
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 485

        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Choseon Dynasty, from many aspects, saw the institutional establishment of its royal palaces in the 17th and 18th century, with 'donggwol (east palace)' as the most representative form in the era. In that period, palaces were managed in the best way that fits the royal etiquette and order to maintain the Confucian framework of the times. While the royal palace was the place for the king to conduct state affairs, it was also a compound for the royal family to lead a life in. Since the royal family was also based on the Confucian system, women in the royal palace seldom revealed their existence to outside world. Yet daebi,(a Queen Mother) who was often called 'dongjo,' enjoyed the highest level of honor not only as a member of the royal family but in the hierarchical order of the dynasty. As they often engaged themselves in political affairs, daebi raised their reputation through rites and rituals. So, in the 16th century, they largely used Changgyeong-gung palace in the eastern part of the royal compound since they sometimes had to go out of the royal residence. While it was called 'dongjo' because it was seated in the eastern part, it was also used as a word symbolizing daebi. And, therefore, it has become a general principle of royal palaces to build the palace for daebi in the eastern wing of the compound. However, the residence for daebi was not always built in the eastern part in the 17th and 18th century and, instead, edifices for daebi were sometimes erected in several points within the royal compound. Beside, daebi’s residence in this period had additional spaces for ceremonies since they had a number of official events there. Construction of daebi’s residences in this era was not confined to the symbolic institutions and they became the peculiar palaces with specific characteristics for official ceremonies of the queen mothers. Consequently, it could be said that the architectural style of dongjo, which was the place of the supreme female in the hierarchical order, stemmed from donggwol where daebi spent the longest time of the royal life.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 金昌集의 문집 夢窩集에 실려 있는 燕行塤錄을 중심으로 18세기 초 장동 김씨 일문의 燕行 체험을 고찰하였다. 연행훈지록은 김창집이 정사로, 동생 김창업은 타각(자제군관)의 신분으로 4개월에 걸친 사행 기간 동안 침식을 같이 하면서 형제가 동일한 시제나, 같은 운자로 지은 시들을 모아 놓은 것이다. 이때 운자는 대개 부친 김수항의 사행시에서 차운한 것으로, 선대의 연행의 족적을 답습하고 추체험하는 단서이기도 하다. 내용을 분석해보면 첫째로 선조와 같은 길로 연행을 하면서 유적이나 그밖에 유편들을 통해 선조를 회고하고 훌륭한 조상에 대한 자부심을 갖고 또 형제간의 공감대와 가족간의 동질성을 확인하는 것을 볼 수 있다 다음으로 비록 조공을 바치러 가지만 대표적 척화신의 자손으로서 여전히 존명의리와 배청사상을 견지하고 있음을 볼 수 있었고 다만 형제가 신분의 차이에서 오는 목적의식은 다소 다름도 확인할 수 있었다 또한 이 「연행훈지록」 에는 숙종의 御製詩가 포함되어 있는데 이는 이들 형제를 사행을 보내면서 숙종이 쓴 시로 임금의 이 명문거족에 대한 배려를 짐작할 수 있다 이들은 여기서 다시 가문의 자긍심을 갖게 된다 이로써 세기 초 장동 일문의 연행체험의 내용과 문학적 형상화의 한 면을 고구해 보았다.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the 20th century, Christian churches and mission agencies had a great revival and missionary movement. The revival movement made an huge impact on Christian believers to repent of their sins and to commit themselves into the missionary works. The mission mind that was coming out of revivalism must be a power to transform the churches and societies in order to evangelize their family members, friends, relatives, and even those who were in the physical and spiritual needs through all over the world. From the viewpoint of sociological stands, the 20th century revivalism tends to deny the theory of secularization. Even though the society of the 20th century became more secular than the previous century, the churches and mission minds could not be weaken by the secularization process. However, from the economic and political standpoints, it was negatively evaluated, because it should be closely connected with Western capitalism and American right wing sides. Lastly, from the socio-cultural aspects, it had a crisis of destruction threatened by the popular cultures and multi-cultures. In conclusion, revivalism and Christian missions have to go together. The missionary works should firstly recover the power and enthusiasm from the Holy Spirit. The missions, however, should not be royal only to a specific culture and nation but to the archy type of Christianity in the biblical first church. The major task of Christian missions should be the recovery of enthusiasm experienced in the biblical first church and the application to the all nations and people.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore the German Pietism movement, the church renewal of England and the spiritual awakening movement of America’s churches from the view point of mission history. This study found out that each movement has close relationship to each other. The above mentioned variables also had a direct influential power to the social problems. These were the facts that made churches more vital and boosted activities of churches in history. This paper analyzed the contemporary situations of the Korean churches after 100th anniversary of Pyungyang revival movement in 1907. All the Church Renewal movements for both the Korean churches and the foreign churches has one thing in common: How to get out of the past mannerism and how to get rid of those practical ways which are being performed until these days. It is very important to look back to the situations between the “Past” and the “Present” from the Pyungyang revival movement in Korea because the situations of present korean churches are similar to those of the past churches. The Afghanistan hostage incident which happened last summer 2007 left so many questions to the Korean Churches: why they could not stand for oversea missions, how crucial it is for them and what's the real cause of this problem. Because of that hostage taking, the people nowadays think that Korean churches lost their social responsibility and they think there’s no place for them outside the church. With the essential findings of this study we can predict the ways of reviving the Korean church and Church Renewal. We just need to open our mind and think about Pyungyang revival movement.