This study explored effects of a sludge-based biochar addition on nitrogen removal of membrane bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment. The membrane fouling reduction by the biochar addition was also investigated. A dose of 3 g/L of the biochar was applied to an MBR (i.e., BC-MBR) and treatment efficiencies of organic matter and nutrient were analyzed. The MBRs with powdered activated carbon (i.e., AC-MBR) and without any additives were also operated in parallel. The average removals of COD and TN were improved with the biochar addition compared to those with the control MBR. Interestingly, operational duration was also increased with biochar addition. The CLSM analysis revealed that biomass amounts of BC-MBR and AC-MBR were reduced by more than 40%, and thickness of the biofilm attached to the membrane surface also was decreased. The physical properties of biochar surfaces were compared with a commercial powdered activated carbon. The specific surface area with 38 m2/g and pore volume with 0.13 cm3/g of the biochar were much smaller than those of the powdered activated carbon, which were 1100 m2/g and 0.67 cm3/g, respectively. Manufacturing conditions for the biochar production needs to be further investigated for enhancing physical properties for adsorption and biological improvement.
PURPOSES : This study aimed to develop data conversion of NGII HD maps to OpenDRIVE format for virtual road implementation for autonomous-driving verification.
METHODS : A method of defining the reference line of OpenDRIVE on the centerline of an NGII HD map is proposed. According to the construction characteristics of the NGII HD map, the optimal conversion method through parametric cubic polynomials was used in the form of piecewise and clamped cubic polynomials.
RESULTS : The study focused on curved roads that may cause problems when converting HD map data into OpenDRIVE formats. As a result of data conversion, a reference line was defined to precisely follow the alignment of NGII HD maps drawn based on MMS data, and a lively virtual road was reproduced through road lane width and lane expression.
CONCLUSIONS : A virtual road in the same environment as a real road, which is one of the important factors in verifying autonomous driving technology through virtual driving simulation, was constructed. The piecewise-polynomial normal was 0.008 m on average, and as a result of calculating the distance between the endpoint coordinates of the road object and the endpoint coordinates of the converted road object on the NGII HD map, the difference between the two points was 0.163 m on average. The clamped cubic polynomials normal was observed to be an average of 0.170 m.
Application of the membrane process to wastewater treatment and reuse has been increasing due to water shortage, water pollution and an increase in water demand. Membrane fouling including biofouling should be controlled to extend its application. In this study, modulation of diffusible signal factor (DSF) system, the quorum sensing (QS) system that regulates EPS formation by microorganisms, was considered as a promising option to manage biofouling. Among many DSF compounds, cis -2-Decenoic acids (CDA) was selected. The experimental results showed that, as the CDA concentration increased, the density and number of stained cells decreased. The lowest density was observed when the CDA concentration of 300 nM was applied. The EPS on membrane surface decreased with increasing concentration of CDA. The CDA dosing also affected the EPS composition. At the 300 nM CDA dose, the total EPS reduced by up to 57% and the protein fraction by 35%. This study revealed the biofilm reduction effect of CDA under various conditions for MBR sludge. The application of CDA can be adapted to control biofouling in the MBR process.
Numerous chemical modifications on activated carbon such as acidic conditioning, thermal treatment and metal impregnation have been investigated to enhance adsorption capacities of micropollutants in water treatment plants. In this study, chemical modification including acidic, alkaline treatment, and iron-impregnation was evaluated for adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). For Fe-impregnation, three concentrations of ferric chloride solutions, i.e., 0.2 M, 0.4 M, and 0.8 M, were used and ion-exchange (MIX) of iron and subsequent thermal treatment (MTH) were also applied. Surface properties of the modified carbons were analyzed by active surface area, pore volume, three-dimensional images, and chemical characteristics. The acidic and alkaline treatment changed the pore structures but yielded little improvement of adsorption capacities. As Fe concentrations were increased during impregnation, the active adsorption areas were decreased and the compositional ratios of Fe were increased. Adsorption capacities of modified ACs were evaluated using Langmuir isotherm. The MIX modification was not efficient to enhance 2,4-DCP adsorption and the MES treatment showed increases in adsorption capacities of 2,4-DCP, compared to the original activated carbon. These results implied a possibility of chemical impregnation modification for improvement of adsorption of 2,4-DCP, if a proper modification procedure is sought.
