Lithium (Li) is a key resource driving the rapid growth of the electric vehicle industry globally, with demand and prices continually on the rise. To address the limited reserves of major lithium sources such as rock and brine, research is underway on seawater Li extraction using electrodialysis and Li-ion selective membranes. Lithium lanthanum titanate (LLTO), an oxide solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries, is a promising Li-ion selective membrane. An important factor in enhancing its performance is employing the powder synthesis process. In this study, the LLTO powder is prepared using two synthesis methods: sol-gel reaction (SGR) and solid-state reaction (SSR). Additionally, the powder size and uniformity are compared, which are indices related to membrane performance. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy are employed for determining characterization, with crystallite size analysis through the full width at half maximum parameter for the powders prepared using the two synthetic methods. The findings reveal that the powder SGR-synthesized powder exhibits smaller and more uniform characteristics (0.68 times smaller crystal size) than its SSR counterpart. This discovery lays the groundwork for optimizing the powder manufacturing process of LLTO membranes, making them more suitable for various applications, including manufacturing high-performance membranes or mass production of membranes.
A lead-free bulk ceramic having a chemical formula Ba0.8Ca0.2(Ti0.8Zr0.1Ce0.1)O3 (further termed as BCTZCO) is synthesized using mixed oxide route. The structural, dielectric, impedance, and conductivity properties, as well as the modulus of the synthesized sample are discussed in the present work. Analysis of X-ray diffraction data obtained at room temperature reveals the existence of some impurity phases. The natural surface morphology shows close packing of grains with few voids. Attempts have been made to study the (a) effect of microstructures containing grains, grain boundaries, and electrodes on impedance and capacitive characteristics, (b) relationship between properties and crystal structure, and (c) nature of the relaxation mechanism of the prepared samples. The relationship between the structure and physical properties is established. The frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric properties reveal that this complex system has a high dielectric constant and low tangent loss. An analysis of impedance and related parameters illuminates the contributions of grains. The activation energy is determined for only the high temperature region in the temperature dependent AC conductivity graph. Deviation from the Debye behavior is seen in the Nyquist plot at different temperatures. The relaxation mechanism and the electrical transport properties in the sample are investigated with the help of various spectroscopic (i.e., dielectric, modulus, and impedance) techniques. This lead free sample will serve as a base for device engineering.
MgB2 bulk superconductors are synthesized by the solid state reaction of (MgB4+xMg) precursors withexcessive Mg compositions (x=1.0, 1.4, 2.0 and 2.4). The MgB4 precursors are synthesized using (Mg+B) powders. Thesecondary phases (MgB4 and MgO) present in the synthesized MgB4 are removed by HNO3 leaching. It is found thatthe formation reaction of MgB2 is accelerated when Mg excessive compositions are used. The magnetization curves ofMg1+xB2 samples show that the transition from the normal state to the superconducting state of the Mg excessive sam-ples with x=0.5 and x=0.7 are sharper than that of MgB2. The highest Jc-B curve at 5 K and 20 K is achieved forx=0.5. Further addition of Mg decreases the Jc owing to the formation of more pores in the MgB2 matrix and smallervolume fraction of MgB2.
In this study, green barium strontium silicate phosphor (BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+) was synthesized using a solid-statereaction method in air and reducing atmosphere. Investigation of the firing temperature indicates that a single phase of BaSrSiO4is formed when the firing temperature is higher than 1400oC. The effect of firing temperature and doping concentration onluminescent properties are investigated. The light-emitting property was the best when the molar content of Eu2O3 was 0.025mol. Also, the luminescent brightness of the BaSrSiO4 fluorescent substance was the best when the particle size of the bariumwas 0.5µm. BaSrSiO4 phosphors exhibit the typical green luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Eu2+. The characteristics of thesynthesized BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+ phosphor were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy.The maximum emission band of the BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+ was 520nm.
GdBa2Cu3O7-y(Gd123) powders were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method using Gd2O3 (99.9% purity), BaCO3 (99.75%) and CuO (99.9%) powders. The synthesized Gd123 powder and the Gd123 powder with Gd2O3 addition (Gd1.5Ba2Cu3O7-y(Gd1.5)) were used as raw powders for the fabrication of Gd123 bulk superconductors. The Gd123 and Gd1.5 bulk superconductors were fabricated by sintering or a top-seeded melt growth (TSMG) process. The superconducting transition temperature (Tc,onset) of the sintered Gd123 was 93 K and the transition width was as large as 20 K. The Tc,onset of the TSMG processed Gd123 was 82 K and the transition width was also as large as 12 K. The critical current density (Jc) at 77 K and 0 T of the sintered Gd123 and TSMG processed Gd123 were as low as a few hundreds A/cm2. The addition of 0.25 mole Gd2O3 and 1 wt.% CeO2 to Gd123 enhanced the Tc, Jc and magnetic flux density (H) of the TSMG processed Gd123 sample owing to the formation of the superconducting phase with high flux pinning capability. The Tc of the TSMG processed Gd1.5 was 92 K and the transition width was 1 K. The Jcs at 77 K (0 T and 2 T) were 3.2×104 A/cm2 and 2.5×104 A/cm2, respectively. The H at 77 K of the TSMG-processed Gd1.5 was 1.96 kG, which is 54% of the applied magnetic field (3.45 kG).
