
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 551

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In global competition composition changing rapidly, domestic industry faces changes and logistics industry, one of service industries, is recognized as an important factor for development of domestic industry and national economy. At this moment, companies must suggest differentiated service, strategies, etc. so as to create and maintain competitive advantages in comparison with other companies. The requirements preannounce big movement of third party logistics market. Therefore, government, logistics industry and academic world have suggested lots of studies so as to vitalized third party logistics market. The purposes of this research are to verify that innovative changes are necessary to be existing in fierce competition of third party logistics market and analyze the effects of third party logistics on logistics outcomes so as to form continuous relations with shipper.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        푸드트럭 사업에 대한 우리나라 정부 및 지방자치단체의 기본 방침은 가능한 한 철저히 규제하여 그 영업을 최대한 제한하는 것이다. 하지만 푸드트럭 사업은 불법 상행위와 동일한 차원의 개념이 아니며, 오히려 지방경제와 주민복지의 차원에서 규제보다는 보완적인 대안을 찾고자 하는 노력이 필요하다. 하지만 이 러한 규제에도 불구하고 푸드트럭 사업을 선택하는 논리는 공식적인 경제영역에 대한 진입이 어려운 상황에서 비공식적 경제영역으로서의 푸드트럭 사업이 비교적 진입도 용이하고 이익도 초래할 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 지방자치단체는 미국의 대도시 정부처럼 우선 푸드트럭 등록제와 실명제를 철저히 실시하여 푸드트럭 사업의 공식화를 도모하는 것이 필요하다. 또한 때로는 복지의 차원에서 빈곤층 주민의 푸드트럭 영업을 허용하는 방안도 필요하다. 정책 대안의 중요한 핵심은 푸드트럭 사업자와 정 부 및 지방자치단체의 경제적 이해관계를 일치시키는 것이다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 전 세계적으로 오픈소스 소프트웨어에 대한 관심이 증가함에 따라 다양한 분야에 오픈소스 소프트웨어가 도입되고 있으며 그 활용도 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 이러한 현상은 공간정보 분야에도 유사하여, 전 세계적으로 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있고, 국내에서도 최근 들어 관심이 급증하고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 국내 공간정보산업 사업체 중에서 오픈소스 소프트웨어 관련 기업의 수는 매우 적을 뿐만 아니라 오픈소스를 통한 비즈니스 모델의 발달도 미약한 수준이다. 본 연구에서는 오픈소스 소프트웨어 비즈니스 모델 선행연구 분석을 통해 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어와 관련하여 어떠한 비즈니스 모델이 가능한지를 살펴보고, 국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 관련 기업의 오픈소스 활용현황과 비즈니스를 분석한 후 기업의 유형별로 어떠한 오픈소스 소프트웨어 비즈니스 모델이 가능한 지를 전략적으로 제시함으로써 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 관련 기업의 활성화를 도모하고, 나아가 국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 생태계를 활성화하는 기반을 마련하고자 한다.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, Product-Service System(PSS) is a rising paradigm that enables integration between products and services offering. Also, academic interests for product-service design using the house of quality (HOQ) have been emerged. the engineering characteristics of the HOQ are usually extracted by experts. However, as the new technologies were merged, it was difficult to find the optimum expert for extracting the engineering characteristics in the fusion technology. Therefore, this paper applies the topic modeling technique using patent data to extract the engineering characteristics which considers not only products features but also services characteristics. Also, a case study demonstrates the usefulness of our approach with augmented reality-head mounted display. It was conducted to make the HOQ with distinct four steps. First, the customer needs were collected through the latest device review from website and grouped into the representative customer needs. Second, the engineering characteristics of the augmented reality-head mounted display were extracted by using the US patent data of augmented reality head mounted display through the topic modeling technique. Third, the correlation degree of product - service characteristics was drawn by using the extracted topic’s cosine similarity. Finally, the relationship matrix of customer needs and engineering characteristics was filled with experts. After which we suggest product-service business concepts from HOQ. Main advantage is appeared from the result of this research paper is that it can provide the business concepts of the integrated product-services to reflect the customer requirements. This business concepts are utilized for the early phase in R&D planning.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농산물 직거래는 생산자와 소비자를 직접 연결하면서 중간유통비용을 절감하고 이를 통해 생산자와 소비자 모두에게 만족을 줄 수 있는 대안적인 유통경로이다. 이러한 역할때문에 최근 온라인 농산물 직 거래에 대한 관심이 다시 높아지고 있다. 하지만 농산물 직거래는 중간유통단계를 생략하는 것이기 때 문에 생산자가 그 역할을 대신하여야 하기에 다양한 장애요인을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 직거래를 추진하고 있는 농업인을 대상으로 직거래 장애요인을 파악하고, 직거래 활성화를 위하여 농촌진흥청에 서 수행하고 있는 e-비즈니스 교육을 어떤 방향으로 이끌어가야 할지에 대하여 방향을 제시하였다. 그 결과, 교육 프로그램 보완, 개인역량 강화, 협업화, 농업인들이 희망하는 교육 확대 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cultural industry has grown into a pivotal part of the knowledge economy and it characteristically allows high employment of young population with high education and at the same time is a labor-intensive industry that yields high added values. For these reasons, it has been regarded as an industry that can be an answer to ever worsening problems of youth unemployment and deteriorating employment quality in the service industry sector. The Korean government has established and enacted government-level supporting policies to foster the cultural industry, especially in the 2000s. In the process, a supporting system for start-up businesses in the cultural industry was implemented to foster one-person culture businesses, focusing on the supporting system for start-up businesses established by the Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA). This study will look into possible solutions to some problems that occurred in the course of implementing supporting policies for cultural industry and will see if there could be alternatives to them.