Ixodidae에 속하는 일부 참진드기들은 중증열성혈소판감소증후군(severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome; SFTS)을 비롯한 질병을 매개하는 공중보건학적으로 중요한 해충이다. 우리나라에서는 2013년 이후로 SFTS 환자 발생수가 지속적으로 증가하는 경향을 보이며, 경상북도는 전국적으로 2번째로 많은 SFTS 환자가 발생하는 지역이다. 본 연구에서는 2019년 경북 상주 지역의 진드기 분포를 조사하기 위해 시민의 생활 반경 주변을 도심 녹지지역, 관리 취약지역 및 농촌지역으로 구별하여 flagging 방법을 통해 진드기를 채집하였고, 채집 진드기내 SFTS 바이러스 보균 여부를 조사하였다. 채집된 진드기 수를 Collection Index (CI = tick number / 1h / 2 people)로 산출한 결과, 상주시 내 총 26개 지점에서 작은소피참진드기와 개피참진드기, 일본참진드기를 포함하는 총 CI 143의 진드기가 채집되었고, 그 중 작은소피참진드기가 96.5%(CI 138)로 우점종으로 확인되었다. 채집된 진드기의 약 92%(131 CI)는 인적이 드물고 시청이나 관계 당국의 관리가 이루어지지 않는 관리 취약지역에서 채집되었으나, 도심의 녹지지역와 농촌 지역에서는 8.4%(CI 12)의 진드기만 관찰되었다. 총 CI 143의 진드기를 26개 pooling 한 후 SFTS 바이러스 존재 여부를 조사하였으나, 모두 음성으로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 지역주민들로 하여금 진드기 매개 질병으로부터 안전한 생활을 하기 위한 권고 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
The point-of-use water dispenser systems are widely used because of convenience in handling and demand for high-quality drinking water. The application has been increased recently in the public places such as department stores, universities and the rest areas in express ways. Improvement of water qualities by the dispenser systems was compared with tap water in this study. The tap water is supplied to the dispenser as the influent of the dispenser system. The twelve dispensers in the public places were used. The five dispensers used reverse osmosis as the main filter and other dispensers used various filters such as ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and alumina filter. The water quality indicators for sanitation safety, i.e., turbidity and total coliforms, were evaluated. Other water qualities such as pH, residual chlorine, heterotrophic plate count (HPC), and total cell counts were also analyzed. By the point-of-use water dispenser, the turbidity, residual chlorine and pH were decreased and the HPC and total cell counts were increased. The t-test results revealed that the HPC of the tap waters were not significantly different from the treated waters but the total cell counts of the two groups were significantly different. The low pH of the RO filter treatment was also significantly different from the tap waters. This study will contribute to understand the role of the point-of-use water dispenser in improving water quality and to identify key water quality for the proper maintenance of the dispenser systems.
This study sought to classify the constructions of pronominal verbs for the purpose of effective education of the pronominal verbs. To this end, the prototype theory was applied to classification of the pronominal verbs. From the perspective of this theory, the pronominal verbs are classified into 7 categories: reflexive, reciprocal, passive, no-agentive, autonomous, parasitic and intrinsic. And the prototype theory was applied to each of theses 7 categories again. The beneficial effects of this categorization are as follows. In the perspective of linguistics, this categorization shows the pronominal verbs very clearly and in detail including exceptional uses which the traditional classification misses. In the perspective of pedagogy, the classification on the basis of the prototype theory enables the learners to grasp the pronominal verbs with ease. Because this classification method is characterized by consistency and classifies pronominal verbs in a very systematic and organized way. This method has great educational effects on the way that these characteristics reduce the learners’ psychological consumption.
