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        검색결과 2,868

        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 노인의 신체적·정신적 건강 향상을 위한 기능성 게임인 ‘팔도강산4’의 개발과 사용 성 검사에 대한 것이다. 2013년 개발한 ‘팔도강산3’에 이은 다음 버전으로서 ‘키넥트’가 단종되면 서 ‘키넥트2’를 사용해야 했으며, 개인 아이디를 도입하여 개인별 운동 데이터를 축적함으로써 매 플레이마다 자기의 이전 평균과 비교하여 바로 성과를 알 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 과거의 장터 배경에 실제 마트 배경을 추가하였고, 개인이 숙지할 수 있도록 튜토리얼도 추가하였다. 2016 PlayX4에서 전시하였으며, 40명의 사용성에 대한 설문조사 결과를 분석한 바, 전작에 이 어 노인들에게 유익함의 가능성을 볼 수 있었다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the morphological features and the chemical composition characteristics of Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia humifusa fruits were investigated. The length of minor and major axis, and weight of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits were compared as the morphological features. The characteristics of components such as color, moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids were evaluated. The values of O. ficus-indica fruits were higher than those of O. humifusa fruits in each morphological feature such as minor axis, major axis, and weight. According to the Hunter color index results, O. humifusa fruits showed higher values of L (lightness) and b (yellowness), whereas O. ficus-indica fruits showed higher value of a (redness). The ΔE value between two samples was 19.80. The O. ficus-indica fruits had higher carbohydrate content and lower content of crude ash than those of O. humifusa fruits. Both samples showed very high dietary fiber contents, and the major minerals were K and Ca. Glutamic acid was the major amino acids in both samples. In free amino acids contents, O. ficus-indica had higher tyrosine and lower glutamic acid level than those of O. humifusa fruits. γ-aminobutyric acid was found in both samples, whereas taurine was found in O. ficus-indica fruits only. Taken together, the morphological features and chemical quality of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits showed difference although both of them were originated from the same genus.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was focused on the relationship between horticultural preference and parenting attitude of parents having elementary school students. Because a human’s preference of plant was inhered an image of one’s life. This study carried out to define the variables related to horticultural preference and parenting attitude, for promotion in horticultural activity program of parent. For this study, the data was collected from 193 parents having elementary school child from May to July, 2015 at Seoul, and Jeonju city. The major variables related to parenting attitude were grade of children, dialogue hour with their children, understanding of their children, intimate, number of breakfast, occupation, family income, growing activity. And the relationship between parenting attitude and horticultural preference were marked statistical difference at plant classification into need a supporting stick, foodstuff, life time of plant, individual or community growth, cook and industrial arts or ornamental plants. Especially it was concerned in achievement, rationality, affection of parenting attitude.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was conducted to provide a basis for the development of healing programs utilizing the existing infrastructure of the rural education farm in the process of looking for early application plan of ‘Agro-healing’. The purpose of operating the farm was in order production・ process・sales and education, and then, healing. The production・process・sales was the highest (p=0.000). All farms have had signs or bulletin board, parking. Gender-separated toilets, and basin was held 90% or more. The farm which was held cultivation facilities for disabled in wheelchair was found to be 9.6%. Regular employee was minimum 1 people including owner up to 10 people, an average of 3.7 people were working, a welfare horticultural therapist is the highest as a retain qualification. The purpose of operating program in the farm was education, it was the highest. The most utilizing resources were agricultural work for operation the programs (p=0.000). The program was developed by owner themselves in the most of farms. Regular employment was found to be 6.7%. The age of participant was in order elementary schoolchild and then toddlers. Group form of visiting was school unit or work unit mostly. Target who needed help appeared to alcohol drug addicts and then handicapped, the number of people of participating at the same time was minimum 10 to 100 people. 79% of respondents had the intend of introducing healing program and transition to healing farm. Subject who respondents wanted to access for the next healing program was elementary schoolchild. Number of participants which respondents wanted as a group was 15. Most general people wanted the emotional experience which stimulated the emotion and mood such as positive emotions, joy, and pride. If we introduce the program for healing utilizing the infrastructure of the rural education farm, it might contribute to explore new spaces for creative agriculture and the early settlement of ‘Agro-healing’.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to understand the public recognition about the concepts and literary definition ‘curing, healing’ as a reporter for basic research to be able to use the meaning of the terms and terminology related to ‘agro-healing’. The public was aware that ‘curing’ and ‘healing’ are different, ‘healing’ is natural compared to ‘curing’, ‘do’ is for ‘curing’, ‘become’ is for ‘healing’. This is interpreted as ‘curing’ is active, ‘healing’ is ‘passive’ and natural processes manually. And also, ‘healing’ is required for those who do not have a problem and was recognized as priority access to psychological and social purposes. ‘Healing’ has the means to cure the sick and disease, and the target of ‘sick, disease’ include abstract and mental. It equals to literary definition. Based on these results, in order to promote the ‘agro-healing’ in Korea, it will have to go to find the direction focused on the psychological and social purpose to highlight the differences between the results obtained with the medical approach. This study looked at with meaning and usage of english vocabulary. The area which is discussed as ‘agro-healing’ in Korea is expressed as green care’, ‘care farming’, ‘green care farming’, ‘social farming’, etc. in Europe. There are presented translation of the term differently for each scholar, Rural Development Administration has proposed as ‘agro-healing’ in final. How to use the english vocabulary may not be considered, but to develop the ‘agro-healing’ as science, brand name and industry internationally, which english brand name will be used should also be important. When we saw the meaning of many english vocabulary, including usage and discussion, the word ‘healing’ which means the healing in humans is considered the best goal-oriented and well known term that reflects the current social trends. when combined ‘agri’ which means the ‘land’ comes from the Latin word as a expression that encompasses rural resources with ‘healing’, ‘agro-healing’, it could be used as english name which has comprehensive meaning that is healing and rural resource utilization through agriculture.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chlorides have an strong effect on durability of concrete. So, Damage cases of RC bridge structure subjected to chloride were collected through precise safety inspection for effective maintainance of concrete bridge.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Dowel rebar is key parameter to control the lateral displacement in the sliding slab track. The lateral support block of the sliding slab track is supported by the dowel rebar. In this study, selected parameter (rebar diameter) was expected to affect the performance and behavior of the dowel rebar in the sliding slab track. Furthermore, evaluation of the shear behavior of dowel rebar compared to the results of the Soroushian et al. (1986) and CEB-FIP (2010).
