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        검색결과 930

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the statistics of occupational injuries in 2013, the work platforms were main objects causing fall injuries in construction sites. But many scaffold and platform workers use and install the work platforms and the fixed and mobile scaffolding without considering about safety and health standards. We had done a nationwide survey about how the platform workers obey safety and health standards. As the result of this survey, in order to ensure the safety of the work platforms, we founded that the platform workers must obey the safety and health standards when using and installing the work platforms. To improve the safety and health conscious of the workers, it needs to educate a worker on safety and health standards for work platforms. Also, to effectively prevent constructin injuries for the work platforms, it is rextricted for workers to use only safety certified work platforms. And, before installing and using work platforms, it needs to make a work plan for work platforms and obey it.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Share of total accidents in construction accidents construction site accident 70% of small embroidery Reducing the rate of Construction of the entire construction accidents decreased overall is a very meaningful work. Disaster reduction continues to increase despite the efforts of a small construction site(Amount less than 2,000,000,000) for Disaster Reduction In order to identify more clearly the cause of the system and provide the urgently needed measures.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While Korea had achieved radical growth of construction industry, it also had accumulated problems in material, human and economical loss due to its low quality of safety level. Therefore, not only enterprises but also the nation is putting in a great deal of efforts for construction safety. However, its effect is not satisfiable. This research aims for change of construction cite by introduction of professional Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) and consideration of its necessity. To consideration of its necessity, we compared and anaylzed average numbers of indicated dangers and safety accident incidences in each construction cites and we researched changes in worker's safety sense. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we recognize that the interest about construction safety and disaster increases, and check the status of current research about construction safety. And we obtain the direction of future researches and implications for development. For this study, we analyzed the published researches in the last 11 years about construction safety, and addressed annual trends and research topics for a lot of construction safety research. And the future prospects of construction safety research were analyzed with the latest news articles.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Condition of Construction Safety Training and its Vitalization in Chungbuk Area. The industrial accident rate of Korea has been declining each year but this does not necessarily mean that the safety consciousness of people has been strengthened. 94.3% of the overall industrial accidents occur in small/medium sized business (299 employees or less) and 97.5% of the accidents are in construction business. In Chungbuk area, small/medium sized business take up 99% of overall business and among them, 30% are construction business. Therefore, in order to resolve the safety issues, survey and research have been conducted with construction workers and manager and identified the causes and possible solution for improvement as following. First, most of the site workers and managers view safety training and equipment unnecessary as the work site is small in size. Second, the current safety trainings are being done with case study and visual teaching materials but the quality of the material, environment and instructors are very low and outdated. The quality of study materials and instructor need to be improved with professionalism. Third, 57% of surveyees think that the contents of training materials do not reflect the real situations and hazards at the work site and are not even in line with legal requirements. The safety trainings are being given perfunctorily. With on above researched issues, new method for vitalization of safety trainings and reducing and preventing the industrial accidents constructional site in Chungbuk area are to be suggested.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Constructions sites are affected by Diversity workplace, complexity of construction, Change of place, Mobility of workers and so on. In a single establishment, Prime contractors and subcontractors have to conduct their work at the same time. There are a lot of unpredictable risks when the construction is running, coordination between contractors is very important to do a risk assessment under the condition. Large Construction companies were investigated by previous studies. Survey research is applied to the risk assessment. In the writing, Risk assessment of the entire lower level. Because of the low level of risk factors to find. Also, There was a limit to investigate accidents. Confirmed that Effort to derive a risk factors were desperately of the risk assessment. Results were obtained through previous studies. The PCM is several experts should be joined. Experts Site Manager, Supervisor, Safety Manager, Director Contractor, Work team leader is required to participate. Construction plans, Process Planning to the risk find beforehand. And Determines how the operations and the control. Also, Made it into the database. and PCRA can be used in the risk assessment was developed.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국가기간산업에 대한 곤충상변화를 알아보기 위해 보현산 다목적 댐을 선정하 여 곤충상을 조사하였다. 다목적 댐 건설지역은 경상북도 영천시 화북면에 위치하 고 있으며, 건설계획은 2010년 1월을 시작으로 2014년 12월에 완공할 예정이다. 본 조사는 보현산 다목적 댐 건설지역에서 총 7개의 조사지점을 선정하고, 각 지 점별 곤충의 분포상을 조사하였으며, 댐 건설로 인한 곤충상의 변화, 출현종의 분 포현황, 보호종, 특산종, 희귀종, 특정개체군 출현 및 서식지 파악과 번식 유무, 이 동성, 서식환경의 특성 조사를 위해 시행하였다. 조사는 환경영향평가와 환경영향 조사로 나누어 실시하였으며, 매년 분기 별로 조사를 진행하였다. 환경영향평가는 2009년 3월부터 2009년 10월까지 실시하였으며, 환경영향조사는 2010년 9월을 시작으로 현재까지 진행중에 있다. 조사 결과 현재까지 총 15목 161과 732종이 조사되었으며, 환경영향조사에서는 15목 123과 537종이 조사되었다. 금회 조사부터는 댐의 담수화가 상당히 진행되어 작년도에 비해 눈에 띄는 곤충상의 변화가 나타났는데, 특히 담수화가 진행되면서 물에 잠겨 서식환경의 특성변화가 나타난 지점이 있었으며, 전반적으로 보현산 다 목적 댐 건설 현장 주변의 곤충분포상과 출현종의 변화가 나타났다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Purpose of this study is to compare occupational accident rate of unionized and non-unionized company and to investigate influences of labor relations on occupational accident rate in Korean manufacturing and construction Industry. Data in 2011 Occupational safety and Health Trend Survey were analyzed for this study. Results show that the occupational accident rate was lower in unionized company than non-unionized company. And amicable labor relationship reduces the occupational accident rate. The policy should be needed to support labor union and improve labor relationship to prevent industrial accidents.
