
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 685

        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese character is forms of letters, which our ancestors first got access to and was the one and only letters in ancient East Asia. It was Korea where Chinese characters had spread its roots for the first time in the process of spreading to surrounding nations. And therefore, as a form of letters which was with the long history of the Korean race, it became the parent body of Korean language, and became Korean vocabulary itself. Today, we are living in the age where all it takes to write Chinese characters o computer is to just press the transfer key on the keyboard, even if you can`t accurate write the letter. The result of performing clinical testing in the fields of personal education apart from established system of education for around 8years by developing the drill sheets for the integrated study using the Chinese characters was that the abilities of the students grow. It was significantly proven that the student who had used Chinese letters since their elementary school years naturally stand out in language abilities in high school and tend to possess excellent ability in understanding the surrounding and creativeness. The 21st century is the age of intelligence informatization, and children today are the main leaders of the 21st century. Learning of Chinese characters through integrated study of the children whose brain would actively develop will be highlighted as a new genre of education.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The efects of mechanical aloying conditions and the type of reducing agent on the solid state reductionof haematite have been investigated at room temperature. Aluminium titanium zinc and copper were used as reducing agent. Nanocomposites of metal-oxide in which oxide particles with nano size were dispersed in Fe matrix were obtained by mechanical alloying of with aluminium and titanium respectively However the reduction of by coppe was not occurred Composite materials of iron with and were obtained from the system of and after ball milling for 20 hrs and 30 hrs respectively. And the system of resulted in the formationof FeO with ZnO after ball milling of 120 hrs. The final grain sizes of iron estimated by X-ray diffraction line-width measurement were in the ranges of 24~33 nm.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Whether a ship is sub-standard or not shall be finally decided by the minimum standards laid down in international conventions or national standards having the same effects. The flag State is primarily responsible for implementing these standards as far as its own ships are concerned. And the port State shall, in the exercise of its rights under international law, take appropriate measures (including detention of ships identified as sub-standard), which are regarded as port State's supplementary role aiming at implementing these standards. The international standards are implemented by the regional co-operation in the form of the MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region on the ground that the PSC enforcement of only one country does not enable the eradication of sub-standard ships. Recently, EQUASIS which is an international database covering the whole world fleet change the regionalism of PSC into the globalization of PSC. However, there are many problems in Tokyo MOV and Korean PSC regime. In order to ensure the implementation of the standards laid down in international conventions and Tokyo MOU, the Korean and other country in Asia-Pacific shall settle the alienation from the actuality of the law, namely the problem of maritime administrative structure of non unifying PSC affairs.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인간의 적응적인 마음상태는 긍정적/부정적 사고의 상호작용에서 자기 고양적인 방향으로 편향된 비대칭성을 가정한다. 본 논문에서는 긍정적/부정적 인지, 정서의 균형에 대한 심리 수학적 모형인 SOM 모형을 감성판단 영역에 적용하여 보았다. ,iOM 모형은 개인이 긍정적, 부정적 감성의 이분법적 판단에 있어서 평균적으로 6B의 비율을 유지한다고 제안하며, 이러한 비율은 고대수학의 .6)0 ,.182의 황금분할비와 일치하는 것이다. 32명의 일반성인을 대상으로 한 분석결과, 긍정적/부정적 감성단어에 대한 자기 관련성 평정의 SOM 비율은 .62(SD=.On)로 나타났으며, 우연회상 과제수행의 SOM 비율은 .18(SD=.34)로 이론적 기준과 유사하게 나타났다. 또한 상관분석에서 개인의 10M 비율은 긍정적/부정적 감성단어에 대한 평정과도 유의미한 상관관계를 지니고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 인지적 균형비의 의미와 감성과학 분야의 적용 가능성에 대해 제안하였다.
        2001.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study invesrigates the current state of English education/research institutes belonging to four-year universities in Korea. Out of 102 institutes that are currently being operated in 167 universities, 67 institutes responded the survey questionnaire. The survey revealed that the universities established foreign-language education institutes to help students meet the challenge of the internationalization era, many of which establisheà in the 1990s. Most of the institutes, however, were small in their size and focusing on short-term profit-making programs, neglecting research on foreign language education. The paper suggests that the institutes should strive to develop good program, improve its research efforts, and networking among similar institutes in different universities.
        2000.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Port State Control(PSC) plays important roles in ensuring the ship' safety as well as preserving the marine environment in port and coastal sea. The effect of PSC carried out according to the procedure and document offered by Tokyo MOU depends greatly on inspector and inspection technique. So, it is very important to inspect ships impartially with advanced method. In the case of Korea, the only 30 percent of ships with deficiencies visited to ports are inspected due to the lack of PSC inspectors. So new inspection technique and module are required in order to improve inspection efficiency and to resolve problems mentioned. In this paper, we introduce a module for PSC inspection and evaluate it by inspecting 10 model ships and comparing with present method. The proposed module is expected to obtain the objectivity of inspection, to offer inspection guideline and to determine the priority of inspection ships.
