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        검색결과 9,512

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Every engineering decision in radioactive waste management should be based on both technical and economic considerations. Especially, the management of low-level radioactive waste (LLW) is more critical on economic concerns, due to its long-term and continuous nature, which emphasizes the importance of economic analysis. In this study, economic factors for LLW management were discussed with appropriate engineering applications. Two major factors that should be taken into account when assessing economic expectations are the accuracy of the results and its proper balancing with ALARA philosophy (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). The accuracy of the results depends on the correct application of alternatives within a realistic framework of waste processing. This is because the LLW management process involves variables such as component type, physical dimensions, and the monetary value at the processing date. Two commonly used alternatives are the simplified lump sum present worth and levelized annual cost methods, which are based on annual and capital costs. However, these discussions on alternatives not only pertain to the time series value of operational costs but also to future technical advancements, which are crucial for engineers. As new research results on LLW treatment emerge, proper consideration and adoption should be given to technical cost management. As safety is the core value of the entire nuclear industry, the ALARA philosophy should also be considered in the cost management of LLW. The typical cost of exposure in man-rem has ranged from $1,000 to $20,000 over the past decades. However, with increasing concerns about health and international political threats, the cost of man-rem should be subject to stricter criteria, even the balancing of costs and safety concerns is much controverse issue. Throughout the study, the importance of incorporating proper engineering insights into the assessment of technical value for the financial management of LLW was discussed. However, it’s essential to remember that financial management should not be solely assessed based on the size of expenses but rather by evaluating the current financial status, the value of money at the time, and anticipated future costs, considering the specific context and timeframe.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Activated carbon (AC) is used for filtering organic and radioactive particles, in liquid and ventilation systems, respectively. Spent ACs (SACs) are stored till decaying to clearance level before disposal, but some SACs are found to contain C-14, a radioactive isotopes 5,730 years halflife, at a concentration greater than clearance level concentration, 1 Bq/g. However, without waste acceptance criteria (WAC) regarding SACs, SACs are not delivered for disposal at current situation. Therefore, this paper aims to perform a preliminary disposal safety examination to provide fundamental data to establish WAC regarding SACs SACs are inorganic ash composed mostly of carbon (~88%) with few other elements (S, H, O, etc.). Some of these SACs produced from NPPs are found to contain C-14 at concentration up to very-low level waste (VLLW) criteria, and few up to low-level waste (LLW) criteria. As SACs are in form of bead or pellets, dispersion may become a concern, thus requiring conditioning to be indispersible, and considering VLL soils can be disposed by packaging into soft-bags, VLL SACs can also be disposed in the same way, provided SACs are dried to meet free water requirement. But, further analysis is required to evaluate radioactive inventory before disposal. Disposability of SACs is examined based on domestic WAC’s requirement on physical and chemical characteristics. Firstly, particulate regulation would be satisfied, as commonly used ACs in filters are in size greater than 0.3 mm, which is greater than regulated particle size of 0.2 mm and below. Secondly, chelating content regulation would be satisfied, as SACs do not contain chelating chemicals. Also, cellulose, which is known to produce chelating agent (ISA), would be degraded and removed as ACs are produced by pyrolysis at 1,000°C, while thermal degradation of cellulose occurs around 350~600°C. Thirdly, ignitability regulation would be satisfied because as per 40 CFR 261.21, ignitable material is defined with ignition point below 60°C, but SACs has ignition point above 350°C. Lastly, gas generation regulation would be satisfied, as SACs being inorganic, they would be targeted for biological degradation, which is one of the main mechanism of gas generation. Therefore, SACs would be suitable to be disposed at domestic repositories, provided they are securely packaged. Further analysis would be required before disposal to determine detailed radioactive inventories and chemical contents, which also would be used to produce fundamental data to establish WAC.