본 연구의 두 가지 목적은 서부경남지역 초등학교 급식환경에 대한 위생학적, 미생물학적 안전성 평가와 SSOP(Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures)실천을 위한 자료구축이다. 식수와 상수원수, 조리, 배식도구, 주변기구, 조리종사자와 조리된 음식으로부터 총 97개의 시료를 채취하여 일반세균, E. coli, salmonella, yersinia, vibrio parahaemolyticus staphylococcus와 같은 각종 병원성균에 대한 생화학적 분석을 하였다. 조사 결과 일반 세균수는 최저 1.0×10^2 CFU/mL에서 최고 1.0×10^7 CFU/mL로 식품 안전성 수준을 초과하였다. 특히 조리된 식품에 있어서는, 4곳의 가열 공정 과정을 거치지 않은 김치에서 1.0×10^5 CFU/mL 이상의 일반세균이 검출되었다. 전반적으로, B장소의 일반 세균수가 다른 장소들에 비하여 높았다. 또한 병원성 미생물 수준에 있어서는 C와 E 급식소의 칼과 E급식소의 김치에서 E.coli가 분리되었으며, A 급식소의 식수, D 급식소의 손, E 급식소의 냉장고와 앞치마에서는 황색포도상구균이 검출되었다. 반면 salmonella, vibrio와 yersinia는 어느 시료에서도 검출되지 않았다. 결과적으로, 학교 급식에서 일반 세균과 병원성 미생물이 존재하는 것은 위생 실천과 밀접하게 연관되어 있으며, 학교 급식소에서 이러한 미생물 오염을 감소시키기 위해서는 보다 체계적이고 효율적인 위생관리가 요망된다.
본 연구의 목적은 천문영역에서 STAD 모형의 협동학습이 고등학생들의 학업 성취도와 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향을 밝히는데 있다. 본 연구의 또 다른 목적은 천문영역에 있어서 향상 점수에 근거한 협동 학습과 교사 주도로 수업이 이루어지는 전통적 학습 사이의 영향을 비교해 보는 것이다. 본 연구는 인천시 소재 일반계 고등학교 1학년 남학생 2개 반을 대상으로 하였다. 협동학습 집단의 학생들은 협동학습 방법으로 주당 4시간씩 4주 동안 수업을 받았다. 협동학습을 받는 동안에 학생들은 매주 ‘태양계 탐사와 별’ 단원에 대한 형성 평가를 받았다. 그 결과, 위의 두 가지 접근 방법은 학생들의 천문학적 지식에 있어서 상당히 다른 영향을 주었으며, 학생들이 전통적인 학습방법보다는 협동적인 학습방법에 보다 긍정적인 과학적 태도를 취하는 것을 보여주고 있다. 결론적으로 협동 학습은 천문학적 지식의 학습과 과학적 태도에 있어서 전통적인 학습보다 보다 효과적이고 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다.
The purposes of this study were to a) find out the operational characteristics of the contract-managed highschool foodservice in Seoul, b) investigate the expected level of meal-price and facilities investment cost perceived by contract-managed highschool foodservice managers c) compare the present level and expected level of meal-price and facilities investment cost. From October 12 to November 13 in 2001, the questionnaires were mailed to 249 high schools which was managed by contract foodservice company with respondent rate 40.2%. Data were analyzed using SPSS Win(10.0) for descriptive analysis and one group paired t-test. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The student enrollment of highschools run by contract-managed foodservice was 1,243 with 72.6% participation rate of school lunch program. The average meal-price was 2,138 won. The average annual period of school foodservice operation was 156.78 days per year. The average contracting period was about 3 years. 2. The average cost concerned in the facilities investment amounts 169,578,180 won at the initial investment and 25,204,092 won at the repairs and maintenance cost in the course of operation. 3. The present level of meal-price and facilities investment cost were respectively 2,136won/meal and 171,157,336.72 won. And expected level of meal-price and amount of facilities investment cost were 2,418.75 won and 121,353,215.19 won. Comparing the present level with the expected level of the meal- price and facilities investment cost, expected level of meal-price was significantly higher than the present level of meal-price(p<.001) and expected level of facilities investment cost was significantly lower than present level of facilities investment cost(p<.001).
