IIn the context of site response analysis, the use of shear wave velocity ( ) profiles that consider the seismological rock ( ≥ 3,000 m/s) depth is recommended. This study proposes regression analysis and machine learning-based models to predict deep profiles for a specialized excavated rock site in South Korea. The regression model was developed by modifying mathematical expressions from a previous study and analyzing the correlation between and model variables to predict deep beyond 50 m. The machine learning models, designed using tree-based algorithms and a fully connected hierarchical structure, were developed to predict from 51 m to 300 m at 1 m intervals. These models were validated by comparing them with measured deep profiles and accurately estimating the trend of deep variations. The proposed prediction models are expected to improve the accuracy of ground motion predictions for a specialized excavated rock site in Korea.
Strong ground motions at specific sites can cause severe damage to structures. Understanding the influence of site characteristics on the dynamic response of structures is crucial for evaluating their seismic performance and mitigating the potential damage caused by site effects. This study investigates the impact of the average shear wave velocity, as a site characteristic, on the seismic response of low-to-medium-rise reinforced concrete buildings. To explore them, one-dimensional soil column models were generated using shear wave velocity profile from California, and nonlinear site response analyses were performed using bedrock motions. Nonlinear dynamic structural analyses were conducted for reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame models based on the regional information. The effect of shear wave velocity on the structural response and surface ground motions was examined. The results showed that strong ground motions tend to exhibit higher damping on softer soils, reducing their intensity, while on stiffer soils, the ground motion intensity tends to amplify. Consequently, the structural response tended to increase on stiffer soils compared to softer soils.
Spasticity, a frequently encountered symptom in patients with upper motor neuron (UMN) syndrome, poses a significant challenge, negatively affecting function, activity, and social engagement. Despite the acknowledged benefits of exercise in the rehabilitation of UMN syndrome, therapy sessions often trigger an unwelcome increase in muscle stretch reflex activity, resulting in considerable muscle tension despite improvements in function and activity levels. Despite the recognized benefits of exercise in UMN syndrome rehabilitation, there's often an undesirable rise in muscle stretch reflex activity during therapy, leading to considerable muscle tension despite improvements in function and activity levels. The challenge lies in identifying effective strategies that enhance function, activity, and participation while curbing excessive muscle tension caused by heightened stretch reflex activity. Spasticity significantly disrupts the daily lives of affected individuals and presents substantial challenges for caregivers. However, existing methods for measuring and evaluating spasticity have their limitations and are susceptible to errors. This article describes both established and innovative methods utilized for quantitative spasticity assessment and management of spasticity, with the overarching goal of improving the definition of spasticity and identifying assessment techniques suitable for clinical application.
일반적으로 속도 펄스를 가진 지반운동이 속도 펄스가 없는 지반운동에 비하여 구조물에 보다 큰 손상을 줄 수 있다고 알려져 있다. 지진가속도기록으로부터 속도 펄스의 유무의 판정과 이를 정량화하는 연구가 현재 많이 진행되어 오고 있다. 기존 지진기록들을 단 층으로 떨어진 거리를 기준으로 원거리 지진과 근거리 지진으로 구분하였다. 또한, 근거리 지진은 속도 펄스의 유무를 정량화하여 펄 스를 가진 지진과 펄스를 가지지 않은 지진으로 구분하였다. 최종적으로 각 지진그룹별로 40개의 원거리지진, 40개의 속도 펄스를 가 진 근거리 지진과 40개의 속도 펄스를 가지지 않은 근거리 지진을 선정하였으며, 총 120개 지진가속도 기록을 지진취약도 평가를 위 한 지진해석에 사용하였다. 세 그룹의 지진을 이용하여 납-고무받침과 탄성받침을 가진 두 종류의 예제교량에 대한 지진응답을 평가 하여 확률론적 지진요구도 모델을 작성하였다. 확률론적 지진요구도 모델을 이용하여 지진취약도 해석을 수행하여 속도 펄스의 유무 에 따른 지진취약도 영향을 분석하였다. 지진파의 속도 펄스 유무에 따른 지진취약도 곡선의 비교 결과로부터, 속도 펄스를 가진 지진 의 지진취약도가 속도 펄스가 없는 지진의 지진취약도가 약 3배~5배 정도 정도 크게 나타난다. 이는 속도 펄스를 가진 지진의 경우가 그렇지 않은 지진의 경우에 비하여 교량의 손상 피해가 크다는 것을 의미한다.
