We conducted a local survey targeting 300 Filipino consumers and analyzed them through multi-regression to help with the sales strategy of Korean agricultural products in the Philippine market. First, the Korean Wave image and K-food image were statistically significantly related to the intention to purchase Korean agricultural products. A significant positive (+) effect was found, and when Korean Wave stars were used as variables, the intention to purchase Korean agricultural products was strengthened. Therefore, the results of this study are believed to provide practical implications.
풀은 인류의 역사 이전에서부터 존재하였던 생명체였다. 인간의 역사보다도 풀의 역사가 훨씬 오래되었다. 풀은 먹을 수 있는 식용의 채소와 인위적이 아닌 자연발생적으로 생겨나는 잡초로 크게 나누어진다. 사찰음 식을 위한 재료를 준비하는 단계에서 풀은 식용의 채소이든지 자연발생적으로 생겨나는 잡초이든지 사찰음식의 제작과 완성의 과정, 시작과 끝 지점에 위치해 있는 중요한 반야행의 대상이다. 풀에 대한 불교와 선학의 관점에서 바라보는 시각은 역사적으로 시간대별로 변화해 왔다. 불교학이 발생한 시간은 얼마 되지 않았기에 불교학적으로 풀을 논의하고 철학적으로 풀에 대한 논의를 한다는 것은 과거의 역사 속에서 불타의 생존 시에 수행자와 불타가 바라본 풀에 대한 시각과 관점을 재해석하는 것이며, 또한 당조 시대를 중심으로 한 선종의 조사들이 풀을 바라보는 시각의 차이점에 대해 논의하는 것을 궁극적으로 의미하는 것이다. 따라서 이 글 에서 불교의 역사 속에서 풀에 대한 시각적인 변화의 과정을 철학적으로 접근하여 학문적으로 해석하며 평가하여 그 의의를 논의하고자 한다. 이 연구가 지니는 의미는 사찰음식의 본질적인 의미에 대한 자연회귀와 선의 시각의 철학적인 해석과 맞물려있는 것이다. 그 원인은 풀에 대한 시 각의 변화를 초래한 궁극적인 불교음식문화가 사찰음식이기 때문이다. 그리고 풀은 지구상에서 어느 곳에서나 존재하는 가장 흔하게 볼 수 있으 면서 값진 지구의 가장 큰 환경의 재산이기 때문이다. 이 환경의 재산에 대한 시각의 차이점을 철학적으로 논의한 연구는 아직 존재하지 않았다. 따라서 이 글에서 풀에 대한 철학적인 논의로 접근하여 제시하여 보고자 하는 것이다. 풀은 인류와 지구의 환경의 파수꾼임을 인식하는 것은 인간 의 환경에 대한 이해와 풀에 대한 철학적인 가치를 음미하는 중요한 논의인 것이다.
Tis study was an attempt to systematically analyze the characteristics of modern Korean food styling using the menu image photos of the Michelin Guide Seoul 2020 restaurants. The first sampling was conducted on the 27th of March 2020 and the second on the 27th of October 2020. A collection of images on the web and 442 photographic cases obtained by a search through theoretical background literature and research papers were studied by a qualitative analysis method. First, the food styling contents were analyzed and based on that, the food styling characteristics of the menus of 11 restaurants in Korea including the contemporary restaurants were considered. The analysis revealed several aspects of Korean food styling. First, food styling appeared to have three major characteristics: color, shape, and container styling. Color styling was further subdivided into single color/similar color, color contrast, source type, and accent color type. The shape/formative styling was classified into figure type, shape type, accessory type, and garnish type, and container styling was categorized as container color type, container shape type, and container material type. Second, the modern Korean food color styling characteristics of Michelin restaurants were categorized in the order of monochromatic/similar type, sauce type, accent color type, and color contrast. In the formative styling category, it was categorized in the order of shape type, small piece type, garnish/garnish type, and figure type. In container styling, container material type and formative type accounted for the major portion of the category. The food styling characteristics of the modern Korean menu were systematized and image examples were presented visually. Please use it as food styling educational material or personal food styling skill.