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Activated carbon (AC), extensively used across various industrial sectors, serves as a sponge for different types of gases due to its porous carbon material. These gases are attracted to the carbon substrate via van der Waals forces. In nuclear power plants, AC is commonly used to adsorb radioactive gases such as 86Kr and 134Xe, as well as radioiodine sources like 131I and 133I from gaseous effluents. Even if the adsorbed radioactive gases and radioiodine decay into non-radioactive elements, the spent AC still contains radioactive species with long half-lives, such as 3H (Tritium, T) and 14C (radiocarbon). Minimizing and separating waste that contains long-lived nuclides (e.g., 14C) are pivotal components of an efficient waste management approach. A challenging aspect of effectively managing disposed AC is to minimize long-lived radioactive substances by eliminating them. This paper explores and summarizes the technology used to remove pollutants (3H, 14C) trapped within the pores of Activated carbon through thermochemical vacuum and surface oxidation processes. By recycling and reusing spent Activated carbon, we anticipate a reduction in the volume of radioactive waste, leading to decreased disposal costs. Furthermore, this paper will contribute as a valuable reference in future studies, enhancing the understanding of vacuum thermal desorption and surface oxidation of used Activated carbon.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The primary objective of this study is to evaluate a systematic design’s effectivity in remediating actual uranium-contaminated soil. The emphasis was placed on practical and engineering aspects, particularly in assessing the capabilities of a zero liquid discharge system in treating wastewater derived from soil washing. The research method involved a purification procedure for both the uranium-contaminated soil and its accompanying wastewater. Notably, the experimental outcomes demonstrated successful uranium separation from the contaminated soil. The treated soil could be self-disposed of, as its uranium concentration fell below 1.0 Bq·g−1, a level endorsed by the International Atomic Energy Agency for radionuclide clearance. The zero liquid discharge system’s significance lay in its distillation process, which not only facilitated the reuse of water from the separated filtrate but also allowed for the self-disposal of high-purity Na2SO4 within the residues of the distilled filtrate. Through a comparative economic analysis involving direct disposal and the application of a remediation process for uranium-contaminated soil, the comprehensive zero liquid discharge system emerged as a practical and viable choice. The successful demonstration of the design and practicality of the proposed zero liquid discharge system for treating wastewater originating from real uranium-contaminated soil is poised to have a lasting impact.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ion exchange resins are commonly employed in the treatment of liquid radioactive waste generated in nuclear power plants (NPP). The ion exchange resin used in NPP is a mixed-bed ion exchange resin known as IRN-150, which is of nuclear grade. This resin is a mixture of cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin. The cation exchange resin removes cationic radionuclides such as Cs and Co, while anion exchange resin handles anions (e.g., H14CO3 -), effectively purifying the liquid waste. Spent ion exchange resins (spent resin) containing C-14 are classified as low and intermediate level radioactive waste, and their radioactivity needs to be reduced as it exceeds the disposal limit regulated by law. Therefore, the microwave technology for the removal of C-14 from spent resin has been investigated. Previous studies have successfully developed a method for the effective removal of C-14 during the resin treatment process. However, it was observed that, in this process, functional groups in the resin were also removed, resulting in the generation of off-gases containing trimethylamine. These off-gases can dissolve in water from process, increasing its pH, which can subsequently hinder the recovery of C-14. In this study, we investigated the high-purity recovery of C-14 by adjusting the moisture content within the reactor following microwave treatment. Mock spent resins, consisting of 100 g of resin with HCO3 - ion-exchanged and 0, 25, or 50 g of deionized water, were subjected to microwave treatment for 40 or 60 minutes. Subsequently, the C-14 desorption efficiency of the mock spent resins was evaluated using an acid stripping process with H3PO4 solution. The functional group status of the mock spent resins was analyzed using 15N NMR spectroscopy. The results showed that the mock spent resins exhibited efficient C-14 recovery without significant functional group degradation. The highest C-14 desorption efficiency was achieved when 25 g of deionized water was used during microwave treatment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power plants use ion exchange resins to purify liquid radioactive waste generated while operating nuclear power plants. In the case of PHWR, ion exchange resins are used in heavy water and dehydration systems, liquid waste treatment systems, and heavy water washing systems, and the used ion exchange resins are stored in waste resin storage tanks. The C-14 radioactivity concentration in the waste resin currently stored at the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant is 4.6×106 Bq/g, exceeding the low-level limit, and if all is disposed of, it is 1.48×1015 Bq, exceeding the total limit of 3.04×1014 Bq of C-14 in the first stage disposal facility. Therefore, disposal is not possible at domestic low/medium-level disposal facilities. In addition, since the heavy water reactor waste resin mixture is stored at a ratio of about 20% activated carbon and zeolite