항만 내 선박과 부두의 사고를 예방하기 위하여 통항 및 접안 안전성 평가를 통하여 안전한 부두가 건설되어 관리하고 있으나, 선 박의 접안 및 계류 과정에서 선박이 부두에 충돌하거나 로프로 인한 인명사고의 발생 등 예측할 수 없는 사고들이 종종 발생한다. 자동계류장 치는 선박의 신속하고 안전한 계류를 위한 자동화된 시스템으로 로봇 매니퓰레이터와 흡착 패드로 구성된 탈/부착 메커니즘을 가지고 있다. 본 논문은 자동계류장치의 흡착 패드의 위치 및 속도제어에 필요한 선체와의 변위 및 속도 측정 시스템을 다룬다. 자동계류장치에 적합한 측 정 시스템을 설계하기 위하여, 본 논문은 우선 센서의 성능 및 실외 환경적 특성 분석을 수행한다. 다음으로 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 실외 부두환경에서 설치되는 자동계류장치에 적합한 변위 및 속도 측정시스템의 구성 및 설계 방법에 대해 기술한다. 또한 센서의 측정상태 감지 및 속도 추정을 위한 알고리즘을 제시한다. 제안된 방법은 다양한 속도 구간에서의 변위 및 속도 측정 실험을 통해 그 유용성을 검증한다.
This paper is written as a follow-up observations to reinterpret the radial velocity (RV) of HD 36384, where the existence of planetary systems is known to be ambiguous. In giants, it is, in general, difficult to distinguish the signals of planetary companions from those of stellar activities. Thus, known exoplanetary giant hosts are relatively rare. We, for many years, have obtained RV data in evolved stars using the high-resolution, fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). Here, we report the results of RV variations in the M giant HD 36384. We have found two significant periods of 586 d and 490 d. Considering the orbital stability, it is impossible to have two planets at so close orbits. To determine the nature of the RV variability variations, we analyze the HIPPARCOS photometric data, some indicators of stellar activities, and line profiles. A significant period of 580 d was revealed in the HIPPARCOS photometry. H𝛼 EW variations also show a meaningful period of 582 d. Thus, the period of 586 d may be closely related to the rotational modulations and/or stellar pulsations. On the other hand, the other significant period of 490 d is interpreted as the result of the orbiting companion. Our orbital fit suggests that the companion was a planetary mass of 6.6 𝑀J and is located at 1.3 AU from the host.
The propagation speed of a circumstellar pattern revealed in the plane of the sky is often assumed to represent the expansion speed of the wind matter ejected from a post-main-sequence star at the center. We point out that the often-adopted isotropic wind assumption and the binary hypothesis as the underlying origin for the circumstellar pattern in the shape of multilayered shells are, however, mutually incompatible. We revisit the hydrodynamic models for spiral-shell patterns induced by the orbital motion of a hypothesized binary, of which one star is losing mass at a high rate. The distributions of transverse wind velocities as a function of position angle in the plane of the sky are explored along viewing directions. The variation of the transverse wind velocity is as large as half the average wind velocity over the entire three dimensional domain in the simulated models investigated in this work. The directional dependence of the wind velocity is indicative of the overall morphology of the circumstellar material, implying that kinematic information is an important ingredient in modeling the snapshot monitoring (often in the optical and near-infrared) or the spectral imaging observations for molecular line emissions.
The engineered barrier system (EBS) for deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste requires a buffer material that can prevent groundwater infiltration, protect the canister, dissipate decay heat effectively, and delay the transport of radioactive materials. To meet those stringent performance criteria, the buffer material is prepared as a compacted block with high-density using various press methods. However, crack and degradation induced by stress relaxation and moisture changes in the compacted bentonite blocks, which are manufactured according to the geometry of the disposal hole, can critically affect the performance of the buffer. Therefore, it is imperative to develop an adequate method for quality assessment of the compacted buffer block. Recently, several non-destructive testing methods, including elastic wave measurement technology, have been attempted to evaluate the quality and aging of various construction materials. In this study, we have evaluated the compressive wave velocity of compacted bentonite blocks via the ultrasonic velocity method (UVM) and free-free resonant column method (FFRC), and analyzed the relationship among compressive wave velocity, dry density, thermal conductivity, and strength parameter. We prepared compacted bentonite block specimens using the cold isostatic pressure (CIP) method under different water content and CIP pressure conditions. Based on multiple regression analysis, we suggest a prediction model for dry density in terms of manufacturing conditions. Additionally, we propose an empirical model to predict thermal conductivity and unconfined compressive strength based on compressive wave velocity. The database and suggested models in this study can contribute to the development of quality assessment and prediction techniques for compacted buffer blocks used in the construction of a disposal repository.
The nonlinear simple pendulum is investigated to find the exact closed-form analytical solution, satisfying initial conditions of angular position and angular velocity. While previous numerous studies have been conducted on the nonlinear simple pendulum, the exact closed-form analytical solution still remains not available in public domain for the most general initial condition including initial angular velocity as well as initial angular displacement. In this paper, the exact closed-form analytical solution for the general initial conditions is derived using Jacobi’s elliptic function and elliptic integral. The result was verified by comparing it with previous studies and the numerical solution of the equation of motion through the Runge-Kutta integration method.
