
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,503

        1987.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The addition of dipeptides and 1,2-bis (aminoacyl) hydrazine derivatives a level of 250 ppm to corn oil resulted in the retardation of the oxidaitive deterioration of the oil when it was stored in the oven at 70℃ during 5 days. Their antioxidant activities were investigated by UV absorbance of the corn oil at the wavelength of 234nm. 1,2-bis (aminoacyl) hydrazine derivatives showed higher antioxidant activity than normal dipeptides. Dipeptides containing phenyl ring with which is conjugable a-carbon radical showed antioxidant activity.
        1987.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The storage stability of Instant Ramyon by industrially prepared with palm, beef tallow and blended rapeseed oils for frying oil was studied. The products was stored under fluorescent light at 60℃ with illumination of 9,000 lux. Changes of peroxide value, total carbonyl value, and absorbance at 232 nm of lipids extracted from Ramyon were investigated during storage. The storage stability of Ramyon prepared with oils containing TBHQ had better than that prepared with a mixture of BHA and BHT. The Ramyon prepared with 4 part of rapeseed oil to 6 part of tallow containing 0.02% BHA/BHT showed higher storage stability than that prepared with palm oil alone but showed lower stability than that prepared with tallow alone both under the same condition of antioxidant treatment.
        1987.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A preliminary investigation was performed to evaluate the possibility of partially replacing palm oil and beef tallow by rapeseed oil for frying oils of instant Ramyon manufacturing. The AOM stability of rapeseed oil was inferior than of palm oil, but was comparable to that of beef tallow. When rapeseed oil was blended with palm oil or beef tallow, the AOM stability of the blended oil was improved. As far as AOM stability is concerned, best results were obtained with a blending ratio of 3 part of rapeseed oil to 7 part of palm oil and a ratio of 4 part of rapeseed oil to 6 part of beef tallow. These blended rapesee oils was retarded the formation of conjugated dienes and polymers during heating. The antioxidative effects on the stabilities of AOM and thermal in blended rapeseed oils showed that TBHQ was superior to tocopherols and a mixture of BHA and BHT was inferior.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because of its more complete hydrolysis and rapid absorption, MCT is expected its usefulness in the diets of patients with malabsorption syndrom. Also, several authors reported that serum cholesterol level was lower after MCT feedings. In this study, rate of each experimental group were fed for 4weeks with 20% MCT, 20% corn oil, mixed diet of 10% MCT and 10% corn oil, mixed diet of 17% corn oil and 3% shortening. After experimental diet, it was measured to growth rate and serum cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid level. The results were as follows; 1. The body weight gain was the lowest in MCT group and others were lower than control group. 2. Serum total cholesterol level was the lowest in corn oil group and others were significantly lower than control group. Free cholesterol level was lower in all experimental groups than control group too. 3. Serum HDL-cholesterol level was significantly higher in all experimental groups than control group. 4. The ratio of VLDL, LDL-Cholesterol to HDL-Cholesterol was significantly lower in all experimental groups than control group. 5. Serum triglyceride level was higher in all experimental groups than control group. Serum phospholipid level was significantly in only mixed diet group of corn oil and shortening than control group. 6. The ratio of total cholesterol to phospholipid was significantly lower in corn oil diet group than control group.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The crude lipid contents of dried sea food products varied remarkably from 1.2 to 29.9% for dried fish products, from 2.8 to 12.3% for dried mollusk ones, and from 0.1 to 2.3% for dried seaweed ones. In fatty acid composition of dried fish products, the saturated acid was the most predominant component for dried anchovies, hair tail, Kstsuobushi, the monoenoic acid was the most predominant one for dried yellow corvenia, flat head, common carp, sea eel and conger eel. And the polyenoic acid was the most abundant one for dried cod. Allaska pollack, flounder, sole fish, ray, smelt and sardine. The major fatty acids of these dried fish products were 16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1, 20:5 and 22:6. Fatty acid composition of dried mollusk products were mainly consisted of polyenoic acid, and followed by saturated acid, monoenoic aced. The major fatty acids of these products were similiar to those of dried fish products. And in case of dried seaweed products, saturated acid such as 14:0, 16:0 was the most predominant component, while polyenoic acid was abundant one in dried laver and sea mustard. The main fatty acids of dried seaweed products were 14:0, 16:0, 18:1, 20:1, 20:4, and 20:5. Judging from the results, dried sea food products were abundant of the highly unsaturated fatty acids in spite of the drying processing and storage.