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to develop safety performance functions (SPFs) that use zero-inflated negative binomial regression models for urban intersections in central business districts (CBDs), and to compare the statistical significance of developed models against that of regular negative binomial regression models. METHODS : To develop and analyze the SPFs of intersections in CBDs, data acquisition was conducted for dependent and independent variables in areas of study. We analyzed the SPFs using zero-inflated negative binomial regression model as well as regular negative binomial regression model. We then compared the results by analyzing the statistical significance of the models. RESULTS : SPFs were estimated for all accidents and injury accidents at intersections in CBDs in terms of variables such as AADT, Number of Lanes at Major Roads, Median Barriers, Right Turn with an Exclusive Turn Lane, Turning Guideline, and Front Signal. We also estimated the log-likelihood at convergence and the likelihood ratio of SPFs for comparing the zero-inflated model with the regular model. In he SPFs, estimated log-likelihood at convergence and the likelihood ratio of the zero-inflated model were at -836.736, 0.193 and -836.415, 0.195. Also estimated the log-likelihood at convergence and likelihood ratio of the regular model were at -843.547, 0.187 and -842.631, 0.189, respectively. These figures demonstrate that zero-inflated negative binomial regression models can better explain traffic accidents at intersections in CBDs. CONCLUSIONS : SPFs that use a zero-inflated negative binomial regression model demonstrate better statistical significance compared with those that use a regular negative binomial regression model.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기술이 발달하고 기업환경이 급변하면서 중소기업의 기술혁신활동에 있어 지식서비스를 효과적으로 활용하는 것에 대한 사회적 요구가 급증하고 있다. 현재 지식서비스 의 형태로 중소기업에 제공되고 있는 서비스의 경우 창업지원, 연구개발 기획, 연구개발 수행, 기타 지원서비스에 이르기까지 중소기업 현장에서 일어나고 있는 기업 활동의 다양한 활동을 광범위하게 포함하고 있다. 이러한 지식서비스의 제공 현황과 범위는 지식서비스를 지원하는 기관의 특성에 따라 다소 차이를 보이고 있으나 대부분 핵심 서비스의 제공 측면에서는 유사한 성향을 보이며, 이는 각 지원기관의 특성에 따른 차별화가 부족하다는 것을 시사 하고 있다. 그러나 지식서비스 제공 기관이 기관 특성 및 역량에 맞는 효과적 서비스를 제공 하기 위해서는 핵심 지식서비스를 발굴하고 이를 중점적으로 제공하는 것이 필수적으로 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다양한 중소기업 정책 및 지원사업을 제공하고 있는 KISTI 중소기업지식본부를 대상으로, 중소기업에 제공되어야 할 가장 적합한 지식서비스를 탐색하고, 핵심 지식서비스를 도출하며, 도출된 핵심 지식서비스에 대한 구체적인 서비스 모델을 제안하고자 한다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Higher education institutions are facing increased national and international competition for research talent and research funds (OECD, 2009). The best way for a university to react to this situation is to foster its reputation. Not only for firms (Raithel & Schwaiger, 2015), but also for universities, reputation is one of the most valuable intangible assets (Albers, 2015). Therefore, this study investigates the drivers of business school reputation as perceived by academics. The impact of the following potential drivers is analyzed in this study: research performance, third-party research funds and standing of professors within the academic community. We used the variable research reputation from the business school ranking of the Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) as a proxy for reputation. In addition, also the variable sum of third-party funds was available from the CHE dataset. Furthermore, we measured professors’ standing in the academic community by considering if they are outstanding members in the two major German research communities and if they are in the editorial board of one of the A+ or A ranked journals according to the vhb-jourqual ranking. Moreover, we measured research performance by means of the score of the faculty achieved in the Handelsblatt Rankings Faculties as well by means of the publication output per faculty member. Besides, the previous score of the CHE ranking was included to control for path dependency of reputation (Gray & Balmer, 1998). As additional control variables, the size of the business school, the research reputation of the host university (measured as the number of Nobel-price winners from the university) and the size of the city (measured by the number of inhabitants) were used. Research performance as measured by the Handelsblatt Ranking accounts for 31% of current reputational assessment. The influence of third-party funds as well as professors’ standing within the academic community could not be confirmed. Moreover, city size was found to be correlated to reputation. The obvious explanation would be that large cities are able to attract better researchers (be it for quality of life or because universities in large cities offer more attractive compensation schemes), which in turn leads to a higher research productivity – an important driver for academics’ reputational assessments of a business school.