
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Parrots have been threatened by global trade to meet their high demand as pets. Controlling parrot trade is essential because parrots play a vital role in the ecosystem. Accurate species identification is crucial for controlling parrot trade. Parrots have been traded as eggs due to their advantages of lower mortality rates and more accessible transport than live parrots. A molecular method is required to identify parrot eggs because it is difficult to perform identification using morphological features. In this study, DNAs were obtained from 43 unidentified parrot eggs using a non-destructive sampling method. Partial cytochrome b (CYTB ) gene was then successfully amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Sequences newly obtained in the present study were compared to those available in the GenBank by database searching. In addition, phylogenetic analysis was conducted to identify species using available sequences in GenBank along with sequences reported in previous studies. Finally, the 43 parrot eggs were successfully identified as seven species belonging to two families and seven genera. This non-destructive sampling method for obtaining DNA and molecular identification might help control the trade of parrot eggs and prevent their illegal trade.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To evaluate the characteristics of radioactive waste from permanently shut down nuclear power plants for decommissioning, there is a method of directly analyzing samples and, on the other hand, a computerized evaluation method based on operation history. Even if the radioactivity of the structures or radioactive wastes in the nuclear power plant is analyzed by the computerized evaluation method, a method of directly analyzing the sample must be accompanied in order to more accurately know the characteristics of the nuclear power plant’s radioactive waste material. In order to obtain such samples, we need a way to collect materials from radioactive waste. However, in the case of a permanently shut down nuclear power plant with a long operating history, human access is limited due to radiation of the material. In this study, we propose a method of remotely collecting samples that guarantees radiation protection and worker safety at the site where radioactive waste is located.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        African swine fever (ASF) is a hemorrhagic viral disease of pigs requiring laboratory diagnosis for confirmation. Though tissue and blood samples are considered optimal for ASF diagnosis, collection of these samples can be laborious, time-consuming, and pose a risk of contaminating the environment. Here, we suggest an alternative non-invasive sampling method, hair plucking, for ASF diagnosis. ASF virus was detected in plucked hair samples from experimentally infected pigs. Although the sensitivity was inferior to whole blood, the results suggest that hair plucking can be an alternative method that can also improve animal welfare.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        환경유전자 (eDNA)는 다양한 환경 (수중, 토양, 대기)에 존재하는 생물체로부터 유래된 유전물질을 의미한다. eDNA는 높은 민감도, 짧은 조사시간 등 많은 장점들이 존재하며 이로 인해 생물 모니터링 및 유해생물과 멸종위기 생물을 탐색하는 분야에 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 이러한 eDNA 를 채집하기 위해서는 대상생물 및 대상유전자뿐만 아니라 현장 여과방법 및 eDNA 보존방법과 같이 매우 다양한 항목들을 고려해야 한다. 특히 환경에서 eDNA를 채집하는 방법은 eDNA 농도와 직결되는 항목으로서 적절한 채집방법을 사용하여 eDNA를 채집할 때 정확한 분석결과를 얻을 수 있다. 또한 현장에서 채집한 eDNA를 보존하고 추출하는 과정에서도 정확한 방법을 사용하였을 때 현장에 분포하는 eDNA의 농도를 정확하게 파악할 수 있다. 특히 eDNA 연구를 시작하는 연구자들에게 eDNA 분야는 초기 진입 장벽이 매우 높은 기술로서 이를 위한 기초 자료가 매우 절실하다. 