
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,451

        1991.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is ever-increasing and expected to reach about 600 ppmv some time during next century. Such an increase of CO2 may cause a warming of the earth's surface of 1.5 to 4.5~circC , resulting in great changes in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The climatic scenario under doubled CO2 projected by general circulation model of Goddard Institute for Space Studies(GISS) was adopted to evaluate the potential impact of climate change on agroclimatic resources, net primary productivity and rice productivity in Korea. The annual mean temperature was expected to rise by 3.5 to 4.0~circC and the annual precipitation to vary by -5 to 20% as compared to current normal climate (1951 to 1980), resulting in the increase of possible duration of crop growth(days above 15~circC in daily mean temperature) by 30 to 50 days and of effective accumulated temperature(EAT=∑Ti, Ti~geq 10~circC ) by 1200 to 1500~circC . day which roughly corresponds to the shift of its isopleth northward by 300 to 400 km and by 600 to 700 m in altitude. The hydrological condition evaluated by radiative dryness index (RDI =Rn/ ~ell P) is presumed to change slightly. The net primary productivity under the 2~times CO2 climate was estimated to decrease by 3 to 4% when calculated without considering the photosynthesis stimulation due to CO2 enrichment. Empirical crop-weather model was constructed for national rice yield prediction. The rice yields predicted by this model under 2 ~times CO2 climatic scenario at the technological level of 1987 were lower by 34-43% than those under current normal climate. The parameters of MACROS, a dynamic simulation model from IRRI, were modified to simulate the growth and development of Korean rice cultivars under current and doubled CO2 climatic condition. When simulated starting seedling emergence of May 10, the rice yield of Hwaseongbyeo(medium maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate in Suwon showed 37% reduction compared to that under current normal climate. The yield reduction was ascribable mainly to the shortening of vegetative and ripening period due to accelerated development by higher temperature. Any simulated yields when shifted emergence date from April 10 to July 10 with Hwaseongbyeo (medium maturity) and Palgeum (late maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate did not exceed the yield of Hwaseongbyeo simulated at seedling emergence on May 10 under current climate. The imaginary variety, having the same characteristics as those of Hwaseongbyeo except growth duration of 100 days from seedling emergence to heading, showed 4% increase in yield when simulated at seedling emergence on May 25 producing the highest yield. The simulation revealed that grain yields of rice increase to a greater
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In view of the results to have measured metallic elements which is included in 40 sorts of herb medicines and surveyed their distribution, ninekinds of metals including Co, Ce, Ga, 71, Cd, As, Sbr Bu. Pb, are never orlittle included in almost herb medicines. Other twenty four sorts of ele-ments (Mo, Sc, Be, V, Ni, Su, Se, Ba, Cr, Su, Ti, B, Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, Mnl Fe,Cu, Zn. p, Al, Na, K) are metals that are included in large quentities incomparison with others. Selagirellae Radix contains is kinds of metallicelements more then other herb medicines does. The content of elements ofinorganic metal differs greatly according to the part of herb medicines .
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In view of the results to have measured metallic elements which is included in 45 sorts of herb medicines and surveyed their distribution, 8 kinds ofmetals including Co, Ge, Ga, TL, Cd, As, 8i, Pb, are never or little includedin almost herb medicines . Other twenty-five sorts of elements (Mo, Sc, Be, V,Ni, Sn, Se, Ba, Cr, Sb, Si, Ti, B, Li, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, p, Al, Na,K) are more or Less included in all herb Bedicines ana Na, Ca, p and K aremetals that are included in Large quentities in comrarison with others . Patri-uiae Radix Contains 7 kinds of metal lic elements more than other herb medicinesdoes .
        1990.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plants medicinal resources of Mt. Wol-chul were investigated 8 times from July, 1988 to July 1990. In orther to analyze the vegetation of Wol-chulmountain area, medical wild plants structure and distribution. Medical wildplants of Wol-chul mourltain consisted of 11'0 familis, 338 species in all. Theresources of important herb drugs were Polypodiaceae, Graminea, Liliaceae ,Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae, Labiatae, Com-positae .