The purpose of this study was analyzed the general factors that influence school dietitians` satisfaction from their regular duties, the current status of food distribution to students and the relationship between dietitians and their governing authorities. Dietitians of primary school had higher score on direct management and working career. High school dietitian had higher scores on consignment management, freedom in amount of food distribution and number of meals a day. The highest score was on the relationship with other coworkers and the lowest score was on the poor working environment and salary. In general, dietitians in all schools are not satisfied the working environment and salary. Depending upon the duty time, there were differences in the nature of their duties. There was also a significant difference in the nature of duties and the professionalism based on the average income. Even though they got paid less, they felt satisfaction because of the less working times. The amount of labor for those in primary schools was more than the one for dietitians in high schools. It is likely that they got more satisfied when other related people feel satisfied with their own things and duties based on the nature of the duties, discretion of duties, professionalism, relationship with other coworkers and participation in decision making process. It is to develop the nature of the duties for all the dietitians in order to launch the new and right ideas in meal plans for students. It is also to promote and uphold the professionalism and efficient management programs in association with the stable human resources. Assuming we will come up with a wide and broad nationwide survey, and further research shall be more reliable and objective than any others.
이 연구는 6차 고등학교 공통과학 교과서의 내용 중 온실효과 개념에 대한 본문진술과 제시된 그림 및 도표들을 분석하고 오개념 유발과 관련하여 문제점을 지적하고 그 개선방안을 모색하였다. 과학교과서의 개념진술이 정확하지 않아 학습자들에게 오개념을 유발하거나 재강화 할 가능성이 있는 여러 진술문을 발견하였고 학생의 과학적 개념형성에 부족한 그림이나 도표들도 발견되었다. 이들은 온실효과의 주 역할 기체와 변화, 지구온난화, 에너지원, 실험, 물리적 과정, 온실기체와 관련된 것들이다. 이들 개념진술이나 그림, 도표를 대체할 개선방안들을 제시하였다.
This is the research on the observing annual customs, the annual custom foods and the application of the annual custom foods to the school foodservice. We sample 419 housewives live in Kyungnam area and 174 dieticians work at the primary and secondary schools. Annual customs the housewives and dieticians observe at high degree are Chuseok, Seolral, Jeongwoldaeboreum, Dongji, Chopail, Sambok etc. The housewives observe more Seolral, Chuseok and Dongji than the dieticians and the dieticians observe more Sambok than the housewives.(P<.001) When they provide school foodservice, the dieticians observe Dongji at the highest degree. In Kyungnam they eat most the gakjongnamul as annual custom foods on Chuseok and Seolral. They eat most ogokbap and mugeunnamul on Jeongwoldaeboreum, minarinamul on Chopail, and samgyetang on Sambok and patjuk on Dongji as the annual custom foods. Most of dieticians (94.3%) answer that it is good to provide annual custom foods as the school foodservice on annual customs. However, they indicate some practical problems to do such as inadequacy of the school cooking facilities, its not suiting students' tastes, etc. The rate of housewives' answers that we have to transmit annual customs is higher than that of dieticians.(P<.001) Seolral topped the list of annual customs both housewives and dieticians answer must be transmitted, followed by Chuseok, Jeongwoldaeboreum, Dongji. Dongji is followed by Chopail(P<.001) in the housewives' answers while Sambok(P<.001) in the dieticians' answers. Though most of the respondents know the origins, dates and details of annual customs they think must be transmitted, they don't know well those of the other ones. By their mothers both housewives and dieticians have come to know about annual customs and mostly affected. Secondly housewives affected by their mothers-in-law while dieticians by their school education.(P<.001)