
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,324

        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 1960s in Britain was the period of rapid economic and social change. Under this circumstance, the visionary architect Cedric Price designed the Fun Palace, of which idea came from the theatre producer, Joan Littlewood. They hoped this place to be an improvisational learning space, so Price proposed the building as ‘kit of parts’ which can respond to programmatic indeterminacy. Cybernetics was introduced to control this flexibility dramatically changed the character of the project from ‘theatre of people’ to ‘interactive machine’. That resulted in the change of the status of user from subjective human beings to abstract data in the cybernetic algorithm as well, and led the project to a completely opposite direction from that Price intended. After Fun Palace, cybernetics technology could still be found in his other projects, and it can be assumed that this was because the algorithmic system of cybernetics were on the same line of thought of Price’s idea ― anti-building or ‘kit of parts’. The effects of cybernetics varied in projects; Similar negative effect in Fun Palace can be found in Generator project, but on the other hand, in Potteries Thinkbelt project, cybernetics showed a positive aspect by contribution to the development of project on the formal analogy of algorithmic network.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a plan for establishing Korea's cultural identity and its competitive edge in the world market and for enhancing Korea’s cultural status, creative and unique high value-added cultural products need to be developed utilizing our inherent cultural assets. Accordingly, this study focused on the development of the design of fashion cultural products that utilize the convergence of Hangeul our peculiar font style and Korea's cultural heritage, which is registered as part of UNESCO’s World Heritage. A design method was devised that converges archetypal images of cultural property with the unique Hangeul font in a way that targets Korea's symbolic architectures. The symbolic architecture includes Korea’s world-heritage pagoda architecture, such as Seokgatap pagoda and Dabotap pagoda at Bulguksa temple. It also included the architecture of royal palace, such as Injeongjeon hall at Changdeokgung palace. Finally, it also included the architecture of the fortress wall, such as Paldalmun gate in Hwaseong fortress. Thus, by developing cultural assets made from a convergence between architecture and the Hangeul font as a consumer-product image that has universality, the possibility of cultural products was pursued by applying color planning after an analysis that involved extracting the compositional colors of the flags of the world. This research and approach will lead to opportunities for further progress for Korea's cultural products in the global market as a results of additional recognition for their value, excellence, and universal appeal.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In contemporary society, vibration and noise in the road nearby buildings have become social problems as vehicles operation has increased. Especially, in the case of the building used to art performance, available suitability of the building is tested by the indoor noise class. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is the measurement of the structure-borne noise of Seoul Art Center nearby Umyeonsan tunnel and analyzing the effects of countermeasure to it. To measure the effects of countermeasure, not only structure-borne noise is measured, but also the vibration is measured, before and after the construction of pavement using pad and porous asphalt. Consequently, the sound pressure level in art center 1st floor is reduced after mat pavement method, structure-borne noise that was high in 25Hz wide-band before pavement decreased regardless of experimental vehicle's velocity. Using porous asphalt pavement the noise was reduced about 3 dB(A).
