
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,998

        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article reviews the US Supreme Court cases regarding detention of alleged terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and examines the interplay between international human rights law and the American Constitution with respect to the executive policies of the Bush Administration to detain terror suspects. The article first references the international human rights legal framework regarding detainees, specifically the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and then analyzes seminal cases brought before the Supreme Court by detainees, specifically how the Supreme Court interprets the US Constitution and international law in reaching its decisions regarding detainees at Guantanamo. While the Supreme Court provided detainees the right to challenge the legality of their detentions through habeas corpus petitions, limitations still exist as to the lack of extraterritorial application of rights protections as well as the domestic judicial failure to redress detainees’ subjection to torture and other abusive treatment.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 韓國語를 專攻으로 운영하는 海外의 大學 중 이탈리아대학에서 이루어지는 漢字授業을 위한 漢字敎材의 內容과 構成에 대해 具體的으로 논의한 것이다. 본고의 논의는 세 가지 部分으로 이루어졌다. 첫 번째는 序文에 해당되는 부분으로 한국어와 관련된 한자의 내용이 다루어졌다. 구체적으로, 韓半島에서의 漢字表記의 歷史, 漢字가 韓國語에 미친 影響 및 韓國語 內에서의 漢字의 位置 및 使用樣相 등을 論議하였다. 이 부분은 특히 非漢字文化圈 한국어 학습자에게는 필요한 교육 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 두 번째는 교육 대상이 될 한자와 한자어의 선정과 관련된 부분이다. 이를 위해 현재 해외의 대학에서 사용되고 있는 몇몇 韓國語敎材에 제시되어 있는 語彙 중 한자 및 한자어들을 대상으로 하여 네 가지 選定基準(造語力․頻度數․難易度․基礎字)에 따라 한자교재에서 다룰 한자를 選別하였다. 대상이 된 한자들은 다시 系列關係를 이루는 것이나 體系的으로 분류할 수 있는 것으로 묶어서 領域別로 제시되었다. 본고에서는 총 390여개의 한자와 이들 한자가 결합되어 사용되는 한자어 중에서 敎材, 日常生活, 時事的인 分野에서 자주 등장하는 것들을 選別하여 총 1110여개의 한자어를 제시하였다. 세 번째는 교재의 內容과 構成에 대한 부분이다. 이는 細部的으로 本文의 내용과 구성, 읽기의 내용과 구성, 연습의 내용과 구성으로 나누어져 구체적인 예를 통해 살펴보았다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Wastewater from textile industries is a major cause of water pollution in most developing countries. In order to address the issues of water pollution and high cost for treatment processes, the use of an inexpensive and environmentally benign adsorbents has been studied. The objective was to find a better alternative to the conventional methods. Lemon grass waste (ash) collected from a lemon grass stream distillation subunit in Bhutan was tested for dye removal from aqueous solutions. The study investigated the removal of methylene blue using the following operational parameters: initial concentration (100-600 mg/L), contact time, adsorbent dose (0.1-0.55 gm/100 mL), and pH (3-10). It was found that the percentage removal of dye increased with a decrease of the initial concentration and increased contact time and dose of adsorbent. The basic pH solution of dye showed better adsorption capacity as compared to the acidic dye solution. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were fitted to the data well. Data fitted better to Lagergren pseudo 2nd order kinetics than a 1st order kinetic model. Surface morphology was also examined via scanning electron microscopy. An elemental analysis was also carried out and the chemical composition and functional groups were analyzed using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy techniques, respectively. The obtained results indicate that lemon grass ash could be employed as a low cost alternative to commercial activated carbon in wastewater treatment for the removal of dyes.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the detection of an exoplanet candidate in orbit around σ Persei from a radial velocity (RV) survey. The system exhibits periodic RV variations of 579.8 ± 2.4 days. The purpose of the survey is to search for low-amplitude and long-period RV variations in giants and examine the origin of the variations using the fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph installed at the 1.8- m telescope of Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory in Korea. We present high-accuracy RV measurements of σ Per made from December 2003 to January 2014. We argue that the RV variations are not related to the surface inhomogeneities but instead a Keplerian motion of the planetary companion is the most likely explanation. Assuming a stellar mass of 2.25 ± 0.5 M⊙, we obtain a minimum planetary companion mass of 6.5 ± 1.0 MJup, with an orbital semi-major axis of 1.8 ± 0.1 AU, and an eccentricity of 0.3 ± 0.1 around σ Per.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many advanced ground-based solar telescopes improve the spatial resolution of observation images using an adaptive optics (AO) system. As any AO correction remains only partial, it is necessary to use post-processing image reconstruction techniques such as speckle masking or shift-and-add (SAA) to reconstruct a high-spatial-resolution image from atmospherically degraded solar images. In the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST), the spatial resolution in solar images is improved by frame selection and SAA. In order to overcome the burden of massive speckle data processing, we investigate the possibility of using the speckle reconstruction program in a real-time application at the telescope site. The code has been written in the C programming language and optimized for parallel processing in a multi-processor environment. We analyze the scalability of the code to identify possible bottlenecks, and we conclude that the presented code is capable of being run in real-time reconstruction applications at NVST and future large aperture solar telescopes if care is taken that the multi-processor environment has low latencies between the computation nodes.