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        검색결과 48

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        산화적 스트레스는 세포 및 조직 손상을 통해 피부의 탄력 및 보습 기능 저하, 피부 노화 촉진 을 비롯한 다양한 피부질환을 일으킨다. 본 연구의 목적은 인간 피부각질세포 (HaCaT keratinocyte)에서 산화적 스트레스에 대한 붉은 토끼풀 추출물의 효능을 검토하여, 피부에 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 기능 성 소재로서의 활용 여부를 확인하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 붉은 토끼풀 추출물이 인간 피부각질세포에 서 산화적 스트레스에 따른 세포사를 억제시키는 것을 확인하여, 이를 조절하는 보호기전을 규명하였다. 이는 붉은 토끼풀 추출물이 Caspase-3 비활성, 세포사 촉진단백질 Bax 발현 억제, 세포생존 촉진단백질 Bcl-2 발현 증가 및 MAPK 신호전달계 단백질의 인산화 억제를 통해 H2O2에 의해 유도된 산화적 스트레 스를 보호할 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 붉은 토끼풀 추출물은 피부의 산화적 손상을 감소시키는 유용한 소재로 평가되며, 이는 피부보호 및 미용을 위한 다양한 제품 및 산업에 활용 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Asparagus cochinchinensis is known to ameliorate respiratory disease. We evaluated the antimicrobial activity of non-fermented and fermented A. cochinchinensis using lactic acid bacteria and investigated the physicochemical characteristics of the fermented A.cochinchinensis. Non-fermented A.cochinchinensis showed lower levels of antimicrobial activity than the fermented A.cochinchinensis. Ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extracts of the fermented A. cochinchinensis showed antimicrobial activities against the indicator strains at lower minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The MIC of the EtOAc extract of non-fermented A. cochinchinensis against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Stphylococcus aureus were 100, 75, and 100 mg/ml. In contrast, the MIC of the EtOAc extract of ACLM was 25 mg/mL against E. coli. The MIC of the EtOAc extract of ACLS was 12.5 mg/mL against S.epidermidis, and the MIC of the EtOAc extract ofACLP was 12.5 mg/mL against S.aureus. The viable cell number, pH, and acidity of A. cochinchinensis fermented by Lactobacillussakei 383 were similar to those of A. cochinchinensis fermented by Leuconostocmesenteroides 4395, but were different from those of A. cochinchinensis fermented by Lactobacillus.plantarum KCCM 11322. These results suggested that the fermented A. cochinchinensis by lactic acid bacteria may be a good candidate for application to ameliorate respiratory disease.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        셀룰로오스는 지구상에서 가장 풍부하게 존재하는 재생 가능한 천연 다당류로서 glucose의 β-1,4 결합에 의하여 이루어진 물질이자 고등식물의 주요 구성성분으로서 현재 제지, 펼프 및 방적산업을 비롯한 다양한 분야에서 사용되고 있다. 셀룰로오스의 소비가 급증함에 따라 그 원료로 사용되는 목재에 대한 수요도 갈수록 높아지고 있으나 원료공급과 환경문제로 인하여 제지 대체물질에 대한 연구가 절실한 형편이다(Sutherland 1998). 따라
