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        검색결과 643

        2000.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Oh, Myung-Ki. 2000. A Pragmatic Analysis of Metalinguistic Negation Phenomena. Studies in Modern Grammar 19, 171-190. This paper is an attempt to show that metalinguistic negation connected with denying the appropriateness of a means of expression does not operate upon the semantic content of the sentence, but upon the manner in which the sentence is expressed. We will prove, through the examination of the well-known thirteen utterances, that this negation can indeed operate on any aspect of the utterances and on a conversational implicature as well. In order to understand the notion of metalinguistic negation, we`ll discuss the two distinctions that can be made regarding the use of negation, namely descriptive vs. metalinguistic negation and initiative vs. reactive negation, in the sense of Horn (1985, 1989) and Foolen (1991), respectively. On the basis of the two distinctions regarding the two uses of `not`, we will argue that the material falling within the scope of the metalinguistic negation is `mentioned` rather than `used`. And we`ll also argue that the metalinguistic negation under the relationship between the scalar operators such as `three`/`four` and `some`/`all` is acting on a conversational implicature associated with the pragmatic aspects.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kim, Seon-Jung. 1999. The Notion of Adjacency and Korean Phonological Phenomena. Studies in Modern Grammar 18, 91-109. In this paper I discuss adjacency and its role in Korean Phonology, focusing on umlaut and some related processes. In the previous analyses, the relationship between palatalisation and umlaut has not been treated. However, blocking of umlaut before a palatal or palatalised consonant can be explained by the notion of adjacency. When the element I spreads to the preceding onset, it is not able to spread again to the preceding nucleus. But in the case that the preceding onset cannot accept the element I, then umlaut happens. Because of the notion of adjacency, umlaut does not take place when two consonants intervene the two vowels. However, when the two consonants turn to a single consonant through a phonological process such as aspiration and so-called place assimilation, umlaut takes place. The theoretical background of this paper is Government Phonology, proposed by Kaye, Lowenstamm & Vergnau d (1985, 1990), Charette and Kaye (1994).
        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        생쥐 초기 배아의 형태형성에 영향을 주는 세포질내 인자의 기원과 작용기작을 연구하기 위해 단백질 합성과 단백질 활성화 효소 (protein kinase)의 억제제를 처리한 배아의 세포질로 재조합된 배아에서 발생과 RNA합성, 단백질 인산화를 조사하였다. 단백질 합성 억제제인 cycloheximide (CHX)가 함유된 배양액에서 24시간 배양한 1-세포 배아의 제핵된 세포질을 두 개의 전핵을 모두 가진 절반의 1-세포 배아와 재조합한 P+P-CHX군의
        1999.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate the water quality characteristics and eutrophication of the Keum River, survey were conducted on samples collected from 6 stations in Aug. and Oct. in 1995 and Jan. and May in 1996. The results were summarized as follows ; Concentration of pollutants were in the range of 1.74∼6.35(mean 3.81)㎎/ℓ for BOD and 1.98∼8.21(5.14)㎎/ℓ for COD and 1.46∼51.94(18.52) g/ℓ for TSS. Water quality were evaluate to be 2∼3 grade of station 1 and other stations were 3∼4 grade of water quality criteria. The concentration of nutrients were in the range of 55.2∼735.3(309.3)㎍-at/ℓ for Dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) and 0.06∼6.03(2.80)㎍-at/ℓ for dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP). Nutrient concentrations in Keum River were usually high and the DIN/DIP ratio ranged from 72 to 2648. The concentration of chlorophyll-a was in the range of 1.1∼143.7(44.3)㎎/㎥. Chlorophyll-a concentration were high 10㎎/㎥ except station 1, which is the value of eutrophication criteria by EPA. Correlations between nutrients and chlorophlly-a were not significant. According to eutrophication evaluation, Keum river was equivalent to the eutrophic state.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mechanism of natural removal of astringency and seasonal changes of tannin substance in sweet persimmon(Fuyu) and astrigent persimmon(Chungdo Bansi)were investigated. Tannin productivity of astringent persimmon fruit was higher than that of sweet perimmon fruit during growth. In the reactivity of tannin to acetaldehyde, it was observed that tannin from sweet persimmon have a milder chemical properties than that from astrigent persimmon. The threshold value of astringency on sweet persimmon tannin was higher than that of astrigent persimmon tannin. Tannin substances from sweet persimmon distributed mainly in lower molecular weight range at harvest stage, but those from astrigent persimmon distributed mainly in higher molecular weight range. Therefore, the natural removal of astringency was related to difference of tannin productivity, threshold value of astringency, reactivity and qualitative difference of tanni.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        6개의 수조와 1개의 펌프장을 갖고 있는 대심도 지하관로 배수시스템에서 발생하는 복잡한 서어징 현상을 강체수주이론에 의한 비선형 상태방정식에 의해서 해석하였다. 상태방정식은 각 수조에서의 유량연속방정식과 비선형항을 갖는 지하관로의 운동 방정식으로부터 구성된다. 홍수의 유입량과 펌프의 유출량을 장방형 펄스(pulse)로 하고 유출유량과 전유입유량이 같다고 한다면 비선형 상태방정식에 의한 각 수조수위의 진동은 선형화 방정식에 의한 결과와 잘 일치 하고 있다
