
한국지구과학회지 KCI 등재 The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society

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제10권 제1호 (1989년 6월) 10

1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The proposed evaporation disk model is improved to figure out two flow system ~n the observed bipolar molecular outflow and stellar optical jet. Using the improved model, we can interpret the dymanical interactions of the two flows as well as obtain the physical parameter distributions along the flows Numerical & analytical adiabatic hydrodynamic calculations of the stellar jet inside show that the jet Mach number increases with an inversely proportional to the jet radius and M₁∼35, V₁∼150㎞/sec, Z₁∼0.1 pc, R₁∼0.05pc, T₁∼10³K, ρ₁-4.3×10^(-3)g/㎤(n₁∼25/㎤) at the end of the flow. By the way, in the case of the molecular flow. which is developed from the evaporated disk wind, the same calculations show that the flow Mach number increases with an inversely proportional to the mass flux distribution and M_d∼15, V₁∼15㎞/sec, Z_d∼1pc, R_d∼025pc, T_d∼10²K, ρ_d∼4.0×10^(-3)g/㎤(n_d∼25/㎤) at the flow end Most of the calculated physical parameters in the two flows consistent with the observational ones very well. The theoretically calculated flows develope the supersonic flows to make the shocked regions at the ends of flows. These regions are gravitationally unstable to produced the fragmentations whose masses are∼2 M- in the stellar let case and 0.3 M_⊙ in the bipolar flow case. This mass distribution supports that both the origins of Herbig-Haro objects and the birth of low mass stars are attributed to the instabilities of the shocked regions in the stellar jets and the bipolar molecular flows respectively.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This is a report of a decriptive study of the secondary earth science to examine the geology education in the United States. The review of 35 states' science curricula and papers on science education presented the author a guide to this writing on earth science and geology education in the United States. Though the earth science education in the United States is characterized by great variety, the author could find two most common contents in geology curricula : these are $quot;Constitution of the Earth$quot; and $quot;Physical Geography$quot;. Methods of science teaching and use of computer and student assessment in the secondary schools in the United States are also reviewed and summarized in this study.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Coldwell alkaline complex adjacent to the north of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada is an isolated plutonic body composed chiefly of syenite and gabbros and Archean metamorphic rocks intruded by above mentioned igneous rocks. A pegmatite swarm is developed in olivine gabbro, a member of the complex. Zonal distribution is found in most of pegmatites and is composed of three zones, that is, leucocratic fine-grained zone of anorthosite, melanocratic fine-grained zone of gabbronorite and pyroxenite and coarse-grained zone of gabbronorite. The mean grain size of the rock forming minerals in fine-grained zone is 0.27㎜ and that of coarse-grained zone 10.4㎜. An content of most plagioclases is in the range from An50 to An70 indicating that the pegmatite is mafic pegmatite. In a grain of plagioclase, An content decreases gradually from core to margin. Paragenetic sequence of main minerals in pegmatite is plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, biotite and opaque mineral from the earlier stage. Mineralogy in pegmatite is similar to that of the country rock, so it can be classified as simple and pure pegmatite. Fine-grained zone might be formed by rapid crystallization with high viscosity caused by rapid reduction in P_(H₂O) when coexisting vapor phase is suddenly released and raising the sotidus and liquidus temperatures abruptly. Coarse-grained zone is probably formed by high diffusion rate and low viscosity caused by depolymerization, formation of aqueous phase and decrease of solidus temperature. The rate of increase in viscosity caused by cooling of magma from the magmatic stage and high content of SiO₂ is ignorable compared with the rate of decrease in viscosity caused by concentration of water.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study area is the southwestern peripheral part of the KyoˇSngsang Basin. The maximum thickness of the Nakdong Formation is only 200m thick in this area and gradually thins toward the west. The Sindong Group is relatively coarse-grained here. The Chilgok Formation and the Silla Conglomerate Formation occur in the Changsoˇn Island, but they apparently entail toward the northwest and are no more so divisible in the northern vicinity of Namhae, where they are collectively called here $quot;Namhae Formation.$quot; The angular unconformity between the Yuchsoˇn Group and the low-lying formations is obvious in this area. The Changsoˇn Formation, the basal unit of the Yuchoˇn Group in this area, is composed mainly of andesitic rocks but contains in its upper part the Jijok Member composed of reddish tuffaceous sedimentary layers. Overlying the Changsbn Formation is a unique sedimentary facies of the Yuchoˇn Group. It is here called the Danghangri Formation, of more than 400m thick and composed mainly of pebbly and conglomeratic sandstones. The composition of the pebbles of the Danghangri Formation, i.e., gneiss, quartzite, andesite etc. connotes the dual provenances of the basement rocks and the penecontemporaneous volcanic rocks. The sandstones of the Sindong Group(38 samples) are mainly arkose or arkosic arenite and subordinately subgraywacke and subarkose. A sequential variation of composition is apparent from the Nakdong Formation dominated by subgraywacke to the Jinju Formation dominated by arkose.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to know sea water characteristics around coast line of Cheju Island, physical and chemical environmental factor analyses have been performed with data observed from June 1987 to April 188. Water temperature was over 10℃ even in winter with highest value of 14.7℃ in the southern part over the whole study area. Concentrations of DO, COD and SS were as low as those in the standard sea-water-quality classes [I] and [II]. Nutrient concentration was higher in the present study region than on the coastal areas by previous works, suggesting influx of materials from land. The ratio of N/P ranged from 21.6 to 67.4 (mean : 38.8). Concentration of Chlorophgll-a was high in eastern and southern part throughout the year, except a special high value of 3.89㎎/㎥ at Gosan, western part of the study area, in August.