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the biological treatment of industrial wastewater containing high concentration of phenol, isolation and characterization of phenol - degrading bacterium were carried out. A bacterial strain P2 capable of degrading phenol was isolated from contaminate
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과학기술의 발달과 경제수준 향상 및 운동량의 부족으로 인한 비만증의 발생율이 높아지는 반면 체중 감량에 대한 관심도 증가하고 있다. 특히 이런 관심은 젊은 여성들 사이에서 발생하는 경향이 있으며, 지나친 체중감량은 건강에도 해를 미치지만 체중감량에 대한 자료가 거의 전무한 실정이다. 본 연구는 다이어트가 영양상태에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하여 제1보고로써 다이어트 실태에 대해 조사한 것이다. 1. 조사 대상자들은 19세(27%), 20세(25.3%)의 연령층이 가장 두터웠으며, 체중은 50.32±0.91kg, 신장은 160.90±0.47cm이었고, BMI는 18.73±4.89로 나타나 평균적으로 여윈 상태임을 보였다. 2. 조사 대상자들의 한달 용돈은 10∼15만원이 가장 많았으며, 부모님의 체형은 정상이거나 마른 분이 절반을 넘었다. 한편 아버지만 뚱뚱하신 경우보다는 어머니만 뚱뚱하신 분이 더 많은 것으로 나타났다. 3. 조사 대상자들의 식태도는 하루 한, 두끼만 섭취하며, 불규칙적으로 섭취하는 사람이 많았고, 과반수가 자신의 체형을 과대인식하는 것으로 나타나 체형의 기준을 바르게 선정할 수 있는 영양교육이 필요함을 보였다. 4. 조사 대상자들의 실제 체중은 50.32±0.91kg이었으나 이상체중은 46.94±0.39kg으로써 이상체중이 유의적으로 낮았다(p=0.0114). 5. 조사 대상자의 37.54%가 1997년 한 해 중 다이어트를 실시한 경험이 있었으며, 처음 다이어트를 실시한 시기는 고등학교, 대학생 때, 고등학교와 대학 사이의 순으로 나타나 주로 고등학교 이후에 다이어트를 하려는 이유로는 자기 신체에 대한 기대 및 느낌 등의 주관적인 이유가 주된 원인이었으며, 과반수 이상의 여대생이 다이어트를 실시해 본 경험(79.3%)을 가지고 있었고, 다이어트 실시 빈도는 가끔 실시하는 경우(38.25%)가 가장 많았다. 또한 다이어트의 실시기간은 일주일 미만인 사람이 가장 많았으며, 평균 체중감소량은 1∼2kg(37.69%), 2∼4kg(29.44%)이었으며, 과반수 이상이(76.65%) 감량된 체중을 유지하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 6. 가장 선호하는 다이어트 방법은 하루 한끼 혹은 그 이상을 굶는 방법, 운동, 하루 3끼를 모두 섭취하되 열량을 줄이는 방법 등의 순으로 나타나 결국 섭취열량을 제한하거나 소비열량을 늘이는 방법을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 7. 다이어트에 대한 정보는 주로 신문, 잡지(30.86%), 가족, 친구, 친척(28.86%) 등의 대중매체나 주위의 사람들로부터 얻는 것으로 나타났다. 8. 영양상태 지각도가 보통 이상인 경우는 아버지, 어머니 두 분 다 뚱뚱하지 않은 경우일 때는 116명(42.65%)이며, 두 분 다 뚱뚱한 경우는 8명(2.95%)로 나타나 부모가 정상체중이거나 마른 경우 그 자녀의 영양자각도가 그렇지 않은 부모의 자녀에 비해 높은 것을 알 수 있었다(p=0.004). 9. 영양상태 자각도는 자신의 체형을 적당하다, 약간 뚱뚱하다고 대답한 group이 다른 group에 비해 높았다(p=0.001).
