
한국환경과학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Environmental Science International

이 간행물 논문 검색


제10권 제5호 (2001년 10월) 10

2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
갯벌내 미생물에 의한 유기물 분해능력을 조사하기 위하여 환경특성이 다른 세지점의 갯벌을 대상으로 분해능력을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 갯벌의 입도조성은 육상기원 퇴적물의 영향이 상대적으로 큰 만경강과 동진강 하구 갯벌이 하제갯벌보다 전체적으로 입도조성이 작았다. 갯벌의 유기물 분해능력은 초기에는 아주 느리게 일어났으며, 유기물 분해율은 동진강 하구갯벌에서 87.63%, 만경강 하구갯벌에서 86.36%, 하제갯벌에서 85.88%로 나타났고, 시험수 자체의 유기물 분해율은 27.5∼30%로 나타났다. 유기물 분해속도(K')는 동진강 갯벌이 1.364day-1, 만경강갯벌이1.080day-1, 하제갯벌이 0.735day-1로 나타나, 축산폐수의 영향을 많이 받고 유기물함량이 상대적으로 높은 동진강 하구 갯벌에서 높은 유기물 분해속도상수를 나타냈다. 해수중에서의 유기물 분해량을 뺀 순수한 갯벌 미생물에 의해 유기물 분해량은 동진강 하구갯벌이 0.4㎎/g/day, 만경강 하구갯벌이 0.36㎎/g/day 및 하제갯벌이 0.36㎎/g/day로써 평균 0.37㎎/g/day이었다. 단위면적당 유기물 분해량을 계산하기 위해 1ha당 표층 0.1㎝ 에서만 미생물이 작용하고, 갯벌의 비중을 2.5g/㎤으로 가정하여 1ha당 유기물 제거능력을 산출한 결과 9.25㎏/ha로 추정되었다. 갯벌의 유기물 분해속도는 유기물 함량을 간접적으로 나타내는 IL, CODsed, TC와 높은 양의 상관성(R2=0.97∼1.00)을 보였고, 물리적인 특성인 입도와는 입도조성이 작을수록 분해속도가 높게 나타났다.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
A new method is developed to estimate the evaporation of water from a surface with high accuracy and resolution. The principle of new method is to detect a weight change of buoyant weight according to a change in water level of Class A Pan measured by the use of a strain-gauge load cell. Field test of evaporation recording new instrument was carried out at Suwon for 10 days of July 1999. It is possible in field observation to measure hourly evaporation amount by newly developed evaporation recording instrument in Class A Pan against strong solar radiation. Present study provide a possibility of domestic high accuracy instrument development below than 0.1mm water level measurement accuracy. If there is low humidity and high wind speed conditions which is possible to evaporate from water surface during night time. And it needs continuos study to understand between meteorological elements and latent heat effect at ground level by field observation study using high accuracy evaporation recording instrument.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Characgcteristics of nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) were analyzed by the upper-air observations data using with the airsonde and pilot balloons from 1994 to 1999 in Kyungpook province. The automatic weather system was also installed to obtain data in the surface layer. The atmospheric boundary layer can become stably stratified when the surface is cooler than the air. Stable nocturnal boundary layer heights were estimated from the top of surface stable layer where the vertical gradient of temperature and mixing ratio tend to zero or negative. The depth of the stable nocturnal boundary layer depended largely on the thermal effect rather than the wind effect at nighttime. The NBL was more developed on the land than on the coastal region. The stability index (bulk Richardson number) showed that the NBL was stable when the wind was weak and the vertical gradient of the temperature was strong. The heat budget in the NBL was studied by considering the effect of the radiative and the turbulent cooling rates in the cases with cloud and without cloud. The NBL under clear sky was cooled by both the longwave radiative flux and the divergence of the heat flux, while NBL under the cloudy sky the longwave radiative flux played a role of the warming. It was noted that the heat was not conserved in both cases. To complete the heat budget in the NBL the warming/cooling by advection and subsidence must be considered.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The Rondonia Boundary Layer Experiment (RBLE-Ⅱ) was conceived to collect data the atmospheric boundary layer over two representative surfaces in the Amazon region of Brazil; tropical forest and a deforested, pasture area. The present study deals with the observations of atmospheric boundary layer growth and decay. Although the atmospheric boundary layer measurements made in RBLE-Ⅱ were not made simultaneously over the two different surface types, some insights can be gained from analysing and comparing with their structure. The greater depth of the nocturnal boundary layer at the forest site may be due to the influence of mechanical turbulence. The pasture site is aerodynamically smoother and so the downward turbulent diffusion will be much less, resulting in a lower surface temperature. The strength of thermal inversion is, consequently, higher over the pasture than over the forest. The development of the convective boundary layer is stronger over the pasture than over the forest. The influence of the sensible heat flux is important but may be not enough to explain the difference completely. It seems that energy advection may occur from the wet and colder (forest) to the dry and warmer area (pasture), rapidly breaking up the nocturnal inversion. Such advection can explain the abrupt growth of the convective boundary layer at the pasture site during the early morning.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