본 연구에서는 본 연구는 eDNA가 수생태계를 연구하기 위한 도구로서 보다 널리 이용되며, eDNA를 이용하기 시작하는 연구자들에게 도움을 주고자 수생태계에서 eDNA를 채집하고 및 운반하는 방법과 실험실에서 eDNA를 추출하는 방법을 소개하고, 보다 간편하고 효율적인 eDNA 채집 도구와 방법을 제시하였다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared the stability of odor compounds in three different types of polymer sampling bags. Tedlar, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and aluminized polyester bag were used. A sample was collected from the interior of a new automobile which was parked in an outdoor parking lot. It was found that the Tedlar bag showed lower stability for odor active compounds than the PET bag. Meanwhile, the PET bag had good stability for odor compounds compared to the aluminized polyester bag. The PET bag showed a stability for the molecules smaller than toluene that was comparable to the canister, but showed a lower recovery for molecules bigger than C7. The FID signal of the sample in the PET bag was reduced by 1.7times after 3days storage compared to 24 h storage. The number of detected odor active compounds was reduced by half, and odor intensity was also decreased by 2~3 degrees. Considering the factors of repeated use, usability and price, a PET bag covered with a black plastic bag was the most appropriate approach for odor sampling in an automobile interior.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the influence of moisture removal using a moisture condensation tube on the odor concentration, when sampling a malodorous substance from an odor discharge facility’s emission sites. For high-temperature and humid gas streams, the odor concentration was decreased through the use of a moisture condensation tube. The multiple odor concentration of the high-temperature and humid gas streams emitted from boiler-burning equipment decreased from a 3,000 to a 1,221 dilution factor when using one or two moisture condensation tube. This multiple odor concentration was further decreased to a 1,000 dilution factor by using two moisture condensation tubes and glass beads, and also was decreased to a 374 dilution factor by using two moisture condensation tubes and silicagel. Among the designated offensive odorous substances, ammonia, trimethylamine and acetaldehyde that have high solubility in water showed high reduction rate of their concentration. Compared to the result using a sampling tube only, the concentration was decreased by 94.8% ~ 97.7% for ammonia, by 87.5% ~ 95.9% for trimethylamine and by 100% for acetaldehyde. The findings of this study indicate that sampling using a moisture condensation tube affects the concentration of multiple odors. Therefore, it is considered that using a sampling tube only for emissions sampling enhances analytical accuracy and precision rather than using moisture condensation tube with sampling tube, even for the emissions containing moisture.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is one of the major insect pests of cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. The spatial distribution and occurrence of Aphis gossypii Glover on greenhouse cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., were studied to provide an efficient and reliable sampling plan for its control. A highly clumped pattern was observed among plants (TPL b = 1.63) within a greenhouse. To develop a sampling plan for visual enumeration, leaves within plants were selected by different percentages of leaves (eg., 3rd and 6th, 6th and 9th leaf,…from the bottom of the plant) and then compared the accuracies and efficiencies by relative net precision (RNP). The results indicated that selecting leaves from the bottom of the plant by systemic sampling methods were relatively high as other sampling methods.
