The study investigated if teaching summarizing skills could improve the summary skills of Korean EFL university students. This study involved 38 university freshmen in a required English course and were randomly chosen as the control and experimental groups. The experimental group was taught through summarizing rules, while the control group was engaged in other lessons during the intervention period. The students’ summaries were analyzed as to how effectively the participants paraphrased and integrated the main ideas, the major supporting details, and accurate information from source text into their summaries. The results show that a significant instruction effect was observed in the summary writing performance of the experimental group, in identifying main ideas and major details and paraphrasing and integrating ideas, compared to the control group, which showed a significant change between the first and second summaries only on the accuracy measure. The results are also supported by the questionnaire on students’ perceptions of the instruction.
이 연구는 국가 수준 영어 교육과정에서 지도하도록 의도하고 있는 어휘, 문법, 의사소통기능, 내용 요소 등을 아우르고 있는 중학교 영어 교과서의 본문에 대해 질문 중심 하브루타 형식의 토론을 통해 학생들의 이해 수준을 심화하고, 본문의 내용을 확장한 주제로 과정 중심의 영어 작문을 지도했을 때, 영어 쓰기에 대한 학생들의 인식과 자아효능감에 구체적으로 어떠한 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 했다. 이를 위해, 질문 중심의 하브루타와 과정 중심 쓰기 지도 방법에 이론적 토대를 두고 3단계로 설계된 GROWTH라는 수업 모형을 고안했고, 2017년 3월부터 11월까지, 서울 서부에 소재한 중학교 3학년 두 학급의 학생 54명을 대상으로 수업시간 중 해당 수업모형을 적용했다. 수업모형 적용 전후, 설문을 실시한 결과, 해당 수업 모형은 짝‧모둠 중심의 토의·토론에 대한 학생들의 인식에 긍정적인 영향을 주었고, 영어 쓰기에 대한 학생들의 자아효능감을 향상시켰으며, 학생들로 하여금 영어 쓰기를 시도하고 연습하는 것의 중요성을 일깨웠음이 드러났다. 이와 같은 연구 결과는 중학교 수업 현장에서 과정 중심 수행평가의 일환으로 보다 적극적으로 영어 쓰기를 지도할 필요가 있음을 시사한다.
This research is aimed at developing Web-Based Instructional Media in the Indonesian senior high school writing class. The Dick and Carey Model (2009) was employed as the development model. The steps began with identifying instructional goals, conducting instructional analysis, analyzing learners and contexs, writing the performance objectives, developing assessment instruments and instructional strategies, developing and selecting instructional materials, designing and conducting formative evaluation of instruction, revising, and finally designing and conducting summative evaluation. The overall results identified that the Educational Technology Expert validation reached 94.62%, the Media Expert reached 99.04%, and the Matter Expert reached 85.00%. These results proved that the use of Web-Based Instructional Media significantly improved the students’ writing skills. The small group trial demonstrated 78.38%, while the field trial 82.79%; these showed that the Web-Based Instructional Media could be implemented both in the small group and the field trial. In conclusion, the results of the expert validation and the field trials stated that the web-based instructional media is highly appropriate use in improving Bahasa Indonesian students writing skills.
Astronomy is one of the interesting but difficult topics in science for elementary education. Therefore, it is interesting to create astronomy activities that children can understand clearly. The researchers developed activities by using astronomy and botany to improve writing skills. They have to glue the local owers on the star pictures then write the name of those owers, the name of the constellation and write an essay describing their work. The participants are into two groups. 71 3rd year undergraduate students who registered for teaching and are learning science as an elementary education subjec, and 10 1st grade student from the laboratory school of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat university. We can conclude that both groups were more interested in astronomy, they can tell the name of local owers and not only used their imagination to create their work, but also to write great essays.