The changes in COD, TOC, T-P, and T-N concentrations were investigated for 2 years in the constructed wetland of Sookcheon, which was installed to improve the water quality of Daecheong reservoir in South Korea. In order to evaluate the pollution level of sediments in the wetland, settling velocity of particulate material (4 times) and sedimet material contents (6 times) were measured. COD and TOC concentrations increased slightly as they passed through wetlands, and T-N and T-P concentration tended to decrease. The material content (COD, T-P, T-N) of aquatic plants was higher in floating-leaved and free-floating macrophytes than emergent macrophytes. As a result of measuring the sedimentation rate of suspended materials, most of the suspended materials introduced into constructed wetlands were sedimented at a rapid rate in the first sedimentation site. In addition, sediment pollution of T-P and T-N in constructed wetland was in severe pollution. The sediments containing a large amount of T-P and T-N were eluted by physical and chemical environmental changes, which is likely to act as internal pollution sources in wetlands.
In order to analyze the pressure drop of the fluid passing through the hydraulic coupler, a flow model using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis technique was developed and the fluid flow rate and pressure distribution inside the coupler were analyzed. The analysis model was corrected by comparing the pressure drop measurement using a 6.35mm hydraulic coupler with the ISO reference value and the simulation prediction value. Using the calibrated model, the flow rate and pressure drop of 13 types of hydraulic couplers distributed on the market were analyzed, and their performance was determined by comparing them with ISO reference values. In the case of type A coupler, the pressure drop was generally higher than the ISO reference value, and in the case of type B coupler, the pressure drop was similar to or lower than the ISO reference value. It was confirmed that the complex flow analysis inside the hydraulic coupler could be easily performed through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and based on this, problems could be identified and performance could be improved performance.
A Cu-15Ag-5P filler metal (BCuP-5) is fabricated on a Ag substrate using a high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray process, followed by post-heat treatment (300oC for 1 h and 400oC for 1 h) of the HVOF coating layers to control its microstructure and mechanical properties. Additionally, the microstructure and mechanical properties are evaluated according to the post-heat treatment conditions. The porosity of the heat-treated coating layers are significantly reduced to less than half those of the as-sprayed coating layer, and the pore shape changes to a spherical shape. The constituent phases of the coating layers are Cu, Ag, and Cu-Ag-Cu3P eutectic, which is identical to the initial powder feedstock. A more uniform microstructure is obtained as the heat-treatment temperature increases. The hardness of the coating layer is 154.6 Hv (as-sprayed), 161.2 Hv (300oC for 1 h), and 167.0 Hv (400oC for 1 h), which increases with increasing heat-treatment temperature, and is 2.35 times higher than that of the conventional cast alloy. As a result of the pull-out test, loss or separation of the coating layer rarely occurs in the heat-treated coating layer.
In this study, we propose a flow velocity evaluation scheme based on pressure measurement in pressurized pipeline systems. Conservation of mass and momentum equations can be decomposed into mean and perturbation of pressure head and flowrate, which provide the pressure head and flowrate relationship between upstream and donwstream point in pressurized pipeline system. The inverse impedance formulations were derived to address measured pressure at downstream to evaluation of flow velocity or pressure at any point of system. The convolution of response function to pressure head in downstream valve provides the flow velocity response in any point of the simple pipeline system. Simulation comparison between traditional method of characteristics and the proposed method provide good agreements between two distinct approaches.
우리는 CFHT에 부착된 OASIS 분광기, MR 1 그리즘으로 관측한 방출선 중, Hβ와 [O III] 5007 방출선을 분 석하여, 제 2형 세이퍼트 은하 Mrk 1의 운동학적 특성을 파악하였다. [O III] 금지선의 가우시안 선 윤곽 분석을 통해 초과하는 청색 이동 성분의 방출 영역이 비대칭적으로 보이는데, (1) 은하 중심부 약 960 pc거리에서 플럭스는 최대를 보이고, (2) 은하 중심부에서 NS 방향으로 ~900 km s−1인 큰 선폭 지역이 있음을 확인하였다. 두 원소의 분광 영상에서 보이는 시선 속도의 특징은 NE 방향에서 접근하는 가스의 흐름이, SW 방향으로 적색 이동, 즉 멀어지는 가스의 흐름 이 나타나 반시계 방향 은하의 회전 경향성을 보여준다. 시선 속도 자료로부터 은하 중심은 우리를 향해 접근하는 먼 지 가스가 가리고 있음을 파악하였다.
Novel Ni- and Fe-based alloys are developed to impart improved mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The designed alloys are manufactured as a powder and deposited on a steel substrate using a high-velocity oxygen-fuel process. The coating layer demonstrates good corrosion resistance, and the thus-formed passive film is beneficial because of the Cr contained in the alloy system. Furthermore, during low-temperature heat treatment, factors that deteriorate the properties and which may arise during high-temperature heat treatment, are avoided. For the heattreated coating layers, the hardness increases by up to 32% and the corrosion resistance improves. The influence of the heat treatment is investigated through various methods and is considered to enhance the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the coating layer.