        2010.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the QA/QC test for the combined application of DNPH cartridge – HPLC/UV method was investigated in the collection and analysis of formaldehyde in air using three types of DNPH cartridge samplers made by three independent manufacturers. For these experiments, gaseous standards of formaldehyde (FA) were prepared at 7 concentration levels that fell in the range of 44.1~3400 nmol/mol. According to our analysis, the levels of cartridge blank (0.13 ~ 0.26 ng) are found to be fairly high to require routine check up for each experiment. The recovery patterns of FA were highly comparable between different cartridge products, when standard gases are supplied in the concentration range up to 177 nmol/mol. All 3 types of DNPH cartridge exhibited highly similar recovery rates at concentrations below 1.7 ㎛ol/mol, while the maximum recovery was attained from the product B. The overall results of our study suggest that one should calibrate the samples in the optimal range of recovery with routine check up of blank values.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To find out the affection of the sampling techniques to the result of a faunistic study, we surveyed the insect fauna of the Chungbuk National University (four different sites) for a year, from spring to fall. For each site, four different collecting methods: light trap, net sweeping, pitfall trap, and window trap, were applied and the collecting was done every other week for a total of 16 times. A total of 14 orders and 672 species were collected. 501 species were collected by the light trap, which covers about 75% of the total number of species, turn out to be the most effective, while other methods could only cover 18% or less. On average, only about 30% of the species collected at a given time of collecting were re-collected at the next collecting, which means about 70% of the species collected from the first collecting remains not collected in the next collecting if you collect insects every other week. The result suggests that, in addition to applying diverse collecting methods, frequent sampling, or narrow sample window, is another very important factor for a good representation of species diversity in an insect faunistic study.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        청동방아벌레의 발생소장과 생태적 특성을 야외의 망실(670m, 3개동)과 사육실(, RH, L16/DB)내에서 조사하였다. 월동성충은 5월 상순에 발생하기 시작하여 6월 상순에 가장 많이 발생하였으며 6월 하순 이후에는 성충의 발생은 보이지 않았다. 총 마리수에 대한 발생비율은 6월 상순과 5월 하순이 각각 를 차지하여 이 시기에 대부분의 성충이 발생하는 것으로 조사되었다. 산란은 6월 중순부터 시작하였고, 부화는 7월 상순에 시작하였다. 7월 중순에 용화가 시작되어 약 한 달 후인 8월 중순에 성충으로 우화하기 시작하였다. 난기는 23일, 용기는 21일이었으며, 성충의 산란전기는 약 10개월, 유충기는 약 30개월로 추정되었다. 유충은 토양깊이 10-15cm 사이에서 (1997)- (1998)가 분포하였다. 감자포장내 방아벌레 유충의 밀도조사를 위해 6가지 유인미끼(감자조각, 당근조각, 고구마조각, 통밀, 옥수수 알갱이, 밀가루 반죽)를 토양깊이 15 cm에 묻고 5일, 10일 후에 각 미끼별 유인된 마리수를 조사한 결과, 방아벌레 유충을 가장 많이 유인한 미끼재료는 감자조각으로 10일째 회수 시에 개당 평균 1.8마리가 조사되었고, 통밀, 고구마 조각이 각각 1.6, 1.4마리였다. 따라서 감자포장내의 방아벌레 유충의 밀도조사법으로, 파종을 위한 경운 전에 감자조각을 땅속 15cm 깊이에 묻고, 10일 후 회수하여 감자 조각에 유인된 유충의 마리 수를 조사하는 것이 효과적이었다
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        풍요표본추출기 법증에 서도 층화표본추출법플 이용한 적웅척 증요표본추출기법이 일반적 으로 가장 합리적인 것 으 로 알려져 있다. 그러나 확릅장 유한요소모형분제와 갇이 기본 확률변수의 규모 가 큰 경우에 는 층화표본추출법에 서 요구되는 기본적인 표본점의 규 모가 급즙하여 효플성이 떨어지게 된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 한계성 윤 극복하 기 위하여 충화표본추출에서 7] 본확-플변수룹 사용하는 대신에 기본확률변 수뜰의 함수이며 새로운 확률변수인 응답 값흙 이용하는 방법 음 개발하였다 여기에서 웅답값은 일반적인 함수형태로 표시퍼지 않으며. 한 번의 응답계 산에 많은 계산량이 소요되므로 이러한 운제점윤 해결하기 워하여 응답변식 윤 이용한 층화표본추출볍 윤 개발하였다‘ 개 발된 기법에서는 기본확률 변수의 모의발생균묘는 기존의 기본확률변수를 이용한 층화표본추출법에서 보다 증가하 지만 매우 많은 계산량찰 요구하는 실제 응답해석규모는 웅답연삭윤 이용함으로써 획기적으로 감소되었다. 확히 본 기법은 기 본확륨변 수의 규모가 크고 대상한계상태의 파괴 확블이 낮응-수룩 기존의 방법과 비교해 효율성이 증대되 는 것으르 분석되었다,
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충남부여에 위치한 임업화훼단지내의 유리온실에서 아치형재배(Arching method)장미에 피해를 주는 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch)의밀도를 엽당 응애수로 조사하였다. 이항표본 조사법은 엽당 점박이응애의 평균밀도(m)와 점박이응애가 T 개체보다 많이 존재하는 엽의 비율()과의 관계를 기본으로 하며, T는 경험적 이항분포모형(ln(m)=+1n(-1n(1-)))에서의 tally threshold 로서, 본 실험에서는 1, 3, 5, 7, 9를 사용하였다. 일반적으로 표본단위 수의증가는 T와 상관없이 이항분포 모형의 정확도에 영향을 거의 주지 않게 된다. 본 실험에서는 상이한 T에 따라 이항분포모형의 정확도가 차이가 났으며 T가 증가할수록 정확도가 높아졌다. 본 실험결과 점박이응애의 밀도추정을 위한 이항분포모형의 정확도를 비교한 결과, T=7인 경우가 최적의 tally threshold인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이항분포조사법의 검정을 위하여, 동일한 포장의 독립적인 표본을 추출, 조사하였다. 본 실험결과 이항표본조사법을 이용한 상업적 유리온실의 아치형재배 장미해충인 점박이응애 평균밀도 추정에는 T=7인 경우가 가장 적절한 것으로 사료된다.
