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        검색결과 3,028

        2003.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to research ozone concentration related to airmass thunderstorm using 12 years meteorological data(1990~2001) at Busan. The occurrence frequency of thunderstorm during 12 years was 156 days(annual mean 13days). The airmass thunderstorm frequency was 14 days, most of those occurrence at summertime(59%). In case August 4, 1996, increase of ozone concentration was simultaneous with the decrease of temperature and increase of relative humidity. In case July 23, 1997, ozone concentration of western site at Busan increased, while its of eastern site decreased as airmass thunderstorm occurred(about 1500LST). It is supposed that these ozone increases are the effect of ozone rich air that is brought down by cumulus downdrafts from height levels where the ozone mixing ratio is larger. Thunderstorms can cause downward transport of ozone from the reservoir layer in the upper troposphere into planetary boundary layer(PBL). This complex interaction of source and sink processes can result in large variability for vertical and horizontal ozone distributions. Thus a variety of meteorological processes can act to enhance vertical mixing between the earth's surface and the atmospheric in the manner described for thunderstorm.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        식물성 단백질의 주요 급원이며 isoflavone계의 우수한 생리 활성 물질을 함유하고 있는 대두를 첨가해서 소비자의 기호성 및 기능성을 갖춘 대두 혼합 식빵의 개발을 시도하였다. 대두는 증자하여 열풍 건조하고 분쇄한 후 분말로 만들어서 소맥분에 0, 5, 10, 20, 30% 되게 각각 첨가하여 반죽을 제조하여 제빵 특성을 조사하였다. 제빵 실험 결과에서 대두분을 10% 까지 첨가해도 좋을 것으로 판단되었다. 파리노그래프의 결과에서 보면 대두분
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper was written in search for the true classical scholar whom Nammyong think is preferable. In accordance with the method of the Text-linguistics, described cohesion, the author analyzed the situationality, intertextuality, and informativity which were shown in Nammyong's poems, and the results were classified into ① situation analysis, ② coherence, ③ the diagram of the synthetical structure, and ④ translation of the poems. The contents were arranged into two parts : ① the desertion of human desires and ② the harmony with the nature and the pleasure of hermit life. The poems and the analysed contents were like these: The themes of 'the desertion of human desires' and 'the harmony with the nature and the pleasure of hermit life' are different, but they are of the same category. This is because the heavenly morals is conserved when the human desires are abandoned, and the harmony with the nature and the pleasure of human morality can be obtained when the heavenly morals are conserved. Nammyong worried for the classical scholars not to cut off the human desires and to flatter themselves in search for the bureaucratic office. He said, if he became dirty because of the human desires, "He would instantly cut open the stomach, take out the dirty things, and flow down them into the river." And also he tried to put these beliefs into practice. He always carried with himself the letters of ‘Piety(敬) and Righteousness(義)', and tried to be pious internally and to be righteous externally. And so Nammyong could succeed in obtaining the harmony with the nature, and could enjoy the pleasure of hermit life.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Many times our reading of a particular poem by T. S. Eliot may be deepened by understanding the metaphoric images of cited mythological or literary works, by exploring its relation to the poem we are ready to read. Usually the meaning of mythological or literary works quoted in his poem is invaluable or crucial to understand the whole image of the poem, because it suggests the key to comprehend the particular poem as a whole. T. S. Eliot stated in his essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent” that no poet, or no artist of any art has his complete meaning alone. His significance is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. In the structure of Eliot's poems we should be aware of the combination of the heterogeneous elements; the past and present, which makes sometimes readers puzzed at first sight but soon wide awaked. It is required that when poetry calls for knowledge, even a common reader must be prepared to answer the demand which Eliot has made use of combining techniques mixing radical elements of the past and present in his poetry. Such a combinative manner has been long acclaimed for a new and startling technique since his poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” was published. This paper is designed to explain some of his poetical techniques, particularly showing some examples of complicated, ambiguous, contradictory expressions and making frequent use of ancient myths, classic literature and folklores. The difficulty which faces the reader immediately lies in his frequent use of distorted quotations and allusions, his reference to many languages and literatures. It is partly due to his careful investigation on mysticism such as Christian Mysticism(1899), The Varieties of Religious Experience(1902) and Mysticism (1911). It is not surprising that Eliot has been blamed for obscurity and pretentiousness. This is the result of being judged by readers who have not attempted to analyse his technique to unite the elements of past and present. Eliot said that difficulty reading modern poems would not be something peculiar to certain writers, but a condition of writing with deeper insights into classical literature.