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through analysing on construction cases of stupa built in A.D. 7,8th, I have researched about these : constructive methods of inner soil of stupa, spatial compositions, characteristics of structures, arrangements of inner soil and etc. And cases analysed are six ; Mireuksajiseoktap(stone pagoda of Mireuksa Temple site), Gameunsajisamcheumgseoktap(three storied stone pagoda of Gameunsa Temple site), Goseonsajisamcheungseoktap(three storied stone pagoda of Goseonsa Temple site), Wolseong nawolliocheungseoktap(five storied stone pagoda in Nawonri, Wolseong), Guksagokseoktap(three storied stone pagoda in Guksa valley), Giamgokseoktap(three storied stone pagoda in Giam valley). Additionally we researched about inner soil of Sacheonwangsaji tapji(basement of stone stupa site in Sacheonwang Temple site) to speculate on composition of Synthetically, the foundation could be divided as core space and outer space. ; the former as structural function and the latter as ornamental function. And the core area could be divided again as center column space and buffer space. The relationship between core spaces and its formation are as belows; First, according to the area of foundation and scale of stone pagoda, formations of core are differed. As the scale of stone pagoda goes bigger, and the area of foundation goes larger, the structure of stone pagoda comprised by center column type and layered-core which endure upper load independently. On the contrary, as the scale of stone pagoda goes smaller, and the area of foundation goes lesser, the structure of stone pagoda tend to use only center column to endure upper part. Second, spatial composition of core area is comprised as two spaces, one which endure upper load and buffer space which absorb side pressure and upper pressure. The buffer space tend to be used in case of those structures which could not endure side pressure or have lots of joint. In some cases, it was located below the cover stone of foundation and gained upper load. And in case that have not gained pressure from side stone, the buffer space are comprised by smalle stone or roof tile to get structural supplement.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents George G. Hunter’s church growth insights revealed in his classic, To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit. On the basis of his insights and interpretations of collected data including interviews, letters, and observation, this study evaluates the mission programs of Anjung Church of the Nazarene. Hunter adopted John Wesley’s ideas and the church growth theories developed by Donald A. McGavran and C. Peter Wagner to produce his own church growth theory. This study attempts to apply Hunter’s church growth insights to a local church, Anjung Church of the Nazarene. This church represents the Korean Nazarene Church (KNC) in this evaluation. (KNC was organized in 1948, although some Nazarene churches were already planted in Pyong Yang and Seoul during the Japanese colonial period). Hunter’s church growth insights were translated into six “mega-strategies.” The six mega-strategies are: 1. Identifying receptive people, 2. Reaching across social networks to people, 3. Organizing new recruiting groups and ports of entry, 4. Ministering to the needs of people, 5. Indigenizing the ministries to fit the culture of the people, and 6. Planning to achieve their intended future. This study discovered some strengths and some weaknesses of the Anjung Church of the Nazarene. The church was comparatively strong in evangelism and outreach, although DGR showed diversity between “poor” growth and “good” growth. The church has grown steadily since it was planted in 1947. In particular, the church was very aggressive in church planting work. However, the church was comparatively weak in cross-cultural missions, although it tried to build two church buildings, one in the Philippines and another in North India. This study presents seven suggestions to Anjung Church of the Nazarene based on missiological analysis and evaluation. In summary, the church needs to carry out holistic mission programs to maintain the balance between proclamation / evangelism and social action / social service. Anjung Church of the Nazarene has a great potential to fulfill the Great Commission and to implement the Great Commandment. The classical purposes of missions are conversion, church planting, and the extension of God’s kingdom. God will be glorified by the local church.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Focusing on the emergence of the basic course in American schools of architecture, in particular Gyorgy Kepes' courses at MIT, this paper studies the transformation of architectural pedagogy during the years after World War II. Kepes centered his architectural pedagogy on the picture plane, which was to function as the primary media for applying the principles of Gestalt psychology, that is the identification of the whole and its parts and the reciprocity between the internal human organism and the outside world. Kepes hence introduced a set of unconventional visual practices that were not readily assimilated to architectural conventions. Paralleling the establishment of the basic course, MIT also formulated a functionalist and spatial pedagogy with its two initial design studios, courses 4.721 and 4.722. These studios shared the notion that architectural design evolved from the inside toward the outside, an idea