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        검색결과 274

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, it is demonstrate that the invertebrates have a immune memory, called Immune priming (IP). It was partially studied that the IP is mainly regulated by epigenetic modification. Here, to understand the IP on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) production, we investigated larval mortality and time-dependent expression patterns of AMP genes in T. molitor larvae challenged with E. coli (two-times injection with a one-month interval). Interestingly, the results indicate that the higher and faster expression levels of most AMP genes were detected compared to the non-primed T. molitor larvae. Our results may used to improve the understanding of mechanisms of invertebrate immune memory.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        먹노린재 합성집합페로몬 후보물질 12종에 대한 유인력을 평가하였다. 페로몬 방출기는 4구 후각계 (Olfacomter)를 사용하였고 4개의 진공관에 각각 후보물질을 투입 후 진공 유압 방식으로 방출하여 포집기에 유인되는 먹노린재의 개채수를 측정하는 방법으로 검정하였다. 4구 후각계 페로몬 평가 방법은 기존 Y-관 후각 계의 문제점인 양방향 선택성과 공간 한정성을 개선하여 평가의 정확성을 향상시켰다. 유인력 평가 결과 12종의 유인제 후보물질 중 Trans-2-Decenal이 먹노린재 실험개체에 대하여 100% 유인력을 보였다. 또한, 선별된 Trans-2-Decenal의 먹노린재 유인력에 대한 유효농도 시험을 진행 한 결과, 50%의 농도에서 유인력이 가장 높았 다. 본 연구를 통해서 선별된 Trans-2 Decenal은 기존의 노린재과에 대한 페로몬 트랩에 비해 먹노린재에 대한 유인 효과가 높을 것으로 사료되었다. 이에 따라, Trans-2 Decenal을 기반으로 한 페로몬 트랩이 상용화된다면 추후의 먹노린재 방제 효과가 높아질 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The complexation of silicon with carbon materials is considered an effective method for using silicon as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries. In the present study, carbon frameworks with a 3D porous structure were fabricated using metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), which have been drawing significant attention as a promising material in a wide range of applications. Subsequently, the fabricated carbon frameworks were subjected to CVD to obtain silicon-carbon complexes. These siliconcarbon complexes with a 3D porous structure exhibited excellent rate capability because they provided sufficient paths for Li-ion diffusion while facilitating contact with the electrolyte. In addition, unoccupied space within the silicon complex, combined with the stable structure of the carbon framework, allowed the volume expansion of silicon and the resultant stress to be more effectively accommodated, thereby reducing electrode expansion. The major findings of the present study demonstrate the applicability of MOF-based carbon frameworks as a material for silicon complex anodes.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대한민국 울릉도 특산식물인 추산쑥부쟁이(Aster × chusanensis Y.S.Lim, Hyun, Y.D.Kim & H.C.Shin)의 기내 대량증식체계 확립을 위해 시토키닌 계열 식물생장조절 제를 첨가하여 캘러스 및 신초 형성 조건을 구명하고자 수행 하였다. 실험결과, 추산쑥부쟁이의 줄기 절편체에서 캘러스 와 신초가 형성되었다. 캘러스 형성률은 TDZ 3.0mg·L-1처 리구에서 88.9%로 가장 높았고 BAP 3.0mg·L-1와 Zeatin 3.0mg·L-1 처리구는 66.7%, 2iP 3.0mg·L-1 처리구에서는 11.1%였다. 신초 형성률은 모든 처리구에서 77% 이상이고 특히 TDZ처리구와 Zeatin 처리구에서 100%였다. 그러나 TDZ처리구에서는 형성된 신초가 부풀어 오르거나, 잎에 과수 성이 나타나는 등 형태적 기형이 나타났다. Zeatin처리구에 서 발생한 신초는 정상적인 형태를 나타났다. 잎 절편체에서 는 캘러스, 신초가 발생하지 않았으며 절편체가 탈색하며 고 사하는 것을 확인하였다. 종합적으로 추산쑥부쟁이의 캘러 스 및 신초 형성을 위해서는 줄기 절편체를 배양 재료로 이 용하는 것이 효과적으로 확인되었다. 캘러스 유도에는 TDZ 3.0mg·L-1처리가 가장 효과적이었고, 추후 NAA와 같은 옥신 을 함께 첨가하여 증식 효과를 분석하는 연구가 필요할 것이 다. 또한, 신초 유도에도 TDZ 3.0mg·L-1 처리가 효과적이었 으나 장기간, 고농도로 사용할 경우 형태적인 기형이 발생할 수 있어 정상적인 식물생산에 부적합한 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 형태적 기형이 발생하지 않은 아데닌 유도체형 시토키 닌인 Zeatin을 활용하는 것을 추천한다. 본 연구는 울릉도 특 산식물인 추산쑥부쟁이의 기내 대량증식과 생태계 유지에 필 요한 종 공급을 위한 대량증식 체계 구축을 위한 자료로 활용 할 수 있을 것이다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        다중 에이전트 강화학습의 발전과 함께 게임 분야에서 강화학습을 레벨 디자인에 적용하려는 연구가 계속되 고 있다. 플랫폼의 형태가 레벨 디자인의 중요한 요소임에도 불구하고 지금까지의 연구들은 플레이어의 스킬 수준이나, 스킬 구성 등 플레이어의 매트릭에 초첨을 맞춰 강화학습을 활용하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 레 벨 디자인에 플랫폼의 형태가 사용될 수 있도록 시각 센서의 가시성과 구조물의 복잡성을 고려하여 플랫폼 이 플레이 경험에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 이를 위해Unity ML-Agents Toolkit과MA-POCA 알고리즘, Self-play 방식을 기반으로2vs2 대전 슈팅 게임 환경을 개발하였으며 다양한 플랫폼의 형태를 구성하였다. 