        1998.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, upwelling of anoxic bottom water mass have been frequently observed in northeast part of Tokyo Bay in Japan during summer to autumn. Since the colour of water surface becomes milky-blue or milky-green, the upwelling phenomenon is called `Blue Tide`. The data analysis of field surveys during `Blue Tide` appearance have been performed for understanding the physical features of the `Blue Tide` phenomena in Tokyo Bay. It becomes clear that (1) the formation of the anoxic bottom water correlates well with the temperature difference between the surface and bottom waters, (2) there are two necessary conditions for generating `Blue Tide` ; that is, strong stratification and off-shore wind. The strong southwest(on-shore) wind before the `Blue Tide` appearance may play an important role to make the stratification strengthen. When these conditions are larger and the northeast or east-northeast (off-shore) wind stronger than 5 m/s blows in succession, the `Blue Tide` upwelling appears at the head of Tokyo Bay.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rhee Sang-Chaul. 1997. Etude sur la ge´ne´ralisation des bases verbales. Studies in Modern Grammaticall Theories 11: 107-131. Les diverses altemances radicales re´sultant des conditionnements phone´tiques comme le balancement de l`accent, la palatalisation, etc. tendaient a` s`effacer par l`action analogique. Cette tendance, observe´e sporadiquement de´s la pe´riode pre´litte´raire, se manifest remarquablement en moyen franc¿ais. De la sorte, la plupart des anciennes alternances ont disparues du franc¿ais modeme. Dans cet article, qui a pour but de ve´rifier des hypothe`ses avance´es par quelques me´die´vistes( : Brunot et Bruneau, Fouche´, Picoche, etc. ), nous avons examine´ tout d`abord les deux paradigmes forts : l`indicatif pre´sent et le subjonctif pre´sent, ou` se trouvent ensemble le radical fort aux personnes 1, 2, 3, 6 et le radical foible aux personnes 4, 5. Les verbes en -ir du 2e groupe, maintenant toujours la voyelle the´matique I Tongue latine, ne pre´sentent jamais d`alternances vocaliques. Les alternances consonantiques, a` la diffe´rence des alternances vocaliques, ne sont pas en relation avec le balancement de l`accent. Pour ces raisons nous ne nous inte´ressons qu`aux verbes des ler et 3e groupes dont les paradigmes subissent l`alternance vocalique. La conclusion de notre e´tude se re´sume de la facon suivante : (a) l`extension dune base forte nest pas le cas exceptionnel : le pourcentage de l`extension de B2 n`est pas infe´rieur a` celui de l`extension de B1 (b) e´tant remplace´e par B2, B3 s`efface ge´ne´ralement a` la ler personne d`indicatif pre´sent (c) les diphtongues qui sont propres a` la base faible ( B1, B4 ) se remplacent par le vocalisme de la base forte (d) les paradigmes qui consistent en 3 bases n`existent plus en franc¿ais moderne
        1997.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 실제하천에서의 불규칙한 수위변화에 따라 교각주위에서 발생하는 세굴현상에 대하여 규명하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위하여 IHP 대표유역인 금강수계내 보청천 최하류 지점에 설치되어 있는 산계교를 중심으로 최근 15년 동안에 발생된 6개 홍수사상에 대한 수위수문곡선을 선택하여 모형실험을 실시하였다. 모형수로는 실제하천과 모형수로에서의 조도계수 실측, 모형수로 경사변화에 따른 최대세굴심도의 변화, 실제하천과 모형내 하상재료의 침강속도와 마찰
        1997.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Natural convection in agricultural-products storage system was analysed theoretically, The storage system was modelled by Internally heated fluid saturated porous layer. Darcy's law was used to explain characteristics of fluid motion. Stability equations were obtained under the linear stability theory and transfer characteristics were modelled by the shape assumption. Based on the modelling of transfer characteristics, heat trasnfer correlations were derived theoretically.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We identified two characteristic turbulent flow cases, weakening and strengthening, which appear at the downwind side. Observations were made two times, Dec. 2-3. 1995 and Feb. 13-14. 1996 at Pusan National University site located downwind side of Kumjeong mountain. Meteorological observation system, tethersonde, was adopted to present observation. In the case of the west wind which blows perpendicular to Sanghak mountain located westward from the site, the wind speed highly increased in exponential with height. Therefore, the low level wind speed was so weak just like Taylor(1988)`s review. While the wind speed was intensified at 200-400m layer when the northwest wind blows from the continental Siberian high. We suppose it is because of the strong vertical convergence of flow between the surface inversion layer and the upper one, and also the horizontal convergence along the saddle and valley between the two mountains, Kumjeong and Sanghak-because of Bernoulli`s effect. The inversion layer existed at surface-100m and 500-600m level and the strong wind existed at about 200-400m layer.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Yong-Suck Kim. 1966. A Study on the Feature-Checking Theory of Reflexives: Focusing on the Reflexivization in Korean. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 8: 91-127. The main goal of this study is to argue that the various types of anaphora, displayed by Korean reflexives, can be explained in terms of a reformulated version of feature-checking theory along the line of Chomsky`s(1992, 1999) minimalist theory. As a result from this study, it comes to light that all kinds of Korean reflexives, including X^0 reflexives, except the caki type are analyzed as complex reflexive NP consisting of a pronominal element, either overt or covert, and a reflexive element, as analogous to English reflexive, him+self. These internal elements of reflexives must move up to the relevant positions within the upper functional category DP at LF level for their feature-checking respectively, which virtually gives rise to another movement of D (or DP in some instance) for the identification of its feature-variables by higher AGR. It also turns out under the argumentation that the subject-orientation of reflexives may be captured by the `subject-orientation principles for reflexives,` proposed here under the feature-checking theory of reflexives.
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