
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,732

        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many kinds of environment friendly agricultural materials (EFAMs) were used for the plant protection, furthermore they support the growth of crops in the greenhouses and the kindly environment friendly farming. Natural enemies might be used for control of insect pest with EFAMs at the same space and time. For testing the toxicity of EFAMs against to natural enemies, 10 EFAMs were selected and tested in small greenhouses and farm"s fields. In case of Harmonia axyridis larva, there was no predacious activity against cotton aphids in the block with EFAMMo L, EFAMPE D, EFAMME G and EFAMAE A, otherwise, aphid population was rapidly decreased in the control block without EFAMs. Both of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Encarsia formosa population were slightly decreased in the block with EFAMs. There were significantly decreased in the block with IEFAM C, FEFAM D, EFAMSM Band EFAMPE D compared with control area. Especially, there was significantly maintained a very low population, both T. vaporariorum and E. formosa in the block with EFAMMo C. The parasitized ratio of Aphidius colemani is also very low in the block with EFAMs compared with control area. In the block with IEFAM C, FEFAM D, EFAMPE D and EFAMMo L, there were significantly different with control area in the number of mummies. Otherwise, in case of Diglyphus isaea and Liriomyza trifolii, there was no significantly different between blocks with and without EFAMs. In the block with EFAMMo C, Tetranychus urticae and Phytoseiulus persimilis populations were significantly maintained a very low level. However, the population of T. urticae was increased, but P. persimilis was decreased in the block with EFAMMo L.
        2008.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality can be affected by indoor sources, ventilation, outdoor levels, and removal. Various indoor and outdoor combustion sources make nitrogen dioxide(NO2), which is a by-product of high temperature fossil fuel combustion. Especially, the presence of gas ranges and smoking have been identified as two of the major factors contributing to indoor NO2 exposures. In this study, the relative efficiencies for NO2 removal by a large number of materials are presented. This work has demonstrated that reactions with indoor surfaces represents a significant sink for NO2, and that these reactions currently are effecting a considerable degree of control over indoor NO2 levels. It seems that this control could be enhanced by judicious selection of furnishings and construction materials. Improved understanding of that rates and mechanisms of the removal process will permit optimization of the process for indoor air quality improvement.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          In this paper, we consider an inventory system where a single supplier purchases and processes raw materials into finished goods in order to deliver finished goods to a single buyer for effective implementation of Just-In-Time Purchasing. An integrated
        2008.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Electrical optical switching and structural transformation of Ge15Sb85, Sb65Se35 and N2.0 sccm doped Sb83Si17 were studied to investigate the phase change characteristics for PRAM application. Sb-based materials were deposited by a RF magnetron co-sputtering system and the phase change characteristics were analyzed using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a static tester and a four-point probe. Doping Ge, Se or Si atoms reinforced the amorphous stability of the Sb-based materials, which affected the switching characteristics. The crystallization temperature of the Sb-based materials increased as the concentration of the Ge, Se or Si increased. The minimum time of Ge15Sb85, Sb65Se35 and N2.0 sccm doped Sb83Si17 for crystallization was 120, 50 and 90 ns at 12 mW, respectively. Sb65Se35 was crystallized at 170˚C. In addition, the difference in the sheet resistances between amorphous and crystalline states was higher than 104Ω/γ.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, all kind of 21C-typed electronic goods show the tendency of hightechnology and digital convergence rapidly. Also, failure mechanism which differs from original goods concept presents. Today, failure mechanism which differs from one that was happened by restricted harmful environment material before adapted the raw of environment material is changing the paradigm of reliability engineering. Thus, when applied the environment matter of original and secondary material at the electronic goods were removed, reliability assessment method and prediction stay into low level. This study suggests as solution to overcome these phenomenon. The study on the management method of environmental restriction substances which is recognized as important element in the reliability assessment about environment material of electronic goods and the study on reliability assessment method of PWB without environment material are progressed.