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        검색결과 681

        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article explores Korean English teacher’s co-teaching practices and perspectives through a narrative inquiry of a high school teacher, Ms. Lee. It examines her lived experiences and perceptions as she goes through her first journey of co-teaching in her eleven-year teaching career. Data for this study consist of 12 reflective journals, two face-to-face interviews, and three follow-up email interviews. Ms. Lee’s stories illuminate a journey in which she developed a deeper understanding of co-teaching and co-teachers’ roles. Throughout her journey, Ms. Lee maintained her initial view of her primary role as an aide, but co-teaching experiences offered her opportunities to consider her position from various perspectives and thus construct her identity taking multiple roles. Thus, within the anchor role of a helper, she performed various roles for the students, such as a class management aide, a careful mediator, and a psychological supporter. She also served a couple of roles for the native English-speaking teacher (NEST), such as an instruction partner, a crisis manager, and a secretary. In her narratives, Ms. Lee also shared her view of the NEST’s roles and suggested ideas for better co-teaching. Based on the analysis of her narratives, this article highlights practical implications for co-teaching.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To understand the oviposition biology of arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis (Kuwana) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), the longevity and fecundity of the overwintered females were examined at various temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28, and 32℃). The total fecundity increased with rising temperature, showed a maximum of 260.9 crawlers per female at 24℃, and then declined thereafter. Females showed a periodical oviposition activity. The 1st cycle fecundity was identified at all temperatures examined, and was not significantly different between 16 and 28℃. However, the 2nd cycle fecundity and later cycle fecundity were much lower at 16, 20, and 32℃ than those at 24 and 28℃. The pre-oviposition period ranged from 49.0 d at 16℃ to 19.7 d at 32℃, and was the shortest 19.4d at 28℃. The linear lines of mean development rates (1/mean pre-oviposition period) against temperatures provided the estimate of low-threshold temperature 8.7℃ for pre-oviposition stage and the thermal constant of 358.1 DD. The lower threshold temperature and thermal constant for the completion of U. yanonensis pre-oviposition period well predicted the first crawler occurrences in the fields.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We outline our GRB afterglow observation program using the 1-m telescope at Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory (LOAO), and report the first observations of the GRB afterglows. During the 2007B semester, we performed follow-up imaging obsrevations of 6 GRBs, and succeeded in detecting four GRB afterglows (GRB 071010B, GRB 071018, GRB 071020, and GRB 071025) while placing useful upper limits on the light curves of the other GRBs. Among the observed events, we find that three events are special and interesting. GRB 071010B has a light curve which has an unusually long jet break time of 11.8 days. For GRB 071025, its red R-I(~2) color suggests that it is likely to be at z~5. GRB 071020 has a light curve which shows a clear brightening at 0.3-1 days after the burst, where our LOAO data play a crucial role by providing an unambiguous evidence for the brightening. These are the first successful detections of GRB afterglows by a facility owned and operated by a Korean institution, demonstrating the usefulness of the 1-m telescope for transient phenomena such as GRBs up to very high redshift.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The family Ciidae is presented for the first time from Korea. Two unrecorded species, Octotemnus laminifrons (Motschulsky) and Octotemnus japonicus Miyatake are reported. Morphological photographs of adults, description, illustrations of diagnostic characteristics, and host fungi are provided.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The beetle family Ciidae, represented by Octotemnus laminifrons Motschulsky, 1860 and Octotemnus japonicus Miyatake, 1954 is presented for the first time in Korea. The beetle family Ciidae Leach is a relatively moderate family, which comprises about 640 described species in 42 genera worldwide. This family is distributed throughout the world. Ciids are minute fungus-feeding beetles, which are associated with the mycelia and fruiting bodies of wood-rotting fungi. These beetles are considered mycetobiont because they depend upon the basidiocarps for food and breeding throughout their life span. And also ciids are important components of the saproxylic fauna of many forests ecosystems and a number of species are considered rare or threatened and are associated with old growth forests or undisturbed forest conditions. A habitus photographs of adults, description, illustrations of diagnostic characters, and host fungi are provided.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, a zygaenid speies, Artona martini Efetov, was reported for the first time from Korea. Recently we collected numerous larvae of the species, feeding on bamboo, Pseudosasa japonica (Siebold & Zucc. ex Steud.) Makino, in Hongneung arboretum of Korea Forest Research Institute, Seoul. This species is very similar to Artona (Balataea) funeralis (Butler) in appearance, which was recorded first from Korea by Witt (1985). Because the two species is very similar to each other in appearance and host plants, it will be need to examine and compare the Korean materials of the two species. But there is no available specimen of Artona (Balataea) funeralis (Butler), which was reported by Witt (1985) for the time being. They have two generations per year in Korea: The moths of first generation fly during the middle of May to middle of June and the second generation during the late of July to the early of August respectively. Also Sasa borealis (Hack.) Makino was recorded as host plants of the species from Japan (Yamaguchi & Arita, 1960). The external morphology was examined and illustrated. Materials examined herein are now preserved in the Korea National Arboretum.