꼬투리째 먹는 채소인 풋꼬투리 강낭콩의 수확후 포장 및 저장 유통온도별 품질보존 및 상품성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 저장중 중량의 변화에서 PP필름 포장시는 변화가 없었으나 골판지박스 포장시는 저장 온도가 높고, 저장기간이 길어질수록 중량 감소율이 현저하였다. 저장중 경도는 저온저장이 상온저장보다 높게 유지되었다. 비타민 C함량은 저장중 모든 처리에서 감소되었고, 그 감소의 폭은 상온저장보다는 저온저장 시 적었다. 엽록소함량은 비닐필름 포장시는 저장온도간에 차이가 없었으나, 박스포장시는 상온저장시 엽록소함량의 감소가 저온저장보다 컸다. 외관 상품성을 표시하는 신선도는 비닐포장이나 골판지박스에 속비닐 넣은 후 산물을 포장하여 8~10℃정도에서 저장 유통시는 상품유지기간이 8일 정도로 상온보관대비 4일정도 연장되었다.
The proximate composition and calorie of kidney bean sediment, amylogram, color, texture and sensory evaluation of Yanggaeng mixed with kidney bean sediment. Significant differences in the protein and fat contents were noticed among kidney bean sediment samples. The amylograms of sediment mixed with sugar and/or agar showed no peak and increase of viscosity compared with the control. When the Yanggaeng was prepared from the mixture of sediments of red bean and kidney bean, noticiable color changes were observed at 30% level of kidney bean sediment. Hardness and cohesiveness of Yanggaeng were increased but elasticity decreased as the proportion of kidney bean sediment increased. Sensory evaluation of Yanggaeng stored at 4℃ for 24 hr revealed that the product prepared from the mixture of red bean sediment (70%) and kidney bean sediment (30%) was not significantly different (p〈0.05) compared with that from the 100% red bean sediment.
녹협 호 는 도입 유전자원 와 를 인공교배하여 계통육성으로 선발된 계통으로 계통명은 밀양 호 이다 년 월과 월에 온실에서 시험 재배하여 생육 특성과 풋협 꼬투리의 수량성을 조사한 결과 협채소용으로 유망시 되어 우리나라에서는 처음으로 협채용 강낭콩 신품종 녹협 호 로 선정되었다 녹협 호 는 협채용 꼬투리 수확기의 협색은 녹색이며 성숙기의 협색은 담황색이다 화색과 종피색은 백색이며 종실의 립의 건조된 무게는 이다 협 단면은 둥글며 저온에서 개화 및 착협성이 비교적 우수하고 온실재배에서 협채의 수량성은 당 톤으로 강낭콩 호 보다 증수되었다
A new kidney bean cultivar, “wanghyeob 2”was developed for edible pod kidney bean adaptable to Korean cultivation at the National Institute of Crop Science in 2005. “wanghyeob 2”was selected from a cross between KLG50073 and KLG50072. It has determinate growth habit, white flower, yellow pod color, oval shape of crossed section of pod at the harvesting time for edible pod. It has white seed coat and middle seed size (20.4 grams per 100 seeds). The average yield of edible pod of “wanghyeob 2”was 22.43 M/T per hectare in the yield trials which was carried out at the green house in spring and autumn in 2005. This yield level was 11 percent higher than that of the check cultivar “angnangkong 1”
A new kidney bean cultivar, “wanghyeob 1”was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science in 2005. “wanghyeob 1”was selected from a cross between KLG50064 and KLG50073. It has determinate growth habit, white flower, yellow pod color, oval shape of crossed section of pod at the harvesting time for edible pod, white seed coat and middle seed size (21.7 grams per 100 seeds). The average yield of edible pod of “wanghyeob 1”was 23.55 M/T per hectare in the yield trials which was carried out at the green house in spring and autumn in 2005. This yield level was 4 percent higher than that of the check cultivar “angnangkong 1”
A new kidney bean cultivar, “Noghyeob 1” was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2005. “Noghyeob 1” was selected from a cross between KLG50074 and KLG50063. It has determinate growth habit, white flower, green pod color, oval shape of crossed section of pod at the harvesting time for edible pod, white seed coat and middle seed size (21.1 grams per 100 seeds). The average yield of edible pod of “Noghyeob 1” was 24.25 M/T per hectare in the yield trials which were carried out at the green house in spring and autumn in 2005. It was 7 percent higher than that of the check cultivar “Kangnangkong 1”.
Sundoo, new variety of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was developed by Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research andExtension Services in 2001. It was bred by pure line selection from Yangpyeng local collection. Sundoo has determinate growthhabit, ellipsy round