
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 368

        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 한반도 남부 지역에서의 지진동 감쇄식을 개발하는 것이다 활용가능한 계기 지진 자료로부터 지진원 및 지반 매질의 특성을 추정하고 그 값을 입력 요소로써 사용하였다 확률진동이론에 의하여 최대 지반가속도 및 의사 속도 응답스펙트럼을 모사하여 이로부터 최대지반 가속도 및 의사 속도 응답스펙트럼에 대한 감쇄식을 지역규모 및 진원거리의 함수로 개발하였다
        1998.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1904년 Herz에 의해 한반도에서 보고된 밤나방과 종들을 재정리하고, 수정한 학명의 종목록을 보고한다. 또한 그에 의해 오동정으로 발표되었던 종들에 대해 설명과 함께 재동정 결과를 정리하였으며, 일부 종의 모식표본 정리와 함께 종에 대한 Lectotype을 설정하였다. 두 종, striata Herz 와coreana Herz을 각각 Coryta grisea Leech와 Apopestes indica Moore의 synonym으로 정리하고, 몇몇 주요 종에 대해 성충으 사진과 수컷생식기를 도해하였다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도 동해 남부 대륙붕에 분포하는 탄산질-쇄설성분 혼합 퇴적물에서 성분별 입도분석을 실시하여, 퇴적 환경 및 퇴적기작을 해석하였다. 쇄설성분은 평균입도가 중립사와 세립사 범위였으며, 분급이 양호한 단빈도 입도분포를 나타내었다. 이들 쇄설 퇴적물은 해수면이 낮았던 지난 빙하기동안 해빈 퇴적환경에서 집적되었으며, 전형적인 잔류퇴적물로 해석된다. 패각류가 우세한 탄산질 성분은 거의 파쇄된 상태이며, 표면이 심하게 풍화되었다. 이들 패각도 빙하기동안 천해환경에서 서식하였던 잔류기원 패각편으로 해석된다. 한편 입도특성은 쇄설성 성분에 비하여 다소 조립하며, 분급도는 불량하였다. 이들 패각편 탄산질 성분은 집적된 이후 지속적인 파쇄 및 분급작용에 의해 입도분포의 특징이 조절된 것으로 해석된다.
        1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도와 그 접경지역에 분포하는 Harpalina아족 30종에 대해 그들의 분포, 분류학적 소고, 그리고 모시표본에 대한 정보등을 정리하였다. 이들 재료들은 과거 러시아인 Schmidt 씨(1950년), Borchsenius씨(1950년)등에 의해 한반도 전역에서 채집, 러시아과학원 동물연구소(St. Petersburg)와 생물토양연구소(Vladivostocle)에 보관된 것들과 북한인 주동열씨에 의해 북한에서 채집된 표본들이었다. 그들 중 5종은 우리나라에서 처음 보고되는 미기록종이었다.
