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        검색결과 595

        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cancer and Parkinson's disease associated protein DJ-1 is multifunctional protein that involves in diverse cellular process. DJ-1 protein has a cellular protective role and promoted cell survival under an oxidative stress. However, the cellular protective mechanism of DJ-1 is not fully understand, and we needs to be further study their functions in novel organisms. In the present study, we investigated the protective role of DJ-1 against induced oxidative stress in canine cell line. On the basis of these experiments, canine DJ-1 overexpressing and null cell lines were established. The stable overexpression and down regulation of DJ-1 efficiency confirmed by the western blot analysis. Subsequently, the DJ-1 gene transfected cell lines and control cells were subjected to induced the oxidative stress, and then cell viability, cell proliferation assay, cellular apoptosis detection analysis (Annexin V and TUNEL assay), intracellular ROS and mitochondrial activity were measured appropriately. The results showed that DJ-1 overexpressed cells were up-regulated cell viability under oxidative stress conditions induced by the rotenone and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), whereas loss of DJ-1 cells were down-regulated the cell survival activity. Additionally, overexpression of DJ-1 cells increased cell resistance to oxidative stress and inhibited the elevation of cell death and cellular ROS induced apoptosis. Moreover, DJ-1 overexpressed cells was increased mitochondrial functions by using confocal microscopy with MitoTracker staining. On the contrary to this, DJ-1 null cells show defective cellular protection and mitochondria activity against oxidative stress conditions. Our data indicate that canine DJ-1 protein attenuates cellular apoptosis and ROS generation, enhances the cellular survival activity and promote mitochondrial function under the oxidative stress, likewise other mammalian cells. Importantly, DJ-1 overexpression may be an important part of a protective strategy as a sensor for oxidative stress.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social networking sites (SNS) are defined as web-based services that enable consumers to create a public profile and a list of contacts with whom they share a social network (Kang et al., 2014). On SNS sites, consumers can find the right product, obtain advice from people, make purchases, post product recommendations, reviews and photos, and create SNS communities (Shen, 2008). The shopping motive acts as an important trigger to browse for products on social media websites. Product browsing over social media sites could influence the intention of future purchase and sharing information of product and brand with friend and acquaintances. For companies related to social media business, both intention to purchase and information sharing are crucial elements. However, few efforts have been made to identify the factors driving consumer intentions to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products on social media sites. The objectives of this study were to determine the factor to facilitate product browsing and to find out the causative relationship among influential factors and consumer intentions to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products on social media sites. The instrument was developed based on the previous literatures (Brien, 2010; Park, et al., 2012; To, 2007; Woo & Hwang, 2013) and each item was measured by five-point Liker type scales. A total of 269 data were collected during a regularly scheduled class in universities, who have experienced to purchase fashion products or make a product review on social media sites. Mean age of the respondents was 22.3 years old. Nearly 75.3 percent of the subjects were women, and more than half of the respondents (61.6%) have purchased the products (e.g., apparel, shoes, etc.) on social commerce sites over three years. The structure equation model analysis was conducted by AMOS 23.0 using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood approach. The structural equation model was relatively acceptable (chi-square value = 136.30, df = 66, p = .000; GFI = .94, AGFI = .91, RMR = .05). Cronbach's alphas were ranged between .83 and .87. This result suggests that utilitarian shopping motives have influenced directly product browsing, purchase intention, and word-of-mouth intentions of fashion products on social media sites. The more product browsing on social media sites, the more intended to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products with friend and acquaintances. It implies that consumer with utilitarian shopping motives are likely to more browse, and then to more purchase and write the review of fashion products on social media sites. However, consumers with hedonic shopping motives are prone to more write the review of fashion products to their friends and acquaintances without product browsing or purchase intention on social media sites.