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper proposes a conceptual model for understanding the determinants of business school reputation from a company’s perspective, and further, investigates the potential effect that business school reputation has during the recruitment process. Although extant research enhanced the knowledge of business school reputation enormously (e.g. Corley & Gioia, 2000; Rindova, Williamson, & Petkova, 2010), business school reputation from the stakeholder perspective of practitioners has been largely underrepresented. Instead researchers have focused on examining business school education from students’ and academics’ perspectives (e.g. Baden-Fuller, Ravazzolo, & Schweizer, 2000). However, only few studies examine all three constituencies: students, firms and academics (e.g. Safón, 2009; Vidaver-Cohen, 2007). Reputation is pertinent as it reduces uncertainty among stakeholders and foremost, serves as signal to evaluate the quality of a product or service (Fombrun & Shanley, 1990, p. 237). For example, in the context of business schools recruiters assess the quality of graduates by recruiting candidates directly “off campus”. Thus, practitioners are regarded as a stakeholder group that exerts a powerful influence on business schools (Safón, 2007, p. 218). That is, successful alumni not only influence the perception of prospective and current students directly, but more generally contribute to external perceptions as part of rankings and media (e.g. Glick, 2008, p. 19). Hence, it is pivotal for business school management to know what drives the reputation of the institution in order to invest in and leverage on the most important determinants. Responding to a more holistic approach of business school reputation (e.g. Safon, 2009), the proposed conceptualization of business school reputation moves beyond prior literature to an understanding of multiple factors, internal and external, that influence business school reputation. Based on empirical qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 12 recruiters from multidisciplinary backgrounds, in terms of industry and experience and extant literature, four main determinants of business school reputation were identified. These determinants include Media Coverage, Quality, Alumni and the Institution itself and are in line with prior research findings (e.g. Armstrong & Sperry, 1994; Sweitzer & Volkwein, 2009). Adding to the above, it is also evident that business school reputation has an influence on the selection process during recruitment (e.g. Safon, 2009). Therefore, this study not only contributes to the discussion on business school reputation from a multiple stakeholder perspective in identifying main drivers of reputation, but also on its influence on the recruitment process. Thus, the scarcity of research on business school reputation from practitioner’s perspective calls for a theory-based conceptual model for further foundation of research. By addressing these research gaps, this study makes several contributions. First, examining business school reputation from a practitioner’s perspective expands existing literature on business school reputation. Second, the proposed conceptual framework advances the importance of business school reputation from a management perspective with regard to its influence on the recruitment process.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current manuscript examines new product pricing in recessive B2B markets. Analyzing data from four industrial sectors, the study concludes that skimming pricing and penetration pricing relate to the company’s corporate and marketing strategy and the product characteristics, while market conditions influence the adoption of pricing similar to competitive prices.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The basic premise of this paper is to determine the exclusivity of the concept “social business” comparing other concepts seemingly parallel to it. To this end, through scope and evaluation of the concept, the article focuses on how social business adds superior value, addresses social problems, and may motivate the business community to dedicate their talents and energy and invest money in this business.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study focuses on the construct of entrepreneurial alertness, investigating the external antecedents of the construct, responding to the call for more research pledged by Tang, Kacmar, and Busenitz (2012). Namely, we examine how receiving feedback, awards and collaboration offers in relation to an individual’s hobby activity influences the development of entrepreneurial alertness dimensions. Additionally, we make a contribution by testing the effect of these external factors in a non-entrepreneurial context of homebrewing communities, that is individuals producing beer at home as a hobby. In line with other form of craft activities, this context has demonstrated a high potential for business start-up development due to the increasing number of new small brewing businesses in North America run by entrepreneurs that were previously homebrewers (Carroll & Swaminathan, 2000). We test our tenets within the complexity theory, where configurations of antecedents are examined in order to gain deeper understanding of the possible outcome (Woodside, 2014), using 213 completed questionnaires. We apply fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA, Ragin 2000; 2008) to achieve a holistic overview of the examined interrelationships (Ordanini, Parasuraman & Rubera, 2015). We find that high feedback is a sufficient condition for high scanning and search, association and connection, as well as evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Without feedback, people at the hobby stage engage in their leisure activities solely because they like it. However, receiving feedback in relation to their hobby outcomes provides an opportunity for individuals to develop and experience additional motivations beyond enjoyment, where they understand that the hobby could be commercialized and bring monetary rewards. Moreover, we find that an individual