In the experiment of the mycelial growth rate and density of Trametes versicolor, using some substrates of agricultural by-products, the one with pepper stem and rice bran in a mixing ratio of 9:1(v/v) produced a best result of 101mm/10days, 83mm/10days in the one with 8:2 mixing ratio, compared to the control group with 9:1 mixing ratio of oak sawdust and rice bran(v/v), showing 74mm/10days. And the following results are shown in the order of bean stalk, sesame stem, and perilla stem. After the harvest of the mushrooms, the mycelial growth rate and its density of T. versicolor in each substrate were as in the following; the group with a waste substrate of Pleurotus. eryngii and rice bran in a mixing ratio of 9:1(v/v) produced a best result of 76 mm/days, the 8:2 ratio one with 61mm/10days, compared to the control group with 9:1 ratio of oak sawdust and rice bran, showing 74mm/10days, 59mm/10 days in the one with 8:2 ratio of the same substance.
버섯 병재배 규모가 1일 입병량을 기준으로 90년 대에 농가당 약 3천병에서 현재는 2만~20만병으 로 대형화되었다. 재배 규모의 대형화는 질 좋은 배지재료의 안정적인 공급이 요구된다. 대규모 농 장에서는 톱밥의 장기간 야적에 어려움이 많아졌 으며, 미강도 변질되기 쉬워서 장기간 저장을 할 수가 없다. 이에 따라 버섯재배용 배지재료는 기 존의 톱밥과 미강 위주에서 벗어나 콘코브, 면실 박, 면실피, 비트펄프 등 다양한 재료를 사용하고 있으며 수입의존도가 증가하였다. 이처럼 다양한 배지재료들은 각각 수분흡수 및 팽윤정도 등 물리 성과 영양성분이 다르므로 그 특성을 파악한 후 사용해야 하나, 이와 관련한 체계적인 연구가 미 흡한 실정이다. 이에 농가에서는 대체 재료의 이 화학적 특성 등을 파악하지 않은 채로 장기간에 걸쳐 반복되는 경험에 의존하여 배지재료를 혼합 하고 있다. 특히 수입재료의 경우 수입국 및 산출 물의 처리공정에 따라 성분함량에 차이가 많은데 도, 공급되는 재료의 명칭에 따라 동일하게 취급 되는 문제점을 안고 있다. 버섯 재배용 배지는 재 료의 혼합, 수분조절, 입병, 살균, 냉각의 작업과정 을 거쳐 조성하고 종균을 접종한다. 배지조성은 버섯종류별로 알맞은 재료의 선택, 수분함량, 병당 입병량, 가비중, 질소량, 병내 배지의 3상조건 등 을 매일 입병 작업하는 과정에서 연중 일정하게 유지해야 할 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 지금까지 배지조성에 관하여 단편적으로 개발한 기술들의 종합투입 모델을 설정하였다. ①배지재료 및 조제 배지의 수분함량, ②입병량, 가비중, 질소량, 병내 배지의 3상조건 계산, ③배지혼합기에 로드셀을 활용한 배지수분조절, ④카사바줄기칩 등 저가의 새로운 배지재료, ⑤수확후배지를 재활용한 2차배 지 조성, ⑥고온기 배지의 변질원인과 대책, ⑦배 지 살균시 병내 배지의 살균온도 측정 방법 등이 다. 이와 같은 단편적인 배지조성 방법들을 동시 에 적용함으로써, 우리나라에서 4계절을 통한 버 섯 재배에서 균 배양기간, 재배기간, 수량 및 품 질에 기복이 많았던 점을 극복하고 연중 안정생 산으로 농가의 경영안정에 도움이 될 것으로 기 대한다.