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of sugar contents and chip color during 104days storage after harvesting of five potato varieties. The potato varieties were planted on 1st april in 1999 and harvested on 10. July in 1999. NO₂⁻ contents in potato petiole tended to decrease rapidly at tuber maturing stage. K⁺ contents in potato petiole tended to in crease at 70 days ofter planting on medium maturing varieties, and at 90 days after planting on late maturing variety. Snowden variety was no desirable cultivar for processing on spring cultivation due to long growth period. Contents of solid and sugar in potatoes affected on potato chip color. Higher contents of solid in potato varieties showed low sugar contents and no change on chip color during storage.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In T. S. Eliot's early poetic works, from his juvenilia to The Waste Land, the style changes are remarkable. The coherent, homogeneous, hypotactic, linear, logical style turns into the fragmented, heterogeneous, illogical, incoherent, paratactic style. Many literary critics have reviewed the diverse literary influences as well as philosophical, artistic, political, and social influences on his poems, but they have not taken into consideration one important factor: his writing tool. A writing tool is not merely a tool to record one's thought, but it can function as “a precondition of production that contributes to our thinking prior to any conscious reaction” (Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter 214). In his early career, Eliot replaced the traditional writing tools of pen and ink with a modern mechanical writing tool, typewriter. These two writing tools are closely related with two distinct ratios of human senses and two different kinds of cultures. Handwriting requires the hand's collaboration with the eye that guides the hand through each movement and constantly attending to the creation of each letter. When the visual technology of handwriting is emphasized, it transforms fragmented and heterogeneous reality into “homogeneity, uniformity, and continuity” (Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media 87). However, typewriting that depends on blind and tactile technologies does not require the use of the eye in the act of composition. When the eye does not have to participate in the typewriting act, there is a radical change of the ratio of human senses in the moment of composition. On making tremendous impacts on modern human consciousness, and on the ways in which modern human beings perceive reality, think, and produce discourse, typewriting produces fragmented and disruptive writings, in which illogical thinking, heterogeneity, multi-formity, and discontinuity are prominent. Thus, I suggest that a new poetics of fragmentation and disruption in modernist works would be profitably reconsidered with respect to the typewriting technologies that dissociate the eye from the writing acts.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to research the characteristics of suspended particulate for Yellow Sand of January, 1999 in Busan. Yellow Sand frequency during 13 years(1988~2000) in Busan showed maximum in April(57%), next to March(21%), May(16%). According to result of 850hPa weather map and backward isentropic trajectory, this event originated from the Gobi Desert and the Loess Plateau of China. And three mode was found in time series of TSP and PM10 concentration, primary peak showed the maximum hourly concentration at all station. Gamjeondong as industrial site showed the highest TSP concentration and also had the longest high concentration(≥700㎍/m3). In PM10, concentration of primary peak showed maximum value at Yeonsandong, maximum concentration of secondary and third peak was Deokcheondong. Lasted time from primary peak to secondary peak was about 30 hours, between secondary peak and third peak was 18 hours in Busan, The traveling time between occurrence of Yellow Sand the finding of it was 8~9 hours in Busan and 4~5 hours in central area.