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon/silicon composites were synthesized by mixing silicon powders with petroleum pitch and subsequent heat-treatment. The resultant composites were composed of carbon and nano-size crystalline silicon identified by XRD and EDX. FIB images and SEM images were taken respectively to detect the existence of silicon impregnated in carbon and the distribution of silicon on the carbon surface. The obtained carbon/silicon materials were assembled as half cell anodes for lithium ion secondary battery and their electrochemical properties were tested. The pitch/silicon composite (3 : 1 wt. ratio) heat treated at 1000℃ and mixed with 55.5 wt.% of graphite showed relatively good electrochemical properties such as the initial efficiency of 78%, the initial discharge capacity of 605 mAh/g, and the discharge capacity of 500 mAh/g after 20 cycles.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건조 후 장식용 리스를 만들기 적합한 자생식물을 조사하기 위해 2004년 4월부터 12월까지 한국 여러 지역을 탐사하여 21cm×21cm×6cm의 포장상자에 맞는 크기로 제작한 장식가치가 있는 자생식물은 46종류로 조사되었다. 이 중 가장 손쉽게 구할 수 있으며 건조 하기 쉽고 제작하기 쉬우며 외국에서 제작 판매하지 않는 식물은, 비름과의 비름, 국화과의 사철쑥, 산쑥, 물쑥, 화본과의 참억새, 갈대, 금강아지풀, 강아지풀, 꿀풀과의 배초향, 향유, 꽃향유, 마편초과의 순비기나 무, 그리고 글리세린 처리 잎을 이용한 측백나무과의 향나무, 눈향나무, 소나무과의 구상나무, 오엽송, 주목 과의 주목, 그리고 가지를 이용한 노박덩굴과의 화살나 무인 18종류로 조사되었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 압화의 분야 중 가장 큰 비중을 차지하 고 있는 풍경화 작품에 대해 조사하였다. 2000~2007 년 출품작 중에서 풍경화 80작품을 선택하여 풍경화작 품에 사용되는 식물소재 및 부재료 등을 조사하였다. 풍경화 작품에서 사용된 주요 식물소재의 종류를 조사 한 결과 초본식물 소재의 사용이 67%로 목본식물 소 재의 33%보다 사용되는 비중이 컸다. 많이 사용된 초 본식물 소재는 루모라고사리, 이끼, 아디안텀, 냉이 등 이었고, 목본식물 소재는 편백, 황금편백, 포도나무 등 이었다. 봄 풍경화작품에 많이 사용된 식물소재는 냉 이, 포도나무, 조팝나무 등이고, 여름 풍경화작품에는 편백, 세라기넬라, 아디안텀, 가을 풍경화작품은 기린 초, 편백, 단풍나무, 겨울 풍경화작품에는 포도나무, 백 묘국, 에버라스팅 순으로 많이 사용되고 있었다. 식물 소재의 염색 유무조사에서 거의 대부분이 무염색 식물 소재였고, 일부 염색되는 식물소재는 조팝나무, 냉이, 쉬땅나무, 까치수염 등 흰색의 꽃과 편백, 세라기넬라 등의 잎이었다. 식물소재의 변색 정도에서 사계절 모두 변색이 잘 안 되는 소재가 67% 이상 사용되고 있었다. 식물소재 이외에 사용되는 부재료의 경우 바탕지는 압화전용 종이 65%, 한지 21%, 아크릴판 9% 등의 순이었고, 바탕지 위에 첨가된 부재료는 아크릴물감, 한지, 락카, 솜 등의 순으로 많이 사용되는 것으로 조 사되었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The bi-materials with Al-Mg alloy and its composites reinforced with SiC and particles were prepared by conventional powder metallurgy method. The A1-5 wt%Mg and composite mixtures were compacted under , and then the mixtures compacted under 400 MPa were sintered at for 5h. The obtained bi-materials with Al-Mg/SiCp composite showed the higher relative density than those with composite after compaction and sintering. Based on the results, the bi-materials compacted under 400 MPa and sintered at 873K for 5h were used for mechanical tests. In the composite side of bi-materials, the SiC particles were densely distributed compared to the particles. The bi-materials with Al-Mg/SiC composite showed the higher micro-hardness than those with composite. The mechanical properties were evaluated by the compressive test. The bi-materials revealed almost the same value of 0.2% proof stress with Al-Mg alloy. Their compressive strength was lower than that of Al-Mg alloy. Moreover, impact absorbed energy of bi-materials was smaller than that of composite. However, the bi-materials with Al-Mg/SiCp composite particularly showed almost similar impact absorbed energy to composite. From the observation of microstructure, it was deduced that the bi-materials was preferentially fractured through micro-interface between matrix and composite in the vicinity of macro-interface.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Al-42wt%Nb powder was prepared by high-energy mechanical milling(HEMM). The particle size, phase transformation and microstructure of the as-milled powder were investigated by particle size distribution (PSD) analyzer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometery (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The milled powders were heated to a sintering temperature at 1000C with under vaccum with vaccum tube furnace. Microstructural examination of sintered Ti-42wt%Nb alloy using 4h-milled powder showed Ti-rich phases (α-Ti) which are fine and homogeneously distributed in the matrix (Nb-rich phase: β-Ti). The sintered Ti-42wt%Nb alloy with milled powder showed higher hardness. The microstructure of the as quenched specimens fabricated by sintering using mixed and milled powder almost are same, but the hardness of as quenched specimen fabricated by using mixed powder increased due to solution hardening of Nb in Ti matrix. The aging effect of these specimens on microstructural change and hardening is not prominent.
