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        검색결과 979

        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Postmodern criminology is based upon the belief that past criminological approaches have failed to realistically assess the true causes of crime and have therefore failed offer workable solutions for crime control or if they have, that such theories and solutions may have been appropriate at one time but no longer apply to the postmodern era. It challenges and debunks existing perspectives on crime and crime control. Upon such assumptions, the article examines how we conceive of penal policy or prison in contrast to how it is conventionally understood, and outlines what an alternative direction might look like. It introduces peacemaking criminology, constitutive criminology and restorative justice for the development of a new “replacement discourse”. Peacemaking criminology holds that crime-control agencies and the citizens they serve should work together to alleviate social problems and human suffering and thus reduce crime. The main purpose of criminology is to promote a peaceful, just society rather than standing on empirical analysis of data, by drawing its inspiration from religious and philosophical teachings. Constitutive criminology builds on the belief that crime and its control cannot be separated from the totality of the structural and cultural contexts in which it is produced. Given this interrelated nature of social structure and human agents and their social and cultural productions in the coproduction of crime, it trys to promote a just policy of reconstruction through replacement discourse which is directed toward the dual process of deconstructing prevailing structures of meaning and displacing them with new conceptions, which convey alternative meaning. Restorative justice has been practiced as an alternative to existing justice system beyond philosophical teaching or religious ideology in various countries. It seeks to attain a balance between the legitimate needs of the community, the offender, and the victim. The healing of all parties involves many aspects, ranging from victim assistance initiatives to legislation supporting victim's compensation. It follows such guidelines that community are victims, we use punishment to pay back the community, we combine punishment with help, and we give community a voice in shaping restorative sanctions.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        What is 'Art Theory'? In the western sense, the term poses a cague ambiguity, and in the eastern, it is rather an abstract and metaphysical concept. As for etymology, theory is dericed from theoria and theoria from theoros. It refers to and act of viewing or seeing, of xourse not in a metaphysical sense. Plaro understood it as 'eida'. During the time of Plotinus, theoria encompassed gazing at every possible reality, and this gazing, that is theoria, is closely related to reality as aunit that theoriacan perceive. However, we trend to distinguish, as other scientists of dualism have done, studio art from theory since a pre-modern approach to art has been particularly tuned ro studio practice, set apart from theory. THerefore, in studio classes, students are expected to learn the subject based on the foundational curriculum methods such as medium, genre, technique, rather than bringing oue their own interpretations and discussing theories. As a result, students have become artist, who are not able to understand their own art. art proffessors who conduct class in studio are required to proceed with specific 'theories' as well as 'intellectual reflections'. In this respect, this thesis presents poieses and an idea of 'acting out'. Although art history and aesthetic theory tend to view art as a finished product, actual art-making and related theories should not only be acknowleged as 'completion' finition) but also be accompanied by theoretic interpretations of the act itself and process. Accordingly, it is to accept and appreciate art as finished result in view of current theory and aestheties thus boils down to aisthesis. Likewise, poietics starts from a point where an artist is related to studio and examines the 'work process' that extends as far as to the exact end of work. THrough the study of such relationship, it is possible that theory understands 'studio' and 'process', and an artist can grant an independent meaning to studio where s/he pours her/his heart aout creating a worl of art. THeory is a study on artistic discovery thus should be equipped with functions that can accomodate fortuiry, imitation, thinking, culture, and surrounding.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Neogrammarian regularity hypothesis represents the phonetically gradual, lexically abrupt sound change. Lexical diffusion, on the contrary, supposes the phonetically abrupt, lexically gradual sound change. According to Labov, neogrammarian change type and lexical diffusion change type coexist in sound change, so these two seemingly oppositional theories, in fact, mutually complementary. In this respect, lexical diffusion contributed to the study of sound change by fundamentally broadening its horizons.
        2003.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hugo Haring(1882-1952) belonged to that special generation of architects born in the 1880s which became responsible for the establishment of Modern Movement in the 1920s as W. Gropius, Mies Van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, etc. Although he have been overlooked by many historian. He was a key figure of the Modern architecture and as the main theorist for Organic stream in German architecture. He is well-known for his theory of 'Neues Bauen(New Building)', the organic functionalism that is epitomized as the design process from the inside outwards, starting with the life-processes of dwelling. So he argued that the builder must become aware of the life process his building is to serve, and he should not impose a form but try to find the form. These concepts are expressed well in his key-words, the 'Organwerk(organ-work)' and 'Leistungsform(form as achievement)'s. Haring's theory can be found in the short early essay, ""Wege zur Form(approaches to form)"" of 1925. But His concept of 'function' is based on the speciality and individual identity that concerned him from the start, not purely pragmatic aspects. After 1940s his theory moved increasingly in this direction. He defined this as the transition from 'Organwerk' to 'Gesetaltwerk', from mere anatomy to essence, being, personality, life. it suggest that Hugo Haring's idea of Gestalt is a dimension of mystical of symbolic meaning. This paper is about the way in which this theoretical transition can be parallel with contemporary philosophers as E. Cassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms and M. Heidegger's phenomenology. And the key example of this viewpoint is <Gut Garkau>(1921-1926) near Lubeck in Germany, with its 'cowshed' of pear shaped plan devised around the requirements and rituals of farm. This study presents the symbolic conception of Hugo Haring's theory can propose the ability of a symbolic intuition as a view that re-integrate technical thinking with knowledge of other kinds beyond the immediate material.