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To obtain information on the sanitary of indoor environment in greenhouses used for shiitake cultivation, bacteria associated with larvae and imagoes of Sciaridae flies, pest to shiitake mushroom, were isolated and identified. A total of 1,048 bacterial colonies were isolated from the flies’ larvae and 984 bacterial colonies were isolated from the flies’ imagoes. Based on molecular analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence, Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis of β-proteobacteria, Enterobacter asburiae and Raoultella ornithinolytica of γ -proteobacteria, Curtobacterium sp. and Microbacterium thalassium of Actinobacteria, and Penibacillus taichungensis of Firmicutes were identified from the colonies of the flies’ larvae. While, Bacillus megaterium, B. thuringiensis, Lysinbacillus sphaericus and L. fusifomis of Firmicutes, Microbacterium thalassium and Citricoccus parietis of Actinobacteria, and Enterobacter asburiae of γ-proteobacteria were identified from the flies’ imagoes. Some of the isolated bacterial species were known be human pathogens. Overall, the results of this study suggested that mushroom fly carrying human pathogenic bacteria is one of sources impact on the sanitary of indoor environment of greenhouses used for shiitake cultivation.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Distillers dried grain (DDG) and makgeolli spent grain (MSG) are agricultural by-product to produce alcoholic beverage. However, they are known to contain enough nutrients. Mealworm is a promising insect resource for an animal feed ingredient as well as alternative human food. With low cost, DDG and MSG were investigated as a feed ingredient for rearing high quality mealworms. DDG and MSG were mixed with wheat bran and compared to control feed (only wheat bran) for its effects on larval survivorship, larval weight, duration for larval development, pupation rate, and pupal weight. Adding DDG on wheat bran showed positive results for larval weight, duration for larval developmental period, and pupation rate. However, adding MSG made longer duration for larval development, but it also improved larval weight, pupal weight with more than 90% pupation rate. We confirmed that adding 30~50% of DDG or MSG to conventional wheat bran have a strong potential to replace the conventional wheat bran insect feed for quality insect production.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study was made to assess annual changes on seasonal occurrence of Apiformes, commonly known as bees, as global warming apparently happens. Bees were collected from ten sites using a malaise trap for each site, and sample collection was made every two weeks from April to September in 2011 to 2014. In overall diversity, abundance and richness of bees appeared higher in northern sites, particularly Gwangneung and Hongcheon, than southern. The abundance of bees declined sharply in 2013 and decreased even further in 2014. Among the bee families the most decreased families were Halictidae and Andrenidae. In order to see the effect of annual temperature fluctuation correlation analysis was used with collection data and weather data. However, the result indicated that the decline of the bees was not significantly affected by changes of temperature although most of the bee families except Halictidae showed negative relation with temperature data(p < 0.05). In addition we also analysed the bee collection data and flowering data during spring in Gwangneung. Dufrene-Legendre indicator species analysis (ISA) for latitudinal sites identified seventeen indicator species (p < 0.05) that were limited to northern region.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Curcuma alismatifolia ‘Chiangmai Pink’는 분홍색 화 포를 가지고 있으며 작은 꽃을 가지고 있다. Curcuma alismatifolia ‘Chiangmai Pink’는 하나의 근경에 2 ~ 5개의 괴근이 연결되어 있으며 C. thorelii ‘Chiangmai Snow’의 하나의 근경에 3 ~ 18개의 괴근이 연결되어 있다. 괴근은 11월에 수확하여 이듬해 4월에 식재하였다. 괴근을 3 ~ 6 개 가지고 있는 ‘Chiangmai Snow’의 개화율은 86%였으 나 15 ~ 18개 가지고 있는 것은 거의 100%를 나타냈다. 