        1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스웨덴 스톡홀름의 자연사박물관에 소장된 표본을 재점검하여 F. Bryk (1948)에 의해 한국에서 기록된 대부분 종들의 모식표본을 점겸한 결과를 보고한다. Bryk에 의해 제안된 각종, 아종, 개별형의 학명올 알파벳순으로 전체 목록화하고 그들의 분류학적 위치와 모식표본에 대한 제정보를 정리하였으며, 확인된 정확한 종명을 제시하였다. Bryk는 한국산 밤나방에 대해 5속,20종,75아종,5형(from) 등을 기재, 발표하였는데, 그중 9종만 현재 유효한 분류군으로 확인되었으며, 나머지 다른 대부분의 명칭은 분류학적 위치를 바꾸어야 한다. 새로운 이명과 분류학적 변경은 아래와 같다. Euxoa intracta kurilintracta Bryk, 1948은 Euxoa sibirica (Boisduval, 1832)의 syn. n. Euxoa oberthuri nominata Bryk, 1948은 Euxoa subconspicua (Staudinger, 1881)의 syn. n. Diarsia exusta nolimetangere Bryk, 1948은 Sineugraphe bipartita Graeser, [1889] 1888의 syn. Gelastocera ochroleucana f. designata Bryk, 1948은 Gelastocera exusta Butler, 1877의 syn. n. Moma kolthoffi Bryk, 1948 stat. n., comb. n Moma fuluicollis (Lattin, 1949)은 Moma kolthoffi Bryk, 1948의 syn. n. Moma ludifera azugensis Bryk, 1948은 Trichosea ludifica (Unnaeus, 1758)의 syn. n. Acronicta alni korealni Bryk, 1948은 Acronicta alni (Unnaeus, 1758)의 syn. n. Hydrillodes obscurans Bryk, 1948은 Hydrillodes morosa (Butler, 1879)의 syn.n. Mythimna turca matsumuriana Bryk, 1948은 Mythimna turca (Unnaeus, 1758)의 syn. n. Mythimna monticola Sugi, 1981, stat. ress., bona species Cosmia fuluago korecosmia Bryk, 1948은 Xanthia icteritia (Hufnagel, 1766)의 syn. n. Euplexia koreaplexia Bryk, 1948, stat. ress., bona species Euplexia uinacea Sugi, 1982은 Euplexia koreaplexia Bryk, 1948의 syn. n. Oligia arcta tegulalis Bryk, 1948은 Eucarta fasciata (Butler, 1878)의 syn. n. D Dadaica differentiata Bryk, 1948은 Athetis albisignata (Oberthiir, 1879)의 syn. n. Virgo uernalis Bryk, 1948은 Virgo datanidia (Butler, 1885)의 syn. n. Zanelognatha triplex koreognatha Bryk, 1948은 Zanelognatha leechi (South, 1879)의 syn. n. 또한 Poole(1989)의 “Catalogue of the World Noctiuidae"에 대해 몇가지를 정정하였다.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A previously unreported sedimentary complex has recently been discovered in the northern part of Choˇnsu Bay. It overlies both unconformably the Precambrian low-grade metamorphosed sedimentary sequence(Taean Formation) and the Jurassic biotite granite. The sedimentary complex is proposed to be designated as Choˇnsuman Formation. The Formation is composed of conglomerate, tuff, basalt, tuffbreccia, and shale. It is distributed in the northwest and northeast coasts of Choˇnsu Bay and in the Chukdo. Age of the Formation seems to be of late Mesozoic. The Choˇnsu sedimatary basin is considered to be originated by block faulting presumably during the Cretaceous, as suggested by the development of N-S trending structural lineation in the study area and its vicinity. The Chonsuman Formation seems to be formed by sedimantation in close association with block faulting and volcanic activities nearby. Sedimentation is thought to be developed from west to east in the basin.
        1990.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been a tremendous expansion in the use of paleomagnetic methods to detect and measure the relative movement of different tectonic units on both a global and subcontinental scale, and consequently the fifth earth science curriculum which starts from 1990 emphasizes more on paleomagnetism than that of the previous. And earth science teachers will, therefore, need materials to teach the students paleomagnetism or plate tectonics. This paper was written to fulfill such a requirement by offering earth science teachers the basic principles and methods of paleomagnetism and paleomagnetic data of Korea.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two cold-air outbreaks, one occurs in cold winter(1985-86) and the other in warm winter(1986-87) over Korea, are studied to represent maps of means, standard deviations maps and one-point correlation maps based on 1000mb and 500mb height fluctuations with different time scales during the cold-surge events. The filters are designed to isolate fluctuations with long time scales(periods longer than 70 days), intermediate time scales(10-70 day periods), short time scales(periods shorter than 10 days). The height fluctuations with long time scales are very similar to the climatological distributions of the wintertime geopotential height. In case of the intermediate time scales, the fluctuation fields reveal the long-wave patterns composed of 3-4 troughs and ridges around the midlatitude belt, in which trough along the East Asia coast and ridge over the Central Siberia and North Pacific are prominent and nearly stationary during the coldJsurge events. For short time scales, the dominent patterns consist of very short wave trains(wavelength 3000-4000㎞) which propagate sortheastward with a phase speed of 8-10 lat./days from the Barents Sea, through Northeast Siberia, toward Korea. The surface temperature fluctuations with small amplitude during the cold-surge events are coincident with this short wave trains passing through the Korean Peninsula.