This study investigated the effect of offering eco-friendly fashion items on consumers’ perceived image of stores and their intention to purchase food in a hybrid cafe setting. The data were collected using an online survey of 465 adults aged 20 to 49 years. In order to compare ‘a general cafe’ where only food is sold and ‘a hybrid cafe’ which offers eco-friendly fashion items as well as food, we developed two store types (general×hybrid) with two store designs (modern×eco-friendly) as stimuli, resulting in four scenarios. The results indicated that offering eco-friendly fashion items at a cafe did not significantly affect consumers’ perceived eco-friendly image of the store. Further, this negatively affected consumers’ perceived healthy and tasty images of the store and intention to purchase food. Such negative effects on the healthy and tasty images of the store increased in the store with a modern design. In conclusion, offering eco-friendly fashion items at cafes may not contribute to enhancing the stores’ images or sales.
AR (Augmented Reality; 증강현실)은 가상의 이미지를 현실 세계에 덧붙이는 기술이다. 본 연구는 온라인으로 활발히 소비되는 품목인 음식을 AR로 제시했을 때의 효과를 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 AR 음식 이미지가 구매 의사와 사용자 참여에 미치는 영향을 정적인 음식 이미지와 비교하여 알아보았고, 이미지 제시 방식과 구매 의사와의 관계를 사용자 참여가 매개하는지도 살펴보았다. 참가자는 두 조건 중 하나로 무선할당되어 AR 조건은 AR로 음식 이미지를 보고 정적 조건은 정적인 음식 이미지를 보았다. 그 후 참가자들은 사용자 참여와 구매 의사를 묻는 설문에 응답했다. 실험 결과, AR로 음식을 본 조건이 정적인 이미지를 본 조건보다 사용자 참여가 더 높았고, 구매 의사 또한 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 매개 분석 결과, 사용자 참여의 간접효과는 통계적으로 유의했으며, 사용자 참여는 이미지 제시 방법과 구매 의사 간의 관계를 완전매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 하위요인별로 매개 분석을 진행한 결과, 사용자 참여의 하위 척도 중에서도 심미성의 완전매개 효과가 나타났다. 연구 결과를 정리하면, AR로 음식 이미지를 보게 되면 심미성이 높아지며, 높은 심미성은 음식에 대한 높은 구매 의사로 이어진다. 따라서 본 연구는 음식 이미지를 제시하는 방법으로 AR 기술이 효과적으로 사용될 수 있음을 밝히고 있다.
This study surveyed the recognition, image, preference, attributes, satisfaction and revisit intention for Korean food of local Vietnamese to facilitate the globalization of Korean food. Most participants had recognized Korean food. and, they were especially aware of kimchi (김치), bulgogi (불고기) and bibimbab (비빔밥), Additionally, most repondents thought these foods represent Korean traditions and culture very well. The image of local Vietnamese for Korean food was good. Which was reflected in Korean food having “a good reputation” and a high possibility for “globalization” were high. This study also investigated 16 kinds of Korean food and found the highest preferences to be for bulgogi (불고기), followed by galbitang (갈비탕), whereas that for doenjangchigae (된장찌개) was lowest. Some of the top choice attributes of Vietnamese for Korean food were found to be in “because it is ‘colorful’, ‘prepared sincerely’, ‘plated neatly’, ‘fresh’ and ‘comes with a variety of banchans (side dishes). This is a very meaningful result, making this an important reference for the globalization of Korean food. The local Vietnamese had high satisfaction and reuse intention degree for Korean food, and especially high satisfaction with the colorfulness of Korean food. In addition, the local Vietnamese showed a very high revisit intention for Korean food.
