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        검색결과 327

        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Study question: What is the optimal vitrification protocol according to the cryoprotective agent (CPA) for ovarian tissue (OT) cryopreservation? Summary answer: The two-step protocol with 7.5% ethylene glycol (EG) and 7.5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for 10 min then 20% EG, 20% DMSO and 0.5 M sucrose for 5 min showed the best results in mouse OT vitrification. What is known already: Establishing the optimal cryopreservation protocol is one of the most important steps to improve OT survival. However, only a few studies have compared vitrification protocols with different CPAs and investigated the effect of in vitro culture (IVC) on vitrified–.warmed OT survival. Some recent papers proposed that a combination of CPAs has less toxicity than one type of CPA. However, the efficacy of different types and concentrations of CPA are not yet well documented. Study design, size, duration: A total of 644 ovaries were collected from 4-week-old BDF1 mice, of which 571 ovaries were randomly assigned to 8 groups and vitrified using different protocols according to CPA composition and the remaining 73 ovaries were used as controls. After warming, each of the eight groups of ovaries was further randomly divided into four subgroups and in vitro cultured for 0, 0.5, 2 and 4 h, respectively. Ovaries of the best two groups among the eight groups were autotransplanted after IVC. Participants/materials, setting, methods: The CPA solutions for the eight groups were composed of EDS, ES, ED, EPS, EF, EFS, E and EP, respectively (E, EG; D, DMSO; P, propanediol; S, sucrose; F, Ficoll). The IVC medium was composed of a-minimal essential medium, 10% fetal bovine serum and 10 mIU/ml follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Autotransplantation of vitrified–.warmed OTs after IVC (0 to 4 h) using the EDS or ES protocol was performed, and the grafts were recovered after 3 weeks. Ovarian follicles were assessed for morphology, apoptosis, proliferation and FSH level. Main results and the role of chance: The percentages of the morphologically intact (G1) and apoptotic follicles in each group at 0, 0.5, 2 and 4 h of IVC were compared. For G1 follicles at 0 and 4 h of IVC, the EDS group showed the best results at 63.8 and 46.6%, respectively, whereas the EP group showed the worst results at 42.2 and 12.8%, respectively. The apoptotic follicle ratio was lowest in the EDS group at 0 h (8.1%) and 0.5 h (12.7%) of IVC. All of the eight groups showed significant decreases in G1 follicles and increases in apoptotic follicles as IVC duration progressed. After autotransplantation, the EDS 0 h group showed a significantly higher G1 percentage (84.9%) than did the other groups (42.4–.58.8%), while only the ES 4 h group showed a significant decrease in the number of proliferative cells (80.6%, 87.6–.92.9%). However, no significant differences in apoptotic rates and FSH levels were observed between the groups after autotransplantation. Limitations, reasons for caution: The limitation of this study was the absence of in vitro fertilization using oocytes obtained from OT grafts, which should be performed to confirm the outcomes of ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation. Wider implications of the findings: We compared eight vitrification protocols according to CPA composition and found the EDS protocol to be the optimal method among them. The data presented herein will help improve OT cryopreservation protocols for humans or other animals.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genome sequencing researches for considerable numbers of crops and wild plants are being developed. Cytogenetic researches according to chromosome number and size are essential to confirm and comprehend ploidy level and genome size before genome sequencing project is actually conducted. Cytogenetic researches on six food crop plants were carried out by DAPI staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench showed 2n=2x=16, each chromosome length of 1.42㎛ to 1.77㎛, total chromosome length of 13.31㎛, and karyotypic formula of 2n=8m; Phaseolus angularis W.F. Wight, 2n=2x=22, 2.01㎛ to 3.84㎛, total 28.03㎛, 2n=9m+2sm, Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara, 2n=2x=40, 1.73㎛ to 2.76㎛, total 44.36㎛, 2n=5m+13sm+2st. Chromosome sizes of the other three species such as, Panicum miliaceum L., 2n=2x=36, total chromosome length of 30.83㎛, Sesamum indicum L., 2n=2x=26, 27.39㎛, lpomoea batatas L., 2n=2x=30, total 33.51㎛ were too small for each chromosome type to be identified and analyzed. The result of FISH analysis using 5S and 45S rDNA probe showed species-specific chromosome