        1987.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The deflection of the vertical and the geoid height in the southern part of the Korean peninsular were computed from gravity anomalies by the application of the Fourier and Bessel-Fourier series. The deflection of the vertical computed from free-air anomaly has highest values of 7∼8$quot; around the central part of the Taebaek and Sobaek Mountains. The general direction appears to be nearly perpendicular to the NNE-SSW direction of the general tectonic structure of the peninsular. The geoid height increases to the south-east direction and the difference on the peninsular is about 3 m. The undulation of the Bouguer geoid appears to be correlated with the crustal thickness, having highest values on the eastern and southern coasts. The geoid height computed by using the geopotential coefficients up to the 16th order obtained from the spherical harmonic analysis of the satellite data shows similar trend of increase but much higher value than that of free-air geoid.
        1983.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The instrumental earthquakes data during 1905∼1982 of the Korean Peninsula were investigated and analyzed. The annual average frequency is 5.7 events and the return period for all events is 0.18 year. In the pattern of annual frequency, the recent seismicity of the Korean Peninsula has tended to increase since 1975. Most earthquaked occurred in the southern and western part of the peninsula, and along the major geologic structure lines such as faults, fault lineaments and fold belts, especially in the NE-SW strike structure lines. Many earthquakes occurred at places where the Bouguer gravity anomaly is positive, especially in the high anomaly gradient considered as rock boundary. Over half (51.4%) of all events in land occurred in the Precambrian metamorphic rocks, which are granti-gneiss and crystalline schist system. And a tentative seismic zoning map is presented.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we improved the water-based condensation particle counter in Atmospheric Research Aircraft NARA and investigated the condensation particle number concentration over the Korean peninsula. Pump and set point information were changed to improve the instrument used by aircraft for observation. Ground-based observational result showed that the error between two instruments, which are water-based condensation particle counter and butanol-based condensation particle counter, was 4.7%. Aerial observational result revealed that the number concentration before improvement indicate large variation with unstable condition, whereas the number concentration after improvement indicate a reasonable variation. After improvement, the number concentration was 706±499 particle/㎤ in the West Sea and 257±80 particle/㎤ in Gangwon-do, and these are similar to the concentration range reported in previous studies. Notably, this is the first attempt to use aerial observation with water-based condensation particle counter to investigate condensation particle number concentration.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한반도 동남부에서 가장 규모가 큰 마이오세 포항분지의 남서부를 대상으로 상세한 지질도 작성과 지질구조를 분석하여 분지 발달사를 해석하였다. 포항분지 남서부는 북북동 방향의 분지 내 지구내지루에 의해 기하와 변형사가 서로 다른 서쪽의 보문구역과 동쪽의 오천구역으로 나누어진다. 보문구역은 포항분지 초기 확장 이후 거의 변형되지 않은 반면, 오천구역은 충전물의 퇴적 이후에도 후기 변형이 지속·중첩된 지역이다. 따 라서 보문구역은 포항분지 최초 확장 형식에 대한 중요한 정보를 제공한다. 보문구역은 북북동 방향의 정단 층들과 북북서(북서) 방향의 우수향 주향이동단층 분절들이 지그재그로 이어진 서편 경계단층에 의해 침강이 주도되었으며, 이 경계단층은 남쪽으로 한반도 동남부 마이오세 지각변형의 서쪽 한계선이며 우수향 주향이 동성 주변위대로 알려진 연일구조선과 연결된다. 따라서 포항분지는 17-16.5Ma 경 활동을 시작한 연일구조 선 북쪽 말단에 우향스텝 형태로 생성된 북북동 방향의 정단층 또는 사교이동단층에 의해 서북서-동남동 방 향으로 확장된 횡인장단층말단분지로 최초 침강된 것으로 해석된다. 이로 인해 보문구역에는 서쪽으로 갈수록 분 지의 깊이가 더 깊어지는 북북동 방향의 비대칭 지구 또는 반지구가 생성되었다. 이후 포항분지의 확장과 변 형은 오천구역을 포함하는 보다 동편 지역으로 이동하였다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한반도의 판 내부 기원 신생대 후기 현무암류(백두산, 전곡, 백령도, 평택, 아산, 간성, 울릉도, 독도, 제주도 등)에 대해 그 동안에 보고된 Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg-Zn 동위원소를 포함한 지구화학 자료를 종합정리하고, 그 근원 맨틀 속에 포함된 암상을 파악한 후 필요한 맨틀 단성분의 종류와 그 성인에 대해서 고찰하였다. Sr-Nd 동위원소 상관도에서 제주도는 EM2형 해양도 현무암의 영역에 도시되는 반면 다른 지역 현무암류는 EM1형 해양도 현무암의 영역에 도시된다. Pb-Pb 동위원소 상관도에서 제주도는 인도양 중앙해령 현무암과 EM2 단 성분 간의 혼합 배열을 보이는 반면, 다른 지역 현무암류는 인도양 중앙해령 현무암과 EM1 단성분 간의 혼 합 배열을 보인다. 