Growth traits, such as body weight, directly influence productivity and economic efficiency in the swine industry. In this study, we estimate heritability for body weight traits usinginformation from pedigree and genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip data. Four body weight phenotypes were measured in 1,105 F2 progeny from an intercross between Landrace and Jeju native black pigs. All experimental animals were subjected to genotypic analysis using PorcineSNP60K BeadChip platform, and 39,992 autosomal SNP markers filtered by quality control criteria were used to construct genomic relationship matrix for heritability estimation. Restricted maximum likelihood estimates of heritability were obtained using both genomic- and pedigree- relationship matrix in a linear mixed model. The heritability estimates using SNP information were smaller (0.36-0.55) than those which were estimated using pedigree information (0.62-0.97). To investigate effect of common environment, such as maternal effect, on heritability estimation, we included maternal effect as an additional random effect term in the linear mixed model analysis. We detected substantial proportions of phenotypic variance components were explained by maternal effect. And the heritability estimates using both pedigree and SNP information were decreased. Therefore, heritability estimates must be interpreted cautiously when there are obvious common environmental variance components.
In this study, the effectiveness of electrodialysis in removing inorganic arsenic from groundwater was investigated. To evaluate the feasibility of the electrodialysis, operating parameters such as treatment time, feed concentration, applied voltage and superficial velocity were experimentally investigated on arsenic removal. The higher conductivity removal and arsenic removal efficiency were obtained by increasing applied voltages and operation time. An increase of salinity concentrations in arsenic polluted groundwater exerted no effects on the arsenic separation ratios. Arsenic polluted waters were successfully treated with stack voltages of 1.8 ~ 2.4 V/cell-pair to approximately 93.4% of arsenic removal. Increase flow rate in diluate cell gave positive effect to removal rate. However, increase of superficial velocity in the concentrated cell exerted no effects on either the conductivity reduction or on the separation efficiency. Hopefully, this paper will provide direction in selecting appropriate operating conditions of electrodialysis for arsenic removal.
본 연구에서는 녹차씨의 재배 지역별, 부위별 및 전처리 공정에 따른 추출 수율을 비교하고 Candida albicans, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii 및 Pichia membranifaciens에 대한 항효모 활성을 평가하였다. 보성과 하동 지역 녹차씨는 추 출 수율과 항효모 활성 비교 결과 차이가 없는 것으로 평가되었다. 녹차씨를 과피와 속씨로 분리하여 추출하고, 녹차 씨 추출물 및 녹차씨유와 항효모 활성을 비교한 결과 과피 추출물과 녹차씨유는 효모에 대한 저해활성을 나타내지 않 았으며, 녹차씨와 속씨 추출물은 동일한 항효모 활성을 나타내었다. 녹차씨와 속씨의 추출 수율은 각각 9.1%, 9.8%로 과피 유무에 따른 수율 차이는 크지 않았다. 녹차씨의 전처리 공정에 따른 추출수율 및 항효모활성 비교에서, 녹차씨 의 건조 상태(수분 함량), 분쇄 공정(롤, 믹서), 탈지 공정(헥산 처리, 유압기)에 따른 항효모 활성에는 차이가 없었으 며, 추출 수율의 경우 7.3% 수분함량, 믹서분쇄, 유압기 처리 녹차씨에서 각각 17.5%, 27.4%, 23.8%로 더 우수하였다.
본 연구에서는 항효모 활성 녹차씨 추출물의 항균 특성을 조사하기 위하여 식중독 및 식품 부패 미생물 18종에 대 한 항균 활성을 최소억제농도(MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration) 측정을 통하여 확인하였다. 실험 결과 녹차씨 추 출물은 모든 효모균에 대해 항균 활성을 나타내었으며, 곰팡이 중 Penicillium roqueforti와 세균 중 Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus의 3종에 대해 항균 활성을 나타내었다. 항효모 활성 녹차씨 추출물의 온도 안정성 실험 결과 121℃에서 15분, 70℃에서 24시간 열처리한 경우 항효모 활성이 다소 저하되는 결과를 보였다. 그러나 pH 안정성 및 내염성 실험에서는 모든 실험구에서 항효모 활성을 유지하여 안정한 결과를 나타내었다. 식품에 서 천연보존제로서 녹차씨 추출물의 적용가능성을 평가하기 위해 발효 요구르트, 장아찌 소스, 갈비 양념장에 산막효 모인 Pichia membranifaciens를 접종하고 녹차씨 추출물을 농도별로 첨가하여 생육저해활성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 물 추출물과 에탄올 추출물 모두 실제 식품에서 산막효모를 효과적으로 저해하였으며, 에탄올 추출물의 항효모 활성이 더 우수한 것으로 나타났다