mixture and about 80% waste resin, mixture extraction and separation technology and C-14 desorption and adsorption technology are required. Accordingly, research and development has been conducted domestically on methods to treat heavy water waste resin, but the waste resin mixture separation method is complex and inefficient, and there are limitations in applying it to the field due to the scale of the equipment being large compared to the field work space. Therefore, we would like to introduce a resin treatment technology that complements the problems of previous research. Previously, the waste resin mixture was extracted from the upper manhole and inspection hole of the storage tank, but in order to improve limitations such as worker safety, cost, and increased work time, the SRHS, which was planned at the time of nuclear power plant design, is utilized. In addition, by capturing high-purity 14CO2 in a liquid state in a high-pressure container, it ensures safety for long-term storage and is easy to handle when necessary, maximizing management efficiency. In addition, the modularization of the waste resin separation and withdrawal process from the storage tank, C-14 desorption and monitoring process, high-concentration 14CO2 capture and storage process, and 14CO2 adsorption process enables separation of each process, making it applicable to narrow work spaces. When this technology is used to treat waste resin mixtures in PHWR, it is expected to demonstrate its value as customized, high-efficiency equipment that can secure field applicability and safety and reflect the diverse needs of consumers according to changes in the working environment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic waste acceptance criteria (WAC) require flowable or homogeneous wastes, such as spent resin, concentrated waste, and sludge, etc., to be solidified regardless of radiation level, to provide structural integrity to prevent collapse of repository, and prevent leaching. Therefore, verylow level (VLL) spent resin (SR) would also require to be solidified. However, such disposal would be too conservative, considering IAEA standards do not require robust containment and shielding of VLL wastes. To prevent unnecessary cost and exposure to workers, current WAC advisable to be amended, thus this paper aims to provide modified regulation based on reviewed engineering background of solidification requirement. According to NRC report, SR is classified as wet-solid waste, which is defined as a solid waste produced from liquid system, thus containing free-liquid within the waste. NRC requires liquid wastes to be solidified regardless of radiation level to prevent free liquid from being disposed, which could cause rapid release of radionuclides. Furthermore, considering class A waste does not require structural integrity, unlike class B and C wastes, dewatering would be an enough measure for solidification. This is supported by the cases of Palo Verde and Diablo Canyon nuclear power plants, whose wet-solid wastes, such as concentrated wastes and sludge, are disposed by packaging into steel boxes after dewatering or incineration. Therefore, dewatering VLL spent resin and packaging them into structural secure packaging could satisfy solidification goal. Another goal of solidification is to provide structural support, which was considered to prevent collapse of soil covers in landfills or trenches. However, providing structural support via solidification agent (ex. Cement) would be unnecessary in domestic 2nd phase repository. As the domestic 2nd phase repository is cementitious structure, which is backfilled with cement upon closure, the repository itself already has enough structural integrity to prevent collapse. Goldsim simulation was run to evaluate radiation impact by VLL SR, with and without solidification, by modelling solidified wastes with simple leaching, and unsolidified wastes with instant release. Both simulations showed negligible impact on radiation exposure, meaning that solidifying VLL SR to delay leaching would be irrational. Therefore, dewatering VLL SR and packaging it into a secure drum (ex. Steel drum) could achieve solidification goals described in NRC reports and provide enough safety to be disposed into domestic repositories. In future, the studied backgrounds in this paper should be considered to modify current WAC to achieve efficient waste management.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power plants in Korea stores approximately 3,800 drums of paraffin solidification products. Due to the lack of homogeneity, these solidification products are not allowed to be disposed of. There is therefore a need for the separation of paraffin from the solidification products. This work developed an equipment for a selective separation of paraffin from the solidification product using the vacuum evaporation and condensational recovery method in a closed system. The equipment mainly consists of a vacuum evaporator and a condensational deposition recovery chamber. Nonisothermal vacuum TGAs, kinetic analyses and kinetic predictions were conducted to set appropriate operation conditions. Its basic operability under the established conditions was first confirmed using pure paraffin solid. Simulated paraffin solidification product fixing dried boric acid waste including nonradioactive Co and Cs were then fabricated and tested for the capability of selective separation of paraffin from the simulated waste. Paraffin was selectively separated without entertainment of Co and Cs. It was confirmed that the developed equipment could separate and recover paraffin in the form of nonradioactive waste.