요즘에 청소년들이 즐기는 음악과 학교에서 배우는 음악이 서로 분리되어 있으며 사춘기적인 수줍음과 변성기로 인해 음악 수업시간에 잘 참여하지 않으려는 현실에서 흥미와 참여를 유도하기 위해 우쿨렐레라는 악기를 선택하여 PBL모둠별 활동으로 진행하였다. 악기 특성상 1대 1 지도의 해결책으로 모둠별 전문가 이끔이 방식을 적극 활용하였으며 음악 수업시간에만 한정하지 않고 학급음악회, 교내음악경연대회, 점심시간을 이용한 틈새아르떼 공연, 지역주민과 같이 하는 교외 밖 틈새아르떼 공연 등 다양한 음악활동으로 음악수업에 흥미를 유발하는 계기가 되었고, 모둠원간의 활동으로 소통과 배려하는 마음과 교우관계가 돈독해 지고 있음을 알 수 있었으며, 발표할 수 있는 경험이 쌓이면서 자신감 상승으로 자아효능감을 신장시키게 되었다.
This study examined the effects of peer feedback combined with teacher feedback on L2 writing. From a review of related studies, several factors were selected as predictors of L2 writing proficiency: L2 knowledge and composition skills, L2writing anxiety, and metacognitive knowledge on L2 writing. Participants were 75college students, who were randomly assigned to the experimental or the control group. Both groups received teacher feedback, while the experimental group performed peer feedback activities, and the control group did self-reflective revision in addition. Data were collected from teacher and peer feedback, timed writing, an L2writing anxiety survey, and evaluation of a sample essay. A statistical analysis revealed differences between teacher and peer feedback. Peer feedback combined with teacher feedback appeared to be beneficial for increasing L2 knowledge and lowering L2 writing anxiety. In the regression analysis, writing anxiety predicted the level of L2 knowledge and composition skills. Based on the findings, implications for L2 writing class and suggestions for future studies are presented.
본 연구는 탐구학습과 과정중심 쓰기 통합수업 모형을 적용하여 비판적·창의적 사고 능력을 신장시키는 데 그 목적이 있다. 지금까지 널리 활용되어 온 기존의 읽기 지도 모형들은 쓰기 과정과의 연계가 부족하다는 한계점을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 한계점을 극복하기 위하여, 현재까지 개발된 읽기 지도 모형 중 가장 학습자 중심의 읽기 교수·학습 모형이며, 읽기 과정과 쓰기 과정을 통합한 모형인 ‘Neo-SQ3R’ 모형을 적용하여, 실험반을 대상으로 사전․·사후 설문조사와 학생 소감문을 통해 모형 투입 전후의 비판적·창의적 사고능력에 대한 학습자 체감 정도를 검증하였다. 모형 투입 전·후 텍스트 재구성 여부 및 창의적 재구성 여부를 통해 비판적․창의적 사고능력 신장 정도를 검증한 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 탐구학습과 과정중심쓰기 모형을 적용한 문학 수업을 통해 비판적·창의적 사고능력이 신장되었다. 둘째, 읽기와 쓰기 과정을 통합한 교수․학습을 통해 총체적 국어사용능력이 신장되었다. 셋째, 학습자 중심의 읽기 교수․학습을 통해 자기주도적이고 적극적인 독자가 되었다.
This study investigated the relationship of collocations to reading and writing skills. Eighty-six Korean university students were given a collocation knowledge test, followed by a reading test; both lexical and grammatical collocations in the collocation test were extracted from the passages in the reading test. Subsequently, the students were given a writing test, and its topic was related to the content of the reading passages; both lexical and grammatical collocations appearing in their compositions were counted based on the classification criteria provided in The BBI Combinatory Dictionaty of English. The findings are as follows. There were no significant correlations between the students' co llocation knowledge and reading ski ll s. However, a significant correlation was found between writing quality and col location use. Good and poor readers were simil ar on average in both grammatical and lexical co llocations, which corroborates the nonsignificant relationship between reading and collocation knowledge. In contrast, good and poor writers showed significant differences in the use of both grammatical and lexical collocations, thus substantiating the significant correlation between writing quality and collocation use. The group difference was more pronounced in grammatical collocations. Across good and poor writers, lexical collocations were used much less than grammatical collocations. Taken together, these results support a need for EFL writers to learn both grammatical and lexical coll ocations to improve writing quality. The results also caution not to overgeneral ize the influence of co ll ocation knowledge on reading performance . •
This paper presents the rationale behind a newly-developed and implemented college freshman program designed to improve writing skills and the outcomes after one year running. In line with the current teaching trend of colleges in Korea, this program has several features such as placing the freshmen into different levels based on their writing skills, running class focusing on writing skills and giving a S/U grade. Comparisons between a pre-writing test and two post-writing tests show that this program has contributed to increasing the students’ writing skills. The students’ responses to the questionnaire of the program also endorse the test results. A couple of pedagogical implications concerning EFL writing education are suggested.