locations in the genome. These preliminary analyses were carried out to decide which food crop to prioritize for genome sequencing. This work was supported by the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (No.PJ009837), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Haeoreum’, a new variety of Hibiscus syriacus was selected from the progenies of artificial breeding between ‘Bulkot’, as a mother plant, and ‘Wonhwa’, as a pollenizer, at the Korea Forest Research Institute in 2006. The preliminary, advanced and regional trials for evaluation and selection of this variety were carried out from 2012 to 2013. Investigated morphological characteristics showed that ‘Haeoreum’ is a simple flower type and has bell shape in open type of corolla. The diameter of flower is about 12.8mm, and the white petals are slightly folded each other. The length of red eye zone is very long, about 26.0mm. Leaf type is in oval shape, and leaf thickness, glossy level and the shape of leaf base is medium, medium and rounded, respectively. Its blooming period each year lasted more than 80 days, and the quantity of bloom is large in normal condition. In addition, it showed faster growth performance compared to the similar varieties, about 90cm per growing season in tree height. According to all these characteristics, the new variety ‘Haeoreum’ could be useful for large container plants or street trees.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국외 철도의 경우, 선로의 노반과 사면·법면 등의 내하력을 넘어서는 대형 강우에 대하여 열차의 운전중지와 속도제한 등의 운전규제를 실시하고 있으나, 우리나라에서는 기준으로 설정되어 열차통제에 활용하지 못하고 있는 현실이다. 다만, 한국철도공사의 강우자동경보시스템을 통하여 강우정보를 실시간으로 확인할 수 있으며, 열차운행을 위한 판단의 보조지표로써 활용되고 있다.따라서 본 논문에서는 먼저 강우시 취약개소로 선정된 영동선과 경전선 구간 사면의 현장시험, 불포화함수측성 시험 등의 결과 및 문헌자료를 활용하여 강우침투해석 및 시간강우량에 따른 콘크리트블록 설치 현장사면의 안정해석으로 내강우성을 평가하였다. 또한 해석결과를 바탕으로 안전율 1.3에 따른 시간 강우정보를 역산하여 한국철도공사의 강우경보시스템에 활용되고 있는 열차운전규제 기준과 비교분석하였다. 이는 추가적인 검증 및 확장연구를 통해 현장적용이 가능한 불포화 개념의 열차안전규제 기준 마련에 활용될 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The innate immune system is the only defense weapon that invertebrates have, and it is the fundamental defense mechanism for fish. The innate immune response is important in newly hatched flounders because it is closely involved in the initial feeding phase, which is why it is essential for survival during the juvenile period. The expression analysis of genes involved in the innate immune response in the olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in the days after hatching is incomplete. Therefore, we have begun to examine the expression patterns of genes specifically induced during the development of the innate immune system in newly hatched flounders. Microscopic observation showed that pronephron formation corresponded with the expression of perforin-encoding gene. These results suggest that perforin plays a vital role in the innate immunity of the kidney during developmental stages. Perforin expression was strong at the start of the development of the innate immune response, and continued throughout all the development stages. Our findings have important implications with respect to perforin’s biological role and the evolution of the first defense mechanisms in olive flounder. Further studies are required to elucidate the perforin-mediated innate immunity response and to decipher the functional role of perforin in developmental stages.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        MFG-E8 (Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor VIII), also called lactadherin or BA46, SED1 is a glycoprotein found in milk and mammary epithelial cells, it is a major protein component associated with milk fat globule membrane. Previously, our study showed that expression of MFG-E8 is gradually increased with hepatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Therefore, we hypothesized that MFG-E8 would be an early cancer stem cell marker, which may predict cancer progression. Our results showed that MFG-E8 was expressed in various human cancer cell lines such as HepG2, Hep3B, and Huh7. Production and secretion of the MFG-E8 were also confirmed in the conditioned media of those three cell lines using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Next, we analyzed the MFG-E8 expression in 11 clinical cases of cholangiocellular carcinoma (CC) and 33 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by immunohistochemistry and examined the potential correlation with β-catenin and AFP, which are known cancer markers. According to hitological criteria, the progression of HCC and CC was evaluated and classified into high, low, metastatic, and well-, moderate-, poor-differentiated, respectively. Statistical analysis indicated that incidence of both HCC and CC is significantly associated with male compared to female (P<0.05). Tumor size also has positive correlation with age (r2=08948). Our immunohistochemistry data showed that MFG-E8 was expressed both HCC and CC tissue. Interestingly, the MFG-E8 expression was significantly increased with cancer progression (P<0.05) in both cases. Additionally, b-cateninexpression was increased and its localization was changed from membrane to cytoplasm and nucleus with the degree of HCC. Likely b-catenin, AFP was also increased with the degree of HCC but it was not correlated with severalty of CC. Importantly, both AFP and b-catenin were highly co-localized with MFG-E8 in HCC. These results suggest that MFG-E8 may have important physiological roles and its expression in HCC and CC would be considered as an important prognostic factor.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To achieve a differential advantage over competitors and protect their long-term interest, shipping lines have striven to find ways to maintain an ongoing relationship with shippers which can be achieved by attaining their loyalty. The benefits of loyal shippers are potentially huge in that they generate long-term revenue streams as well as provide cost savings as compared with attracting new shippers. Logistics service provided by shipping lines is identified as one of the effective tools for building customer loyalty. However, in a review of the literature none of the studies examine how logistics service creates customer loyalty, particularly between shipping lines and shippers. Consequently, the overarching purpose of this paper is to extend knowledge on logistics service performance and its relationship with customer loyalty in the unique context of maritime transport by proposing a new conceptual model based on an extensive literature review. The major contribution is to offer a new insight into the complex relationships between those 'soft' concepts in the context of maritime transport.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Citrus is one of the major fruits produced in Korea. There are about 20 species mainly grown in Jeju Island, Korea. Four representative species, which are quite different in the shape of leaf and the taste of fruit, were selected and were used to profile the transcriptomes. These species are ‘Miyagawa Wase’ (C. unshiu Marcov.) satsuma mandarin, ‘Kiyomi’ (C. unshiu Marcov. × C. sinensis) mandarin hybrid, ‘Dangyuja’ (C. grandis) and ‘Natsudaidai’ (C. natsudaidai). Classification of the up-regulated and down-regulated genes using the Cluster of Orthologous Groups of proteins (COG) database reveals that the number of genes included in each group differed significantly among the four species. Several genes that showed significant differences in expression on the microarray were selected and their expression patterns were examined by reverse transcription- ploymerase chain reaction. Metabolic genes such as tyrosine decarboxylase and β-glucosidase ligase were found to be highly expressed in Miyagawa Wase, relative to other species. On the other hand, the expression level of mannose phosphate isomerase was lower in Miyagawa Wase. An efflux pump gene was found to be up-regulated in Kiyomi, whereas cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase was down-regulated. β-carotene 15,15’-dioxygenase, which is involved in the vitamin metabolism, was up-regulated in Natsudaidai. Interspecific differentiations of gene expression are analyzed in terms of the metabolic pathways and their possible roles in citrus species.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Phosphorus is one of the macronutrients essential for plant growth and development, as well as crop productivity. Many soils around the world are deficient in phosphate (Pi) that plants can utilize. To cope with the stress of Pi starvation, plants have evolved many adaptive strategies, such as changes of root architecture and enhanced Pi acquisition form soil. To understand molecular mechanism underlying Pi starvation stress signaling, we characterized the activation-tagged mutant showing altered responses to Pi deficiency compared to wild type Arabidopsis and named hsp3 (hypersensitive to Pi starvation3). hsp3 mutant exhibits enhanced phosphate transporter activity, resulting in higher Pi content than wild type. However, in root architectural change under Pi starvation, hsp3 shows hyposensitive responses than wild type, such as longer primary root elongation, lower lateral root density. Histochemical analysis using hsp3 mutant expressing auxin-responsive DR5::GUS reporter gene, indicated that auxin allocation from primary to lateral roots under Pi starvation is aborted in hsp3 mutant. Molecular genetic analysis of hsp3 mutant revealed that the mutant phenotype is caused by the lesion in ENHANCED SILENCING PHENOTYPE4 (ESP4) gene whose function is proposed in mRNA 3’ end processing. Here, we propose that mRNA processing plays a crucial role in Pi homeostasis in Arabidopsis.