목적 : 학습코칭이 대학생의 자기주도학습 능력 및 학업성취에 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보고, 자기주도학습이 학업성취에도 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 한다.
방법 : 조별 학습 및 팀기반 학습을 6개월 이상 경험한 전남 소재 안경광학과 전공학생 86명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 수집된 자료는 IBM SPSS Statistics 22를 이용하여 빈도분석, 기술통계량, 신뢰도분석, 회귀분석을 실시하였다.
결과 : 학업성취는 학습코칭과 자기주도학습에 양(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 학습코칭은 학업성취에 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며(β=.503, p<.001), 전공만족도가 높을수록 학업성취도가 높은 것으로 나타났다(β=.351, p<.01). 학습코칭이 자기주도학습에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과, 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며(β=.325, p<.01), 남자인 경우(β=.259, p<.01), 학점이 높을수록(β =.222, p<.05) 자기주도학습 수준이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 자기주도학습이 학업성취에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 대학생의 자기주도학습은 학업성취에 영향을 미치고(β=.547, p<.001), 전공만족도가 높을수록(β=.404, p<.001) 학업성취에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
결론 : 학습코칭은 대학생의 자기주도학습 및 학업성취에 큰 영향을 미쳤고, 전공만족도가 중요한 변인임을 확인하였다.
Insects are attracting the attention of alternative sources of protein. In order to produce high quality insects, studieson the development of safe and nutritious feed sources are needed. Given the cost of rearing insects, agricultural andindustrial by-products were good materials of insect feed. In the current study, Citrus unshiu peel (CP), soybean curdcake (SCC), soybean oil meal (SOM), and brewers dried grain (BDG) were investigated for their effects on larval growthand development of Protaetia brevitarsis. Interestingly, larvae fed on 10% SCC increased their weight by 3.5 times. Forthe larval period, they were significantly shorter than the control. Furthermore, minerals and amino acids were recordedto be high in them. The heavy metals were not detected in any of the investigated groups. These findings provided ascientific basis for the utilization of soybean curd cake as a nutritional feed source to promote larval growth and producequality insects.
The exosomes are the most studied nanometer-sized extracellular vesicles (40-100 nm) in eukaryotic cell. Exosomeharbors various molecular components of their cell origin, including nucleic acids and proteins, and it is involved in intraand intercellular communication. These characteristics make exosomes to be a prospective biomarkers, therapeutic agents,or drug delivery vehicles. Edible insect industry is rapidly growing up in Korea. The insect exosomes were isolated fromthe larvae of Korean rhinoceros beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma, and White-spotted flower chafer, Protaetia brevitarsis, sothat they can be used for diagnosis of insect disease. The stable preservation of exosome is very important for diagnosisand research, especially for long term storage. Here, the stable recovery of exosome isolated from hemolymph of A. dichotomalarva was evaluated by analyzing exosomal protein and RNA after storage in -70°C for three months.
Ptaquiloside는 고사리에 들어 있는 발암성 물질이다. 본 연구는 다양한 조리법에 따라 고사리에 함유된 ptaquiloside 을 측정해 보고자 하였다. 조리법은 가열, 물에 침지, 물 교환 횟수 등이었다. 알칼리 가수분해와 용매분획은 ptaquiloside를 화학적으로 안정한 물질인 pterosin B로 전환시켜 주었다. Pterosin B 함량은 이동상용매로 3 mM ammonium과 메탄올 용매를 사용하여 UPLC-MS/MS로 분 석하였다. 조리과정이 없는 생고사리의 H2O추출물에 함유 된 pterosin B함량은 81 mg/kg으로 검출되어 독성물질 ptaquiloside는 46.4 mg/kg이었다. 5분의 가열 시간 후 고사리의 pterosin B 함량은 약 60%정도 제거시켜주며, 이 중 2/3는 ptaquiloside에서 전환된 pterosin B가 아닌 고사리 고유의 ptersoin B 함량이었다. 12시간 침지를 추가한 고사리는 처리하지 않은 고사리에 비해 약 88%, 또한 매 시간 물교환 작업을 추가시 99.5%까지 제거됨을 알 수 있 었다. 따라서 독성물질 ptaquiloside의 제거는 가열시간과 더불어 침지와 물 교환 횟수도 동시에 이루어져야 함을 알 수 있었다.
