The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of purchase of processed foods and the awareness about food label among middle school students. This survey was conducted by involving 350 middle school students in Incheon city, Korea from June 17~19, 2015. Middle school students consumed confectioneries, bread, carbonated drinks, and juices and ice creams once or twice a week at the rate of 53.4, 53.0, 40.6, and 36.9%, respectively. The most frequent place, time, and reason to purchase the processed foods were ‘convenience store (36.2%)’, ‘after school (26.8%)’, and ‘hunger (77.9%)’. The subjects exhibited top priority (57.0%) on the taste at the time of purchasing the processed foods. Interestingly, the girl-students (44.7%) checked the labels of food more than the boy students (34.0%). The reasons for checking the food labels included acquiring significant information about the shelf life (27.0%), price (18.1%), nutrient (19.1%), and food additives (14.1%). Among the food labeling information, the name of the product (55.7%), the date of manufacture (49.3%) and the content (32.6%) were checked mainly by the subjects. In addition, the major reason for not confirming the food labeling was ‘the food label was too small or crude (31.9%)’. It is necessary to inform about the processing methods and ingredients of the processed to middle school students so that they can make the correct choice of processed foods. Development of proper education methods on nutrition for middle school students is necessitated for healthy living.
This study was to investigate purchase of women for commercial kimchi. Survey was carried out by questionnaire method that is target on 322 female over 20 age in Seoul area. The results of the study was that the way they get kimchi of women answered that they make it by themselves(63.3%). The reason of purchasing is they do not have enough time to make it at their home(43.8%) and its good taste(56.8%) result in their purchase. In the degree of preference about package material, prefer polyethylene(39.6%). Also respondents prefer purchasing poggi kimchi(63.4%) among other different types of kimchi. The promotion facts of purchasing commercial kimchi shows a high score in cold chain system package and specific kimchi development.
This study was implemented to offer materials for the activation of On-line food shopping mall though census about purchasing food. A percentage of people who had accessed to On-line food shopping mall was 53.8%, and who had an experience of purchasing food at the On-line sopping mali was 18.9%. The number of food purchasing in On-line food market is 1~3 times(67.7%). It is general that an amount of food purchase is less than 100,000 wons. And the health assistant food is the most interesting item followed by Meet, Special products like a laver and mushroom, and an anchovy. in purchasing food at On-line market, customer thought that the confidence and the freshness of food are important because customer can't choose a product directly. In the future of food purchase using On-line shopping mall, 38.1% of people show their intend of purchasing at the mall. People who had experience of food purchase though the Internet have more positive view about repurchase than ones had not.
소비채널의 다양화는 소비자의 소비행태에 있어 큰 변화를 야기했다. 현재 전 세계적으로 쇼루밍적 소비행태가 확산되고 있으며, 국내도 예외는 아니다. 본 연구는 설문을 통해 국내 소비자의 소비행위에 대한 현황을 파악하고 궁극적으로는 변화한 소비행태를 반영한 개략적인 채널 활용 전략을 제안하고자 한다. 연구방법으로는 20~50대를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시 하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상품 구매 시 가장 중요하게 고려하는 요소는 ‘품질’이었으나, 제품 선택이 종료된 후 해당 상품을 구매하는 시점에서는 같은 제품을 보다 ‘저렴한 가격(55.7%)’으로 구매할 수 있는지가 중요했다. 또한 주 구매 채널로 ‘온라인+오프라인(73.8%)’을 복합적으로 활용하며, 매장에서 모바일로 제품 검색 여부’에 대해 약 79.5%의 응답자가 ‘예’라고 답했다. 둘째, 매장 내 모바일 검색 후 최종 구매 채널을 묻는 질문에는 ‘매장(34.7%)’을 이용한다는 응답자가 ‘차후 모바일 구매(34.1%)’라고 응답한 쇼루밍적 소비 비율과 유사한 수준이었다. 특히 매장 구매의 경우 매장 내 모바일 검색 이유에 ‘상품평 참고’가 가장 높았는데, 이는 온라인(모바일)은 가격비교만큼이나 상품평 등 타 소비자와 공유하는 소통의 장으로의 중요한 역할을 담당한다는 의미로 해석 가능하다. 따라서 소비자간, 기업-소비자간 소통이 가능한 유연한 매장 환경을 구축하여야 한다. 셋째, 품목에 따라서는 의류, 생활용품, 화장품 등이 매장 구매 선호 품목으로, 서적, 의류, 가전제품이 온라인(모바일) 구매 선호 품목으로 나타났다. 연령에 따라서는 ‘순수 오프라인족’이 20대가 가장 많았고, 이들은 생활용품과 의류를 매장에서 구매하는 것을 선호했다. 이러한 연구 결과를 반영하여 향후 온오프라인 구매 채널 구축 및 확장 시 연령대별 소비행위, 구매 프로세스, 활용 선호 구매채널, 품목별 선호 구매 채널 등에 대한 충분한 이해와 전략 구축이 선행되어야 한다.