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        No difference was observed on autoxidative stability of triacylglycerols before and after randomyl interesterification. It indicate that randomization of the glyceride composition has no significant effect on the autoxidative stability. On the other hand, the autoxidation of randomyl interesterified vegetable oil was accelerated, caused mainly by decrease of tocopherols during the series of interesterification procedures.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) from the mixture of anionic and nonionic detergents (containing amide type and alkylphenoxy polyethanol type) is identified by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, separated using physical properties (solubility) and determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The transesterification reaction between diethanolamine and methyl methacrylate was kinetically investigated in the presence of various metal acetate catalysts at 120℃. The amount of reacted methyl methacrylate was measured by gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, and the reaction rate also measured from the amount of reaction products and reactants under each catalyst. The transesterification reaction was carried out in the first order with respect to the concentration of diethanolamine and methyl methacrylate, respectively. The over-all order is 2nd. The apparent rate constant was found to obey first-order kinetics with respect to the concentration of catalyst. The maximum reaction rate was appeared at the range of 1.4 to 1.6 of electronegativity of metal ions and instability constant of metal acetates.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2,4,6-Triamino-5-nitrosopyrimidine was prepared using malononitrile and guanidine carbonate, and acetylated refluxing in acetic acid with acetic anhydride in order to activate the nitroso group for nucleophilic attack. Nucleophilic attack of phenylpyrimidium bromide on the nitroso group of 2,4,6-triacetamido-5-nitrosopyrimidine gave the intermediate, which lost pyrdidine to give the nitrone derivative. Addition of the methanethiol anion to nitrone gave 2,4-diacetamido-7-phenyl-6-methylthiopteridine which was hydrolyzed to give 2,4-diamino-7-phenyl-6-methylthiopteridine. Spectral data (IR, M.S, NMR) were provided to identify the reaction products during synthesis.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inosamine(deoxyaminoinositol) stereomers such as scyllo-inosamine, myo-inosamine-2, epi-inosamine-2 and myo-inesamine-4 have been synthesize from myo-inositol (1,2,3,5/4,6-hexahydroxycyclohexane) And sixteen of quaternary ammonium salt type deoxyaminoinositols such as dimethylalktl-deoxy-scyllo-inosityl-, dimethylalkyl-2deoxy-2myo-inosityl-, dimethylalkyl-2-deoxy-2-epi-inosityl and dimethylal inosityl-, dimethylalkyl-2-deoxy-2-myo-inosityl-, dimethylalkyl-2-deoxy-2-epi-inosityl and dimethylalkyl-4-deoxy-4-myo-imosityl ammonium chlorides with straight chain alkyl group having from eight to fourteen carton atoms have been synthesized from four kinds of the imosamine stereomers. The isolation and detection of dimethylalkyl-deoxy-inosityl ammonium chlorides have been investigated by column chromatography, paper chromatography, infrared absorption spectra and elementary analysis, respectively.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Surface chemical properties including surface tension, Ross-Miles foaming power, foam stabilities, emulsifying properties, emulsion stabilities, effectiveness of dispersion, dispersion stabilites of the quaternary ammonium salt type deoxyaminoimositol derivatives such as sixteen kinds of dimethylafkyl-deoxyscyllo-inosityl- dimethylalkyl-2-deoxy-2-myo-inosityl-, dimethylakyl-2-deoxy-2-epi-inosityl- and dimethylalkyl-4-deoxy-4-myo-inosityl ammonium chlorides are tested. And critical micelle concentration of these compounds are estimated from the curves of surface tension and concentration. The experimental results show that the members of this class of compounds have necessary surface active properties to make them effective surfactants.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plasma levels of lipoproteins were observed in vegetarians and non-vegetarians in order to compare the values between the two groups with different dietary habits, and among different age groups. All 162 vegetarians and 95 non-vegetarians were selected for this study. In detail, male vegetarians subjects were devided into three groups according to their ages, 20's, 30's and 40's. And three control groups were also selected at matching basis. Two groups each were selected for female subjects in their 20's and 40's. All ten groups were adopted and the lipids levels were compared appropriately. Plasma pre-β-lipoprotein levels of vegetarians and non-vegetarians were not significantly in all groups. And plama α-lipporoten levels of non-vegetarians were higher than the ones for vegetarians as compared with male of 20's, male 30's and female of 40's, and it was not significantly as compared with female of 20's. And plasma β-lipoprotein levels of vegetarians were significantly lower than the ones for non-vegetarians in all groups. Most of plasma lipoprotein levels measured were found to be lower in vegetarians and tended to be higher age groups of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. And plasma α-lipoprotein levels which is known to be adversely related to atheroscherosis were higher in non-vegetarians, it can be concluded in this study that the plasma lipoprotein levels of non-vegetarians under Korea dietary patterns are quite acceptable.