This study examined psychological attitudes towards Japan’s food safety image when subjects were evaluated on their reactions to potential radioactive contamination of foods. Using a self-reporting questionnaire and functional MRI experiment we were able to verify that people demonstrated increased anxiety in the insular cortex of the brain.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of food neophobia on restaurant image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty in ethnic restaurants. A self-administered survey for data collection 581 customers who visited an ethnic restaurant in August, 2015. Statistical analyses included descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis for SPSS 21.0. The finding of the study indicated that the differences of food neophobia score in demographic characteristics showed significant differences by age, occupation, dining-out frequency, and source of dining-out information, not by gender. The mean value of food neophilic group was significantly higher than food neophobic group in all items of restaurant image, overall satisfaction and customer loyalty. The regression analysis showed that tangible aspect, price aspect, and food aspect of restaurant image had positive effects on overall satisfaction and customer loyalty however employee service showed different result by groups. The finding of the study offer marketing strategies for ethnic restaurants to induce customer revisit.
The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the product image produced by the cinemagraph image and the product image produced by the general image in the electronic trade. The cinemagraph refers to the image with a special characteristic that provides the motion clue by playing the part of the picture endlessly in the form of a video. For this study, we explored how the perceived monetary value, brand attitude, and perceived taste would influence on the purchase intention, and it was analyzed that all of the three factors significantly influenced on the purchase intention. However, it was investigated that the purchase intention of the group watching the image by the cinemagraph was significantlyinfluencedby the perceived monetary value and the perceived taste, and the purchase intention of the other group watching the general image was significantly influenced by the brand attitude and the perceived taste; therefore, it was verified that there was a difference between the group watching the cinemagraph and the group watching the general image. In this result, it could be interpreted that when the people watching the cinemagraph purchase a product in the shopping mall, the price becomes the important requirement, and when the people watching the general image purchase a product in the shopping mall, the brand becomes the important requirement; therefore, these results could provide great implications to the food marketers.
This study was undertaken to assess grade and gender differences in dietary behavior, food preference and perception about body image of students in 4, 5 and 6th grades in elementary school in Kwangju. Anthropometric data showed that mean height and weight were 137.98±6.79cm 32.69±6.09kg, in the 4th grade, 144.11±6.91cm, 36.88±7.60kg in the 5th grade and 151.52±7.47cm, 42.68±8.06kg in the 6th grade. Height and weight of male and female students of each grade were very similar to those of the Korean standard Growth data. Females in the 5th and 6th grades were taller than those in male students, which suggested the height growth spurt in females. Furthermore, both genders showed marked variability even in the same group. All the three different obesity indices(BMI, Rohrer and % of ideal body weight) showed higher value in males than in females consistently. Male respondents desired taller and heavier body shape while females perceived they were heavy and desired only taller and thinner body image. There were significant differences in satisfaction with height, weight and body image by grade(p〈0.05). 36.7% of subjects responded that they did not eat despite hunger. In higher grade they felt guilty after eating sweet things. Strikingly, it was noted a small number of students tried to take a diet pills or vomited on purpose. Data on food preference showed that female did not like sweet food and pork. While male students preferred red meat and chicken. Thus result indicated that there was a great difference in food preference by gender.
Purpose - This study aims to examine the influence of social network service (SNS) on the brand image of infant food products; highlight the effects of brand image on the purchasing and word-of-mouth intention; and explore the effects of the purchasing intention on the word-of-mouth intention.
Research design, data, and methodology - Based on previous studies, it was found that the fundamental SNS characteristics for infant food products are reliability, interactivity, and informative. Using AMOS 22.0 and structural equation modeling (SEM), 288 questionnaires were surveyed as a statistical method for examining the proposed hypotheses.
Results - The analysis shows that reliability and informative have significant impacts on brand image, whereas interactivity does not. Again, the effect of brand image of infant food products on the purchase and word-of-mouth intention is statistically significant. However, the results differ across the “working housewife” and the “full-time housewife” groups. The connection between reliability and brand image was found to be statistically significant in this study.
Conclusions - This study analyzes the effects of SNS characteristics on the brand image of infant food products and the effect of the brand image on purchase and word-of-mouth intentions, and provides practical implications for the same.