Nanocrystalline powder could be synthesized by solid-state reaction using the mixture which was prepared by a high energy milling process in a bead mill for and nanocrystalline powders mixture. Effect of the milling time on the powder characteristic of the synthesized powder was investigated. Nanocrystalline with a particle size of 50 nm was obtained at . High tetragonal powder with a tetragonality(=c/a) of 1.009 and a specific surface area of was acquired after heat-treatment at for 2 h. High energy ball milling was effective in decreasing the reaction temperature and increasing the tetragonality.
[ Zn2(1-x)MnxSiO4 ]0.07≤x≤0.15) green phosphor was prepared by solid state reaction. The first heating was at 900˚C-1250˚C in air for 3 hours and the second heating was at 900˚C in N2/H2(95%/5%) for 2 hours. The size effect of SiO2 in forming Zn2SiO4 was investigated. The temperature for obtaining single phase Zn2SiO4 was lowered from 1100˚C to 1000˚C by decreasing the SiO2 particle size from micro size to submicro size. The effect of the activators for the Photoluminescence (PL) intensity of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ was also investigated. The PL intensity properties of the phosphors were investigated under vacuum ultraviolet excitation (147 nm). The emission spectrum peak was between 520 nm and 530 nm, which was involved in green emission area. MnCl2·4H2O, the activator source, was more effective in providing high emission intensity than MnCO3. The optimum conditions for the best optical properties of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ were at x = 0.11 and 1100˚C. In these conditions, the phosphor particle shape was well dispersed spherical and its size was 200 nm.
DSC와 XRD를 사용하여 Zr/Si 다층박막의 고상반응에 의한 비정질상과 결정상 생성 및 상전이를 확인하고 이를 유효구동력 개념과 유효생성열 개념 및 phase determining factor(PDF)모델을 이용하여 예측한 결과와 비교하였다. Zr/Si 다층박막은 비정질호 반응이 잘 일어났으며 이는 유효구동력 개념으로 예측한 바와 일치하였다. Zr/Si 계에서 생성되는 최초의 결정상은 ZrSi 였으며 유효생성열과 PDF모델로부터 예측된 최초의 결정상은 PDF 모델의 예측 결과와 일치하였다. Zr/Si 다층박막의 원자조성비가 1대 1일경우와 1대 2일 경우의상전이는 ZrSi→ZrSi2로 되었으며 이러한 상전이 과정은 유효생성열 다이아그램으로 해석되었다. ZrSi의 생성기구는 핵생성이 율속임을 규명하였고 ZrSi와 ZrSi2의 생성에 필요한 활성화에너지는 1.64±0.19eV와 2.28±0.36eV이었다.
Co/Si계에서 고상확산에 의하여 비정질상이 생성되는지의 여부를 유효구동력 개념을 이용하여 예측하였으며 유효생성열 개념 및 PDF모델로부터 결정상의 생성과 상전이를 예측하였다. 한편, DSC와 XRD를 이용하여 Co/Si다층박막에서의 비정질상의 생성여부와 결정상의 생성 및 상전이를 확인하여 모델로부터 예측한 결과와 비교하였다. Co/si계에서는 비정질상이 성장하지 않았으며 이는 유효구동력 개념으로부터 예측된 결과와 일치하였다. Co/Si계에서 생성되는 최초의 결정상은 CoSi였으며 유효생성열과 PDF모델로부터 예측된 최초의 결정상은 각각 CO2Si와 CoSi였다. 따라서 Co/Si계에서 생성되는 최초의 결정상은 구조적인 요소를 고려해 PDF모델의 예측결과와 잘 일치하였다. 증착당시 Co와 Si의 조성비가 2대 1일경우와 1대 2일 경우의 상전이는 각각 CoSi → Co2Si와 CoSi → Co2Si → CoSi → CoSi2의 초기단계의 생성기구는 각각 핵생성이 율속이었으며, 이들의 생성에 필요한 활성화에너지는 각각 1.71, 2.34, 2.79eV이었다.
본 연구는 고상법으로 형광체를 합성하였다. 모체 물질은 La2W3O12에 활성제로 Eu3+이온을 첨가하여 활성제 조성 변화에 따른 XRD 분석과 여기 및 방출 스펙트럼 및 온도에 따른 형광 스펙트럼 분석과 수명시간을 측정하였다. La2W3O12:Eu3+의 1 mol%의 XRD 스펙트럼은 ICSD 카드 (78180)에 보고된 데이터 스펙트럼과 비교하였을 때 XRD 스펙트럼이 잘 일치함을 확인 하였다. La2W3O12형광체에 활성제로 Eu3+이온 1 mol%를 첨가한 여기 스펙트럼에서는 286 nm 근처에서 286 nm 넓은 전하전달밴드가 관찰된다. 이 전하전달밴드는 WO4그룹과 Eu3+이온의 전하 전달 밴드이며 O2--W6+,O2--Eu3+의 ligand-to-metal 전하 전달 흡수가 이루어진다. 350〜500 nm 영역에서는 Eu3+의 f-f 전이에 의한 피크가 나타났다. 여기 스펙트럼에서 Eu3+의 7F0 → 5D4,5D4,5L6,5G4,5D3,5D2전이에 해당한다. 방출 스펙트럼은 280, 395 nm로 각각 여기한 결과 Eu3+이온의 5D0 → 7F2(618nm)에서 강한 피크가 보였다. 희토류 이온이 도핑 되지 않은 La2W3O12형광체를 266 nm로 여기하여 온도에 변화 따른 방출 스펙트럼은 저온에서 상온으로 갈수록 형광의 세기가 약하게 나타났다. 온도에 따른 수명시간은 7 K(114 μs), 100 K(94 μs), 200 K(10 μs), 300 K(0.5 μs)로 나타났다.