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양파를 생채로 착즙하여 분리한 액즙을 Brix 70%까지 감압농축시킨 것과 이어서 잔사에 ethyl alcohol을 가하여 추출한 것을 농축시켜 같이 합하고, 갈변방지를 위하여 1% cysteine의 첨가와 유화제로서 2% PGDR을 첨가하여 양파 oleoresin을 제조하고 저장중 품질 안정성을 검토하였다. 양파로부터 oleoresin에 추출된 당은 저장온도 5℃, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 매우 안정하여 저장 60일후까지도 함량변화는 거의 일어나지 않았다. 양파 oleoresin 추출 직후 갈변도를 나타내는 흡광도가 0.38로 담갈색을 띄었는데 5℃에서는 저장 60일 후에도 변화가 거의 없었으나, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 저장한 경우는 60일후 흡광도가 1.53 및 3.32로 증가하였고, cysteine을 1% 첨가한 경우는 대조구에 비하여 갈색 억제효과가 상당히 나타나 40℃에서 60일간 저장하였을 때의 흡광도는 대조구의 절반 수준으로 나타났다. 유화 안정성은 5℃ 저장의 경우 20일, 40일 및 60일후에 분리되지 않는 emulsion 층의 부피가 각각 96.8%, 94.1% 및 90.6%로 매우 안정하였고, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 60일 저장후는 83.2% 및 75.4%로 유화상태가 다소 불안정하였다. 생채 양파로부터 추출한 oleoresin을 저장시키지 않고 바로 대두유에 1% 첨가한 경우와 0.02% BHA를 첨가하였을 때 A.I. 는 각각 1.39 및 1.72를 나타내어 0.02% BHA를 첨가한 대두유의 유도기간 연장효과에 대하여 80.8%에 해당하는 항산화 활성을 나타내었고, 5℃ 및 25℃에서 60일 동안 저장한 양파 oleoresin을 대두유에 각각 1% 첨가하였을 때의 A.I. 는 1.37 및 1.30을 나타내어 실온 또는 그 이하의 온도에서는 양파 oleoresin이 가지는 항산화 활성은 매우 안정하였으며, 40℃에서 저장 60일후의 양파 oleoresin의 A.I. 는 1.08로 나타나 고온에서 저장기일이 길어질수록 양파 oleoresin의 항산화활성은 다소 불안정하였다. Overall odor intensity의 지표로서 total pyruvate 함량변화는 5℃, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 저장 60일후 잔존율이 각각 89.9%, 79.7% 및 65.2%로 저온에서는 상당히 안정하였다. 양파 oleoresin의 저장중 pyruvate 감소에 대한 반응속도 상수는 저장온도 범위 5∼10℃에서 1.381∼4.735mmol/ℓ·hr, Q10 값은 1.537∼1.694, 그리고 활성화 에너지는 11.649㎉/g mole이었다.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        K14 환자는 유방암 수술, 방사선 치료, 피부이식 수술, 무릅 관절통의 기왕력이 있는 고령의 여성 호흡곤란증 환자로서 문진과 진찰, 혈압, 비만도 측정, 임상병리, 흉부 X-선, 심전도와 심초음파, 폐기능 검사 등 체계적인 심폐기 질환의 진단 결과 비만증과 고혈압, 좌심실 비대, 만성 폐질환의 소견이 있어 심폐기능 모두에서 문제성이 발견되었다. 검사 결과들의 정밀한 판독법 및 장기-치료 관찰 결과를 임상문헌과 함께 고찰하였다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are among the representative probiotics that have been used for a long time in fermented food. Although there are many studies on detecting the radical scavenging activity of LAB, few studies have been conducted on the environmental factors that improve scavenging activity. This study investigated the environmental factors affecting the DPPH radical scavenging and various antioxidant activities of Kimchi-derived Lactobacillus plantarum K-21 with antihypertensive and radical scavenging activities. The optimal conditions for scavenging DPPH radicals were glucose 2%, bactopeptone 0.5%, Tween 80 0.05%, L-cysteine 0.05%, and an initial pH 6.5 at 35℃. Under optimal conditions, the DPPH radical scavenging activity was 94.8±2.2%, which was 1.5 times higher than that of the basic medium. In addition, L. plantarum K-21 had other antioxidant activities; ABTS radical scavenging (93.6±1.5%), hydroxyl radical scavenging (8.5±0.9%), metal chelating (65.9±0.5%), NO scavenging (53.1±19%), SOD-like (25.1±1.5%), and reducing power (11.7±1.4%) activities were detected. Therefore, L. plantarum K-21 may act not only as a starter for lactic acid-fermented foods with improved functionality but also as a drug for various diseases caused by oxidative stress.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lipoxygenase is an enzyme, mainly produced by plants, capable of converting unsaturated fatty acids to fatty acids. It has vast application potential in the food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The aim of this study was to isolate novel lipoxygenase-producing bacteria from the environment and to investigate the lipoxygenase enzymatic properties for industrial production. The strain, NC1, isolated from cultivation soils, was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on the phenotypic characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. This strain formed a pink color around the colony when cultured on indamine dye formation plates. The production of lipoxygenase by B. subtilis NC1 was influenced by the composition of the medium and linoleic acid concentrations. The optimum temperature and pH for lipoxygenase activity was determined to be 40 °C and pH 6, respectively. The enzyme showed relatively high stability at temperatures ranging from 20–50 °C and acid-neutral regions. In addition, the lipoxygenase produced by B. subtilis NC1 was able to degrade commercially available oils including sunflower seed oil and Perilla oil. In this study, a useful indigenous bacterium was isolated, and the fundamental physicochemical data of bacterial lipoxygenase giving it industrial potential are presented.