        2019.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The groundwater quality through livestock excreta survey based on “Act of the management and use of livestock excreta” was investigated by selecting sampling sites within 1 km of the farmland without considering hydrogeological units. However, these sites can be affected by various pollution sources such as chemical fertilizers and livestock excretions. Additionally, the effects of pollution sources on groundwater quality in the sites cannot be clearly distinguished from naturally occurring backgrounds. In this study, a method was developed to select the sampling sites for groundwater quality through livestock excreta survey in order to understand the effects of pollution sources especially livestock excreta. First, the concentrations of nitrate within the radius of 200 m, 300 m, 500 m and 750 m, respectively, from the farms regarded as pollution sources in hydrogeological units were compared in 2016-2017. All the nitrate concentrations at 200 - 500 m from the farms exceeded a background concentration, 13.3 mg/L. Those at 750 m and the background concentrations measured by the Ministry of Environment were comparable. Therefore, the appropriate radius was suggested as 500 m for livestock excretions survey. In this study, the areas within 500 m from the farms could be considered under the influence of livestock excretions, while those beyond 500 from the pollution sources as background in hydrogeological units. The developed method was validated by applying it to the sites selected based on both administrative divisions and watersheds for livestock excretion survey. The average densities for the developed method were 0.82 and 0.39 points/km2, respectively, which were considered as appropriate levels according to those of the European Environmental Agency.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        주택법에 근거하여 철근콘크리트 공동주택의 리모델링 시 최대 3개층의 수직증축 및 기존 세대수의 15%까지 증축이 가능하게 되 었다. 수직증축 리모델링 가능 여부는 안전진단 기준 및 매뉴얼을 바탕으로 기울기 및 침하, 내하력, 내구성 평가 부문에 대한 조사를 통하여 평가하고 판정하도록 되어 있다. 그러나 현행 증축형 리모델링 안전진단 기준 및 매뉴얼은 재건축 안전진단 기준과 비교하여 조사대상표본 수를 증대시키는 등 보수적인 것으로 평가되고 있으며, 특히 내구성 평가 부문에 검토 및 개선이 필요한 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수도권 지역 공동주택의 증축형 리모델링 안전진단 조사 사례에 대한 내구성 조사 항목 중 콘크리트 탄산화를 대상으로 통계적인 수법에 의해 표본 수 합리화 방안을 제시하였다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Interest in the measurement of siloxane which reduces energy efficiency of biogas, has increased with its market extend. Even though the impinger absorption method takes long sampling time of 2-3 hours and need a complicated equipment, it has been typically used for the sampling method of siloxane. This study was conducted to apply the gas bag sampling method with tedlar bag and aluminium bag for improving the method of siloxane sampling. To compare efficiencies of siloxane sampling, the manufactured gas, landfill gas, and digestion gas were used as sample gases. According to the result, materials of gas bags did not cause measurement error and there was no loss of siloxane by adsorption on the inner surface of gas bag. The result of D4 calibration in the tedlar bag, showed higher than 0.99 in the coefficient of determination. In case of digestion gas, the analysis results of two samples collected by the tedlar bag and the impinger absorption were almost same. The differences of analysis result between landfill gas and digestion gas were considered due to the short sampling time and the absence of gas storage tank.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to investigate spatial distributions of total deposition. A total number 79 samples were collected at 17 sampling sites from September 1999 to January 2000. Total (=wet+dry) atmospheric depositions were collected by filtered deposition sampler at sampling site (the Western Part of Kyongsangnam Province). In addition, the deposition of soluble and insoluble fraction was also investigated to find a suitable simplified collection method for a long-term monitoring of total deposition. The total depositions were measured soluble amount(mm/month), insoluble amount(kg/km2/month), pH, conductivity(E.C.) and eight ionic components. The spatial distribution of deposition flux was to estimated by using a kringing analysis. The 17 sites mean fluxes of water soluble ionic components; SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ were 100.7~315.6kg/km2/month, 30.1~234.3kg/km2/month, 64.4~139.4kg/km2/month, 7.5~68.3kg/km2/month, 10.7~48.7kg/km2/month, 5.6~27.9kg/km2/month, 4.5~17.5kg/km2/month, 27.6~81.7kg/km2/month, respectively.