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plasma levels of lipids were observed in vegetarians and non-vegetarians in order compare the values between the two groups with different dietary habits, and among different age groups. All 162 vegetarians and 95 non-vegetarians were selected for this study. In detail, male vegetarians subjects were devided into three groups according to their ages, 20's, 30's and 40's. And three control groups were also selected at matching basis. Two groups each were selected for female subjects in their 20's and 40's. All ten groups were adopted and the lipids levels were compared appropriately. Dietary habits of vegetarians were shown to be fairly strict. They consumed almost no animal foods and depended largely upon plant foods with emphasis on unrefined cereals and legumes. on the other hand, non-vegetarians consumed meats, fish egg and milk frequently. Most of plasma lipid levels measured were found to be lower in vegetarians and tended to be higher for the higher age groups of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Although the lipids levels of non-vegetarians were higher than the ones for vegetarians, the levels were within optimal range, and it can be concluded in this study that the plasma lipid levels of non-vegetarians under Korean dietary pattern are quite acceptable.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the protective action of various antioxidants on the photooxidation of rice bran oil, it was irradiated with red and visible light in presence and absence antioxidants with or without sensitizer (methylene blue). 1. Rice bran oil with and without sensitizer in chloroform-ethanol (4:1, v/v) media was largely oxidized under visible light irradiation. on the other hand, rice bran oil without sensitizer was hardly oxidized under red light irradiation. 2. Rice bran oil with sensitizer was oxidized much faster than that without. And the absorbance of it irradiated with visible was increased more than that with red light. 3. The effectiveness of antioxidants on the rice bran oil photooxidation was same order as follows: Irradiation with visible light, no addition of sensitizer β-carotene 〉 dl-α-tocopherol 〉 BHT 〉 BHA Irradiation with visible light, addition of sensitizer β-carotene 〉 BHT 〉 dl-αtocopherol 〉 BHA Irradiation with red light, addition of sensitizer β-carotene 〉 BHA 〉 BHT 〉 dl-α-tocopherol From these results, we concluded that rice bran oil was largely oxidized under visible light irradiation, therefore it must be protected from photooxidative deterioration by the addition of antioxidants.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of procedures for preparation of fatty acid methyl esters for gas chromatography were investigated. A quantitative comparison of four procedures for the preparation of the fatty acid methyl esters from Korean sesame seed lipids which can be representative of fatty acid ranges of Korean vegetable oils has been made. The procedures employed were BF3-methanol, HCI-methanol, sodium methoxide-methanol, and tetramethylammonium hydroxide-methanol. Twelve fatty acids ranged from 14:0 to 24:0 were identified in the lipids from Korean white and black sesame seeds. All four procedures gave similar results for the fatty acids, 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, and 18:3 present in the range of 1~44% but only in the HCI-methanol procedure, the fatty acids, 16:1, 20:0, 22:0, 24:0 present in the range of 0.02~1% showed the lowest values. When using tetramethylammonium hydroxide-methanol procedure for determination of total fatty acid composition from white and black sesame seed lipids, unsaponifiable matters including sesamol, sesamolin and sesamin present in the seed lipids are not removed from the resulting reaction mixture. Thus the transesterification mixture is used without further treatment for injection into the gas chromatography. However, the gas chromatographic analysis of the transesterification mixture showed that the unsaponifiable matters had no effect on the fatty acid composition of the seed lipids. From the results, it appears that the BF3-methanol, sodium methoxide-methanol and tetramethylammonium hydroxide-methanol procedures can be used to prepare fatty acid methyl esters from Korean vegetable oils. Among the methods, the tetramethylammonium hydroxide-methanol procedure, which give total fatty acid composition, glyceride fatty acid composition and composition of free fatty acids present, appears to be a simple, convenient and quantitative procedure and applicable to samples containing broad ranges of fatty acids.
