 목적은 과거 12년(2010~2021년)간 발생한 상선의 충돌사고 668건을 조사하여 충돌의 원인요인을 조사하고 이를 통계 적으로 분석하여 항해사의 인적과실 예방 충돌회피(HEPCA) 모델을 제안하는 것이다. 중앙해양안전심판원의 통계연보 및 충돌사건 재결서 를 조사하여 상선의 충돌 원인요인 데이터를 수집하고 통계분석 도구인 SPSS를 이용하여 빈도분석을 수행하였다. 1단계 분석으로 상선 충 돌사고 668건을 대상으로 충돌원인을 분석하였고, 2단계 분석에서는 식별된 최대빈도 원인요인을 세부적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 충돌 원인은 항해사의 인적과실이 98 %인 것으로 식별되었으며, 빈도 높은 요인 순서는 경계소홀 〉항행법규위반 〉조선 부적절 순이었다. 경계 소홀의 원인 요인은 주로 상대선 초인 후 지속감시 소홀이었으며 상대선박의 존재를 인식하지 못한 원인은 주로 당직시간에 다른 작업을 한 요인이었다. 분석결과를 적용하여 인적과실 예방을 위한 HEPCA 모델을 제안하였고, 이를 재결서의 충돌사건에 적용해보았다. 본 연구결과는 해기사 교육기관 및 실무에서 항해사의 인적과실로 발생하는 충돌사고를 방지하기 위한 교육 자료로 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
In this paper, a simulation computerized crash analysis evaluation method through reverse engineering was applied to the Defender vehicle to systemize and simplify the certification of small-scale electric vehicles. The Defender vehicle was selected as a benchmarking vehicle that converts into an electric vehicle, and the layout of the frame and element analysis of individual parts were conducted through reverse engineering. To review the vehicle package layout, the fastening and assembly method for each part was analyzed referring to the Defender maintenance guide and parts list, and it was used for frame element technology analysis. In addition, collisions according to the main frame material and the shape of the crash box were analyzed, and various cases were analyzed through parameter study. As a result of the crash analysis, it was found that the mild steel main frame could not guarantee the safety of the vehicle in a fixed wall collision situation, and the ATOS material would increase the collision safety of the Defender relatively. Through the crash analysis according to the shape of the crash box, it was found that the strength of the crash box is too high compared to the main body, and this should be reflected in the design for small-volume production of multiple products.
Recently, due to the rapid increase in vehicle accidents, research on improving seat belts and restraint system are being actively on going to solve the problems in vehicle for passengers. The characteristics of lap belt load and pelvic displacement were simulated through MADYMO program using Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy to analyze the submarining by changing the collision speed and seat back angle by applying the forward collision pulse form accident scenario. As a result, the submarining occurred when the seat-back angle was 60° or higher at the collision speed of 50km/h or higher. Lastly, using the characteristics of the lap belt load and pelvic displacement when the anti-submarining belt (ANSB) system adapted, the pelvic displacement was reduced as well as submarining.
In this study, a mixed resin containing Bis-GMA was developed to produce a light-emitting sign using quantum dots. As a result of measuring the viscosity, color coordinates change, and luminance of the mixed resin, the following conclusions were obtained. The viscosity of the mixed resin decreased as the content of the diluent increased, and viscosity values ranged from 3,627 to 1,349cps showed as a result. The viscosity of the mixed resin decreased as the temperature increased, and the viscosity showed a value of 5,156 to 1,132cps. For the optical properties of InP/GaP/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots, the absolute quantum efficiency was 91% at 522nm and 90% at 618nm when the gallium was 0.01%. The luminance of the light-emitting sign using the resin mixed with quantum dots was showed 142.6cd/m2 in white and 104.2cd/m2 in the red region.
In this study, the deformation, equivalent stress and strain energy were analyzed on the electric kick board emerging as a new means of transportation at the accident of a front collision according to each shape were analyzed. The largest part deformation happened at the handle, and the board part where the person’s feet was placed was seen to become weak. The equivalent stress was most visible at the board section, unlike the deformation results. In particular, the deformation and stress of model A which has a long and thin neck, have occurred greatly. Therefore, the longer the neck, the greater the deformation and stress occur. Among all models, the deformation and stress were the smallest at model C. As model A has a particularly thinner neck and board connection part, a large strain energy appeared. Therefore, it is considered that the connection needs to be reinforced thickly and firmly. On the study result, the thicker the board part of the electric kick board and the lower the body of the vehicle, the safer it is. The results of this study can be effectively applied to investigate the values of stresses and deformations, and strain energies through structural analysis without the fracture test at the front collision according to the shape of electric kick board.