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis mainly deals with the meaning of single eaves buildings which have Chunyeo with Sarae. As a rule, building with single eaves does not construct Sarae. But we can find some special buildings using Chunyeo with Sarae in the corners of the eaves. At this time, many people say that lower part of the member so called Alchunyeo, and upper part of the member so called Chunyeo. And they also say that the using of Alchunyeo was caused by the shortage of timber which can make Chunyeo properly. As a result, single eaves buildings using Chunyeo with Sarae in the corners of the eaves were not caused by the shortage of timber. That kinds of buildings were made by the hierarchy of building. Single eaves buildings with Sarae have lower rank than double eaves buildings, and also have higher rank than those without Sarae. And we have to say that lower part of the member is Chunyeo, and upper part of the member is Sarae.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With increasing public awareness regarding radon, this study has been conducted with the aim of providing more accurate information about radon to the public. We investigated the radon emissions from gypsum boards, which are known to emit relatively higher levels of radon among the building materials available on the market. Radon emissions were measured over three weeks using the closed chamber method with nuclear track detectors. For ceiling materials, the arithmetic mean of the radon emissions was 43.8 ± 42.2 Bq/m3 (geometric mean: 28.9 ± 5.6), 156.2 ± 150.5 mBq/m2/h per unit area (geometric mean, 103.1 ± 2.7) and 21.1 ± 19.9 mBq/kg/h per unit mass (geometric mean: 14.4 ± 2.6). Regarding the wall materials, the arithmetic mean of radon emissions was 24.1 ± 24.0 Bq/m3 (geometric mean: 15.6 ± 2.6), 133.3 ± 143.4 mBq/m2/h per unit area (geometric mean, 76.8 ± 3.0) and 13.0 ± 10.4 mBq/kg/h per unit mass (geometric mean, 9.5 ± 2.3). According to the results of this study, higher radon concentrations and emissions were detected in the ceiling materials than in the wall materials, but these values were lower than those previously measured in building materials.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        교정시설은 수용자의 교정, 교화를 실천하여 건전한 사회복귀를 도모하고 이를 통해 국민의 안정된 삶을 구현하는 국가적으로 매우 중요한 시설이다. 관리자의 근무, 복지, 감독뿐만 아니라 수용자의 거주, 교육, 작업, 후생, 의료, 체육시설 등 매우 복합적인 기능을 효율적으로 묶어내는 건축계획은 수용자의 효율적인 계호와 동시에 그 인권을 존중하는 균형 잡힌 교정철학을 실천하는 가장 핵심적 조건이다. 이에 본 연구는 교정시설 성능향상을 실현하기 위한 방편으로 먼저 건축프로세스에 주목하고, 그 선진화 방안을 제시하는 것이 목적이었다. 기획단계에서부터 설계 및 시공에 이르기까지 프로세스의 주요단계를 점검하고, 의사 결정 과정과 여러 참여 주체 등을 파악하고 면담하였다. 대안 건축프로세스를 모색하고자 선진사례로 일본 교정시설을 선정하고, 답사와 시설관련 담당자와의 면담을 실행 후 국내 교정시설 건축프로세스 개선을 위해 장, 단기 실천 방안으로 분류하여 다음과 같이 5가지 방안을 제안한다. (1) 일선기관(End User)의 역할 강화를 통한 실무협의회 내실화(단기적 실천방안) (2) 일선기관(End User) 초기 구상단계 참여(단기적 실천방안) (3) 교정시설 건축위원회 구성(예상 준비 기간 6개월~1년) (4) 건축설계표준 개정 및 위상강화(※ 필수적으로 빠른 시일 내에 실행되어야함) (5) 교정기관 내 자체 설계팀 구축(장기적 실천방안)
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The retractable roof structure is used in various fields and it is classified for steel retractable system and soft retractable system. For the domestic industry, it is in the initial phase now and the demand of the retractable roof structure is expected to increase in the future. Therefore, this paper is classified for steel retractable system and soft retractable system from the retractable roof structures in overseas to survey and analyze the cases of wind velocity on retractable roof structure in Japan that uses the same wind velocity criteria like Korea regarding the open-close time and average open-close time for retractable roof area.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to establish a seismic resistance performance evaluation method that makes sure to secure the seismic resistance performance of the existing mid-low story reinforced concrete structures. This study focuses on the development of the seismic resistance performance evaluation method for the overall seismic resistance performance evaluation on the buildings by applying fuzzy theory. This seismic resistance performance evaluation method considers the mutual relations among the type of force, the type of member, the type of story, and the states of deterioration of the buildings. The total seismic resistance performance index from this method was calculated by the intensity weight of each evaluation item, fuzzy measure, fuzzy integration. Moreover, the evaluation methodology was established in this study to identify the performance level of the Immediate Occupancy, Life Safe, Collapse Prevention by applying the fuzzy theory.