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        검색결과 9,685

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For countering nuclear proliferation, satellite imagery is being used to monitor suspicious nuclear activities in inaccessible countries or regions. Monitoring such activities involves detecting changes over time in nuclear facilities and their surroundings, and interpreting them based on prior knowledge in terms of nuclear proliferation or weaponisation. Therefore, analysts need to acquire and analyze satellite images periodically and have an understanding of nuclear fuel cycle as well as expertise in remote sensing. Meanwhile, as accessibility of satellite information has been increasing and accordingly a large amount of high-resolution satellite images is available, a lack of experts with expertise in both fields to perform satellite imagery analysis is being concerned. In this regard, the Institute of Korea Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) has developed a prototype of semi-automatic satellite imagery analysis system that can support monitoring of potential nuclear activities to overcome the limitations of professionals and increase analysis efficiency. The system provides a satellite imagery database that can manage acquired images, and the users can load images from the database and analyze them in stages. The system includes a preprocessing module capable of resizing, correcting and matching images, a change detection module equipped with a pixel-object-based change detection algorithm for multi-temporal images, and a module that automatically generates reports with relevant information. In particular, this system continuously updates open-source information database related to potential nuclear activities and provides users with an integrated analytics platform that can support their interpretation by linking related images and textual information together. As such, the system could save time and cost in processing and interpreting satellite images by providing semi-automated analytic workflows for monitoring potential nuclear activities.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, extreme terrorist attacks have frequently occurred around the world and are threatening the international community. It is no longer a safe zone for terrorism in our country. Therefore, domestic nuclear facilities as the highest level of national security facilities have established a physical protection system to protect facilities and lives against terrorist attacks. In addition, security search and access control are conducted for controlled items and unauthorized person. However, with the development of science and technology, disguised weapons or homemade explosives used in terrorism are becoming very sophisticated. Therefore, nuclear facilities need to strengthen security search of weapons or homemade explosives. Since these disguised weapons or homemade explosives are difficult to find only through security search, it is also necessary to actively identify unspecified people who possess disguised weapons or do abnormal behavior. For this reason, the “Abnormal Behavior Detection Method”, which is very effective in preemptive response to potential terrorist risks, has been introduced and operated in aviation security field. Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) has established a “Practice Environment for Identifying Disguised Weapons” in 2020 for trainees to recognize the dangers of controlled items and to use for physical protection education. This Practice environment has not only the basic explanation of the controlled items of nuclear facilities, but also various actual disguised weapons were displayed. It also introduces actual terrorist incidents using homemade explosives such as attempted bombing of a cargo plane bound for Chicago and the Boston Marathon bombing. And then a model of the disguised explosives actually used is displayed and used for education. In addition, in 2022, the “Abnormal behavior detection method” education module was developed and used for physical protection education. In this module, the outline and introduction of the “Abnormal Behavior Detection Method” and “Behavior Detection Officer (BDOs)” are explained. In this way, the access control and security search system of nuclear facilities require the overall monitoring system, not only for dangerous goods but also for identification of persons possess and carrying them. This study describes the development of the Curriculum for “Disguised Weapon Identification” and “Abnormal Behavior Detection Method” to enhance the effectiveness of physical protection education.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic nuclear facilities establish a physical protection system to respond to illegal transfer of nuclear materials and sabotage to nuclear materials and nuclear facilities, and operate a security search system in order to prevent the entry of controlled items into the facility. X-ray security search is also the most widely used for such security search. Since 2018, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) has developed the “X-ray security screening Web-Based Training Program (XWBT)” and has been using it in the physical protection education. The XWBT contains about 700 X-ray images of the item, and can learn X-ray images by type or package of the item. In addition, trainees can practice reading the X-ray image of the item or package, looking for controlled items, and determining whether the item could be passed or opened. However, there is a limit to Web-Based X-ray training program alone. This is because even if the same item is contained in the same bag, the X-ray image could be varied depending on the direction, angle, and other items in the package. Therefore, in addition to XWBT, X-ray reading practice education for actual luggage should be conducted in parallel. In addition, trainees should be familiar with various images through repetitive X-ray reading practice training so that they should be able to intuitively read X-ray images and find controlled items. Therefore, securing educational time is essential to produce skilled trainees. Korea Aviation Security Academy (KASA), which produces professional security inspectors, has established and operated a “Security search education filed for actual luggage” where trainees can pack their own bags, read X-ray images, and practice whether there are controlled items packed. In addition, KASA provides 40-hour training for security search personnel, which focuses on improving the practical skills that security search personnel must have. This study describes the current status of “X-ray Security Search” of Physical Protection Education for security personnel and presents course improvements through the case of KASA.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Even though it is emphasized to apply safeguards-by-design (SBD) concept in the early phase of the design of a new nuclear facilities, there is no clear guideline or tools for the practical SBD implementation. Generally known approach is trying to review whether there is any conflicts or shortcomings on a conceptual safeguards components in a design information. This study tries to build a systematic tools which can be easily applied to safeguards analysis. In evaluating the safeguards system or performance in a facility, it is essential to analyze the diversion path for nuclear materials. Diversion paths, however, can be either extremely simplified or complicated depending on the level of knowledge and purpose of specific person who do analyze in the field. In the context, this study discusses the applicability of an event tree and fault tree method to generating diversion paths systematically. The essential components constituting the diversion path were reviewed and the logical flow for systematically creating the diversion path was developed. The path generation algorithm based on the facility design components and logical flow as well as the initial information of the nuclear materials and material flows was test using event tree and fault tree analysis tools. The usage and limitation of the applicability of this two logic methods are discussed and idea to incorporate the logic algorithm into the practical program tools is suggested.The results will be used to develop a program module which can systematically generate diversion paths using the event tree and fault tree method.