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Impact Severity is important parameter to design concrete barrier in South Korea. However, maximum load and load-time history graph showed different depending on parameters under vehicle impact loading. Therefore, in this study, analysis according was conducted to various impact conditions such as vehicle mass and impact velocity under same impact severity. Obtained results from load-time history graph showed key parameter is velocity compared to vehicle mass.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Steel pipe pile, which is used for the base of structures, need the reinforcing head method to prove enough dynamic performance. Currently there are various reinforcing head methods are used, but most of them have problems of structural complications and heavy charges. Thus, this study is to develop a reinforcing head method for steel pipe piles using hook type bending reinforcement, which can fix piles using nuts, and experimentally prove structural performances.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지방자치제도는 지역 간 경쟁구도를 견인하였고, 각 지역은 강력한 지역아이덴티티 구축 및 강화를 위한 차별화 전략을 필 요로 하게 되었다. 지역의 차별화란 지역고유의 역사, 자연, 산업, 생활, 문화, 가치 등의 요소를 통해 형성되는 특성화 이미 지 구축전략으로 이해할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락으로 지역의 특성화 이미지를 활용한 문화관광상품은 지역을 이해하는 연상 이미지 형성의 역할을 담당할 뿐 아니라, 관광활동 중 체득된 체험요소들을 기억하게 도와주는 회상자원이 될 수 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 이에 따라 지역 고유성을 대표하는 관광자원의 특성화 이미지 발굴 및 이를 활용한 문화관광상품 개발을 위한 연구를 진행하여, 독창적이고 지속가능한 지역아이덴티티 강화 전략의 하나로 제시하고자 한다. 연구의 공간적 범위로는 지역문화의 정체성을 핵심평가지표로 제시하고 있는 국제슬로시티의 기준을 통과하고 재지정에 성공한 전주한옥마을을 선정하였다. 선행연구 및 현장조사를 통하여 관광목적지에서 유통되는 대부분의 상품들이 그 독창 성과 차별성을 나타내지 못하는 현실을 반영하였으며, 특히 전주한옥마을의 지역아이덴티티 강화는 물론 오랜 시간 축척되 어온 도시브랜드 전략의 일관성을 담아내고자 노력하였다. 전주한옥마을의 문화적 정체성과 연결되는 대표자원을 선정하 고, 특성화 이미지 요소 발굴을 통한 디자인 전략을 도출하였으며, 이를 활용하여 실제 판매유통이 가능하도록 다양한 문화 관광상품 예시를 제안하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의와 차별성을 확인할 수 있다.