        2007.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study introduces acceptance sampling plans and procedures for the inspection of bulk materials. This paper also presents statistical aspects of sampling bulk materials such as general principles and sampling of particulate materials.
        2007.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, all kind of 21C-typed electronic goods show the tendency of hightechnology and digital convergence rapidly. Also, failure mechanism which differs from original goods concept presents. Today, failure mechanism which differs from one that was happened by restricted harmful environment material before adapted the raw of environment material is changing the paradigm of reliability engineering. Thus, when applied the environment matter of original and secondary material at the electronic goods were removed, reliability assessment method and prediction stay into low level. This study suggests as solution to overcome these phenomenon. The study on the management method of environmental restriction substances which is recognized as important element in the reliability assessment about environment material of electronic goods and the study on reliability assessment method of PWB without environment material are progressed.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 초등학교에 재학중인 7~11세 자폐성 장애 아동 3명을 대상으로 구조화접근을 통한 부모교육이 아동의 문제행동 및 언어발달에 미치는 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 실시되었다. 연구방법 : 대상아동은 떼쓰기, 자해행동, 반향어 등을 보이는 전형적인 자폐성 장애 아동으로서 실험설계는 대상자간 복식기초선 설계(multiful-baseline across subjects)에 의하여 이루어졌다. 제공된 프로그램으로는 음악, 미술, 여가용 자료 사용 등의 가정에서 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 활동이 고안되었다. 종속변인은 문제행동 및 어휘 사용 빈도였다. 결과 : 문제행동의 경우 대상 아동 1은 기초선 평균 15.3회가 중재에서 12.5회로 감소되었고 15.5회로 유지되었다. 아동 2의 경우 기초선 평균 6.3회가 중재 평균 7.1회를 보였으며 유지 기간에는 6.5회로 나타났다. 아동 3의 경우 기초선 6.6회, 중재 7회, 유지기간에는 7.3회를 보였다. 언어발달에서의 결과로 아동 1의 경우 기초선 평균 26회였던 어휘수가 중재에는 40.5회로 증가하였으며 유지기간에는 44.3회로 나타났다. 아동 2의 경우 기초선 기간 동안 34회의 어휘수가 중재 기간 에는 17회로 나타났으며 유지기간에는 10.2회로 나타났다. 아동 3의 경우 기초선 34회, 중재기간 50.6회, 유지기간에는 81.5회로 높게 나타났다. 따라서 대상 아동 들은 문제행동상의 감소는 적게 나타났으나 언어발달에는 매우 높은 중재효과를 보였으며 유지 또한 높게 나타났음을 알 수 있었다. 결론 : 본 실험을 통하여 구조화접근을 통한 부모교육은 아동의 중재에 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In a view point of environment, the advanced electric contact material without environmental load element such as cadmium has to be developed. Extensive studies have been carried out on electric contact material as a substitute of Ag-CdO contact materials. In the present study, powder metallurgy including compaction and sintering is introduced to solve the incomplete oxidation problems in manufacturing process of electrical contact material. The contact material, fabricated in this study, was actually set in an electric switchgear of which working voltage is 462V and current is between 25 and 40A, for the purpose of testing its performance. As a result, it exceeded the existing Ag-CdO contact materials in terminal-temperature ascent and main contact resistance
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료