        2014.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 건설기준(설계기준 및 표준시방서)은 표준화된 코드체계(Numbering system) 부재로 인해 기준의 제․개정 관리 곤란하고, 기준간의 연계·호환성이 부족하여 중복 또는 상충되는 기준이 발생하고 있어 실 무에서 사용자의 불편을 초래하였다. 외국은 건설기준별로 고유 명칭과 식별번호를 갖추고 표준화된 코드 체계로 구성되어 있어 기준 관리 용이하고 새로운 기술변화 및 발주청 등 사용자의 편의성을 고려하여 코 드체계를 확장, 발전하고 있다. 유럽의 건설기준은 유럽표준화기구(CEN)의 유로코드(Eurocode)로 구조 물(도로, 철도, 하천 등은 제외)에 대하여 10개의 대분류와 58개의 세부코드로 관리하고 있다. 정부는 건설공사 기준 코드체계(국토교통부 고시 제2013-640호,`13.10)』의 설계기준 및 표준시방서 코 드체계를 도입하였다. 본 코드는 개정용이성은 현행 건설공사기준을 코드번호로 구분하여, 코드번호 단위 별로 건설공사기준을 개정하여 개정주기와 내용을 최소화하여 개정을 용이하게 한다. 중복ㆍ상충성 최소 화는 건설공사기준의 중복되는 내용을 인용 처리하고 상충되는 내용은 비교분석을 통해 해결한다. 코드체 계 통일성은 설계기준과 표준시방서 간의 코드체계를 대분류 수준에서 통일하여 사용자의 편의를 도모하 다. 현재 고시된 건설기준 코드체계는 일부 코드체계의 위계, 전문화 등을 고려하지 못하기 때문에 일부 개정 또는 위계를 재정립해야한다. 따라서, 기존의 건설기준 코드체계를 유지하면서 코드별 기준의 내용과 사용자 중심으로 신설, 변경, 삭 제 등을 한다. 코드체계는 다음과 같이 구분한다(국토교통부,건설공사기준의 코드체계도입방안연구,2013). ▫공통편은 대분류 10번대, 시설물편은 대분류 20-30번대, 사업편은 대분류 40번대 이하로 정의하였 다. 대분류로 정의된 코드는 반드시 ʻ□□□ 설계기준ʼ으로 명칭을 부여 ▫공통편과 ʻ시설물편/사업편ʼ 구분원칙은 공통된 시설물별 설계기준의 내용은 모두 공통편에 모음 (최 소기준). 공통편 설계기준들과 비교하여 차이가 있는 기준은 각 시설물별/사업별 설계기준에 포함시 키고 중복되는 내용은 공통편 설계기준을 인용. ▫시설물편과 사업편 구분원칙은 2개 사업 이상에서 중복되는 시설물 설계기준을 시설물편으로 구성하 였으며, 여러 개의 시설물을 포함하고 있는 사업은 사업편으로 구성. ▫시설물편 설계기준과 사업편 설계기준간에 차이를 보이는 내용은 사업편 설계기준에 특기사항으로 표기하고, 중복되는 내용은 시설물편 설계기준을 인용 새로운 코드체계에 의한 건설공사기준 표준화 정립하고 건설기준 표준화를 통한 건설기준의 운영 및 관리의 선진화 도모 가능하다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Construction victims have increased year by year. Disaster proportion is also increasing continuously. Looking over the causes of disasters by each type of work, fall from working platform indicate the highest rate above all so that it is urgently required to set up safety measures. This study is to grasp the present status of construction accidents, to identify areal characteristics of the top 20% accidents on the basis of working platforms with the highest accident rate, to grasp the causes of accidents after their analyses, and to present methods to reduce casualties related to working platforms. As measures to reduce construction disasters, this study proposes to improve safety management and training on working platforms, to complement safety regulations, and to better performance including the development and expansion of certified products suitable for safety regulations.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The scale of construction industry recently tends to become bigger and larger in line with development of construction technologies and methods. Although increasing usage of construction machinery has led to improving productivity, reducing schedule and cost, constructions workers have been exposed to unstable work environment, causing more and more accidents. Construction machinery-related laws and regulations has not been enacted and reflected the conditions and circumstances of the construction industry in a timely manner. A various construction machinery and equipments produced and changed in structure randomly are so widely used that related-accidents may occure gradually. Propose a plan for accidents prevention through the analysis of characteristics and cases on construction machinery-related accidents over the past five years from 2009 to 2013.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been an increase in fire/explosion accidents caused by chemical substances used in new small/medium sized construction, reconstruction, or extension sites. There is vast room for improvement, especially in safety training, safety inspection, and selection of countermeasures because training, technicality, and management systems regarding fire·explosion risks in small/medium sized construction sites are very immature in most cases. The purpose of this study is to propose a differentiated technical, educational, and management application plan for preventative management of fire·explosion accidents caused by chemical substances used in small/medium sized construction sites.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During five years (Year 2009~2013), Total victims of 72 %( 81,560 people) and those 50.6 %( 1,258 people) of death accident occurs in small scale construction site which operate 2 million USD less construction budget. Especially, falling death accident account for 785 people, in the share of 33.2 %( 261 people) death disaster takes due to defect of original cause materials. The major safety issues in small scale work place take place while scaffold installation, disassembling, work-plate improper installation or non-professional skills of workers. Furthermore, labor subcontract systems make small construction site shortage of resources. Those workers regard work-plate as unnecessary and consumables supplies. Because of that most of workers use unsafe workplace in most construction site. Therefore, in order to prevent falling accident occurring in small scale work site, government should organize related regulations such as “Work site safety construction method” and then expands education support, financial aid, and sourcing safety supplies for work plate which offer broad variety experiences. Also, introduce certificate solutions for various work plates to improve safety function such as anchoring type method and anti sliding function.