
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,369

        2000.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 한국과 일본의 특정 도시내 주거녹지의 미기후개선 및 CO2 농도저감 효과를 계량화하였다. 또한, 도시수목에 의한 화재방지의 효과를 검토하고, 그들 효과를 함께 증진하기 위한 녹지계획 및 관리 전략을 제시하였다. 수목 생장기간 중 평균 온도는 수목피도 12% 및 22%인 지구에서 녹지부재의 지구보다 각각 0.5℃, 1.2℃ 더 낮았다. 수목의 호당 연간 CO2, 흡수량과 O2, 생산량은 수목피도가 2배 더 높은 지구에서 3배 더 많았다. 수목피도 22% 지구의 수목은 광합성과 에너지 절약을 통해 지구 총 CO2배출량의 약 3%를 해마다 상쇄시켰고, 지구내 거주민 모두가 연간 필요로 하는 산소량의 약 10%를 생산하는 중요한 역할을 담당하였다. 흉고직경 15cm인 느티나무 한 그루의 8월 하루 증산량은 7,100kca1/h(사무실 24평용) 냉방능력을 가진 냉방기를 12시간 동안 약 3대 가동하는 효과와 같았다. 또한, 그 수목은 해마다 32리터의 휘발유 소비에 따른 CO2, 배출량을 상쇄시켰고, 한 사람이 68일간 호흡하는데 필요한 산소량을 생산하였다. 화재 방지를 비롯한 미기후개선 및 CO2 농도저감의 효과를 증진하기 위해, 수종선정 , 건물주변 식재기법, 녹지확충, 식생관리 등과 관련된 도시 주거녹지의 적정한 계획 및 관리전략을 제시하였다. 제안한 전략은 현존 단독주거지에서는 물론 새로운 주거단지를 조성하는데 유용하게 적용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
        2000.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Korea urbanization has been accelerated without regard to regional traits and the environment. Most of rural areas have been overurbanized with proper and long term plan. Especially the case of Yongin-community which is located 50km south of Seoul reveals a typical wrong urbanization policy. Evidence of such wrong policy is proved by this study for last three decades(1970-2000) in political economic approach with special reference to the Manuel Castells' theory. The study concludes that urbanization with no proper development plan is mostly vulnerable and wasteful. And the environment is once spoiled, it is almost impossible to recover, so it is necessary for us long term and proper plan before development.
        2000.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The amount of municipal water has been increased rapidly up to now and it is necessary to treat and dispose the wastewater effectively. The recent trend of the effluent disposal system, after treatment, show a nearshore discharge which has an outfall with length somewhere between the shoreline discharge and an extended deepwater outfall. There is no universal solution to municipal water treatment and disposal and each case must be examined on its merits and on economic, technical and environmental bases. In this study we focused mostly on the scientific and engineering aspects of ocean disposal through the outfall. For this purpose, we made an investigation to the near-field characteristics of discharged water and made some comparison with the existing experimental results. We also applied it to the Pusan Jungang Effluent Outfall System, which is planned to build in the Gamchun harbour and will be completed in 2011. The model output showed the trajectoral variation of dilution and mixing behavior for three cases of outfall system. Dilution differences have been simulated and found the highest dilution condition under the different displacement of outfall system. On the basis of these outputs it will be proposed the optimum outfall system type and location.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is carried out the analysis of the runoff characteristics for the design of the interior drainage systems by SWMM in urbanization basin. The basin analyzed in this study is Bumuh-chun basin which is located in Susung-gu of Taegu city. Huff method is used for rainfall distribution analysis. The optimal rainfall duration in Bumuh-chun basin is analyzed as about 90 minutes decided from comparison of arrival time and critical duration. Flood flow variation pattern is proposed through the comparison of the results of peak flow and peak time analyzed by SWMM about pre-urbanization and post-urbanization of Bumuh-chun basin. It is known that the variation of arrival time caused by the rapid increase of pavement rate in the upper area shows about 20∼25 minutes faster than pre- urbanization. Therefore, the management of surface water for design of water supply and drainage, and channel alteration has to considered the variation of geological factors according to urbanization.