NGS data was yielded by using Illumina Hiseq platform. The short reads were filtered by quality score and read length were mapped against the reference genome (KACC42780). Genome-wide reanalyzed data of Flammulina strains were compared against the reference genome to establish a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The rate of mapping differences between the strains reflected in the strain variation in its result. The genome-wide SNPs distribution divided into types of homozygous SNP and heterozygous SNP moreover all of the strains demonstrated a wide variation in all of the regions. In the further study of topological relationship between the collected strains, phylogenetic tree was separated into 3 major groups. Group I contained F. velutipes var. related strains of ASI 4062, 4148, 4195. Group Ⅱ contained strains that were different species of ASI 4188 F. elastica, ASI 4190 F. fennae, and ASI 4194 F. rossica. The other 19 strains F. velutipes were classified as a single group. Polymorphic SNPs of F. velutipes strains representing the phylogenetic segregation of whiteand brown-fruiting body forming groups were compared. As previously reported, white gene expression is recessive to brown in fruiting body color gene expression. The white strains produced 131,874 SNPs to be aa type and homozygous from of SNP. 407,947 SNPs were detected as AA, Aa type from the brown-fruiting body of SNP. We constructed a SNP matrix with 8 white strains and 12 brown strains. To develop the molecular marker related in to fruiting body color and geographical origin, we isolated 240 SNPs from the white-and brown-fruiting body forming. To determine the chromosome relationship on polymorphic SNP between Korea and Japan strains producing white-fruiting body, we analyzed that the Korea white strains detected 185,695 SNPs and the Japan white strains produced 263,811 SNPs. Using the constructed SNP matrix with 3 Korea white strains and 3 Japan white strains, the experiment generated 475 SNPs of phylogenetic SNPs fromKorea and Japan white-fruiting body. As a result, we regarded as they are potentially related to the white color. White and brown color and origin specific SNPs could be used as an identification marker for selection of F. veluipes strains in the breeding program.
Pleurotus eryngii has recently become a major cultivated mushroom; it uses tetrapolar heterothallism as a part of its reproductive process. Sexual development progresses only when the A and B mating types are compatible. Such mating incompatibility occasionally limits the efficiency of breeding programs in which crossing within loci-shared strains or backcrossing strategies are employed. Therefore, understanding the mating system in edible mushroom fungi will help provide a short cut in the development of new strains. We isolated and identified pheromone and receptor genes in the B3 locus of P. eryngii and performed a functional analysis of the genes in the mating process by transformation. A genomic DNA library was constructed to map the entire mating-type locus. The B3 locus was found to contain four pheromone precursor genes and four receptor genes. Remarkably, receptor PESTE3.3.1 has just 34 amino acid residues in its C-terminal cytoplasmic region; therefore, it seems likely to be a receptor-like gene. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (real-time qRT-PCR) revealed that most pheromone and receptor genes showed significantly higher expression in monokaryotic cells than dikaryotic cells. The pheromone genes PEphb3.1 and PEphb3.3 and the receptor gene PESTE3.3.1 were transformed into P5 (A3B4). The transformants were mated with a tester strain (A4B4), and the progeny showed clamp connections and a normal fruiting body.
‘Mantari’ is a new variety of oyster mushroom for the bottle culture. It was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from ‘DM11732’ and ‘Chunchu-2ho’. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~29°C on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruiting body of ‘Mantari’ was 18°C and 16°C on sawdust media. It took 32 days to finish spawn running, 4 days to finish primordia formation, 3 days to finish fruitbody growth in the bottle culture. In the characteristics of fruit body, pilei were round type and dark grayish, stipe color was gray-white color and stipe shape was long and thin. The yield per bottle was 179g/900ml and was 5% higher than that of control veriety(Chunchu-2ho). As results of the physical properties of fruit body, springness, cohesive, gumminess and brittleness of stipe tissue were 96%, 76%, 160g and 15kg, respectively.
Oyster mushroom is one of mushrooms that are cultivated and consumed a lot in Korea. P. ostreatus 'ASI 2504(Suhan)' is a preferable cultivar to mushroom farmers because it has a dark pileus and a thick stipe. But it is very sensitive to environmental conditions, so farmers demand an alternative cultivar of ‘Suhan’ continuously. To develop a new cultivar, parental strains ‘ASI 2504(Suhan)’ and ‘ASI 0665(Heuktari)’ were selected from P. ostreatus’s various collected strains according to morphological characteristics. P. ostreatus ‘Soltari’ was developed by the method of Di-Mono crossing between dikaryotic strain ‘Suhan’ and monokaryotic strain derived from ‘Heuktari’. Analysis of the mitochondrial genetic characteristics was performed for primary selection in 100 crossed strains. The mitochondrial DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was same as that of ‘Heuktari’, when mitochondrial DNA primer MtPo1 was used. And a nuclear DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was similar as those of the parental strains, ‘Suhan’ and ‘Heuktari’, when RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primer URP 1, 3 were used. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 30°C for ‘Soltari’. ‘Soltari’ was appropriate for middle high temperature to grow, especially 13~18°C. Fruiting body production per bottle (1,100mL) was about 158.6g. When compared to the control strain ‘Suhan’, the stipe’s length and thickness of ‘Soltari’ were similar to those of ’Suhan’. But the pileus diameter of ‘Soltari’ was a little shorter than that of ‘Suhan’, the former was 42.72mm, while the latter was 51.33mm. And the pileus thickness of ‘Soltari’ and ‘Suhan’ were 18.18mm and 25.46mm, respectively. ‘Soltari’ was more resistant at high CO2 concentration than ‘Suhan’ and the color of pileus of ‘Soltari’ was kept dark gray at high temperature. Therefore, it is suggested that this new cultivar ‘Soltari’ be an alternative of ‘Suhan’ and contribute to energy saving effect in oyster mushroom farms.