        1990.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        들깨 장려품종과 지방수집재래종 도입종 등을 대상으로 단백질 함량과 아미노산 조성을 분석 조사하여 고단백 양질 다수성 품종육성에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 시험을 실시하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 들깨 유전자원의 단백질 함량은 최저 17.9%에서 최고 28.1%까지 10.2%의 변이폭을 보여 주었고 평균 함량은 23.6%였으며 대부분 21-25% 범위에 분포하였다. 본 연구 결과 단백질 함량이 높은 남지종, 산동종, 은진종 등 7품종을 선발하였다. 2. 단백질 함량은 유래별로는 전남지역에서 수집된 품종이 가장 높았고 숙기에 따라서는 차이가 없었으며, 종파색은 은회색이, 1,000립중은 무거운 대립종에서 높은 경향이었다. 3. 단백질 함량과 임실율은 유의적인 부의 상관을 보였고 단백질 함량과 기름함량은 유의적인 정의 상관을 보였으며 단백질 함량과 1,000 립중간에는 정의 상관을 보였으나 유의성은 인정되지 않았다. 4. Micro-kjeldahl법과 비교한 NIR법의 단백질 calibration 정밀도는 0.27%였다. 5. 들깨 95품종을 대상으로 micro-kjeldahl법과 NIR 분석법에 의한 단백질 함량 차이는 유의성이 보이지 않았으며 표준편차 차이는 0.34%를 보여 주었고, 분석방법간에 고도의 정상관이 인정되었다. 6. 엽실들깨등 4품종의 아미노산 조성은 FAO권장량보다 높아 그 우수성이 인정되었으며 필수아미노산에서 총량은 품종간에 차이가 크지 않았으나 lysine과 methionine은 다소 차이가 있었다. 7. 들깨의 주요 아미노산은 glutamic acid와 arginine아었다.
        1990.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        추월산 지역에 분포되어 있는 한약 자원식물을 채집 분류하여 이용체계 확립의 수단으로 삼고자 이 지역의 약용식물의 종류를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 추월산에 분포되어 있는 약용자원 식물은 113 과, 304 속, 428 종이었다. 2. 분포수종중 초본류는 73 과, 223 속, 317 종, 목본류는 49 과, 85 속, 111 종이었다. 3. 초본류는 주로 전초 또는 근을, 목본류는 수피, 과실이 한약재료로 많이 사용되어지는 것이었다.
        1989.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was indicated that natural fiber crops Ln Korea have been major crops, such as cotton, flax, ramie and Kenaf. The major varieties andagronomic characterics are summarized as follows. Cotton variety, Mokpo 6 is long fiber length and, is high lint yield, flax variety, Wiera is hiTh amount of dry stem and grains weiTht. On the other hand, kenaf variety, Suweon 2 is high dry fiber weight and fiher ratio.
        1989.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        입암산 지역에 분포되어 있는 한약자원식물을 채집 분류하여 이용체계 확립의 수단으로 삼고자, 이 지역의 약용식물의 종류를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 입암산에 분포되어 있는 한약자원 식물은 100 과, 252 속, 337 종이었다. 2. 분석수종중 초본류는 59 과, 169 속, 220 종, 목본류는 50 과, 85 속, 117 종이었다. 3. 초본류는 주으로 전초를 사용하며 수본류는 기, 수피 및 과실을 주로 약용으로 이용하는 것이 많았다.
        1989.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, researches on oil crops Ln Korea were breeding on edible oil crops such as rapeseed sesame, peanut , periLla.Numerous varieties were released as a result of ective breedingworks on edible oil crops, that is 7 rape varieties including Yu-dal, Mokpo-11, Yongdang, Nozeogchae, Naehan, Yeongsanyuchae and Ch-eongpungyuchae (hybrid),5 varieties sesame including Suweon-5,9,21,Kwangsan99ae and Dabaekggae, 5 peanut varieties including Seodun-tangkonT,Yeonghotangkong, 01tankong , ShinpungtanTkong and SaedI-tanGkong, 3 periLLa varietLes including Daegu, Suweon8 and 10,res-pectively. This varietLes showed a good oil quality with high o-Leic and LinoLeic acids content, but periLLa oil seemed to be un-suitable for a edible use, since about 53 Percent of Its fatty a-cids was in the from of unsaturated LinoLenic acid
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