        1987.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment is carried out to study influence of vitamin B6 on serum lipids of rat fed with oxidized oil by heat. The experimental animals use 35 male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 100 ± 2g. They are divided into 5 groups and fed to experimental diets which are added to 10%, 15%, 20% oxidized oil by heat in addition to 0.01%, 0.04%, 0.06% vitamin B6. Oxidized oil by heat is prepared from the soybean oil by heating at 180℃ for 50 hours. After feeding for 4 weeks, lipid concentrations of sera are as follows; 1. Body weights are higher in experimental diet groups than control diet group. 2. Liver weights are higher in experimental diet groups than control diet group, but spleen weights are lower in experimental diet groups than control diet group. 3. The contents of serum total cholesterol, free cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol are lower in experimental diet groups than control diet group. 4. The contents of serum triglyceride are significantly higher in experimental diet groups than control diet group. 5. The contents of serum phospholipid are lower in experimental diet groups than control diet group.
        1986.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment is carried out to study effect of choline-deficient diet on serum and liver lipid contents of male rats. The experimental animals use 36 male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 100±3g. They are classified into 7 groups and fed to experimental diets which are composed of 0.8% choline-supplement of deficient diets in addition to 14% corn oil, 14% corn margarine and 14% lipids mixed with 4% corn oil and 10% corn margarine, respectively. After feeding for 4 weeks, I measure lipid concentration of serum and liver, and the result are as follows. 1. The choline-deficient diet group decreases slightly the rates of weight gain and feed efficiency as compared with those of the choline-supplement diet group, but increases liver weight. 2. The choline-dificient diet group decreases the serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), free cholesterol, HDL-choelsterol, VLDL, LDL-cholesterol and phospholipid (PL), but increases the contents of triglyceride and the ratios of cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride/PL, and indicates no remarkable-difference in the ratio of TC/PL. 3. As compared with the choline-supplement diet group, the choline-deficient diet group contains the higher liver contents of total lipids, free cholesterol and triglyceride, and gives little difference in the liver contents of total cholesterol and phospholipid(PL), and presents the higher ratios of VLDL, LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol and TG/PL in the liver.4. In the choline-deficient diet group, the coutents of serum and liver lipid is not influenced by the kind of dietary fat. On the other hand, the choline-supplemented diet group indicates a significantly lower content of phospholipid in the corn margarine-added diet group than in the corn oil-added diet group. As aforementioned results, I think that the choline-deficient diet induces fatty liver in male rats without relation to kind of fatty acid, and cholines-upplement diet with saturated fatty acid makes the more decrease of liver phospholipid than that with polyunsaturated fatty acid.
        1986.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The transesterification reaction between diethanolamine and methyl-methacrylate was kinetically investigated in the presence of various metal acetate catalysts at 120℃. The quantity of methylmethacrylate reacted in the reaction flask was measured by gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, and the reaction rate was investigated by measuring of the quantity of products and reactnts under various catalysts. The transesterification reaction was carried out in the first order reaction kinetics with respect to the concentration of diethanolamine and methylmethacrylate, respectively. The apparent rate constant was found to obey first-order kinetics with respect to the concentration of catalyst. The linear relationship was shown between apparent rate constant and reciprocal absolute temperature, and by the Arrhenius plot, the activation energy has been calculated as 11.08 Kcal with zinc acetate catalyst, 17.99 Kcal without catalyst. The maximum reaction rate was appeared at the range of 1.4 to 1.6 of electronegativity of metal ions and instability constant of metal acetates.
        1986.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자동산화유의 독성을 구명하기 위하여 autoxidized methyl linoleate(AOML)의 일정량을 mouse에 1 일 1 회 20 일간 경구 투여하여 혈청 및 간의 지질대사에 미치는 영향을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 실험군의 혈청 TBA값과 혈청 triglyceride, phospholipid 및 total cholesterol양은 정상군에 비해 모두 증가되었으며, 전기영동 결과 혈청 lipoprotein의 조성 백분율은 albumin이 약 21% 증가된 반면, VLDL은 약 70% 그리고 LDL은 약 33% 감소되어 있었다. 실험군의 간에서의 POV, COV 및 TBA값은 모두 정상군에 비해 크게 증가하였으며, 또한 간의 triglyceride, phospholipid 및 total cholesteroldml 양도 증가하는 경향을 나타내고 있었다. 한편, 실험군의 간에서의 형태학적 변화로는 정상군에 비해 간세포의 손상과 지질의 축적이 관찰 되었다.