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radwaste repository consists of a multi-barrier, including natural and engineered barriers. The repository’s long-term safety is ensured by using the isolation and delay functions of the multi-barrier. Among them, natural barriers are difficult to artificially improve and have a long time scale. Therefore, in order to evaluate its performance, site characteristics should be investigated for a sufficient period using various analytical methods. Natural barriers are classified into lithological and structural characteristics and investigated. Structural factors such as fractures, faults, and joints are very important in a natural barrier because they can serve as a flow path for groundwater in performance evaluation. Considering the condition that the radioactive waste repository should be located in the deep part, the drill core is an important subject that can identify deep geological properties that could not be confirmed near the surface. However, in many previous studies, a unified method has not been used to define the boundaries of structural factors. Therefore, it is necessary to derive a method suitable for site characteristics by applying and comparing the boundary definition criteria of various structural factors to boreholes. This study utilized the 1,000 m deep AH-3 and DB-2 boreholes and the 500 m deep AH-1 and YS- 1 boreholes drilled around the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Methods applied to define the brittle structure boundary include comparing background levels of fracture and fracture density, excluding sections outside the zone of influence of deformation, and confining the zone to areas of concentrated deformation. All of these methods are analyzed along scanlines from the brittle structure. Deriving a site-specific method will contribute to reducing the uncertainties that may arise when analyzing the long-term evolution of brittle structures within natural barriers.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High level radioactive waste (HLW) final disposal repository is faced thermos-hydro-mechanical - radioactive condition because it is placed over 500 m in depth and waste emits decay heats for decades. Repository will be operated around 100 years and will be closed after all the wastes are disposed. The integrity of engineered barriers including buffer, backfill, concrete plug and canister and natural barrier (natural rock mass) will be stood during operating periods. Monitoring sensors for concrete and rock mass is conducted using piezo based sensors such as accelerometer or acoustic emission (AE) sensors. Typical accelerometer for harsh conditions is commonly expensive and data/power cable can be a potential groundwater inflow and nuclide outflow path. The fiber optic accelerometer whose data and power cable are united and has limited volume. Therefore, it can be a potential alternative sensor of piezo based sensors. The temperature limits and accelerated tests for fiber optic sensors are conducted. Most of sensors gives a malfunction around 130°C. The results of these experimental tests give a possibility of communications in compacted bentonite buffer and will be utilized for the design of monitoring systems for the repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Advanced countries in the field of nuclear research and technology are currently examining the feasibility of deep geological disposal as the most appropriate method for the permanent management of high-level radioactive waste, with no intention of future retrieval. Deep geological disposal involves the placement of such waste deep underground within a stable geological formation, ensuring its permanent isolation from the human environment. To guarantee the enduring isolation and retardation of radionuclides with half-lives spanning tens of thousands to millions of years from the broader ecosystem, it is imperative to comprehend the long-term evolution of deep disposal systems, especially the role of natural barriers. These natural barriers, typically consisting of bedrock, encase the repository and undergo long-term evolutions due to tectonic movements and climate variations. For the effective disposal of high-level radioactive waste, a thorough assessment of the site’s long-term geological stability is essential. This necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its tectonic evolution and development characteristics, including susceptibility to seismic and magmatic events like earthquakes and intrusions. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of alterations in the hydrogeological and geochemical environment resulting from tectonic movements over extended time frames is required to assess the potential for the migration of radionuclides. In this paper, we have examined international evaluation methodologies employed to elucidate the predictive long-term evolution of natural barriers within disposal systems. We have extracted relevant methods from international case studies and applied a preliminary scenario illustrating the long-term evolution of the geological environment at the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Nevertheless, unlike international instances, the scarcity of quantitative data limits the depth of our interpretation. To present a dependable scenario in the future, it is imperative to develop predictive technologies aimed at comprehensively studying the geological evolution processes in the Korean peninsula, particularly within the context of radioactive waste disposal.