that took hold not just in the pragmatic environment of MIT's studios but also in conservative academic programs as well as in popular magazines, picture books, and exhibitions for the consumer public. The architectural surface became inseparable from the objects of art, furniture, and design, all of which were to be the generators of space. Hence, during the 1950s, the architectural surface provided a specific locus of intersection between the visual fundamentals of the basic course and the working principles of architectural design. Kepes, however, had by this time become disillusioned with architecture's potential as the medium of unity. Though he maintained the Gestalt logic of identity, he expanded it toward the goal of grander synthesis of society and consciousness freeing himself from the constraints of disciplinary instruction. In the case of Kepes, the mediating role of the picture plane was foregone in a regressive turn toward a primal, innocent, and direct experience.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When we measure a source signal in the presence of a background rate that has been independently measured, the usual approach is to obtain an estimate of the background rate by observing an empty part of the sky, and an estimate of the source signal plus background rate by observing the region where a source signal is expected. The source signal rate is then estimated by subtracting the background rate from the source signal plus background rate. However, when the rates or their observation times are small, this procedure can lead to negative estimates of the source signal rate, even when it should produce a positive value. By applying the Bayesian approach, we solve the problem and prove that the most probable value of source signal rate is zero when the observed total count is smaller than the expected background counts. It is also shown that the results from the conventional method is consistent with the most probable value obtained from the Bayesian approach when the source signal is large or the observation time is long enough.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We are often faced with the task of having to estimate the amplitude of a source signal in the presence of a background. In the simplest case, the background can be taken as being flat, and of unknown magnitude B, and the source signal of interest assumed to be the amplitude A of a peak of known shape and position. We present a robust method to find the most probable values of A and B by applying the one-dimensional Newton-Raphson method. In the derivation of the formula, we adopted the Bayesian statistics and assmumed Poisson distribution so that the results could be applied to the analysis of very weak signals, as observed in FIMS (Far-ultraviolet IMaging Spectrogaph).
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Honam region has played an important role in the development of Korea poetry. So this study focuses on Song Soon among various factors of Honam architecture in 16th century. He was ahead of his times in development of Korean literature, and made buildings that become background and materials of his literature. Song Soon built Myonang-jong in Damyang for his life time and tried to design to pull in nature into his buildings. These buildings were built in beautiful landscape, and showed elegance as a retired scholar and Taoism characteristics. He provided basic ideas, that is, pulling in nature into architecture, and metaphysics morality, and his ideas also influenced Honam School Including Jung Chul. This study looks into Nujung architecture that had become materials of Myonang-jong Song Soon literature and characteristics of Honam architecture through his buildings at the same time.
        2005.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Chinese reports of the 1930s always show propaganda characteristics. First, at the that times the Chinese reports had a clear aim; second, the reports recorded social facts, and a turbulent situation provided right chance for the propaganda; third, the reports really knew how to grasp anopportune moment to pass on their idea . The last , the reports mastered a good propaganda ways.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze functions and characteristics of 'Cha-il(遮日)' which was used at ritual events(宮中儀禮行事) in the Joseon dynasty, Joseon dynasty had many ritual events related with O-Rae(五禮). Cha-il was almost used at important ritual events, especially at the congratulatory events. The congratulatory events(宮中宴享) are the representative events were held with many temporary install facilities(假設施設) in a palace. Cha-il was a kind of Korean traditional membrane structures. Cha-il was set up for cutting off interior space from sunlight and rain. In general, Cha-il was Consisted of Cha-il-jang(遮日帳:woven fabric), Cha-il-jook(遮日竹:bamboo column), some ropes, and fixing wares. In the congratulatory events, three types of Cha-il. were set up. Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il(白木大遮日)was made of cotton cloth. Yu-Dun-Cha-Il(油芚遮日) was made of oiled paper or oiled cotton cloth. Man-Joen-Cha-Il(滿箭遮日) consisted of wooden structure. Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il(白木大遮日)was set up on the most important area of stage for protecting from sunlight. Yu-Dun-Cha-Il was set up on less important area of stage for protecting from sunlight and rain. Man-Joen-Cha-Il was set up below Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il for supporting and draining raindrops off. The results of this study were as follows; Functions of Cha-il were to protect ritually space from sunlight and rain, and to extend ritually space, and to reconstruct ritually space. Cha-il was the peculiar temporary install facility which differed from other countries.