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to adapt to various environmental stresses, plants have employed diverse regulatory mechanisms of gene expression. Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications play an important role in gene expression regulation under stress condition. It has been known that some of epigenetic modifications are stably inherited after mitotic and meiotic cell divisions, which is known as stress memory. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress memory mediated by epigenetic modifications, we developed Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cell lines adapted to high salt by stepwise increases in the NaCl concentration up to 120 mM. Adapted cell line to 120 mM NaCl, named A120, exhibited enhanced salt tolerance compared to unadapted control cells (A0). Moreover, the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was stably maintained even in the absence of added NaCl, indicating that the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was memorized even after the stress is relieved. By using salt adapted and stress memorized cell lines, we intend to analyze the changes of DNA methylation, histone modification, transcriptome, and proteome to understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress adaptation as well as stress memory in plants.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Development of transgenic plant with desirable traits to cultivated plant is one of the important procedures in plant molecular breeding. However, applicable assessment of transgenic plant in laboratorial scale is not much except cultivating transgenic plant for a whole life in field condition. Here, we analyzed chlorophyll fluorescence in three transgenic soybean lines with AtMYB44 transcription factor for assessment of photosynthetic activity under abiotic stresses such as drought. Soybean varieties used in this study were ‘Bert’ and ‘Bert’ derived three transgenic soybeans, ‘AtMYB44 CM35101’, ‘AtMYB44 CM2471’, and ‘AtMYB44 CM4481’. Analyzed five different chlorophyll fluorescence variables are maximum PSII quantum yield (QY_max), steady state PSII quantum yield (QY_Lss), steady state non-photochemical quenching (NPQ_Lss), coefficient of photochemical quenching in steady-state (Qp_Lss), and fluorescence declineratio in steady-state (Rfd_Lss). To determine main chlorophyll fluorescence variable affected by abiotic stress, principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted with five chlorophyll fluorescence variables measured from four varieties. QY_Lss and NPQ_Lss were main chlorophyll fluorescence variables to evaluate abiotic stress, particularly in drought stress. In comparison with transgenic soybean lines based on chlorophyll fluorescence variables, ‘AtMYB44 CM2471’ and ‘AtMYB44 CM4481’ are more tolerant to drought than the others. Interestingly, three transgenic soybean lines which have a same AtMYB44 gene with different regions of chromosome revealed the quite different responses of chlorophyll fluorescence to drought treatment.
        2010.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Previously we have succeeded to isolate stem cells (HEAC) from human eyelid adipose tissue, and functionally differentiate them into insulin-secreting cells. In the present study, we examined whether insulin family members might affect the insulinogenic differentiation of HEAC. Insulin treatment during culture affected little on the insulin and c-peptide secretions from HEAC after culture. However, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) 1 treatment decreased both secretions, whereas IGF2 greatly increased the secretions in a glucose-dependent manner. HEAC treated with IGF2 showed stronger expression of Pdx1, Isl1, Pax6 and PC1/3 genes compared to the control. They also showed distinct staining with insulin and c-peptide antibodies, and dithizone. While insulin or IGF2 treatment increased total cell number by 1.3- or 1.5-fold, respectively, each treatment increased the amount of insulin secretion by 27.1- or 78.1-fold, respectively. IGF2-enhanced insulinogenic differentiation was completely blocked by an antibody against insulin receptor (IR), but not by an antibody against IGF1 receptor (IGF1R). Differentiated HEAC showed expression of both IR and IGF1R genes while they expressed neither IGF2 nor IGF2R genes. Based upon these results, it is suggested that whereas IGF1 might inhibit the insulinogenic differentiation of HEAC, insulin and IGF2 could enhance the differentiation, and that the enhancing effect could be mediated via IR.