
한국지구과학회지 KCI 등재 The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society

이 간행물 논문 검색


제10권 제2호 (1989년 12월) 10

1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
해양지각이 생성되는 중앙해령의 지진파의 속도구조와 공극을 가진 암석의 탄성이론을 이용하여 해양지각 상부의 공극률과 공극의 모양을 조사하였다. 해양지각 최상부에서 지진파의 속도는 공극이 전혀없는 현무암의 지진파의 속도(약 6㎞/sec)에 비해 대단히 낮고 (2.6㎞/sec) 이 속도는 상부지각 500m 내에서 급속히 증가하여 4.8㎞/sec에 달한다. Hashin-Strickman의 최고최저 공극률범위이론, Watt의 일관성이론(self-consistency theory), 그리고 Toksoz의 비상호작용이론(non-interactive theory)를 적용하면 상부지각 500m에서 지진파의 급속한 증가는 지각 최상부의 20-40%의 큰 공극률이 지하로 내려감에 따라 압력의 증가로 약 10%로 급속히 감소하는 것으로 설명될 수 있다. 지하 500m에서 2㎞사이에서는 중앙해령과 평행한 방향으로의 지진파의 속도(6㎞/sec)가 중앙해령과 수직한 방향의 지진파의 속도(5.4㎞/sec)보다 빠른데 이는 중앙해령과 평행한 방향으로 발달한 납작한 모양의 공극에기인하는 것으로 사료된다. 공극을 가진 암석의 탄성이론에 의하면 공극의 종횡률(aspect ratio)이 10^(-1)∼10³정도이면 1-3%의 낮은 공극률로도 중앙해령 상부지각에 나타난 지진파의 방향성(anisotropy)을 설명할 수 있다.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Students' understanding of atmospheric pressure concept was investigated by using the questionnaire method. The results indicated that students' understanding of atmospheric pressure concept was superficial and very various. Despite students' correct answers, their understandings are partial and they have many misunderstandings which are often associated with scientific terms. Especially many students didn't understand the method of measurement, definition and the reason of variation with altitude of atmospheric pressure. The implications of these findings for science teaching are discussed.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to investigate the relationship between the distribution pattern of subsurface geological features and the Bouguer anomaly in the Eumseong area, Chungbuk Province, gravity values were measured from 290sites using Worden gravity meter. The study area consists of (1) Pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks which were intruded by the Jurassic igneous rocks, (2) the Mesozoic Chopyeong and Baegyari Formation, and (3) the Basalt and Andesite which intruded the Cfiopyeong Formation. Terrain correction value using 0.5km X 0.5km blocks is an average of 0.9mgal (max. 1.8mgal, min. 0.1mgal). The depth of density boundary in the study area were calculated by power spectrum analysis with double Fourier transform and FFT. Downward continuation of gravity was performed using the sinχ/χ convolution method. To minimize the Gibbs phenomenon associated with the downward continuation, Hamming filter was used. The value of Bouguer anomaly is-8mgal to 4mga1. Direction of the regional anomaly is the NEW whose trend is parallel with regional structural features. Residual anomaly is low in sedimentary rocks of middle part and igneous rocks regions of eastern and western parts of the study area, whereas it is high in metamophic rocks and andesite vein of middle part. Mean depth of the density boundary is 1420m, and undulation aspect of the subterrain was highest in andesite region. The boundary depth is increasing from Chopyeong Formation to Baegyari Formation.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A computer program for automatic correlation of marine magnetic profiles is developed and tested. The algorithm involves an iterative stretching the short series selected from the reference profile and cross-correlating with the long series chosen from the other profile. This method gives superior results for correlating near-by profiles and relatively reliable results even for very distant profiles located in different oceans. To increase the effectiveness of the method, it is essential to choose proper window size for the long series and an assumed range of stretching between profiles.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Two cold-air outbreaks, one occurs in cold winter(1985-86) and the other in warm winter(1986-87) over Korea, are studied to represent maps of means, standard deviations maps and one-point correlation maps based on 1000mb and 500mb height fluctuations with different time scales during the cold-surge events. The filters are designed to isolate fluctuations with long time scales(periods longer than 70 days), intermediate time scales(10-70 day periods), short time scales(periods shorter than 10 days). The height fluctuations with long time scales are very similar to the climatological distributions of the wintertime geopotential height. In case of the intermediate time scales, the fluctuation fields reveal the long-wave patterns composed of 3-4 troughs and ridges around the midlatitude belt, in which trough along the East Asia coast and ridge over the Central Siberia and North Pacific are prominent and nearly stationary during the coldJsurge events. For short time scales, the dominent patterns consist of very short wave trains(wavelength 3000-4000㎞) which propagate sortheastward with a phase speed of 8-10 lat./days from the Barents Sea, through Northeast Siberia, toward Korea. The surface temperature fluctuations with small amplitude during the cold-surge events are coincident with this short wave trains passing through the Korean Peninsula.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study area located in Chongpung-myon and Kumsong-Myon, Chewon-Kun, Chungbuk Province consists of the Chosun Group (Great Limestone Series) in eastern part and the Okchon Group in Western part. In order to clarify the structural relationship between the two groups, structural patterns and geologic features have systematically been investigated. The dominant structural features of the area are NW~E trending thrust faults, which are interpreted to have formed by progressive northward thrust movement during the Late CretaceousrEarly Tertiary orgeny. The predominant ocurrence of cataclastic rocks such as fault breccia, fault clay and micro-breccia suggests that the thrust faults were formed at relatively high level. The folds in limestone area consist of the primary fold (axial plane of NNW direction)and the secondary fold (axial plane of NE direction). F1 fold looks like a recumbent fold and F2 fold looks like up-right fold. The interference patterns of the area are applicable type 3. According to the interlimb angle F1 fold is included to the closed fold and F2 fold the open fold. The micro fabric study reveals that the ductile deformation is dominant in this area. According to the strain measurements using the deformed quartz grains, Lode'value(ν) is-0.24∼1.00 and the strain ellipsoids are oblate and prolate strain type.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
지난 십여년 동안 학생들의 자연 현상에 대한 직관적 견해가 활발하게 연구되어 왔다. 그러나 지구과학 분야에서는 소수의 개념만이 연구되었다. 학생들의 직관적 견해 연구 대상으로 지구과학의 가능성이 이론적 및 실증적 견지에서 고찰되었다. 그 결과 지구과학의 연구 대상인 여러 자연 현상에 대하여 학생들이 많은 직관적 견해를 보유하고 있을 가능성이 매우 큰 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이미 발표된 지구과학 분야의 직관적인 견해에 대한 연구들이 현재 이 분야의 연구 진척 상황의 이해 및 지구과학 교수 학습에 활용을 위해 소개 되었다. 직관적 견해의 과학 학습에의 중요성과 지구과학의 전국민의 과학적 소양 함양 및 초·중등과학 교과 과정에서의 중요성, 지구과학 분야에 대한 학생들의 직관적 견해 보유 가능성, 그리고 대부분의 지구과학 분야에 대한 직관적 견해 연구의 부족함 등을 감안하면 앞으로 지구과학 분야에 대한 학생들의 직관적인 견해는 계속적인 연구가 요청된다.
1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료