분석을 통해 플랫폼의 형태에 따른 가시성과 복잡성의 차이가 승률 밸런스에는 크게 영향을 미치지 않으나 전체 에피소 드 수, 무승부 비율, Elo의 증가폭에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것을 확인했다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) is one of the 4th generation nuclear power systems which is its verified technology in physically and chemically. Among the various salts used for MSR system, the eutectic composition of NaCl-MgCl2 system maintains the liquid state at around 450°C, in the same time, it has high solubility for nuclear fuel chlorides. This characteristic has high advantage for lowering the operating temperature for the MSR, which could reduce the problem of hightemperature corrosion by salt for structural materials significantly. In particular, since MgCl2 has the similar standard reduction potential with nuclear fuel, is used as a surrogate for, many basic researches have been conducted for verifying characteristic of MgCl2. It is well-known that main short-advantage of MgCl2 is hygroscopic properties. MgCl2 changes to MgCl2-xH2O state easily by absorbing moisture in air condition. The hydrated MgCl2 is producing MgOHCl by thermally decomposing at high temperature, the formed MgOHCl corrodes structural materials, even small amount of MgOHCl gives significant damage. Therefore, the purification of MgCl2 has been required for long-term operation of MSR using MgCl2 as a base salt. In this study, the purification of eutectic composition salt for NaCl-MgCl2 has been mainly performed by considering its thermodynamic properties and electrochemical characteristic, and the experimental results have been discussed.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The presence of organic components in spent scintillation liquid should be considered during all steps of radioactive waste processing for final disposal. Scintillation liquids often referred to as cocktails are generated form radiochemical analyses of radionuclides, which mainly consists of mixtures of liquid organic materials such as toluene and xylene. Typical features of these liquid organic materials are volatility, combustibility and toxicity. These are the reason why special attention must be paid to the management of liquid organic radioactive wastes. To select an appropriate waste management strategy and to design the treatment process of spent scintillation cocktails, it is required to investigate the nature of the waste such as specific radioactivity and moisture content. The analysis results of spent scintillation liquid generated at Wolsong nuclear power plants will be discussed. An overview of the technical approaches available for the treatment of organic radioactive waste will be additionally provided.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KAERI has developed a Radioactive Waste Information Management System (RAWINGS) to manage the life-cycle information from the generation to the disposal of radioactive waste, in compliance with the low- and medium-level radioactive waste acceptance criteria (WAC). In the radioactive waste management process, the preceding steps are to receive waste history from the waste generators. This includes an application for a specified container with a QR label, pre-inspection, and management request. Next, the succeeding steps consist of repackaging, treatment, characterization, and evaluating the suitability of disposal, for a process to transparently manage radioactive wastes. Since the system operated in 2021, The system is enhanced to manage dynamic information, including the tracking of the location of radioactive waste and the repackaging process. Small packages of waste could be classified as either radioactive or clearance waste during pre-inspection. Furthermore, waste generated in the past has already been packaged in drums, and a new algorithm has been developed to apply the repackaging when reclassification is required. All radioactive waste with the unique ID number on the specific container is managed within a database, the total amount and history of waste are managed, and statistical information is provided. This system is continuously be operated and developed to oversee life-cycle information, and serve as the foundational database for the Waste Certification Program (WCP).