To investigate air quality away from the coastal urban source region, we used a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian method which can describe the formation, transport, transformation and deposition processes in complex terrain. with inclusion of shipping sources that were considered to be important emission in the coastal urban region. The result of the Eulerian advection - diffusion prediction was quite similar to that of the Lagrangian particle diffusion prediction. It showed that pollutants emitted from piers can affect the part of inland, especially Dongrae and the coastal area. Those emitted from Sasang and Janglim industrial complexes can affect Hwamyeong and the coastal, respectively. During the daytime the concentration was low due to large deposition flux and terrain effect.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of cylindrical electrostatic precipitator with centrifugal effect in viewpoints of pressure drop and collection efficiency, experimentally. The experiment was carried out for the analysis of current-voltage, pressure drop and collection efficiency with various experimental parameters such as the applied voltage, inlet velocity, inlet size and inlet type(upper and bottom), etc. In the results, the pressure drops were estimated as 27∼54, 34∼63㎜H2O for inlet size 15㎜×3O㎜ and 30㎜×60㎜, respectively. The collection efficiencies were shown over 99% with the small inlet size(15㎜×30㎜) for the applied voltage 40㎸, inlet velocity(15∼21m/s), and 51∼89% with the large inlet size(30㎜×60㎜). Moreover, in the applied voltage 0㎸ and inlet size 15㎜×30㎜, the collection efficiency induced by centrifugal force was represented as about 35% with inlet velocity 15∼21m/s.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Pseudomonas sp. EL-04J was previously isolated from phenol-acclimated activated sludge. This bacterium was capable of degrading phenol and cometabolizing trichloroethylene (TCE). After precultivation in the mineral salts medium containing phenol as a sole carbon source, Pseudomonas EL-04J degraded 90% of TCE 25μM within 20 hours. Thus, phenol-induced Pseudomonas sp. EL-04J cells can degrade TCE. Following a transient lag period, Pseudomonas sp. EL-04J cells degraded TCE at concentrations of at least 250μM with no apparent retardation in rate, but the transformation capacity of such cells was limited and depended on the cell concentration. The degradation rate of TCE followed the Michaelis-Menten kinetic model. The maximum degradation rate (Vmax) and saturation constant (Km) were 7nmo ℓ/min·㎎ cell protein and 11μM, respectively. Cometabolism of TCE by phenol fed experiment was evaluated in 50·mℓ serum, vial that contained 10 ㎖ of meneral sals medium supplemented with 10μM TCE. TCE degradation was inhibited in the initial period of 1 mM phenol addition, but after that time Pseudomonas sp. EL-04J cells degraded TCE and showed cell growth.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The optimum dosage of quicklime in producing organic fertilizer using livestock wastes with a greater than 80% water content was analysed. After one day had elapsed to allow for the organic fertilizer to dry, the quicklime dosage and the composition of the organic fertilizer were analysed. Any from done to the organic fertilizer was also assessed. The amount of the quicklime required to stabilize livestock wastes was determined by water content of livestock wastes. For J farm(slurry style) of which livestock wastes have 94.6% of water concentration, less than 3% of total amount of livestock wastes, for H farm(scraper style) of which livestock wastes have 85% of water concentration, less then 4% of total livestock wastes and Y farm(traditional style) of which livestock wastes have 80% of water concentration, less then 5% of total livestock wastes. Generally, in order to pack the organic fertilizer, water containing quicklime-stabilized livestock wastes should be less than 35%. It takes 9 days to keep this water content for the wastes from H and Y farms(less than 85% in water content), and 12days for the wastes from J farm(94.6% in water content). According to the classification standard for compost constitution by Higgins, the crude fertilizers from all 3 farms had high grade K2O and CaO, the middle grade T-N and middle or low grade P2O5. Stabilization by quicklime is known to inhibit bacterial decomposition of organic matter and the activity of pathogenic organisms. In this study, more than 99.99% of coliform group, fecal group and viable cell count were reduced. Our results indicate that livestock wastes of greater 80% water content could be used to produce organic fertilizer without the addition of a material for moisture control.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In recent years, the demand of activated carbon has been increasing steadily because of the environmental problems. Among them waste and water treatment and removal of poisonous gas were involved. Therefore, in this study, activated carbon was made from the waste chinese cabbage and measured the iodine adsorption ability, carbonization yield, and activation yield of the produced activated carbon. The result showed that the carbonization yield was decreased when carbonization temperature was increased and that the optimal carbonization temperature was 600℃. The optimal concentration of NaOH for removing ash in the raw sample was 1∼2N. The range of iodine adsorption number of activated carbon using chinese cabbage at 600℃ carbonization was 610.82㎎/g to 1019.58㎎/g. The activation result of carbonization sample showed that the optimal activation condition was the carbonization at 400℃ and the activation at 700℃. So the production of activated carbon using chinese cabbage was possible in the aspect of reuse of resource and decrease of environmental pollution compared to the commercial activated carbon.
2001.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The characteristics of precipitation separation and solvent extraction separation of magnesium from the waste bittern were studied experimentally. In the result of precipitation separation, the size of magnesium hydroxide precipitated was not affected on pH, but decreased with increasing the precipitation temperature. The purity of magnesium oxide precipitated was increased with pH beyond pH 11. From the solvent extraction separation, the equilibrium extraction ratio of magnesium was increased with pH and temperature of extraction phase, the concentration of stripping phase, and with decreasing pH of stripping phase. The extractant of Aliquat 336 and Acid 810 mixture was more effective than that of DCH18C6 and D2EHPA mixture in the extraction separation of magnesium.