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The primary production at 10 stations around the coast line of Cheju Island has been investigated from the viewpoint of standing crops(cells/e), chlorophyll-a concentration and CO₂ fixation of phytoplankton during the period from June, 1987 to March, 1989. Phytoplankton standing crops ranged from 2,025 to133,734 cells/ethrough the year, increasing from June and showing a peak in August. The distribution of standing crops was the highest in the eastern area and the lowest in the northern area. Chlorophyll-a concentration ranged from 0.45 to 2.59 ㎎/㎥ during the study period, which was much lower than that in the other Korean coastal waters. To estimate the CO₂ fixation of phytoplankton, daily primary production (㎎C/㎥/day) has been determined using C-14 method. It ranged 1.31-7.15, 34.54117.04, 22.283.64, 8.53-11.95㎎㎎/㎥/㎥/day in winter, summer, fall, and spring, respectively, and showed the highest in the western area. The carbon assimilation number(㎎C/㎎ chl-a/hr)was also higher in summer than in other seasons. The general characteristics of primary production of phytoplankton around the coast line of Cheju Island was high in the eastern and western regions during the summer season.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1987년 6월-1988년 4월까지 격월로 제주도 해안선주변 10개 정점에서 부유성 갑각류의 현존량과 생산량을 야간채집, 조사하였다. 계절별 평균개체수는 12월에 가장 낮고, 6월에 가장 높았는데, 이들 개체의 대부분(90% 이상)은 90μm 망목의 네트로 채집된 것으로 이뤄졌다. 계절별 평균 현존량의 범위는 6.6-55.0mgm^(-1)(평균 16mgm^(-3))이고, 여름에 높았다. 일일평균 생산량 역시 여름(369μgCm^(-3)d(-1))에 높고 겨울(112μgCm^(-1)d^(-1))에 낮았다. P/B의 비(평균 0.25)는, 수온이 높고 소형 동물플랑크톤의 개체수가 많은 계절에 높은 값을 나타냈다.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1. The aim of this study is to find the theoretical foundation of science education and to offer a basic materials and efficient suggestions for the 2000s Earth Science by analyzing and comparing the new curriculum amended in 1988 and the old one amended in 1981. 2. The main contents of this study is to find the problems in curriculum and to suggest the way to improve the curriculum by analyzing and comparing the new and old curriculum. 3. The problems that may appear in the new curriculum are as follows. (1) It's hard to expect the normal Earth Science Education in high school because Earth Science is designated as an optional subject in natural course. (2) It is contradictory to relation in learning to unify the Earth Science I and Biology I into Science I in new curriculum. (3) If the new curriculum goes in effect it is natural that Earth Science teachers quality should be lowered because able students will avoid entering the Department of Earth Science Education in university. 4. The suggestions to help improve the Earth Science curriculum in 2000s are as follows. (1) For the normal Earth Science Education, Earth Science should be designated as a required subject in civic science course as well as in natural course in high school. (2) The aim of Earth Science Education should be amended not to be dicipline centered curriculum but to satisfy the future society or individual's desire (3) The intergrated science should be researched profoundly and it is necessary to name Earth Science Geophysics, which is unified with physics. (4) Natural science curriculum should be amended by the committee constituted with the specialist in science education, scientists, and science teachers ; it is not proper that science curriculum be reached and discussed by an reorganization in which a few specialists in science education join.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research was conducted by the request of the Ministry of Education as a part of $quot;The investigation of the priority (of Oceangraphy field) of the long term education loan project$quot;, which is promoted in order to find the ways) to reinforce the Oceanography education. The first Oceanography department in Korea was established in 1968 at Seoul National University. During the last 20 years, 10 Oceanography departments, 5 ocean engineering departments and 1 ocean development department were established at 8 universities and 4 colleges. However, the education facilities and the quality of education were not sufficiently improved. Furthermore, an Oceanography research vessel was not built for those ocean related departments up to now. The authority of the Ministry of Education, which foresaw the fast-changing marine policy of each nation and the rapid technological advances of ocean development, prepared a plan to search a way to reinforce the college level Oceanography education so as to secure the future survival of this nation. Therefore, through this investigation a reinforce plan of Oceanography education in Korea was formalized.
1989.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The P-wave refraction prospecting was carried out using the 12 channel enhancement seismograph in Reclaimed Land Region A of Cheonsu Bay, which has been stabilized for agriculture by Hyundai Construction Co. since 1984. The subsurface layer structure was interpreted in terms of the seismic velocity of sediments, the depths of the velocity boundaries estimated from timedistance curves of 6 prospecting lines and the drilling core data in adjacent sites. The velocity distribution of subsurface layer is divided into the 1st layer, the 2nd one, the 3rd one and the deepest one, and their velocity ranges are respectively less than 800 m/s, 800-1700 rNs, 1700-2700 rNs and more than 2700 m/s. The 1 st layer is aeration zone, the 2nd one Cheonsuman Formation deposited in the Holocene intertidal environment, the 3rd one the semi-consolidated Pre-Holocene Kanweoldo Formation and weathered zone of the baserock, and the deepest one the base-rock of schist or granite. In general, the thickness of the 1st layer is about 2 m, the 2nd one 5-20 m and the 3rd one 15-22 m. The estimated depth to the base-rock varies locally from 22 m to 33 m and on the whole increases as it comes near the lake.