본 연구는 폭력가정에서 성장한 대학생이 대인관계 갈등과 학업 진로에 대한 불안으로 겪는 심리적인 고통과 혼란 감을 상담을 통해 회복하는 경험에 대한 단일 사례연구이다. 대학생 시기는 학업 성취와 이 시기에서의 발달 과제인 이성과의 친밀감을 형성하고, 독립적인 사회인이 되기 위한 준비 시기로서 정체성 형성에 기반이 되는 일과 관계를 맺는 방식과 삶의 방향을 설정하는 중요한 시기이다. 하지만 보건복지부 정신질환실태조사에 따르면 대학생 연령대의 30%에 가까운 젊은 청년들이 정신질환의 어려움을 호소하고 있으며 이의 해결이 절실한 시점이다. 본 연구는 자원 중심 상담과 감정 자유 기법 그리고 알아차림 호흡 명상을 활용하여 통합적으로 접근하였다. 연구대상은 대학 4학년인 여자 대학생이다. 본 연구에서는 상담에서 참여자가 호소하는 문제를 삶에서 이루기를 원하는 긍정적인 목표로 설정하였고, 이를 성취하기 위하여 내적 자원 활용, 개별적 수용, 변화로의 동기 부여, 이를 유지하고 확대하는 상담 과정과 정서의 수용과 알아차림 호흡 명상을 접목하여 마침내 생활상의 변화를 이루어 내는 과정을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 참여자는 본 연구의 통합적 접근 상담을 통해 생활의 균형과 자기 통제력을 회복하게 되었으며 일과 관계를 맺는 방식에 변화를 가져왔다. 이와 같은 연구 결과를 통해 폭력가정에서 성장하며 경험했던 왜곡된 자기 지각, 부정 정서와 행동으로 고통 받는 참여자의 변화와 성장을 위해 본 연구에 적용된 기법들을 통합적으로 사용하면 효과적인 개입 법이 될 수 있음을 제시하였다
본 연구의 목적은 배드민턴 여자 중학생 전문선수(10명)와 방과 후 배드민턴 수업에 참여하는 일반학생(10명)의 하이클리어 동작 시 COM과 COP의 수평거리, 그리고 COM과 COP의 이동패턴의 차이를 비교 분석하는데 있다. 두 그룹 간 하이클리어 스트로크 이후 착지 시점(E4)에서 COM과 COP의 X 축과 Y축에서의 수평거리와 백스윙, 포워드스윙, 스윙전체의 X축, Y축, 그리고 Z축에서 COM의 최대이 동범위의 차이를 비교하기 위해 독립표본 T-test를 실시한 결과, 첫째, 하이클리어 스트로크 임팩트 이후 착지 시점(E4)에서 여자 중학생 전문선수는 전후방향(X축)에서 COM와 COP지점이 일반학생에 비해 매 우 가깝게 위치하였다. 둘째, 전문선수는 COM의 수직움직임, 일반선수는 COM의 수평움직임을 적극적으로 활용하였다.
This study analyzed the body shape of the body of 17~19 years old female students using the SPSS 20.0 statistical program according to the 7th Korea Human Body Survey. Factor analysis was based on six factors including body size, body height, shoulder length, and width, upper body length, hip length, and shoulder inclination related factors. Through this cluster analysis, the body shape of late adolescent female student was classified into four types. Body type 1 was the highest body height factor, and the upper body length and the hip length factor were lower. It was analyzed as ‘Long leg in the body’. Body type 2 is the ‘narrow shoulder skinny type’ with high hip and shoulder slope factors and low body size, body height, shoulder length, and width factor. Body type 3 showed body size, shoulder length, height and hip length factor, and body height factor was rather low ‘low hip obese body shape’. Body type 4 was analyzed as ‘lower shoulder long upper body type’ with higher upper body length factor and lower body size and shoulder slope factor. It is thought that when the pattern is made, it is possible to produce excellent patterns by fitting the dimensions of the body, as well as the dimensions of the shoulder width, the slope, and the hip length.
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between female college students’ stress level and premenstrual syndrome so that it can provide baseline data on how to cope with the syndrome. The study subjects are 250 female college students in Gyungbook area. This study chose 199 appropriate subjects and collected data. As per general menstrual phases, this study investigated the age when one had her first period, regularity and duration of period, and amount of bleeding. It used a measurement tool to measure stress level and premenstrual syndrome. Most of the subjects experienced their first period before the age of 13. The menstrual period was irregular with the duration of less than 7 days. 123 subjects had normal amount of bleeding. 121 subjects were experiencing high level of stress over 2.4. The correlation between the level of stress and premenstrual syndrome factors showed significant static correlation for each factor. Especially, the correlation between digestive system and response of autonomic nervous system was .996 and negative emotion and behavioral change was .635, and negative emotion and pain was .614 which were relatively high. The regression analysis of factors of premenstrual syndrome depending on the subjects’ stress level indicated that response of autonomic nervous system had the biggest effect in the low stress group while behavioral change, negative emotion, pain, decreased concentration, water congestion, response of autonomic nervous system, and skin change had the biggest effect in the high stress group with statistical significance. Based on the result, it can be said that higher premenstrual stress is closely related to the premenstrual syndrome one experiences for some female college students.