        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey on the preferences and notion about kimchi and kimchi products was conducted from july to october, 1999 to investigate basic information for increasing the consumption of kimchi for sale. 1,241 subjects of women and men aged 10 to 60 in Kyung-nam area participated in this survey. Most of the subjects made kimchi by themselves at home but this rate of making kimchi at home became lower than past, so increment of consumption of kimchi for sale will be expected in the future. When the people buy kimchi, they considered taste first, and then hygiene, nutrition in order. When they purchase kimchi, more men (69.1%) than women(56%) considered taste, but more women(36.1%) than men(20.6%) considered hygiene first. Subjects aged 30 or older groups considered more the hygiene of kimchi than the subjects of 10~20 age groups did.(p〈0.05) And people of household income over 3 million wons considered more hygiene than people of below 1 million wons income group did. People liked manufactured kimchi the packed with whole or partly transparent material in order to observe the contents.(p〈0.05) They liked better kimchi packed with bottle(46.1%) and vinyl(39.6%) than plastic(14.3%) and this tendency was more in the subjects of women(49.8%) and over 30 age groups.(p〈0.05) They prefered 200~500g packing unit of kimchi whether the family size were big or small. Among the processed kimchi products, men liked better a rice covered up with kimchi, a pot stew with kimchi or a soup with kimchi, On the other hand, women liked better a dumplings with kimchi, a grilled food with kimchi, a pizza with kimchi.(p〈0.05) Subjects aged 10 to 20 years old liked all kinds of kimchi products, but people aged 40 or older disliked them.(p〈0.001)
        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey on the preference of kimchi and actual amounts of kimchi intake conducted from july to october 1999 to get basic information needed for the augmentation of kimchi intake. Total 1,241 of women and men aged 10~60 in kyung-nam area participated in this survey. Except people aged 20~30, all of subjects, especially in people aged 60 and over, liked fresh prepared kimchi best, and then fermented kimchi. But all of subjects disliked over fermented kimchi.(p〈0.001) And women(4.3±0.9) liked better fresh prepared kimchi than men(4.2±1.0), men(4.0±0.9) liked better fermented kimchi than women(3.9±1.1).(p〈0.05) In subjects aged above 40, as age grow up, the preference of fermented kimchi and over fermented kimchi grew lower. All of subjects best liked chinease cabbage kimchi, and then chonggak kimchi, kakdugi, yeulmu kimchi, dongchimi in order. And women liked better nabag kimchi, yeulmu kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, bek kimchi, cucumber kimchi, godulppegi kimchi than men and men liked better chinease cabbage kimchi, kakdugi, dongchimi than women.(p〈0.05) People aged 10~20 and above 60 disliked chonggag kimchi. The preference of kakdugi were high in people aged 10~20, but as age grow up, the preference of kakdugi became lower.(p〈0.001) The preference of nabak kimchi and dongchimi with juice were significantly high in people aged 60 and over but people aged 10~20 disliked. Also subjects aged 10~20 disliked significantly yeulmu kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, green onion kimchi, bek kimchi, cucumber kimchi, mustard leaf kimchi and godulppegi kimchi and subjects aged 20~30 disliked significantly yeulmu kimchi, mustard leaf kimchi, godulppegi kimchi(p〈0.001). But subject aged 30 and older liked all kinds of kimchi. The amounts of kimchi intake in Kyung-nam area were same level of average amount(100g) of korean intake but the amounts of kimchi intake of men(106.4±74.0) were more than women(96.9±69.5)(p〈0.05)
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현장조사 결과 패드-팬 시스템의 경우 6개 농가 모두 사용하고 있었으며, 온실 내기온은 외부기온보다 2~5℃ 낮았다. 이시스템의 냉방효율은 평균 77.4% 이었으며, 외부의 상대습도가 60%이하 일 경우 냉방 효율이 높았다. 포그 시스템의 경우 현장조사에서 9농가 중 6농가가 사용을 못할 정도로 많은 문제점이 발견되었다. 포그입경, 분무수량, 운영 방법등 개선해야 할 사항이 많았다. 실험온실의 경우도 노즐의 설치 위치와 제어방법에서 문제점이 발견되었다. 포그입자가 커 증발하지 못하고 대부분이 바닥과 차광망으로 낙하하였고, 지역 기상조건을 고려하지 못한 제어방법으로 냉방효과를 떨어뜨리고 있었다. 냉방효과를 높이가 위하여 노즐의 위치 선정, 제어방법에 대한 연구가 수행되어야 하며, 지역적 기상특성을 고려한 연구와 내부 습도를 낮게 유지하는 연구도 수행되어야 할 것이다.