The article proposes some ways for improving students writing skills while teaching Russian in Korean universities. One has to admit that existing textbooks cannot be efficiently used in groups which include students with different level of language competence (such situation is currently common in Korean universities). Hence teachers need methods which, being are used together with textbooks, allow to raise learning efficiency in such non-homogeneous environment. One of the proposed ways is the use of private photos which should be prepared by students in advance. Such photos are necessarily related to individual memories of each student, so during exercises students rely on their own personal experiences evoked by the pictures. To describe a situation depicted by the photos, students are asked to write down some sentences. In her turn, a teacher should also suggest some questions connected with a situation which is reflected by a photo. A usual set consists of six questions (as a rule, with inclusion of the most widespread interrogative words: “when”, “where”, “who”, “what”, “how”, “why”). On each question the student should give a full answer in writing. The questions should be closely connected with the grammar studied by the students. Another proposed method is based on use of the short texts of Russian fiction. Since most Korean students are interested in Russian literature, these materials are quite useful. For exercise I usually chose Pushkin’s poem I loved you. This poem is not only a remarkable literary piece, but also possesses peculiar and representative grammar structure. Teacher asks students to count verbs, adjectives, and nouns which are encountered in the text of the poem. Then they should conjugate the verbs and decline the nouns and adjectives, to demonstrate the forms used in the dictionaries. This helps students to understand peculiar features of cases and conjugations. After they have mastered all words in the text, poem is divided into fragments which should be arranged in correct order. As a result students get acquainted with of Pushkin‘s language, and also learn some features of Russian verses. These methods encourage interest among students and can be successful used while teaching groups of students with different level of language skills.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate effects of writing instruction using comic strips on Korean students' English writing skills and learning attitudes. Using both narrative and descriptive writing tasks, the experiment was conducted for eight weeks with 120 secondyear middle school students. The experimental group had writing activities with comic strips, whereas the control group studied writing using the textbook or free writing. The results showed that the experimental group improved English writing skills more, and had more positive attitudes toward learning English, than the control group. Lower-level students in the experimental group showed a marked improvement in narrative writing, while upper-level students demonstrated a positive change in their attitudes. Through surveys, interviews, observation, and analysis of students' writing, it was revealed that the experimental group reacted differently depending on the contents and type of comic strips, and activity types. Comic strips that dealt with everyday life and were drawn humorously induced more interest, while those demanding cultural understanding diminished the students' motivation. Student participation increased when drawing their own strips and sorting cuts of comic strips into order.
외국어로서의 한국어 교육의 일차적인 목표는 의사소통 능력을 향상시키는 것이다. 의사소통 능력이란 말하기와 듣기, 읽기와 쓰기까지 포함하기에 어느 것 하나 소홀히 할 수 없다. 하지만 최근 한국어 교육에서 읽기와 쓰기의 연구는 짧고, 구체적인 쓰기 교육에 대한 방안도 부족한 실정이다. 또한 유창성의 흐름에 따라 학습자들이 말하기보다 쓰기 실력은 그 아래 단계에 머무는 한계가 드러나고 있다. 본고에서는 그 해결책의 하나로 문법지식을 활용한 일기쓰기를 제안하고자한다. 일기는 학습자들의 경험을 토대로 생각과 느낌을 표현하게 해 주면서 말하기를 확대시키는 도구가 되기도 한다. 또한 문법지식을 활용한 일기쓰기 연습을 통해 오류를 최소화하고 다음 단계로 나아갔을 때 정확하고 안정된 표현을 사용할 수 있도록 도움을 줄 것이다. 따라서 직접 학습자들에게 실험을 통해서 그 효과를 확인하고자 한다.