괴근 2개를 가지고 있는 ‘Chiangmai Pink’의 개화율은 50%였으나 5개 가진 것은 70%의 개화율을 보였다. C. alismatifolia ‘Chiangmai Pink’와 C. thorelii ‘Chiangmai Snow’는 괴근수가 많을수록 출아일, 화뢰출현기 및 개화 기가 단축되었으며, 초장, 화경장 및 화서장이 증가되었 고, 개화율과 수명이 증가되는 경향을 보였다. 또한 식 재 전 구근의 저장온도는 20oC에 비해 25oC 및 30oC의 경 우 정식 후 맹아가 출현되기까지의 일수가 감소되었다. 또 한 건식저장보다 습식과 상토저장 시에 맹아출현 소요일 수가 크게 단축되었다.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of the low temperature atmospheric plasma device with needle tip designed for easy approach to the oral cavity and root canal against Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. The antibacterial activities evaluated by measuring clear zone of agar plate smeared with each bacteria after plasma treatment. To quantify antibacterial effects, dilution plate method was used. In addition, scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for observation of changes in bacterial morphology. As treatment time of plasma increased, the clear zone was enlarged. The death rate was more than 99%. The SEM results showed that the globular shape of bacteria was distorted. These results suggest that needle tip plasma could be an innovative device for prevention of dental caries, and treatment of apical infection and soft tissue diseases.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect is an important player in the ecosystem as a prey for animals. Moreover, they are a valuable candidate food source for rearing animal. Tenebrio molitor (Coeloptera: Tenebrionidae) larvae are known as a good food source with high protein, unsaturated fatty acid, minerals. Therefore, it has strong potential to substitute the conventional meat consumption. To utilize T. molitor as a feed, the standard mass-rearing protocol is required. To make standard mass-rearing protocol, we tested different temperature(17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5 and 30°C) conditions for egg, larvae, pupae and adult T. molitor to identify the optimal rearing condition. Hatching was occurred within 15~32.5°C range. However, 17.5~27.5°C was required to get more than 70 % hatching rete. When the eggs were treated in 22.5~27.5°C, all eggs were hatched within 10 days. As larval development, shorter developmental period, higher pupation and eclosion rates were observed within 25~27.5°C temperature range. In addition, we compared the number of egg, oviposition duration and time required to start egg-laying. The minimum egg-laying(258.40±10.86) was observed at 17.5°C, but the maximum(749.10±7.45) was at 27.5°C. The maximum oviposition duration (137.00±12.73 day (mean±S.D.)) was achieved at 27.5°C, but the minimum (87.50±3.54 day (mean±S.D.)) was at 30°C. The time required to start egg-laying was less than 10 days at 17.5, 27.5, and 30°C. To consider all the factors, we concluded that the optimal temperature is 27.5 °C.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, Cydia kamijoi Oku is newly recognized in korean insect fauna. This tortricid moth was first found damaging the cones of Abies koreana in Jeju Island 2014. The moth can be a serious insect pest on A. koreana because of high damage rate on the cones, up to 71% average. The genus Cydia now was 11 korean species including C. kamijoi. Regarding this species, some basic information such as collection records, morphological characters, and ecology were provided
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate insect community structure from different habitats. We performed day and night collection at three different habitats (mountain, coast and rural area) of island Deokjeok, island Soya and island Mungap from May to September in 2014. A total of 3,482 individuals of 725 species, 119 families belonging to 10 orders were collected and identified. A dominant species was Corymbia rubra (Cerambycidae) despite a very low percentage of the species among the catches. Results of ANOVA test showed a significant effect of habitats typeon species diversity. Also, combination of seasons and habitats types were significantly influential with species abundance and species diversity. Indicator species analysis (ISA) result identified 121 significant (p < 0.05) indicator species; one species for the habitats cluster, 93 species for the season cluster and 27species for combination of habitats with seasons.