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To develop eco-friendly microbial inoculants, siderophore-producing bacteria were isolated and identified, and their production characteristics and plant growth-promoting abilities were investigated. A strain S21 was isolated from rhizosphere of Korean perilla (Perilla frutescens) and identified as Enterobacter amnigenus by phenotypic properties and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The highest siderophore production was obtained in a medium containing 0.5% fructose, 0.1% urea, 0.5% K2HPO4 and 0.1% succinic acid. By using this improved medium, siderophore production increased by 2.5 times compared to that of basal medium. The strain S21 showed insoluble phosphate solubilizing, ammonification and antifungal activities, and also produced hydrolytic enzymes (protease and lipase), indoleacetic acid and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase. Our data suggest that E. amnigenus S21 is a potential candidate that can be used as eco-friendly biocontrol agent and biofertilizer.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Production of Bacterial Cellulose (BC) by Gluconacetobacter sp. A5 was studied in shaken culture using different cost-effective carbon sources and its structural and mechanical properties were evaluated. Glycerol showed the highest level (7.26 g/l) of BC production, which was about three times higher than the yield in glucose medium. BC production depended not only on the decrease in pH, but also on the ability of Gluconacetobacter sp. A5 to synthesize glucose from different carbon sources and then polymerize it into BC. All BC produced from different carbon sources exhibited a three-dimensional reticulated structure consisting of ultrafine cellulose fibriles. Carbon sources did not significantly change the microfibrile structure of the resulting BC. BC produced from glucose medium had the lowest water-holding capacity, while BC from molasses medium had the highest. XRD data revealed that all BC were cellulose type І, the same as typical native cellulose. The crystalline strength of BC produced in glucose medium was the highest, and that in molasses medium was the lowest. Our results suggest that glycerol could be a potential low-cost substrate for BC production, leading to the reduction in the production cost, and also to produce BC with different mechanical properties by selecting appropriate carbon source.
        2019.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅱ gene(COⅡ gene) is subunit of cytochrome oxidase, which is complex Ⅳ of mitochondria electron transport system. It has been frequently used in molecular phylogenetic studies because the speed of its DNA variation is faster than that of nucleus. It is especially useful in phylogenetic study of molecular biology in insects. In this study, we cloned and sequenced COⅡ gene of mitochondria DNA from Rhabditidae family nematode. Our results showed that this gene is comprised of 696 base pairs(bp). In the analysis of similarity of this gene with other known genes of 14 species of nematodes in Rhabditida order, we identified that this gene has high similarity with that of Caenorhabditis briggsae(86.0%) and C. elegans(85.6%) in Rhabditidae family. On the meanwhile, it has very low similarity with that of Angiostrongylus cantonensis(31.8%) in Angiostrongylidae family and Metastrongylus salmi(31.6%) in Metastrongylidae family. Based on the results of this study, we suggest that this nematode is closely related with that of Caenorhabditis genus in Rhabditidae family.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are industrially important microorganisms for probiotics. The recent widespread application of LAB for preparation of functional food is attributable to the accumulating scientific evidence showing their beneficial effects on human health. In this study, we isolated and characterized plant-derived LAB that show angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory and antioxidant activities. The selected strain K2 was isolated from Kimchi, and identified as Lactobacillus plantarum by 16S rRNA gene analysis. The strain grew under static and shaking culture systems. They were also able to grow in different culture conditions like 25℃∼37℃ temperature, 4∼10 pH range and ∼6% NaCl concentration. L. plantarum K2 was highly resistant to acid stress; survival rate of the strain at pH 2.5 and 3 were 80% and 91.6%, respectively. The strain K2 also showed high bile resistance to 0.3% bile bovine and 0.3% bile extract with more than 74% of survival rate. The cell grown on MRS agar plate containing bile extract formed opaque precipitate zones around the colonies, indicating they have bile salt hydrolase activity. The strain showed an inhibitory activity against pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes; antibacterial activity was probably due to the lactic acid. The K2 strain showed relatively higher autoaggregation values, antihypertensive and antioxidant activities. These results suggest that L. plantarum K2 could be not only applied as a pharmabiotic for human health but also is also starter culture applicable to fermentative products.