한반도 현무암류는 석류석 러어조라이트와 함께 과거에 섭입하여 맨틀 전이대에 정치하고 있는 해양판 물질(에클로자이트/휘석암, 원양 퇴적물, 탄산염)이 혼합된 맨틀에서 유래되었다. EM1형 단성분의 역할을 하는 물질은 오래전(~2.0 Ga)에 섭입되어 중성 부력으로 맨틀 전이대에 정치되어 있는 (함)K-Hollandite 원양 퇴적물로 추정된다. EM2 단성분은 맨틀 속에 섭입된 후 빠른 시간 안에 재활성된 상대적으로 젊은(아 마도 태평양판의) 원양 점토 퇴적물일 가능성이 높다. 에클로자이트와 탄산염은 EM 구성요소는 아니나 한반도 현무암의 근원 맨틀 속에 공통 인자로 포함되어 있다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the meteorological and environmental conditions for a cloud seeding experiment over the Korean peninsula and estimated the available days for the same. The conditions of available days appropriate for a cloud seeding experiment were classified according to four purposes: water resources, drought relief, forest fire prevention, and air quality improvement. The average number of available days for a cloud seeding experiment were 91.27 (water resources), 45.93–51.11 (drought relief), 40.28–46.00 (forest fire prevention), and 42.19–44.60 days/year (air quality improvement). If six experiments were carried out per available day for a cloud seeding experiment, the number of times cloud seeding experiments could be conducted per year in a continuously operating system were estimated as 547.62 (water resources), 275.58–306.66 (drought relief), 241.68–276.00 (forest fire prevention), and 253.14–267.60 times/year (air quality improvement). From this result, it was possible to determine the appropriate meteorological and environmental conditions and statistically estimate the available days for a cloud seeding experiment. The data on the available days for a cloud seeding experiment might be useful for preparing and performing such an experiment.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, type analysis was conducted along with the advancement of basic data to calculate the maximum damage caused by strong winds during the typhoon period. The result of the damage by region showed that in 2012, the difference in damage was clearly distinguished as the region was classified in detail. In addition, the result of the annual damage in 2011 was strong on the west coast, and in 2016, the damage to the southeast coast was significant. In 2012, the 3-second gust was relatively stronger on the west and southeast coasts than in 2011, and the winds blew stronger along the southeast coast in 2016. Monthly damage data showed that the damage to the west coast was high in August, and the damage to the southeast coast was high in October from 2002 to 2019. The 3-second gust showed the result of wide expansion throughout the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula in October. As a result, the damage differs for type bacause the intensities and paths of typhoons vary depending on their characteristics, the 3-second gust blows differently by region based on regional characteristics, and the sale price is considered in metropolitan cities.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the optimal meteorological conditions for cloud seeding using aircraft over the Korean Peninsula. The weather conditions were analyzed using various data sources such as a weather chart, upper air observation, aircraft observation, and a numerical model for cloud seeding experiments conducted from 2018 to 2019 by the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Korea Meteorological Administration. Cloud seeding experiments were performed in the seasons of autumn (37.0%) and winter (40.7%) in the West Sea and Gangwon-do. Silver iodide (70.4%) and calcium chloride (29.6%) were used as cloud seeding materials for the experiments. The cloud seeding experiments used silver iodide in cold clouds. Aircraft observation revealed relatively low temperatures, low liquid water content, and strong wind speeds in clouds with a weak updraft. In warm clouds, the cloud seeding experiments used calcium chloride. Observations included relatively high temperatures, high liquid water content, and weak wind speeds in clouds with a weak updraft. Based upon these results, we determined the comprehensive meteorological conditions for cloud seeding experiments using aircraft over the Korean Peninsula. The understanding of optimal weather conditions for cloud seeding gained from this study provide information critical for performing successful cloud seeding and rain enhancement.