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The online store attributes acts as an important trigger for e-impulse buying. Purchasing apparel products are often affected by irrational and emotional attraction making them one of the most frequent impulsively purchased items online. Triggered by ease access to products, easy purchasing, lack of social pressures and absence of delivery efforts, impulse buying occurs in approximately forty percent of all online expenditures. Impulse buying occurs when consumers experience an urge to buy a product, without thoughtful consideration why and for what reason one needs the product. However, few efforts have been made to identify the relationship among-store services attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying of apparel products. The objectives of this study was to estimate a path model analysis for causative relationship among e-store service attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse of apparel products. The instrument was developed based on the previous literatures (Park, et al., 2012; Verhagen & Dolen, 2011; Yang & Peterson, 2004)and each item was measured by five-point Liker type scales. A total of 250 data were collected during a regularly scheduled class in universities. More than half of the respondents (65.5%) were 18 to 21 years old. Nearly 65.5 percent of the subjects were women, and more than half of the respondents (63.8%) were below the sophomore. The path model analysis was conducted by AMOS 18.0 using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood approach. An exploratory factor analysis revealed three types of e-store service attributes: Accuracy, Reliability, and Ease of use. The path model, which was estimated to examine causal relationships among variables (i.e. three types of e-store service attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying), was relatively acceptable (chi-square value = 34.40, df = 13, p = .001; GFI = .98, AGFI = .93, RMR = .03). Cronbach's alphas were ranged between .83 and .87. This result suggests that emotions (e.g., positive and negative), browsing and urges to buy perceived by shoppers play important roles as mediators of the e-impulse buying of apparel products. Especially, the urge to buy apparel products was the most important mediator to trigger e-impulse buying. The consumers perceived the accuracy and reliability of e-store attributes were the more perceiving the urges to buy apparel products through the more positive emotions and then the more browsing at e-store. Also, the more ease to use of e-store perceived the more urges to buy apparel products. The more perceiving urges to buy at e-store were the more e-impulse buying of apparel products. This study provides retail managerial implications for stimulating e-shoppers' impulse buying of apparel products.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An insect faunal survey was carried out to investigate insect community structure along the vegetation community to monitor insect species in forest ecosystem. We performed day and night collections from June to August along three vegetation communities of Is. Nam-hae in 2014: the first stand with Pinus thunbergii, the second P. thunbergii with Quercus serrata and the third P. thunbergii with various Quercus species. In total 2,259 individuals of 532 species, 99 families, 13 orders are identified. Cluster Analyses (CA) showed that all three vegetation communities were relatively similar between vegetation community types. According to indicator species analysis (ISA) result, nine significant indicator species were identified (p < 0.05); five species were found to be affected by the vegetation cluster and four species the month cluster.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The world is in the process of a structural change related to ICT convergence knowledge industries. ICT is leading to the creation of new products and services, and is making our lives more convenient, safer, and more efficient. In advanced countries, many studies have been conducted with the goal of developing new business models converged with ICT, and this is also the case in the food industry. Korea possesses world-leading ICT, and if this ICT is applied to the food industry, a world-class new business model can be developed. The u-Food System, which is in the process of development in Korea, is a next-generation food system that can allow food providers, consumers, and distributors to access various types of information about food products, including traceability, distribution, safety, quality, and freshness, and manage this information. It is a future food system that converges ICT, biotechnology and sensing technology with food. Based on the u-Food System, this paper will introduce the status of current smart quality distribution technologies that converge ICT (such as sensor tag, sensor network, LBS, GIS, and CDMA) with food technologies (such as traceability, quality, distribution management) to manage the safety and quality of fresh food in the distribution process.