Since the first Korean button mushroom ‘Sae-Ah’ developed in 2010, most farmers had wanted to cultivate a new variety. A new variety, ‘SaeJeong’, was developed in 2011, but this variety was difficult to cultivate in mushroom farm. To solve the variety problem, a new variety ‘Sae-do’ was developed in 2012. The variety, ‘Sad-do’, was made by crossing hetrokaryon A175 and homokaryon ASI1346-15 selected by genetic analysis. The heterokaryon A175 is crossed line between ASI1038-211 and ASI1346-20. The mycelium of ‘Saedo’ on CDA (compost dextrose agar) grew well at 25°C. The optimum pin-heading temperature of it was 13-15°C and optimum growing temperature was 13-20°C. Earliness (days required from casing to first harvesting) was 2 days shorter than control ‘Saejeong’. Even though the diameter of mature cap and the length of stipe were shorter than a control, the individual weight of fruiting body was heavier because of thick pileus and stipe. Therefore, the yield was increased by 1.89 times than control and the hardness of pileus was stronger. The field experiment of ‘Saedo’ variety has been started since 2013. Most farmers evaluated that the variety has good compost colonization and cap shape, and high yield in harvesting. For that reason, ‘Saedo’ has occupied half of the of distribution rate of Korean varieties. Also distribution rate of Korean varieties was increased from 26.1% in 2014 to 37% in 2015.
Differentiation of Pleurotus eryngii is laborious and time-consuming tasks especially in mycelial status. For development of a method for differentiation of P. eryngii cultivars, simple sequence repeats (SSR) from whole genomic DNA sequence analysis was used for genotyping and two multiplex-SSR primer sets were developed. These SSR primer sets were employed to distinguish 12 cultivars and strains. Five polymorphic markers were selected based on the genotypes. PCR with the each primer produced one to four distinct bands ranging in size from 200 to 300 bp. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the five markers were in range of 0.6627 to 0.6848 with an average of 0.6775. Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean clustering analysis based on genetic distances using five SSR markers classified 12 cultivars into 2 clusters. Cluster I and II comprised of 4 and 8 cultivars, respectively. Two multiplex sets, Multi-1 (SSR312 and SSR366) and Multi-2 (SSR178 and SSR277) completely discriminated 12 cultivar and strains with 21 allele with a PIC value of 0.9090. These results might be useful to provide an efficient method for the identification of P. eryngii cultivars with separate PCR reactions. (This work was supported by a grant from the Golded Seed Project (213003-04-3-SBY20), MIFAFF, Republic of Korea.]
‘용아’는 2015년 전남농업기술원에서 육성한 목이 품종으로 2009년 JNM21008과 JNM21013의 단포자를 분리 한 후 2010년 단포자 교배하였다. 2011년 1차 우수계통 선발을 거쳐 2011년부터 2014년까지 특성 및 생산력 검정을 실시한 결과 갓 모양은 파도형으로 흑갈색이며 연락맥은 갈회색을 띠는 흑목이를 최종 선발하였으며 2015년 품종보호출원하였다(출원번호 2015-18). ‘용아’의 재배적 특성, 수량성, 자실체 특성은 다음과 같다. 출 원품종의 배양기간은 대조품종보다 더 빠르며 초발이 소요일수 또한 10일로 대조품종 15일 정도 더 빨랐다. 자실체 색은 대조품종보다 더 진한 흑색을 띠며 더 큰 편이며 수량성도 우수하였다. 흑목이 특유의 부드러움 과 진한 흑색이 생목이의 상품성을 높여줄 것으로 판단되어 직무육성 품종으로 선정하였다. 톱밥 봉지재배시 자실체 특성으로 갓색은 흑갈색으로 기호성이 높으며 유효경수는 13개/0.9㎏로 많았고 갓 장경 9.7cm, 단경 5.6cm로 갓 크기는 큰 경향이었다. 배양기간은 20°C에서 40일~50일이며 발이 및 생육기간은 23일로 기존품 종보다 더 짧은 편이며 수량은 0.9㎏ 봉지당 291g이었다. 교배모본 및 대조구와의 대치선이 형성되었으며 RAPD을 이용한 유전적 다형성 검정 결과 모균주와 유의적 구별성을 보였다.