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The spatial characteristics of typhoon-class strong wind during the non-typhoon period were analyzed using, a cluster analysis of the observational data and of special strong wind advisories and, warnings issued by the Korean Meteorological Administration. On the Korean Peninsula, strong winds during non-typhoon periods showed a wide variety of spatial characteristics. In particular, the cluster analysis showed that strong winds could be classified into six clusters on the Korean Peninsula, and that the spatial distribution, occurrence rate of strong winds, and strong wind speed in each cluster were complex and diverse. In addition, our analysis of the frequency of issuance of special strong wind warnings showed a significant difference in the average frequency of strong wind warnings issued in metropolitan cities, with relatively high numbers of warnings issued in Gyeongsangbuk-do and, Jeollanam-do, and low numbers of warning issued inland and in other metropolitan cities. As a result of the changing trend in warnings issued from 2004 to 2019, Ulsan and Busan can be interpreted as having a relatively high number of warnings; the frequency of strong wind warnings issuances and strong wind occurrences in these cities is increasing rapidly. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to identify areas with similar strong wind characteristics and consider specific regional standards in terms of disaster prevention.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the characteristics of strong winds accompanying typhoons for a period of 116 years, from 1904 to 2019, when modern weather observations began in Korea. Analysis shows that the average wind speed and high wind rate caused by typhoons were higher over the sea and in the coastal areas than in the inland areas. The average wind speed was higher over the West Sea than over the South Sea, but the rate of strong wind was greater over the South Sea than over the West Sea. The average wind speed decreased by 1980 and recently increased, while the rate of strong winds decreased by 1985 and has subsequently increased. By season, the strong winds in autumn (september and october) were stronger than those in summer (june, july, and august). Strong winds were also more frequent in autumn than in summer. The analysis of the changes in strong winds caused by typhoons since the 1960s shows that the speed of strong winds in august, september, and october has increased more recently than in the past four cycles. In particular, the increase in wind speed was evident in fall (september and october). Analysis of the results suggests that the stronger wind is due to the effects of autumn typhoons, and the increased possibility of strong winds.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to classify typhoons using a more objective index based on strong winds and precipitation data from 1904 to 2019 obtained from the Automated Surface Observing System. The Typhoon Type Index (TTI) was calculated by classifying wind speed and precipitation of each typhoon, thereby revealing the rate and characteristics of the wind-type and rain-type typhoons. In addition, the top 10 typhoons for property damage were analyzed by dividing them into three types according to the typhoon course. The analysis showed that typhoons of type 1, heading north to the west coast, were most clearly affected by the wind. In addition, the impact of the wind was reduced and the impact of rain increased in the order of typhoon type 2 that landed on the southern coast and type 6 that affected the Korean Peninsula through China.