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The operation time of a disposal repository is generally more than one hundred years except for the institutional control phase. The structural integrity of a repository can be regarded as one of the most important research issues from the perspective of a long-term performance assessment, which is closely related to the public acceptance with regard to the nuclear safety. The objective of this study is to suggest the methodology for quantitative evaluation of structural integrity in a nuclear waste repository based on the adaptive artificial intelligence (AI), fractal theory, and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring. Here, adaptive AI means that the advanced AI model trained additionally based on the expert’s decision, engineering & field scale tests, numerical studies etc. in addition to the lab. test. In the process of a methodology development, AE source location, wave attenuation, the maximum AE energy and crack type classification were subsequently studied from the various lab. tests and Mazars damage model. The developed methodology for structural integrity was also applied to engineering scale concrete block (1.3 m × 1.3 m × 1.3 m) by artificial crack generation using a plate jacking method (up to 30 MPa) in KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel). The concrete recipe used in engineering scale test was same as that of Gyeongju low & intermediate level waste repository. From this study, the reliability for AE crack source location, crack type classification, and damage assessment increased and all the processes for the technology development were verified from the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL) in 2022.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a deep geological repository (DGR) is a widely accepted strategy for the long-term sequestration of radiotoxic SNF. Ensuring the safety of a DGR requires the prediction of various reactions and migration behaviors of radionuclides (RNs) present in SNF within its geochemical surroundings. Understanding the dissolution behaviors of mineral phases harboring these RNs is crucial, as the levels of RNs in groundwater are basically linked to the solubility of these solid phases. Accurate measurements of solubility demand the use of welldefined solid materials characterized by chemical compositions and structures. Herein, we attempted the synthesis of sklodowskite, a magnesium-uranyl (U(VI))-silicate, employing a twostep hydrothermal synthetic approach documented previously. Subsequently, we subjected this synthesized sklodowskite to various analytical techniques, including powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDX), and vibrational spectroscopies (FTIR and Raman). Based on our findings, we confidently identify the obtained mineral phase as sklodowskite (Mg[UO2SiO3OH]2·5H2O). This identification is primarily based on the similarity between its pXRD pattern and the reference XRD pattern of sklodowskite. Furthermore, the measured infrared and Raman spectra show the vibrational modes of UO2 2+ and SiO4 4- ions, particularly within the 700~1,100 cm-1 region, which support that the synthetic mineral has a characteristic layered uranyl-silicate structure of crystalline sklodowskite. Finally, we utilized synthetic minerals to estimate its solubility up to about three months in a model groundwater, where the dissolved species composition is analogous to that of granitic groundwater from the KAERI Underground Research Tunnel. In this presentation, we will present in detail the results of spectroscopic characterizations and the methodology employed to assess the solubility of the U(VI)-silicate solid phase.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository disposes of high-level nuclear waste at a depth of 500 m to 1,000 m underground. Structural health monitoring must be accompanied by the complex environmental conditions of high temperature, high humidity, radiation, and mechanical stress. A thermocouple for measuring temperature, total stress meter and pore pressure meter for measuring stress and water pressure, relative hygrometer and electrical resistivity sensor (TDR or SUS) for measuring humidity, accelerometer for measuring crack signals, and strain gauge for measuring displacement are used. For safety, after disposing of HLW in the HLW repository, access to the disposal tunnel gets blocked, making it impossible to replace or remove the monitoring sensors. So, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the HLW repository’s environmental conditions on the monitoring sensors and enhance their durability through quantitative life evaluation and shielding. Before evaluating the life of accelerometers and strain gauges used in the HLW repository, an experimental study is conducted to determine failure modes and failure mechanisms under radiation conditions, which are unique environmental conditions of the HLW repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the nuclear environment, sensors ensure safety, monitoring, and operational efficiency under various operating conditions. These sensors come in various forms, each tailored to specific