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), was originally observed in a few Asian countries, but is now found even in North America and Europe. Genetic information on geographic variation and relationship may broaden our understanding of origin and migration. As a first step, in this study, a portion of mitochondrial COI gene was sequenced to understand genetic relationship and diversity in Korea. Sequencing of 104 individuals provided 57 haplotypes, with the maximum sequence divergence of 1.5%, suggesting high haplotype diversity and moderate sequence divergence. Comparison to GenBankregistered D. suzukii haplotypes (possibly from Spain, Portugal, USA) has shown 100% sequence identity to most of the haplotypes found in this study, but two USA sequences were found to be independent haplotypes, with the sequence divergence ranging from 0.5% ~ 1.4% from our samples in the 553-bp comparison. Phylogenetically, no separable group was found, but, population genetically, the only Chinese population, Sandong, was significantly differentiated (p < 0.05) from all Korean populations, without sharing any haplotype. Among 28 pairwise comparisons of Korean populations only two comparisons showed a significant genetic differentiation, indicating that no population in Korea is completely isolated. Geographically, one haplotype (SWDBA06) was relatively widespread (five among nine localities) and a few haplotypes were found in more than one locality, but most haplotypes were restricted in a locality as a single individual. Overall, high rate of per generation female migration (Nm = 0.75 ~ infinite) and low level of geographic separation (FST=0~0.40) among localities were characteristic. Current data is limited mainly to Korean localities, thus, an expanded study may provide further scrutinized analysis for the fly.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To date there have been only two species in genus Pogonus and subgenus Europhilus of genus Agonum recognized from Korean insect fauna: Pogonus itoshimaensis Habu, 1954 and Agonum (Europhilus) bellicum Lutshnik, 1934. In the present study one additional species for each genus is newly recognized from Korea: Pogonus (Pogonus) japonicus Putzeys, 1875 and Agonum (Europhilus) gratiosum nipponicum Habu, 1972. A key to adults, redescription, diagnostic photos of adult and male and female genitalia are provided.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect pollinators of the endanger orchid Cypripedium japonicum were surveyed and identified during two years, as a part of a conservation project of the orchid at Jukyeup-san and Hwaak-san (Mt.), South Korea. In total 40 individuals of 16 species in 4 families were identified. The dominant family was Halictidae, and Lasioglossum exiliceps Vachal visited the most frequently C. japonicum during the surveys. The average visiting frequency was 2.5 individuals per hour and the highest 4.3, from 12:00 – 13:00 in a day. After 15:00 insects did not visit the flowers at all. However, all of the visiting insects were found to not carry a pollinium or pollens of the orchard on their bodies; pollen carryover by any of the visiting insects did not occur at all. The orchid seems to require certain pollinators in particular body thickness due to its unique pollination mechanism. The orchid has two exit route openings, around 1 cm in diametre, where the entrapped insects can exit and an anther is situated just in front of each opening. It was inferred that a pollen carrier should be around 1 cm in body thickness. Therefore, the candidate species as the proper pollen carriers can be Tetralonia nipponensis Perez, Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans Smith and Bombus consobrinus Dahlbom among the surveyed visitors.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 토마토 플러그묘의 접목활착율과 묘소질 향상을 위한 적정 상토 내 수분함량을 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 시험구는 접수와 대목의 상토내 수분함량을 각각 3처리구(고, 중 저)씩, 총 9개의 조합을 설계하여 각 처리구별로 접목활착율과 묘의 생육을 조사하였다. 접수의 상토내 수분 함량의 차이는 접목 활착율에 통계적 유의차는 나타나지 않았으나, 대목의 수분함량은 접목활착율에 영향을 미쳐 수분함량이 낮아질수록 활착율도 저하하는 경향을 보였다. 수분 함량에 따른 묘소질도 접목활착율과 유사한 경향을 보여 접수의 수분함량차이는 생육지표에 큰 영향을 미치지 않았으나, 대목에서는 잎(엽수, 엽장, 엽폭)을 제외한 초장, SPAD함량, 경경은 수분함량의 차이에 따라 유의적 차이를 나타냈다. 묘의 충실도는 상토내 수분 함량이 접수는 중간, 대목은 높은 조합에서 가장 좋게 나타났다. 근권부의 생육에서도 대목의 수분함량이 주로 영향을 미쳐, 수분함량이 저하될수록 전 뿌리 표면적, 전 근장, root tip수 모두가 감소되는 것으로 나타났다.