receiving low amount of awards but high amount of collaboration offers may also have high entrepreneurial alertness. Since individuals receive rewards related to the excellent performance in their leisure activity, it may not provide any cue for a potential transformation into a business. However, the more collaboration offers people receive, the more likely they get involved in scanning and search, association and connection, and evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Therefore, they are likely to conduct additional search, connect bits of available information and evaluate this business opportunity (Gaglio & Winter, 2009). The findings of this study could help entrepreneurs reflect on their decisions and behaviours during the business start-up planning process, and measure their entrepreneurial alertness and the extent of readiness to engage in business venturing.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is demonstrative of values and the imbibed strength of values observed along the value chains of organizations studied by the authors in past two years. The paper is projective of an intense relationship of values based business ethics observed along the value chains of the organizations concerned with the context and the soul of the conventional definition of marketing given by American Marketing Association in 2007. The value chain of a prominent consumer product’s marketers studied through reflexive research approach exemplifies that how business ethics based on values helped in evolving activities, institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for the customers, clients, partners and society at large which is actually the definition of marketing be American Marketing Association: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. (Approved July 2013) Similar observations in the value chains and the marketing process of other organizations validated the fact that if values driven business ethics is followed along the value chain the context of 2007 definition of Marketing gets enlivened.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid development of science and technology, big data has been applied in many fields and has brought commercial revolution[1]. The scientific community generally regards big data as "massive data + complex types of data". Commercial applications are more concerned about big data as an analytical (prediction) method and focus on the potential commercialization of analysis results. All walks of life will produce large amounts of data every day. The transition of data-scale brings huge commercial value, which will certainly bring the innovation of business model[2]. Particularly in the internet and other emerging industries, because they get data more convenient and fast. Like Amason, Facebook, Google etc, they use analysis of big data to innovate their business model for maximizing their profits[3], actually business model refers to "an enterprise’s profitable operation mode plus ways to make money"[4]. So the effectiveness of business model innovation of big data on emerging industries has been remarkable. But the impact of big data on traditional industries is still in the exploratory stage. Traditional industry mainly refers to the labor intensive, manufacturing oriented industries, including the traditional commerce and service industry[5]. Learning from the experience of big data on business model innovation of emerging industries, traditional industries can use big data to subvert the business model and accelerate the transformation and upgrading.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the business market, prices are typically subject to negotiation between exchange partners and buyers’ perceptions of the relationships with suppliers have a central role for supplier success and for establishing profitable prices (Hinterhuber & Liozu, 2015). Suppliers that seek to achieve price levels above the average market prices of offerings need to convince buyers of a favorable price/quality ratio (Töytäri, Rajala, & Alejandro, 2015). To date, however, research on absolute prices paid by buyers to suppliers, relative prices paid as compared to the average price level in a product category, or exchange partners’ perceptions of prices charged in business relationships remains limited. Extant work on buyer-supplier relationships has most commonly focused on costs rather than prices as economic outcomes of interest (e.g., Cannon & Homburg, 2001; Kalwani & Narayandas, 1995). The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of buyers’ price assessments in business relationships. Specifically, this research seeks to further illuminate how relationship inputs provided by suppliers influence buyers’ assessments of the price level charged and their satisfaction with the price/quality ratio provided by the suppliers. The relationship inputs examined include buyers’ perceptions of supplier relationship-specific investments, long-term orientation, and relationship planning. In addition, this research considers two relationship parameters, that is, buyers’ commitment to the supplier and dependence from the supplier. Based on a sample of executives of different buyer firms, this research examines net effects and combinatory effects of the relationship factors on buyers’ evaluations of economic outlay. While the study of net effects offers insights into the effects of single antecedents on the outcomes across a sample of cases, the analysis of combinatory effects delineates (configurations of) antecedents sufficient for bringing about