purposes, including nuclear safety and security, waste treatment and storage, gas leak detection, temperature and humidity monitoring, and corrosion detection. Ensuring the longevity of sensors without the need for frequent replacements is a vital goal for researchers in this field. This paper explores materials that can act as shields to protect sensors from harsh environmental conditions (high radiation and temperatures) to enhance their lifetime. The types of material that had been explored were divided into categories: metal and non-metal. Fourteen types of metal and seven different plastic materials were studied and focused on their characteristics and current applications. Considering properties like melting point, intensity, and conductivity, plastic materials are chosen to be examined as sensor shielding material. A preliminary experiment was conducted to verify signal characteristics changes by shielding material. Metal material and plastic material each were placed in the middle of the granite and the target sensor. The result showed that when metal is between the granite and the sensor, the density and impedance are higher in granite than in the metal. This leads to signal attenuation and a shift in resonance frequency, while plastic does not. Therefore, PPS (Polyphenylene sulfide) and PAI (Polyamide-imide) have lower density and impedance than granite while also possessing heat, moisture, and radiation resistance for effective shielding.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The buffer is installed around the disposal canister, subjected to heating due to decay heat while simultaneously experiencing expansion influenced by groundwater inflow from the surrounding rock. The engineering barrier system for deep geological disposal require the evaluation of longterm evolution based on the verification of individual component performance and the interactions among components within the disposal environment. Thus, it is crucial to identify the thermalhydro- mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes of the buffer and assess its long- and short-term stability based on these interactions. Therefore, we conducted experimental evaluations of saturationswelling, dry heating, gas transport, and mineralogical alterations that the buffer may undergo in the heated-hydration environment. We simulated a 310 mm-thick buffer material in a cylindrical form, simulating the domestic disposal system concept of KRS+ (the improved KAERI reference disposal system for spent nuclear fuel), and subjected it to the disposal environment using heating cartridges and a hydration system. To monitor the thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior within the buffer material, load cells were installed in the hydration section, and both of thermal couples and relative humidity sensors were placed at regular intervals from the heat source. After 140 days of heating and hydration, we dismantled the experimental cell and conducted post-mortem analyses of the samples. In this post-mortem analysis, we performed functions of distance from the water contents, heat source, wet density, dry density, saturation, and X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The results showed that after 140 days in the heated-hydration environment, the samples exhibited a significant decrease water contents and saturation near the heat source, along with very low wet and dry densities. XRD Quantitative Analysis did not indicate mineralogical changes. The findings from this study are expected to be useful for input parameters and THMC interaction assessments for the long-term stability evaluation of buffer in deep geological disposal.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The engineered barrier system (EBS), composed of spent nuclear fuel, canister, buffer and backfill material, and near-field rock, plays a crucial role in the deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste. Understanding the interactions between components in a thermo-hydro-mechanical -chemical (THMC) environment is necessary for ensuring the long-term performance of a disposal facility. Alongside the research project at KAERI, a comprehensive experimental facility has been established to elucidate the comprehensive performance of EBS components. The EBS performance demonstration laboratory, which installed in a 1,000 m2, consists of nine experimental modules pertaining to rock mechanics, gas migration, THMC characteristics, buffer-rock interaction, buffer & backfill development, canister corrosion, canister welding, canister performance, and structure monitoring & diagnostics. This facility is still conducting research on the engineering properties and complex interactions of EBS components under coupled THMC condition. It is expected to serve as an important laboratory for the development of the key technologies for assessing the long-term stability of engineered barriers