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study empirically examines how much effect levels of fatigue and stress of a construction worker have on disaster risks from the perspective of human factors concerning construction disaster risks. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted with respect to construction workers working at large construction sites within the metropolitan area. The retrieved survey data were analyzed by using the statistical software programs, SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 8.0. The results of this study do not definitively lead to the conclusion that the level of fatigue or stress of construction workers result in disaster risks. However, it does show that the results vary depending upon the individual approach and treatment of stress and fatigue. In particular, this study revealed that disaster risk levels could increase through unsafe behavior intentions which were established as a mediator variable. Also, with respect to unsafe behavior intentions of construction workers leading to disaster risks, when examining the results that the level of mental fatigue, occupational stress and social-psychological stress of construction workers had a greater significant effect than the level of physical fatigue, this study demonstrates the importance of psychological and mental issues that could be easily overlooked with respect manual labor workers.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With a view to analyzing the influential factors and their prioritization in association with the loss from construction disasters, this study has presented relative weighted value and importance for each category of loss by making a systematic classification of costs for non-insured categories (indirect costs) and conducting AHP analysis based on results of a survey of specialists. Through the study, first, I have divided the larger classification of loss factors into human loss factor, financial loss factor, special cost factor, and managerial loss factor, and, second, have presented prioritization of loss categories by allotting scores based on weighted values after calculating weighted value through pairwise comparison of loss levels. Based on these results of the study, we should be able to qualitatively calculate the loss costs that construction disasters inflict on business, promote rational decision-making and efficiency in spending related to a disaster, and compare it against safety investment designed to reduce disaster loss from the perspective of business strategy.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Constructions sites are affected by Diversity workplace, complexity of construction, Change of place, Mobility of workers and so on. In a single establishment, Prime contractors and subcontractors have to conduct their work at the same time. There are a lot of unpredictable risks when the construction is running, coordination between contractors is very important to do a risk assessment under the condition. Large Construction companies were investigated by previous studies. Survey research is applied to the risk assessment. In the writing, Risk assessment of the entire lower level. Because of the low level of risk factors to find. Also, There was a limit to investigate accidents. Confirmed that Effort to derive a risk factors were desperately of the risk assessment. Results were obtained through previous studies. The PCM is several experts should be joined. Experts Site Manager, Supervisor, Safety Manager, Director Contractor, Work team leader is required to participate. Construction plans, Process Planning to the risk find beforehand. And Determines how the operations and the control. Also, Made it into the database. and PCRA can be used in the risk assessment was developed.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The disaster and safety accidents in any construction site occur inevitably. Since the on-site disaster and accident occurrence became one of major concerning factors in construction site, architects & building executers have been flooded with safety management advices. The purpose of this paper is to survey and analyze the effect of the application of Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) upon the reduction of disaster & accident occurrences in construction site. In order to estimate and reduce the disaster and accident ratio in construction site, various surveyed data has been analysed. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.