the outcomes of interest (e.g., Leischnig, Henneberg, & Thornton, 2016). Knowledge of these effects helps assess what relationship inputs and what combinations thereof may act as potential remedies for buyers’ price-related resentment in business The findings of this research show alternative configurations of relationship inputs and relationship characteristics sufficient for the two outcomes of interest. In addition, this research shows that individual relationship inputs and characteristics can have opposite effects on the outcomes, depending on how they combine with other antecedent conditions. Moreover, the results of this research reveal that specific antecedent factors differ in terms of causal coreness for the two outcomes of interest. In summary, these findings add to the net effect analysis and provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of how relationship attributes impact buyers’ price assessments in business relationships.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, leading digital technology companies have shown a strong interest in enabling children to send electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Recasting children from passive to active participants in marketing communications, this shift expands children’s marketing practices from how a company influences children via traditional marketing communications to how children influence a company’s marketing practices through eWOM. This paper aims to enhance our understanding about the use of children’s eWOM in marketing communications when children’s eWOM and children’s marketing begin to intersect. The eWOM literature demonstrated the effects of eWOM on product sales without identifying the sender (King, Racherla, & Bush, 2014). The extension of the effects from aggregated sender to children needs careful study in light of children’s marketing literature which showed children have distinct characteristics in the context of traditional marketing (Cross, 2002). In this study, we examine the positive expectation of business impact that explains firms’ adoption of children’s eWOM and further investigate the normative concerns about the social influence of children’s eWOM.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Business model of direct selling is the dynamic and complex multi-level structure. Interpersonal face-to-face communication is the key value creation aspect of direct selling business model. Nowadays more and more sellers employ virtual communication channels instead of face-to-face, thus hindering a traditional relational element. The study explores whether usage of Internet technologies for communication with customers brings benefits or extinguish the direct selling industry. The research is based on the quantitative analysis of all-country paper based survey from 5694 respondents. The statistical analysis of total sample revealed that usage of Internet in general does not give advantages for distributors. However, usage of person-to-person internet communication tool, such as e-mail, allows achieving better performance as measured by earnings per hour worked. Surprising is the fact that the most successful young distributors (at the age under 35 years) do not use internet for communication with customers at all. For distributors over 35 years old neither internet nor e-mail usages have got impact on performance. In rural areas users of internet communication tools show lower performance results. In big cities usage of e-mail provides significantly higher performance, but general usage of internet does not. Consequently, the effects from usage of internet technologies for communication with customers are achieved in case of person-to-person communication. Moreover the most productive sellers give priority to the live communication.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The paper investigates the Brain Drain in Chinese family business based on a sample of 319 family businesses in China. Using a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to uncover different combinations of conditions (pay and welfare, work environment, management style of the leaders, and career planning) that are sufficient to achieve high and low brain drain. The results show that pay and welfare is a necessary but not a sufficient condition by itself to achieve high brain drain. The findings show that three causal recipes are equifinal in achieving high brain drain. The first causal recipe combines high work environment with low level of career planning and with high pay and welfare. The second combines low work environment with high level of career planning and with high pay and welfare. Finally, the third combines high work environment with high level of management style of the leaders and with high pay and welfare. The study also found two causal configurations that are equifinal to achieve low brain drain. Moreover, these combinations are not a mirror of the combinations founded for high brain drain. This study offers several implications to both researchers and business practitioners: It is acquired that in order to prevent brain drain, the pay and welfare of employees should be raised while the management philosophy should pay attention to humans in the first place. Secondly, the leaders need to improve their own quality so as to strengthen the management of family businesses. Finally, a refined human resource system needs to be established. After brain drain, enterprises should perfect their contract constraining mechanism and, bring in suitable talents promptly so that the loss is minimised.