vThis study analyzed the coat color-related genes of MC1R, ASIP, ECA3-inversion, and STX17 of 1,462 Jeju horses administered by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. This was done to investigate the distributional characteristics of coat color-related genes in the Jeju horse group and the changes of its coat color-related genes by generation. The genotype frequency of the MC1R gene of E+/E+ and E+/Ee related to black coat color was 0.122 and 0.447, respectively, while Ee/Ee of the chestnut genotype was 0.429. The genotype frequency of the ASIP gene of AA/AA, AA/Aa, and Aa/Aa was 0.46, 0.448, and 0.091, respectively, where the genotype frequency of Aa/Aa turned out to be relatively low. The To/To and +/To genotype that manifests the Tobiano shape was 0.001 and 0.119, respectively, with the share of Tobiano shape around 12%. The genotype frequency of G/G and G/g of STX17 related to grey coat color was 0.002 and 0.680, respectively, with the share of grey horses among the Jeju horse group at 68.2%. As for the change of coat color genes by generation, no large changes were observed in the MC1R and ASIP genes. In ECA3-inversion, the To allele that manifests Tobiano significantly decreased following the generational change (p<0.05), while the STX17 G allele related to grey coat color significantly increased following the generational change (p<0.05). It will be necessary to examine the coat color genes when selecting breeding horses so that the diversity of coat colors among the Jeju horse group can be maintained.
This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition and physico-chemical meat quality properties for Jeju-horse (Jeju-horse×Thoroughbred) with different fattening periods (4-, 8- and 13.5-month). In chemical composition, the moisture contents were decreased as the fattening periods increased. The fat contents were 3.78% at 4-months and they were decreased such as 70∼76% at 13.5-months whereas the protein contents increased as the fattening period increased. The cooking loss was highest (33.41%) at 4-months group and decreased after that periods, however, there was no significant difference among 3 fattening period groups. The Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) values were lowest at 4-months group and tended to increase as the fattening period increased. In mineral contents, the contents of Fe, Na, Zn were significantly higher for 4-month group than 8- and 13.5-month group whereas the contents of Mg were significantly lower for 4-month group than 8- and 13.5-month group (p<0.05). The results of the amino acid composition analysis showed that cystein, methionine, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, alanine, valine, lysine, histidine, arginine contents were significantly increased and tyrosine contents were significantly decreased as the fattening period increased (p<0.05). The contents of palmitic acid (C16:0) were highest at 4-month group and they decreased as the fattening period increased (p<0.05). The contents of oleic acid (C18:ln9) were highest at 8-month group and they were lowest at 13.5-month group. The total contents of unsaturated fatty acids were significantly higher for 13.5-month group than those for 4-month groups (p<0.05). In conclusions, the fat contents were decreased whereas the protein, Fe, Mg contents and WHC increased as the fattening periods increased. Overall contents of amino acids increased only except several amino acids. The total contents of unsaturated fatty acids were increased as the fattening period increased, however they were not significantly different when those were fattened more than 8-month. These results indicated that longer fattening period could be more effective to enhance horse meat quality.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane has high resistance to chlorine, which is a great advantages in chemical cleaning to recover water flux during membrane processes in drinking water systems. A humic kaolin water with approximately 4 mg/L of DOC and 10 NTU of turbidity was prepared as a feed water. Coagulation pretreatment with or without settling was applied. The coagulation with settling showed the greatest water production. The reduced flux was effectively recovered by NaOCl cleaning, i.e., 21% recovery by 50 mg/L of NaOCl cleaning and 49% recovery by 500 mg/L NaOCl cleaning. The images of SEM and AFM analyses were corresponded to the water flux variation. However, when the floc was accumulated on the membrane surfaces, the efficiency of NaOCl cleaning was substantially limited. In addition, dynamic contact angle became greater after cleaning, which indicates changes in characteristics of fouling layer such as surface hydrophobicity. Proper cleaning technologies during enhanced backwash using NaOCl would expand application of PTFE membranes in drinking water systems.