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Styela clava tunic is generated in large amounts as a waste from S. clava processing plants and leads to environmental problems. It destroys the beach scenery and causes a bad smell and pollution by trashing on the seashore. Therefore, purpose of this study was to investigate antioxidant and antihypertensive activities of different solvent extracts from S. clava tunic for recycling of fishery waste. Antioxidant and antihypertensive activities of all extracts were concentration-dependent. Of extracts, hot water extract showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity with the lowest effective concentration (EC50) value (0.733 mg/ml). Chloroform extract exhibited the highest metal chelation activity with the lowest EC50 value (2.696 mg/ml). Autoclaved water extract showed the highest NO radical scavenging activity with the lowest EC50 value (0.491 mg/ml) and n-hexane extract showed the highest reducing power (A700=1.897 at 100 mg/ml). And n-butanol extract showed the highest SOD-like activity with the lowest EC50 value (19.116 mg/ml) and ACE inhibition activity with the lowest inhibitory concentration(IC50) value (0.149 mg/ml). These results indicate that extracts obtained from S. clava tunic may potential candidate to reduce diseases caused by various oxidative stresses and hypertension.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Keratin wastes are generated in excess of million tons per year worldwide and biodegradation of keratin by microorganisms possessing keratinase activity can be used as an alternative tool to prevent environmental pollution. For practical use of keratinase, its physicochemical properties should be investigated in detail. In this study, we investigated characteristics of keratinase produced by Xanthomonas sp. P5 which is isolated from rhizospheric soil of soybean. The level of keratinase produced by the strain P5 increased with time and reached its maximum (10.6 U/ml) at 3 days. The production of soluble protein had the same tendency as the production of keratinase. Optimal temperature and pH of keratinase were 40℃-45℃ and pH 9, respectively. The enzyme showed broad temperature and pH stabilities. Thermostability profile showed that the enzyme retained 94.6%-100% of the original activity after 1 h treatment at 10℃-40℃. After treatment for 1 h at pH 6-10, 89.2%-100% of the activity was remained. At pH 11, 71.6% of the original activity was retained after 1 h treatment. Although the strain P5 did not degrade human hair, it degraded duck feather and chicken feather. These results indicate that keratinase from Xanthomonas sp. P5 could be not only used to upgrade the nutritional value of feather hydrolysate but also useful in situ biodegradation of feather.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bacterial cellulose (BC) has played important role as new functional material for food industry and industrial products based on its unique properties. The interest in BC from static cultures has increased steadily in recent years because of its potential for use in medicine and cosmetics. In this study, we investigated culture condition for BC production by Acetobacter sp. F15 in static culture. The strain F15, which was isolated from decayed fruit, was selected on the basis of BC thickness. The optimal medium compositions for BC production were glucose 7%, soytone 12%, K2HPO4 0.2%, NaH2PO4ㆍ2H2O 0.2%, lactic acid 0.05% and ethanol 0.3%, respectively. The strain F15 was able to produce BC at 26℃-36℃ with a maximum at 32 ℃. BC production occurred at pH 4.5-8 with a maximum at pH 6.5. Under these conditions, a maximum BC thickness of 12.15 mm was achieved after 9 days of cultivation; this value was about 2.3-fold higher than the thickness in basic medium. Scanning electron micrographs showed that BC from the optimal medium was more compact than plant cellulose and was reticulated structure consisting of ultrafine cellulose fibrils. BC from the optimal medium was found to be of cellulose type I, the same as typical native cellulose.
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