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Manufacturing companies must possess a new type of production system with characteristics of reconfigurability, reusability and scalability (Dove 1995), i.e. an agile manufacturing system. Such system will allow flexibility not only in producing a variety of part, but also in changing the system itself, which is a difference form flexible manufacturing systems. A fundamental early step in the reconfiguring process for agile manufacturing system is to develop a model that adequately describes the proposed systems, in order to be able to study and evaluate the impact of the reconfiguring decision on the system performance, before its construction. Therefore, in this paper, an Object & Knowledge-based Interval Timed Petri-Net (OKITPN) approach is proposed.
        2003.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Frequency shift, due to quartz crystal resonator aging, has been identified as one of the most important quality control problems of quartz crystal products. The problem becomes more significant due to the device miniaturization and high precision standards for telecommunication applications. Since aging induced frequency shift occurs during a long time frame, it is necessary to predict the long-term behavior of the devices based on the short-term data obtained under an accelerated environment. One the other hand, frequency shift is associated with quite large random variation, and thus, a proper probabilistic theory should be used for analyzing test data and for developing a reliable prediction model. Accelerated testing was performed for various types of crystal resonators under elevated temperatures. The frequency shifts of the devices were measured at different testing periods. Markov chain model was used to characterize the frequency shift of the devices. The obtained short-term test results were used for calibrating the probabilistic transition matrix of Markov chain model. The model can then be used for predicting the long-term frequency shift. The time-temperature superposition principle in viscoelasticity was adopted to address the shift in time under different temperatures.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is the purpose of this study to document the decline of voice leading concept for the twentieth-century tonality.In this essay I shall try to show how Shostakovich achieves a sense of unity through the association of interval structures made up of linear melodic patterns and of the voice leading provided by accompanimental harmonic figures.Some twentieth-century music seems to invite the use of traditional analysis.Lots of music by Stravinsky, Bartok, Berg, and even Schoenberg has a kind of tonal sound, at least in certain passage. But on closer inspection, we generally find that tonal theory has little to tell us about most twentieth-century music. When twentieth-century composers create a tonal sound, they usually do so by using non tonal means. And for a piece to be tonal, it must have two things: functional harmony and traditional voice leading. But, a piece is not tonal, does not mean it can't have pitch or pitch-class centers. All tonal music is centric, but not allcentric music is tonal.Post-tonal voice leading models are 3 patterns. The first has its bases in the theories of Heinrich Schenker. The second has its the pitch-class set of Allen Forte and others. The third has its bases in recent theoretical work by David Lewin. The prolongational analysis identifies some tones as structural and others as embellishing. Associational analyses linear projections of harmonic type from musical surface. Transformational model shifts our attention from the chords themselves operations, transformations, that connect them.Nowadays, many composers are again exploring the possibilities of synthesis of tonal and atonal procedures. The time is ripe to approach voice leading techniquesanalytically.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study provides a possibility of analysing rhythmic attributes of contemporary music through contour theory.The early idea of pitch contour occured as early as 1948 in the writing ofcomposers such as Toch and Schoenberg Over a decade later, the work of Charles Seeger, Charles Adams, and Micczyslaw Kollinski set forth the theories of contour analysis But, in the music theory, the concept was formalized by Robcrt Morris Michael Friedmann, and Larry Polansky, Elizabeth Marvin and Robert Morris, in particular, have signiflcantly developed the analytical methodology with which to apply the contour thory.contrast to the previous results of contour music analysis, which focused onpitch element, this analysis presumes that the rhytbms also show similar characterTo prove the hypothesis this thesis re-classified the Elizabeth Marvin and Noel Painenr's rhythmic analysis theories and adjusted the result into Stockhousen's In freundschaft. As a result the number of rtythmic characters that continuously appear in contemporary music were found Also, the possibility of defining similarities of ythmic element through various methods by adjusting the theories including inversion and retrograde, that are similar to set theory, was found.The contour theory will be a good example of analysing rhythms in contemporary music that were believed to be inconsistent in the past.
        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        English language teaching in elementarγ school was proposed and is now in practice on the basis of the Critical Period Hypothesis which is also theoretically supported by innatists who argue that UG begins attrition around puberty and that language acquisition becomes increasingly difficult beyond this period. This was proved true of first language acquisition and naturalistic SLA, but no evidence has been known about instructed second language leaming in formal education. Elementary school ELT is supported by some parents who wish their children to leam this world language effectively, but the educational environment is far from utilizing the leamers' UG: few teachers are capable of providing authentic input, so the leamers depend on their general intelligence and leaming strategy rather than UG. It is suggested that high school age is optimum for utilizing leamers' motivation, intelligence, and leaming strategy.