Biofouling in brackish water reverse osmosis (RO) membranes still needs extensive research to understand cause and mechanism and to obtain methods for reduction of its impact on RO applications. Natural compounds with biofilm formation inhibitory properties are being investigated. Two compounds, vanillin and Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were selected due to their great potential on biofilm formation inhibition. Vanillin shows inhibition on quorum sensing mechanisms of biofilm formation. EGCG has potential to inactivate microbial activity. The two compounds were incorporated in typical polyamide reverse osmosis membranes and evaluated on flux behaviours and biofilm formation potential. The surface properties of membrane coated with vanillin were changed tremendously compared to those with EGCG. As a result, the flux was reduced substantially. The biofilm formation seems hindered with EGCG coated membranes compared to the virgin membranes. More research is needed to optimize coating methods applicable to RO membranes and to enhance biofouling reduction.
It is important to predict chlorine decay with different water purification processes and distribution pipeline materials, especially because chlorine decay is in direct relationship with the stability of water quality. The degree of chlorine decay may affect the water quality at the end of the pipeline: it may produce disinfection by-products or cause unpleasant odor and taste. Sand filtrate and dual media filtrate were used as influents in this study, and cast iron (CI), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and stainless steel (SS) were used as pipeline materials. The results were analyzed via chlorine decay models by comparing the experimental and model parameters. The models were then used to estimate rechlorination time and chlorine decay time. The results indicated that water quality (e.g. organic matter and alkalinity) and pipeline materials were important factors influencing bulk decay and sand filtrate exhibited greater chlorine decay than dual media filtrate. The two-component second-order model was more applicable than the first decay model, and it enabled the estimation of chlorine decay time. These results are expected to provide the basis for modeling chlorine decay of different water purification processes and pipeline materials.
러시아는 17세기 말 표트르대제 이후 국가정책의 일환으로 유럽에서 발레를 도입하여 국가적 차원에서 적극적인 보호, 장려정책을 썼다. 그 후 발레는 상류사회의 문화개혁을 위한 목적으로 더욱 발전되었고 20세기초에 디아길레프의 「발레뤼스」로 러시아의 발레가 서구 유럽으로 진출 하게 되면서 탁월한 러시아 발레가 유럽과 미국등지에서 ‘신고전주의 발레’로 태동하게 된다. 1917년 러시아 사회주의 혁명으로 인하여 여러 어려운 과정을 거쳐 아나똘리 루나차르스키와 레닌 등 일부 혁명지도자들에 의해 발레가 보호, 지원, 장려받게되며 1930년대 중반이후부터 정 부에서 제도적으로 육성하게 된다. 1927년 발레가 혁명의 정당성과 영웅성을 그린 작품들이 나오면서, 혁명의 주체였던 프롤레타 리아들 대중을 위한 러시아 발레가 시작된다. 이 시대의 러시아 발레는 리얼리틱한 발레로 내용 과 형식에 있어서 구체적인 스토리의 전개와 등장인물들의 심리적 표현들을 관객들이 쉽게 이해 할 수 있도록 하였다. 이것은 주제의 선택 및 표현의 자유를 획득하였다고 할 수 있다. 러시아 발레의 특징은 체계적이고 엄격한 시스템에서 정부의 제도적인 지원을 받아 우수한 발레인구를 많이 확보할 수 있었고 예술적 성공뿐 아니라 이후 대중에 그 뿌리를 내릴 수 있었던 것이었다. 대중들이 공감할 수 있었던 주제와 소재를 선정하여 발레의 대중화에 성공함으로써 <돈키호 테>, <잠자는 숲 속의 미녀>, <백조의 호수> 등이 계승, 발전되어 전 세계에서 공연하게 된 역사적 의의를 혁명 후부터 도출하였다.
KWNP의 특정 손상에 대한 회복 효과에 대한 과학적인 접근을 하기 위해서 본 연구를 수행하였다. 실험은 STZ를 복강 주사하여 당뇨를 유발, 220mg dL-1 이상인 실험동물을 이용하여 수행되었으며 방사선 전신 조사 실험군과 KWNP 처리군 간의 각 항목 분석치를 비교, 분석하였다. 실험 5주간의 체중증가율은 방사선 처리군과 당뇨군 모두 대조군에 비하여 낮게 나타났으며 특히 당뇨군에서는 통계적으로 유의적으로 낮았다. 정소와 비장, 또 당뇨