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Conservation biological control (CBC) is one of the pest management tactics based on protecting and maintaining natural enemies that already exist in the crop environment. Among many appropriate practices to control pests, CBC has been considered as a sustainable means and a less expensive alternatives to chemicals. It contains an introduction of non-crop plants as shelter habitat for providing natural enemies with food sources, overwintering or refuges shelters. As a small scale experiment of CBC, we tried to intercrop six kinds of floral plants (buckwheat, red clover, Agastache rugosa, Chrysanthemum indicum, Allium tuberosum, Lythrum anceps) with napa cabbage in order to attract some natural enemies, especially parasitic wasps that could be fed on them in the cabbage fields, which is a novel way for conservation of natural enemies, but none showed significant result. For the development of integrated pest management system by harmonizing biological and chemical control, we carried out evaluating toxicity of 30 pesticides to parasitoids and investigating effectiveness of traps. With leaf dipping method for adult and body dipping method for cocoons, 12 pesticides showed under 30% of toxicity being selected as safer by IOBC. Using sex-pheromone traps for attracting lepidopteran pests showed that DBM, CAW and CL occurred less than untreated fields; 67.5%, 70.6% and 44.0%, respectively. Also, yellow sticky traps could reduce some pests; 52% for flea beetle, 62% for cabbage sawfly and 41% for Phaedon brassicae. These results are expected to give basic information to develop conservation biological control of DBM with indigenous parasitoids in the cabbage fields on a large scale in the future. Before developing and distributing a promising pest control method, we should consider whether it can be compatible with other agricultural practices or various situations around fields.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Leptotrombidium pallidum and Leptotrombidium scutellare are the major vector mites for Orientia tsutsugamushi, the causative agent of scrub typhus. Before these organisms can be subjected to whole-genome sequencing, the genome sizes of L. pallidum and L. scutellare were estimated by a method based on quantitative real-time PCR. In addition, k-mer analysis of the genome sequences obtained from Illumina sequencing was conducted to verify the mutual compatibility and reliability of results. The genome sizes estimated by qPCR were 191.3±7 Mb for L. pallidum and 262.1±13 Mb for L. scutellare. The estimated genome sizes based on k-mer analysis were 175.5 Mb for L. pallidum and 286.6 Mb for L. scutellare. The estimates from two independent methods were mutually complementary and in a similar range to those of other Acariform mites. The relatively small genome size would facilitate genome analysis, which could contribute to understanding Arachnida genome evolution and mite vector competence and provide key information for scrub typhus prevention.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to know some regional gene difference in carabid beetle, Coptolabrus jankowskii. There are eight subspecies in this species from Korea and it was too difficult to identify by morphological similarity. The mitochondrial ND5 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5) gene of Coptolabrus jankowskii from four regions of (Sangju, Daegu, Mt. Jumbong and Jeju island) was compared. The results showed the differences of the base sequence of total 57 sites and the amino acid variation of the 25 sites. The Neighbor-joining tree and Maximum parsimony tree were established based on sequence data of the ND5. In NJ tree, the Jeju area except Songdangri, and Mt. Jeombong region showed close relationship group. In the case of Maximum parsimony tree, the result divided to three separated group, the first connected group was Jeju Songdangri area and the other the Korean peninsula region except Mt. Jeombong. Others were Jeju area except Songdangri, and Mt. Jeombong region.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pansies butterflies belong to the genus Junonia are widely distributed throughout Myanmar and 6 species of Junonia have been reported in Myanmar. Molecular comparison of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) nucleotide sequences among the species of Junonia was conducted. The nucleotides divergence of COI sequences between species were 2.9 to 7.9% and sequences identity was 92.5-97.7%. The phylogenetic trees were constructed by using Neighbour-joining (NJ) and Maximum likelihood (ML) methods. In both methods, phylogentic trees were showed identical and were revealed that all sequences of Junonia species from Myanmar were in the same cluster with those of the same species from other countries.