The purpose of this study was to identify the state of demersal fish resource catch by small trawlers, which live in the southern waters off Goheung. We investigated the results of catch of sample fishing vessels, and performed fishing experiments using the actual fishing operation vessels from early November in 2002 till end of October in 2003. The daily amount of catch per vessel of the 35 small trawlers selected as sample vessels was the highest in summer seasons(June and July) as 70kg and the lowest in winter seasons(January and February) as 45kg and Octopus minor occupied as 17 to 30kg nearly 30% of the total catch. Additionally the catch of Octopus minor per vessel, per dragging hour ranges 3 to 6kg, which is the highest in March and June and the low in January to February, April to May and September. In the fishing experiments using small trawler, during the study period, a total of 75 fish species were collected. The number of individuals by species consisted 58.2% in Shrimps, 17.8% in Fish, 2.3% in Cephalopod. Of these, Parapenaeopsis tenella was the highest in 29.2%, Squilla oratoria and Crangon hakodatel was 14.6% respectively and Octopus minor was 0.2% of the total number of individuals. As far as the appearance number of individuals by month was concerned, February was the highest and then May, April and June followed in order, and October showed the lowest. Additionally the monthly catch per dragging was the lowest in December to January as 20kg and the highest in July as 160kg. Specially, Octopus minor was caught throughout the year regardless of season and the catch was the highest at the period from March to June. When looking into the body mean length of dominant fishes caught, we could observe the followings; Trachurus japonicus 8.9cm, Cynoglossus robustus 10.8cm, Muraenesox cinereus 15.3cm, Setipinna taty 10.3cm, Amblchaeturichfhys hexanema 9.3 cm and Collichthys niveatus 8.9cm, most of which were in their immaturity when they were caught.
본 논문에서는 우라 정부가 무선인터넷 플랫폼에 대한 표준(WIPI)을 지정한 조치가 WTO 규정에 위반되는지 여부를 분석하였다. 이는 그동안 한미간 통상분쟁이 되었다가 일단 봉합된 사건이다. 분석의 핵심은 우리나라 정부가 상호호환성 확보, 소비자 보호 및 공정경쟁환경의 조성 등을 정책적 이유로 하여 무선인터넷서비스를 위한 플랫폼에 단일 표준을 강제하는 것이 WTO 협정 위반인지의 여부이다. 우선 기술적무역장벽에관한협정(TBT Agreement) 위반 여부와 관련하여는 제2조 위반여부를 따져보았다. WIPI기술규정에 관하여 국제기준이 존재하지 않는다는 가정하에 비차별원칙의 위반 여부는 GATT협정상의 내국민대우원칙 위반여부와 마찬가지의 쟁점이 대두된다. 결론적으로는 다른 TBT협정상의 절차적 규정을 준수하면서 WIPI의 기준을 도출하는 과정에서 국내업자에게 유리한 조건을 창출하지 않았다면 위반의 가능성이 낮아진다. 서비스협정은 국내규제와 관련한 조항이 아직 협상 중이기 때문에 내국민대우원칙 위반만이 문제될 수 있으나 이는 GATT나 TBT협정상의 내국민대우원칙 위반 여부와 마찬가지 논리가 적용된다. 보조금협정 위반의 가능성은 매우 낮다. 근본적으로 WIPI기술규정의 WTO협정 위반여부는 동 기준을 채택하고 적용함에 있어서 사실상 우리나라 관련 사업자에게 유리한 대우가 있는지의 여부에 따라 결정될 것이므로 정부 입장에서는 이를 유의함이 중요하다.
The number 01' patien ts with tongue carcinoma is increasing rapidly among young indiv idua ls in many parts of the worl d. Until now‘ most of studies were focused on the comparison malignancy wi th normal 01' dysplasia. There is little report of gene a lterations in normal to cancer , oral carcinogenesis. The purpose of present study is to evaluate the gene a ltc ration in every steps of oral carcinogenes is by DD- PCR. To induce tongue carcinoma in rat by 4- NQO. each dri nking water made 10ppm. 25ppm. 50ppm and control(o nly D.W without 4-NQO) . Specimens were classified into 4 groups s uch as co ntrol, I(mild & mocle rate dysplasia) , II(severe dysplasia and car cinoma in s itu) , III(carcinoma). Total RNA was ext racted and DD- PCR was performed using customized random primers. And to confïrmed t he results of DD-PCR‘ RT- PCR a nd real-time PCR with specific primers were carried out. There was phenotypic alteration in tongue 。f dosc a nd t imc dc pcndcnt man ncr. In gross examination, multiple papules, patch form or ulcerations were observed during 4 - NQO t reatment Hi s tologicall y, dysplasia was observed in 3 to 6 month and tumor formation in 6 to 8 month For DD-PCR, RT-PCR and real-time PCR, cyclophilin A, BAC RP23-372MB and BAC CH230-103E9 were differ entia lly expressed. Taken together, cyclophilin A has a role in all steps of oral carcinogenesis. BAC RP23-372N田is implica ted in carcinoma in s itu a nd BAC CH230-103E9 mRNA expression is assoicated with dysplasia and carcinom in s itu Conclus ively. some genes a re impli catcd a ll st eps of oral carci nogenesis, others are associated with one step, whi ch meant that genes are di fferentia lly expressed in every steps
This paper considers six sigma projects for the PCB industry. This paper is divided into the following four parts. In the first part, the concept and properties of six sigma management are introduced. In the second part, some tools of six sigma project using DMAIC phases are studied for a PCB manufacturing process. In the third part, some tools of six sigma project using DMADOV phases are considered for a PCB research and development process. Finally, some tools of six sigma project for a PCB transaction process are given.