        2016.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to identify initial predictive factors of meningitis among the febrile neonates. Retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 147 cases who admitted the neonatal intensive care unit due to fever (temperature ≥ 38.0 ℃) from 2010 to 2014. Lumbar puncture was performed on every case before administration of antibiotics. 37 cases (25.2%) were diagnosed as meningitis, who included 7 cases of bacterial meningitis (4.8%). When we compared meningitis group with non-meningitis group (110 patients), moaning was statistically higher in meningitis group. In a comparison of bacterial meningitis with aseptic meningitis (30 patients), grunting, fever peak on admission day and C-reactive protein were significantly higher in bacterial meningitis group.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal appearance and the chemical composition characteristics of cladode of Opuntia humifusa were investigated in this study. The minor (horizontal) and major (vertical) axes, the width, and weight of O. humifusa cladode were compared for its appearance features. Moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, color, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids contents were measured for the comparison of their chemical composition characteristics. The cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed higher values of minor and major axis, width, and weight than those harvested in winter. According to the results of Hunter color index, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed the highest lightness level (Hunter L value). In the meanwhile, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in spring showed the highest Hunter a (redness) and b (yellowness) values. Cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer had the lowest crude protein and crude fat contents, while it showed the highest crude ash content. The total contents of moisture and dietary fiber were significantly greater than summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa followed by spring- and winter-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. The major mineral content of all seasonal cladode of O. humifusa was Ca2+. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the major amino acids in all seasonal samples. Contrary, the contents of total amino acids and free amino acids were the lowest in summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. Taken together, it was concluded that the appearance and chemical quality of cladode of O. humifusa was versatile depending on the harvesting season.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Jonathan’ apples are relatively small size which contributes to enhancing fruit consumption and gaining popularity. Thus, this study was carried out to evaluate the effects of AVG (aminoethoxyvinylglycine, ReTain®), sprayable 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene, HarvistaTM), and fumigation 1-MCP (SmartFreshTM) applications on fruit quality attributes and storability in ‘Jonathan’ apple fruits during cold-stored. The Jonathan fruits were dipped with either ReTain (75 mg/L) or Harvista (125 mg/L) solutions for 5 min, or fumigated with SmartFresh (1 mg/L) for 18 hr before storage at 0±1℃ for 75 days. Flesh firmness and titratable acidity remained higher in all pre-treated apples than control ones during cold storage period. Flesh firmness was higher for apples treated with ReTain and SmartFresh than samples treated with Harvista, while soluble solid content and respiration rate were not affected by sample pretreatment. Internal ethylene concentration (IEC) of all pretreated apples remained below about 4.5 μL/L during the entire storage period while that of control sample greatly increased to 10.29 μL/L. Ethylene production was much higher in control fruits than in treated ones during cold storage. These results indicated that ReTain and 1-MCP treatments would be considerably effective in retention of fruit quality attributes of ‘Jonathan’ apple during cold-stored.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate effects of indoor horticultural therapy program based on ‘relaxation - cognitive behavior - social support’ strategy on quality of life, stress and serotonin of woman cancer patients. Subjects were 18 female cancer patients. Experimental group of 9 members received a horticultural therapy program and control group of 9 members did not receive a horticultural therapy program. The horticultural therapy program was conducted, for 90 minutes per session, once a week, total 8 times. And this study was performed from 9. Nov. to 28. Dec. in 2015. As a results, horticultural therapy program made significant improvement in emotional condition among sub-category of quality of life, nervousness, depression and frustration among sub-category of stress. Also the program decreased the total stress score with significant increased level of serotonin comparing to control group. This result means that depression mood in cancer patients was improved. In summary, horticultural therapy program focused on indoor activities based on ‘Relaxation-social support-cognitive behavioral’ strategy could be utilized as supporting program for psychological health for cancer survivors.
        2016.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Algal blooming in 4 major rivers introduces substantial impacts to water front activity. Concentrations of algae are increasing at major points along the Geum River. Ecosystem food webs can be affected by algal blooming because blue-green algae release toxic materials. Even though there have been many studies on blue-green algae, its causality to environmental factors has not been completely determined yet. This study analyzed the exclusive correlation between various hydrometeorological, water quality, and hydrologic variables and the cell number of cyanobacteria to understand causality of blue-green algae in the Geum River. A prewhitening process was introduced to remove the autocorrelation structure and periodicity, which is useful to evaluate the effective relationship between two time series.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research is to conduct a survey on Plant Attitude Scale, Emotional Intelligence, Aggression Scale and Verbal Aggressiveness Scale of 540 elementary schoolchild and to analysis on credibility, descriptive statistics and correlation by SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) Version 21. Both Plant Attitude Scale (Importance of plant, function of urban trees, interest on the plant, utilization of plant) and Emotional Intelligence (emotion recognition, empathy, emotion control ability) present significant correlation. The higher grade of plant attitude including higher emotional intelligence. in the entire of plant attitude, the most of subcategories of emotional intelligence indicate significant correlation. Importance of plant and interest on the plant has more significant correlation with emotional intelligence. As Plant Attitude Scale and Aggression Scale (physical aggression, anger, hostility) present the significant negative correlation, it shows that the higher plant attitude, the lower aggression. The plant attitude indicates very significant correlation between physical aggression and anger in physical aggression and anger as well as importance with plant. In case of function with urban trees, it shows the higher physical aggression, anger and interest on the plant, the lower physical aggression. While Plant Attitude Scale and Verbal Aggressiveness Scale (Swear, ridicule, taunt, threat, curse) present significant negative correlation, the higher plant attitude, the lower verbal aggressiveness. The plant attitude indicates that there is significant negative correlation in swear, ridicule, curse among the verbal aggressiveness. In the subordinate scope, especially in importance of plant, it shows significant difference that grade of sear gets lower as the higher swear and curse including case of swear, ridicule and function of urban trees and also there are higher points with sear, ridicule, curse and utilization of plant in case of interest on the plant.