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Na+ ion conductivity can be improved by the substitution of an Mg atom for an Al atom to form a nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. We performed a first principles study to investigate the most stable substitution site of an Mg atom and the resulting structural change of the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. Al atoms were classified as four different layers in the spinel block that are separated by conduction planes in the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. The substitution of an Mg atom for an Al atom at a tetragonal site was more favorable than that at an octahedral site. The substitution in the spinel block was more favorable than that close to the conduction plane. This result was well explained by the volume changes of the polyhedrons, by the standard deviation of the Mg-O distance, and by the comparison with bulk MgO structure. Our result indicates that the most preferable site for the Mg atom was the tetrahedral site at the spinel block in the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        本文之重要注釋內容如下: 〈和國信張宗益少卿過潭州朝拜信武殿〉: 詩題“潭州”應爲“澶州”之訛; 第二句“文明運算高”之“文明”應指宋王朝; 第四句“一夜隕星旄”應指遼統軍 撻覽的陣亡; 第八句“列侍冩賢豪”之“賢豪”指的是締結澶淵之盟時的寇準等 功臣; 第十二句“金繒比干櫓”之“干櫓”, 中華書局本訛作“千櫓”。 〈和張少卿過德清憶郎中五弟〉: 對蘇頌原注“昆仲同舉進士, 至南宫請 試明經”之“明經”, 張中澍認爲是指“明經科”, 但這裏的“明經”應爲“明曉經 術”的意思。 〈和王大觀寄張仲巽〉: 第五句“舊德朝端方見用”之“舊德”應指張宗益 往日樹立的功德。 〈初過白溝北望燕山〉: 詩題之“白溝”應指雄州之白溝, 不是指安肅軍 之白溝。 〈和冬至紫蒙館書事〉: 第七句“欲知王曆正”之“王曆”指着宋王朝的曆 法。熙寧元年的冬至, 遼曆比宋曆早得一日。 〈和檀香板〉: 這首詩描寫了賀遼道宗的生辰而演奏散樂之情況。第二 句“擊玉敲金一串花”之“玉”和“金”應指玉磬和編鐘; “一串花”意味着伶人都 揷花在頭巾上而跳舞的情況。第三句“自與麗妃親記曲”之“麗妃”應指遼道宗 之宣懿皇后。
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic variables due to the course change in the first serve of high school girl tennis athletes using three dimensional video analysis and to produce kinetic variables using ground reaction force to understa
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We report for the first time the occurrence of DWV-infected bumble bees (Bombus ignitus). For the present study, the detection of DWV virus from the female and male bumble bee was investigated in the same colony. The Deformed wing virus (DWV) of honeybee (Apis mellifera) is closely associated with characteristic wing deformities, abdominal bloating, paralysis, and rapid mortality of emerging adult bees. Using specific RT-PCR protocols for the detection of DWV followed by sequencing of the PCR products we could demonstrate that the bumble bees were indeed infected with DWV. The virus was detected from Bombus ignitus, and its partial DWV gene was cloned and sequenced. The partial DWV gene encoding the polyprotein is 711-nt of 235 amino acid residues. The deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV showed 96.9%, 96.2%, 96.8%, and 96.5% homology to other structure polyprotein partial gene of DWV from insects, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis further conformed that the deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV divided to the outside tree. We describe the first time that presence of Deformed wing virus(DWV) from bumble bee(Bombus terrestris) in korea using RT-PCR.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A survey was conducted in the northern conifer forests of Korea from February to May in 2009 for the Monochamus species vectored Bursaphelenchus species. Dead pine trees infested with bark beetle larvaes were collected from Pinus densiflora and P. koraiensis located in the following target areas: Pocheon, Yeongi, Jincheon, Chuncheon, and Bonghwa. A cerambycid beetle, M. saltuarius was only found from sampled log piles in target areas. Bursaphelenchus species carried by M. saltuarius was only isolated in Pocheon, Gyeonggi province. The nematodes recovered from 17 (71%) of 24 beetles from P. koraiensis and 12 (75%) of 16 beetles from P. densiflora. The average number of nematode per adult was 1,974 and 11,823 from P. koraiensis and P. densiflora, respectively. The nematode was also recovered from the inner bark of both Pinus species infested with M. saltuarius larvae. Bursaphelenchus species identification was performed by morphological characters and molecular analysis with ITS-RFLP patterns and sequences of ITS and D2D3 region. Both morphological and molecular characters match well with the original description of the European type of B. mucronatus. This is the first report of M. saltuarius species as a vector of the European type of B. mucronatus on both P. densiflora and P. koraiensis in Korea.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Grazing restoration succession of the degraded grassland is an important aspect in community ecology. Field experiment was carried out to examine how major species restore in first four years restoration following 11 consecutive grazing under different stocking rates in Inner Mongolian steppe. A. frigida and P. acaulis are the most important two species in the all treatments (NG, LG, MG and HG) after four years restoration, although they had high fluctuation. The biomasses of these two species account for 40-90% of total biomass. Especially in no grazing area, which was exclosured since 1990, A. frigida and P. acaulis are still the most important two species in the community. These results suggested A. frigida and P. acaulis conununity are quite stable, and will keep long-time if no special measurements were taken during the restoration of the degraded grassland.