This study is to present a female high school summer blouse with high movement functionality and satisfying appearance. For the experimental research 6 subjects with closest average body shapes and their body surface was measured at beginning and after selecting a representative movement the tested uniform was worn and the appearance and movement functionality was evaluated. The results of this research are as follows. In the research with the aims to improve the sleeve designed the height in 3 types as A.H/4+3, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+1 and their evaluation showed that in the order of best appearance was A.H/4+2, A.H/4+1, A.H/4+3. In the order of best comfort was A.H/4+2, A.H/4+3, A.H/4+1 and the best order for movement functionality was A.H/4+1, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+3. Additional height types designed produced from elastic materials were A.H/4+3, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+1 and the resulting order of appearance was A.H/4+3, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+1, order of comfort was A.H/4+3, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+1 and the order of movement functionality was A.H/4+1, A.H/4+2, A.H/4+3. Integrating these results shows that in using the same concurrent materials, the experiment pattern of setting the sleeve height as A.H/4+2 was the best while in using elastic materials, the experiment pattern of setting the sleeve height as A.H/4+3 was the best.
This study was carried out to investigate the dining-out behavior of breakfast and preference on the menu of female college students. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 417 were used for statistical analysis(SAS program). This survey was conducted from June, 2000 to October, 2000. 72.8% of the respondents thought there were problems in eating breakfast. The problems were 'skipping breakfast frequently(33.1%)', 'short eating time(20.9%)', 'simple menu(18.8%)'. Preference of dining-out breakfast menus were 'bread & milk(43.8%)', 'conventional menu(34.7%)', 'snack(15.5%)', soup or 'porridge(6.0%)'. A general preference of breakfast menus were conventional (63.7%), 'bread & milk(21.1%)', 'milk and breakfast cereal(8.7%)', 'soup or porridge(6.5%)'. Increase on the amount of monthly allowance decreased the preference of conventional type of breakfast(P<0.05). The questions about the breakfast were 'what is the best menus for breakfast(49.2%)', 'alternative to rice(17.1%)', 'the amounts of breakfast(12.1%)'. But there was no significant difference among these variables. In conclusion, development of convenient & well-balanced breakfast model and nutritional education are needed to increase the nutritional status of female college students.
The purposes of this study were to assess dietary intake obtained by easy method and to compare dietary behavior of house wife and female college students in Yanbian. The subjects consisted of 276 house wives and 228 female college students. Mean daily energy intake of house wives was 1926.0kcal and that of female college students was 1949.0kcal. Calcium intake as NAR(Nutrient adequacy ratio) was lowest in house wife and female college student. Iron intake was also low in subjects and lower in female college student than in house wife. Meal frequency per day was regular in subjects. Skipping meal time in subjects was breakfast and snaking time was late evening generally. Frequency of eating out was rare in most subjects and 60.6% of subjects preferred chinese food in eating out, while house wives preferred Korean food than female college student in eating out. The vegetables were preferred than meat or fish and used by fried in sauces. Hot and sour tastes were more like than greasy taste in subjects. Nutrient intake levels and dietary behaviors of house wife were to be like as those of female college students in general. BMI(Body mass index) was lower in female collage students than house wives, similarly in Korean. According to these results, house wives and female college students in Yanbian had similar dietary patterns. Calcium intake was tend to be low and dietary pattern was regular, dietary qualifies of subjects were adequate. Nutrient intake and dietary pattern in Yanbian were to be like as in Korean, and the Korean-Chinese in Yanbian maintained traditional dietary pattern.
Purpose: Today, mindfulness become popular in medicine, psychology, physical education and so on. Mindfulness-based course began to be used in the educational field's formal curriculum. Many researches show that mindfulness-based class increase a lot of psychological qualities. Positive psychological capital is the state of personal positive psychological development and contributes to individual productivity. There are some studies, proving mindfulness-based interventions influenced on subfactors of positive psychological capital. This study tried to test whether mindfulness-based course could change the student's positive psychological capital. Methods: 164 participants were divided into 3 groups. Fifty-five were assigned to mindfulness based subjects as experiment group, 54 participants to yoga class, and 55 to general cultural subject as control group. During a semester, three classes were proceeded and some scales, including positive psychological capital, positive and negative emotions, and mindfulness were administered at pretest and posttest. Results: Significant differences were observed in all variables. Positive psychological capital, positive emotion, and mindfulness in mindfulness and yoga classes increased significantly and negative emotion in both classes decreased significantly, compared to control group. Conclusion: As a result, mindfulness-based class and yoga-based class could increase positive psychological capital and it is promising that mindfulness-based class can be included in curriculum.
본 연구는 원예치료가 여자 소년원생의 자아존중감, 몰입, 행복감 향상에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 여자 소년원생 42명 중 원예치료 프로그램에 참여한 실험군 22명과 참여하지 않은 대조군 20명을 대상으로 2013년 3월부터 6월까지 주1회 총 12회기 실시하였다. 프로그램은 자아존중감 이론을 바탕으로 한 프로그램을 적용하였다. 실험 결과 실험군은 원예치료 프로그램 실시 후 자아존중감, 몰입, 행복감 증진에 대하여 유의적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 각 변수 간 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 자아존중감과 몰입이 높아지면 행복감이 상승하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해서 원예치료참여자의 행복감 향상을 위해서는 자아존중감과 몰입의 향상이 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었고 원예치료 프로그램이 여자 소년원생들의 자아존중감, 몰입, 행복감 향상에 효과가 있음을 검증했다는 점에서 본 연구의 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 향후 다양한 활용방안을 모색하여 비행청소년의 재비행 예방을 위한 인성교육 프로그램으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.