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The hydrological frequency of the flood in July 2000 at Seosi stream basin in Gurye and the bed scour of the stream channel were estimated to investigate the bed scour related with Jeongjang bridge collapse. The storm over the basin in July 2000, 303mm/day was 103year frequency rainfall and the equivalent flood was 2580cms. As the results of 100year and 30year flood application, flood level 30.78~31.38m and mean velocity 3.79~4.03m/s were appeared. And the purification project of Seosi stream increased the velocity of the section near to Jeongjang bridge by the improvement of conveyance at the downstream. The local scour at pier was the major factor of bed scour at Jeongjang bridge site and the total scour at pier No.6 was increased from 2.32m to 2.45m by the purification project.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        양파 간이저장시 무분별한 야적에 의해 발생하는 부패를 감소시켜 양파의 상품성 향상 및 안전저장을 목적으로 적재 방법에 따른 저장성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 평균기온은 4열 8단에 비해 1열 6단은 1.6~3.2, 1열 8단은 0.5~3.5, 2열 6단은 1.3~.6, 2열 8단은 0.1~2.4, 4열 6단은 0.1~1.8가 낮았고 상대습도는 열수가 많을수록 높았다. 부패율은 4열 8단 16.6%에 비해 1열 6단 11.4%, 2열 6단 11
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구의 목적은 인생전반에 걸쳐 인지 과제 수행 중 자동자세와 감각통합 반응의 발달과 변화에 대한 메커니즘을 Posturography를 통해 규명하고 궁극적으로 노인들의 낙상을 예방할 수 있는 기초 자료를 획득하는데 있다. 건강상의 문제가 없으며 어떤 형태의 대근감각, 인지적 또는 신경손상이 없는 남·녀를 대상으로 만 8세에서 75+세에 걸쳐 6개 연령층을 각각 15명식 무선 표집하여 연구 대상으로 선정하였다(8-9세, 14-15세, 20-25세, 40-45세, 65-74세, 75세+). 피험자들은 인지과제 수행과 인지과제 수행 없이 지면반력기 위에서 6가지 조건을 1회 20초씩 각 3회 시행하여 복합평형점수, 조건별 평형점수, 감각분석, 동작전략, COG 정렬 등의 감각구성에 대한 점수들이 획득되었다. 운동제어 검사는 지면반력기의 6가지 움직임 변화에 대한 체중분배, 잠복기, 진폭 등이 획득되었고 발바닥의 아래쪽이동과 발바닥의 위쪽이동에 대한 적응점수 등이 획득되었다. 실험 결과 종합 평형성, 조건별 평형성, 감각분석, 전략, COG정렬, 잠복기, 적응도, 등에 대해서 연령증가에 대한 변화가 인지과제 수행 여부에 관계없이 나타났다. 그러나 그 변화는 인지과제 수행시 노인 집단에서 더 크게 나타나났다. 노인의 자세제어 능력은 다른 연령집단과 비교하여 볼 때 인지과제 수행시 자세제어를 위한 종합적인 감각 통합과 이에 따른 전략에서 차이를 보이고 있고 이런 차이가 궁극적으로 많은 낙상을 가능하게 할 수도 있음을 보여주고 있다. 자동자세 반응에서 신경전달 속도와 적응면에서도 그 차이가 나타나고 있다. 노인들의 낙상은 일반적으로 알려진 신경계의 쇠퇴, 인지과제와 관련된 부적적한 감각통합, 그리고 돌발적인 상황에서의 자세제어 전략과도 관계가 있을 것으로 연구결과는 제언한다.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The poems of Wangsogun. had been written by many Korean, Chinese, and Japanese poets in ancient time. Today we can discover several different aspects from the their contents. On this parer, I would like to introduce the particular points of three nations' poems in which Wangsogun's life was divided in six terms. The first, I am interested in how poets of each nation described Wangsogun, before she left the court of Han(漢) in old time of China. In the poems, poets of three nations commonly told it very sadly at that time. However Japanese and Chinese poets did not say about it as sad as Korean do. It is very interesting thing that Korean poets sang the fact distinctly. Probably, in Korea the birth and growth of someone are accepted as an important thing than any other country. The second. Wangsogun had lived unhappily in the court of Han, because she didn't be recognized by Woenhe(元帝), the Emperor of Han. Among the poets of Japan and China, this problems were not accepted as a large issue except of Korea. The third, it was really miserable thing for the poets of three countries in ancient East Asia to describe the fact that Wangsogun departed for Hyungno(匈奴). Especially, In Japan, this subject of Wangsogun's poem, was accepted more serioulsy than the other countries. The fourth,it caused variety problems why Wangsogun had to be married to Hohansa(呼漢邪), the king of Hyungno. The poets of three nations generally explained that Wangsogun wanted to go there by herself, but that reason was different from each other country. The fifth, the life of which Wangsogun had lived in Hyungno, implicated lots of means in Chinese poems. In historical materials, it was treated very importantly whether Wangsogun was married to his son or not. But, in the poems, many poets of three countries criticized about incapability of Han dynasty. The sixth, at this part, I try to understand the reaction of poets who wrote the Cheongchong(靑家), Wangsongun's tomb. Many Korean, Chinese and Japanese poets sang the Wangsogun's conduct through description of Cheongchong. Especially Korean poets described the mood of Wangsogun's tomb less than Chinese poets. This aspect was caused from Korean poets had not have many opportunities to see the Cheongchong. On the above, Icompared three nations ancient poems which told the life of a woman who lived in the court of Han, and was married to Hohansa. We realize the fact that poets of three nations described the life of Wangsogun in various sides of hteir various versions. In many cases, Chinese poets sighed at the tragic fate of their own country, Korean expressed the sorrow of themselves through the Wangsogun's poems, and Japanese sang the grief of Wangsogun who had to go to Orangkae(胡)'s region.