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deep borehole drilling is essential not only to select the host rock type for deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), but also to identify the characteristics of the disposal site during the site selection process. In particular, since the disposal depth of HLW is considered to be over 300 m, deep borehole drilling must be performed. In deep borehole drilling, drilling design, excavation, and operation may vary depending on the rock type, drilling depth, and drilling purpose etc. This study introduced cases in which Korea was divided into four geotectonic structures and four representative rock types and conducted with a goal of 750 m drilling depth. Prior to this, a review of deep drilling cases conducted at domestic and abroad was presented. If sufficient time and cost are available, several drilling holes can be excavated for various purposes, but if not, one or two drilling holes should be used to achieve the objectives of various fields related to HLW disposal. The presence of bedding, strata or fault zones depending on the type of rock, etc. may affect drilling deviation or circulating water management. In addition, unlike drilling in general geotechnical investigation drilling, the use of polymers or grouting agents is limited to determine hydraulic and geochemical characteristics. This report introduces the experience considered during the design and drilling process of deep drilling in granite, gneiss, sedimentary rock, volcanic rock, etc., and is expected to be used as basic data when carrying out future HLW projects.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        먹노린재의 방제시기 설정을 위하여 서식지 내 발생 양상을 조사하였다. 전라남도를 중심으로 돌발 대량 발생 한 먹노린재의 발생 조사는 2023년도 벼의 모내기가 완료된 시점부터 전남 곡성군 석곡면과 여수시 화양면 일대 의 친환경단지에서 주 1회 실시하였으며, 벼의 수확이 완료되는 시점까지 진행될 예정이다. 금년도 발생 조사 결과는 지난 2021년도 결과와 비교하여 분석하고자 하였다. 현제까지의 결과, 여수시의 친환경단지 내 먹노린재 의 발생은 모내기가 완료된 이 후 2주 경과 시점에서 발견되었으며, 곡성군은 4주 경과 시점에서 발견되었고, 발생 최고점은 여수시의 경우 모내기 후 6주 경과 시점으로, 곡성군의 경우 5주 경과 시점으로 나타났다. 먹노린재 의 대발생이 지속되던 2021년도의 결과와 비교하였을 때, 2023년도 결과도 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라, 먹노린재 친환경제재 살포 시기는 모내기 후 2주 경과 시점이 적절한 것으로 나타났으며, 2차 방제 시점에 대해서 는 추가 조사를 통해서 제안하고자 한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기존에는 생산되는 키틴과 키토산의 대부분이 게, 새우등 갑각류 껍질에서 유래하였다. 하지만 어업에 의존하 는 기존 갑각류 비해 친환경적이며 품질 유지에 이점을 가지는 곤충으로부터 유래한 키틴이 최근 주목 받기 시작 하며 연구가 활발해지고 있다. 이에 키토산이 남조류의 응집을 통해 녹조 제거 효과를 가지며 기존에 녹조를 억제하기 위해 널리 사용되던 살조제들이 독성을 띠어 환경에 악영향을 미치는 문제를 해결할 수 있다는 연구를 참고하여 매미 탈피각으로부터 추출한 키토산을 녹조 방제에 활용해 보고자 하였다. 매미 탈피각으로부터 키토 산을 추출하고 대표적인 녹조 원인종인 Microcystis aeruginosa 배양 후 추출한 키토산을 처리하여 녹조의 응집 효과를 관찰하였다. 본 연구에서 새로운 키토산 추출 원으로서 매미 탈피각의 가능성을 제시하였으며 이를 녹조 방제에 활용함으로써 버려지는 자원인 매미 탈피각의 활용 방안을 제시하였다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated ethopabate (EPB) residues in edible tissues of broiler chickens given in drinking water and established the withdrawal time (WT) of EPB in poultry tissues. Twenty-four healthy Ross broiler chickens were orally administered with EPB at the concentration of 3.8 mg/L for 14 days (EPB-1, n=24) and 15.2 mg/L for 7 days (EPB-2, n=24) through drinking water, respectively. After the drug treatment, tissue samples were collected from six broiler chickens at 0, 1, 3, and 5 days, respectively. EPB residue concentrations in poultry tissues were determined using LC-MS/MS. Correlation coefficient values ranged from 0.9980 to 0.9998, and the limits of detection and quantification (LOQ) were 0.03~0.09 and 0.1~0.3 μg/kg, respectively. Mean recoveries in muscle, liver, kidney and skin/fat tissues were 95.9~109.8, 108.7~115.3, 89.9~96.6 and 86.7~96.8%, respectively, and coefficient of variations were less than 17.11%. At the end of the drug-administration period (0 day), EPB was detected at levels under the LOQ in all tissues from both the EPB-1 and EPB-2 groups. According to the results of EPB residue in Ross broiler tissues, withdrawal periods of both EPB-1 and EPB-2 in poultry tissues were established to 0 day. In conclusion, the developed analytical method is suitable for the detection of EPB in poultry tissues, and the estimated WT of EPB in poultry tissues will contribute to ensuring the safety of Ross broiler chickens.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From 2020, Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency has reset the withdrawal time (WT) for veterinary drugs typically used in livestock in preparation for the introduction of positive list system (PLS) program in 2024. This study was conducted to reset the MRL for amprolium (APL) in broiler chickens as a part of PLS program introduction. Forty-eight healthy Ross broiler chickens were orally administered with APL at the concentration of 60 mg/L (APL-1, n=24) for 14 days and 240 mg/L (APL-2, n=24) for 7 days through drinking water, respectively. After the drug treatment, tissue samples were collected from six broiler chickens at 0, 1, 3 and 5 days, respectively. Residual APL concentrations in poultry tissues were determined using LC-MS/MS. Correlation coefficient (0.99 >), the limits quantification (LOQ, 0.3~5.0 μg/kg), recoveries (81.5~112.4%), and coefficient of variations (<15.5%) were satisfied the validation criteria of Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. In APL-1, APL in all tissues except for kidney was detected less than LOQ at 3 days after drug treatment. In APL-2, APL in liver and kidney was detected more than LOQ at 5 days after treatment. According to the European Medicines Agency’s guideline on determination of withdrawal periods, withdrawal periods of APL-1 and APL-2 in poultry tissues were established to 3 and 2 days, respectively. In conclusion, the developed analytical method is sensitive and reliable for detecting APL in poultry tissues. The estimated WT of APL in poultry tissues is longer than the current WT recommendation of 2 days for APL in broiler chickens.