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The compacted bentonite buffer is a key component of the engineered barrier system in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Groundwater infiltration into the deep geological repository leads to the saturation of the bentonite buffer. Bentonite saturation results in bentonite swelling, gelation and intrusion into the nearby rock discontinuities within the excavation damaged zone of the adjacent rock mass. Groundwater flow can result in the erosion and transport of bentonite colloids, resulting in bentonite mass loss which can negatively impact the long-term integrity and safety of the overall engineered barrier system. The hydro -mechanicalchemical interactions between the buffer, surrounding host rock and groundwater influence the erosion characteristics of the bentonite buffer. Hence, assessing the critical hydro-mechanicalchemical factors that negatively affect bentonite erosion is crucial for the safety design of the deep geological repository. In this study, the effects of initial bentonite density, aperture, discontinuity angle and groundwater chemistry on the erosion characteristics of Bentonil WRK are investigated via bentonite extrusion and artificial fracture experiments. Both experiments examine bentonite swelling and intrusion into simulated rock discontinuities; cylindrical holes for bentonite extrusion experiments and plane surfaces for artificial fracture experiments. Compacted bentonite blocks and bentonite pellets are manufactured using a compaction press and granulation compactor respectively and installed in the transparent extrusion cells and artificial fracture cells. The reference test condition is set to be 1.6 g/cm3 dry density and saturation using distilled water. After distilled water or solution injection, the axial and radial expansion of the bentonite specimens into the simulated rock discontinuities are monitored for one month under free swelling conditions with no groundwater flow. Subsequent flow tests are conducted using the artificial fracture cell to determine the critical flow rate for bentonite erosion. The intrusion and erosion characteristics are modelled using a modified hydro-mechanicalchemical coupled dynamic bentonite diffusion model and a fluid-based hydro-mechanical penetration model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The presence of technological voids in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive nuclear waste can have negative effects on the hydro-mechanical properties of the engineered barrier system when groundwater infiltrates from the surrounding rock. This study conducted hydration tests along with image acquisition and X-ray CT analysis on compacted Korean bentonite samples, which simulated technological voids filling to investigate the behavior of fracturing (piping erosion) and cracking deterioration. We utilized a dual syringe pump to inject water into a cell consisting of a bentonite block and technological voids at a consistent flow rate. The results showed that water inflow to fill technological voids led to partial hydration and self-sealing, followed by the formation of an erosional piping channel along the wetting front. After the piping channel generated, the cyclic filling-piping stage is characterized by the repetitive accumulation and drop of water pressure, accompanied by the opening and closing of piping channels. The stoppage of water inflow leads to the formation of macro- and micro cracks in bentonite due to moisture migration caused by high suction pressure. These cracks create preferential flow paths that promote longterm groundwater infiltration. The experimental test and analysis are currently ongoing. Further experiments will be conducted to investigate the effects of different dry density in bentonite, flow rate, and chemical composition of injected water.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The thermal evaluations for the conceptual design of the deep geological repository considering the improved modeling of the spent fuel decay heat were conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics computational program. The maximum temperature at the surface of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface should not exceed 95°C considering the safety margin of 5°C due to several uncertainties. All thermal evaluations were based on the time-dependent simulation from the emplacement time of the canister to 100,000 years later. In particular, the heat source condition was set to the decay heat rate and axial decay heat profile of the PLUS7 fuel with 4.0wt% U-235 and 45 GWD/MTU. The thermal properties of the granitic rock in South Korea were applied to the host rock region. For the reference design case, the cooling time of the SNF was set to 40 years, the distance between the deposition holes 8 meters and that between the deposition tunnels 30 meters. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface at 10 years was 95.979°C greater than 95°C. This design did not meet the thermal safety requirement and needed to be modified. For the first modified case, when the distance between the deposition tunnels was set to 30 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes were considered. The design with the distances of 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes for the cooling time of 40 years and all five distances for 50 and 60 years were less than 95°C. For the second modified case, when the distance between the deposition holes was set to 8 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels were considered. The design with the distances of 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels for the cooling time of 40 years, the distances of 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters for 50 years and all five distances for 60 years were less than 95°C. As a result, the peak temperature at the canister surface decreased as the cooling time and the distance between the deposition holes and the tunnels increased.