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The 2007 Recommendation of the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommended the application of dose constraints to optimize radiation protection to resolve the inequity of exposure among radiation workers. The average annual occupational doses in Korean nuclear power plants (NPPs) are 0.3-0.8 mSv. These doses are much lower than the annual effective dose limit of 50 mSv for radiation workers stipulated by the Nuclear Safety Act. In addition, most NPP workers received less than 0.1 mSv per year. These doses are lower than the average annual occupational doses of 0.3- 0.8 mSv. Korean regulatory body conducted the study to legislate the dose constraints in the Korean regulatory system and determine dose constraints (draft) for radiation workers. The legislation of dose constraints would not greatly affect the radiation protection programs in Korean NPPs because most workers received very low doses. However, some workers received relatively higher doses than others. This study analyzed the occupational exposure conditions, such as exposure type and situation, in Korean NPPs. This study investigated the internal and external radiation doses and the radiation doses depending on the NPP operating conditions, including normal operation, planned maintenance, and intermediate maintenance, for the last ten years (2012-2021). As a result, most NPP workers received external exposure rather than internal exposure. Furthermore, most radiation exposures occurred during the planned maintenance period. The results of this study can be used for optimizing occupational doses in Korean NPPs.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The site used for a nuclear facility can be released after decommissioning if the results of dose estimation meet the regulatory requirements and the site release is approved by the regulatory body. RESRAD-ONSITE, developed by the Argonne National Laboratory, is a computer code used to estimate the dose to the residents on radiologically contaminated sites. The dose estimation for site release should consider various exposure pathways, including inhalation, ingestion, and external exposure. This study used RESRAD-ONSITE to evaluate the internal exposure dose and identify radionuclides due to the intake of food produced on radiologically contaminated sites. The upper limit of the clearance level of radionuclides expected to remain at the site was used as the source terms for the dose evaluation. In addition, the amount of food intake per capita was obtained from eight countries using nuclear power generation as of 2020. The default values of RESRAD were used for other parameters except for intake by type of food and source terms. As a result of the dose evaluation, the contaminated water and vegetables showed a great contribution to the exposure dose. The dose due to tritium in drinking water was highest in the third year. In addition, regarding the intake of vegetables, the internal exposure due to 90Sr was the highest in the first year.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As of 2023, there are a total of 24 nuclear power plants (NPPs) in operation in Korea, with 21 pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and three pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs). Korean NPPs discharge radioactive effluents into the environment every year. Radioactive effluents from NPPs contain various radionuclides and materials, including 3H, 14C, Noble gas, particulates, and iodine Among the radioactive effluents discharged from Korean NPPs, 14C is a pure beta emitter with a half-life of 5,730 years. The human body can inhale and ingest 14C to cause internal exposure. In addition, the amount of 14C present in the environment is decreasing, but the amount of 14C discharged from NPPs is increasing. 14C discharged to the environment can be inhaled and ingested by the public around NPPs through various pathways. For this reason, it is very important to monitor and manage 14C because it affects the dose of the public around NPPs. Therefore, this study compared and analyzed the average emissions of 14C discharged from PWRs and PHWRs during the recent 10 years (2012-2021). An average of the public dose due to 14C released from NPPs depending on the reactor types from 2012 to 2021 was also compared. It is inevitable to discharge radioactive effluents while operating NPPs. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) manages and monitors radioactive effluents released into the environment. According to a survey and analysis of 14C discharged from PWRs and PHWRs and the average dose of the public over the recent 10-year (2012-2021) around Korean NPPs, 14C released from PWR accounted for 3.1% of the total discharge but accounted for more than 93.67% of the total public dose. In addition, 14C discharged from PHWRs accounted for 1.12% of the total discharge, but its resulting dose to the public accounted for more than 83.87% of the total public dose. As a result of analyzing the public dose due to 14C from 2012 to 2021, it was gradually increasing every year. Based on these results, monitoring and managing 14C discharge and its resulting doses to the public are important in the future.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in March 2011, many Koreans were concerned that products exposed to radioactive materials released from the nuclear power plant would be imported into Korea. Systematic radiation monitoring was required for food and daily necessities imported from the nuclear accident area. The need for a legal system to support systematic radiation monitoring was also demanded. The Act on Protective Action Guidelines against Radiation in the Natural Environment was enacted to resolve concerns regarding environmental radiation in Korea in July 2011. According to this law, radiation monitoring equipment has been installed and operated at major airports and ports nationwide. This paper aims to review the radiation monitoring system of the Korean government comprehensively. The legal system and the legal basis for radiation monitoring of imported cargo conducted by each department were investigated by analyzing the laws and regulations of radiation monitoring for the relevant cargo items. In addition, the current status of radiation monitoring by the government departments was examined to determine how radiation monitoring for imported cargo is performed within the legal system. The investigation of the current radiation monitoring system for imported cargo in Korea confirmed that radiation monitoring is conducted by classifying cargo items under the jurisdiction of each government department for all imported cargo. However, the reduction in efficiency of radiation monitoring of imported cargoes, unclear legal grounds for radiation monitoring of imported cargo by some departments, the occurrence of overlapping inspections by departments, and the difficult process of issuing the radiation test certificate required for customs clearance by the Korea Customs Service were also identified. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the current radiation monitoring system for imported cargo in Korea ought to be improved, taking into account efficiency, overlapping inspection, legal background, and the difficult process of issuing the certificates.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to IAEA PRIS, there is no record of dismantling commercial heavy water reactors among 57 heavy water reactors around the world. In Canada, which has the largest number of heavy water reactors, three of the 22 commercial heavy water reactors with more than 500 MW are permanently suspended, Gentilly unit 2 (2012), Pickering unit 2 (2007), and Pickering unit 3 (2008), all of which chose a delayed decommissioning strategy. On the other hand, Wolsong unit 1, which will be the world’s first heavy water reactor to be dismantled commercially, will be immediately carried out as a decommissioning strategy. KHNP has established various cooperation systems with advanced companies and international organizations related to overseas NPP decommission and is actively exchanging technologies. Among them, the most important focus is on research cooperation related to COG (CANDU owners Group). The first case is a joint study on Conceptual Calandria Segmentation. Four areas of process, waste management, ALARA, and cost for decommissioning reactors to be submitted to Canadian regulators for approval of Pickering and Gentilly-2’s preliminary decommissioning plan have been evaluated, and research on Wolsong unit 1 is currently underway. The second case is Decommissioning and long-term waste management R&D. Although the technical maturity is low, it studies the common interests of member companies in the decommissioning of heavy water reactor power generation companies and long-term waste management. Robotics for dismantling high-radiation structures, C- 14, H-3 measurement and removal methods, and concrete decontamination technology, which are characterized by heavy water, are being actively studied. KHNP is strengthening international cooperation with COG to prepare for the successful decommissioning of Wolsong unit 1. Based on previous studies by Pickering and Gentilly-2, an evaluation of the decommissioning of Wolsong unit 1 reactor is being conducted. In addition, it is preparing for decommissioning through experience analysis of the pressure tube replacement project.
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