Recently, Gryllus bimaculatus and the larva of Tenebrio molitor, Protaetia brevitarsis, and Allomyrina dichotoma were enlisted as general food ingredients by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. As the interest in these insects is growing, the detailed investigation is needed for the standardization of suitable and safe rearing techniques. This survey was conducted via personal interviews about edible insect rearing farms in Korea. The basic feed is fermented oak sawdust for P. brevitarsis and A. dichotoma and wheat bran for T. molitor. The various feed additives are blended with each farm’s own recipes. It seems that larval weight was correlated with the rearing density and duration of the larval period. The heavy metal contents were analyzed after 48 hour starvation and they were very small amount or not detected. We believe that the present data will contribute to develop and standardize the safe rearing techniques of edible insects in Korea.
The purpose of this study was to identify the new fungal disease of Scopendra subspinipes mutilans (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) from Jeju island in Korea. Scopendra subspinipes mutilans are also known the Chinese red head and average 20cm in length. It is used for traditional medicine for skin-disease and tumor and S. s. mutilans is recently raised in Jeju island to use healing properties. We isolated fungi from surface of infected S. s. mutilans and incubated in SDBA at 24℃ for 14days, and then identified the morphology of the fungi by light and electron microscopy. For the specific diagnosis of Metarhizium spp. in S. s. mutilans, 18srRNA of fungi was amplified by primers ITS4_MF and LR3_MR and sequenced by using the BLAST server at the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The result of the 18srRNA sequencing alignment was Metarhizium anisopliae (99.9%). The entomopathogenic fungi, M. anisopliae would be fatal cause of higher mortality to S. s. mutilans, and it is needed in vivo assay to confirm the pathogenic activities of M. anisopliae to S. s. mutilans.
Many insects have gained increasing attention as an alternative protein for humans. Among those, the two-spotted cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), was recently approved as a general food ingredient by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. For industrial utilization of G. bimaculatus, mass rearing techniques and production system should be standardized first. In this study, we investigated the effects of five different feeds on the growth and development of G. bimaculatus. Feed is the one of the key factors that has considerable effects on rearing insects. With five different kinds of feed on 1st, 3rd, and 5th instar nymphs, the change of survival rate, body weight were monitored up to eight weeks after hatching. We concluded that 50% of soybean flour, 20% of corn powder, 10% of rice bran, 9% of milk serum, 10% of rice flour, 0.5% of microorganisms, and 0.5% of multivitamins and minerals (diet C) was the best mix for promoting growth and development of 3rd instar nymphs compared to the control diet.
Oyster mushroom is one of mushrooms that are cultivated and consumed a lot in Korea. P. ostreatus 'ASI 2504(Suhan)' is a preferable cultivar to mushroom farmers because it has a dark pileus and a thick stipe. But it is very sensitive to environmental conditions, so farmers demand an alternative cultivar of ‘Suhan’ continuously. To develop a new cultivar, parental strains ‘ASI 2504(Suhan)’ and ‘ASI 0665(Heuktari)’ were selected from P. ostreatus’s various collected strains according to morphological characteristics. P. ostreatus ‘Soltari’ was developed by the method of Di-Mono crossing between dikaryotic strain ‘Suhan’ and monokaryotic strain derived from ‘Heuktari’. Analysis of the mitochondrial genetic characteristics was performed for primary selection in 100 crossed strains. The mitochondrial DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was same as that of ‘Heuktari’, when mitochondrial DNA primer MtPo1 was used. And a nuclear DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was similar as those of the parental strains, ‘Suhan’ and ‘Heuktari’, when RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primer URP 1, 3 were used. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 30°C for ‘Soltari’. ‘Soltari’ was appropriate for middle high temperature to grow, especially 13~18°C. Fruiting body production per bottle (1,100mL) was about 158.6g. When compared to the control strain ‘Suhan’, the stipe’s length and thickness of ‘Soltari’ were similar to those of ’Suhan’. But the pileus diameter of ‘Soltari’ was a little shorter than that of ‘Suhan’, the former was 42.72mm, while the latter was 51.33mm. And the pileus thickness of ‘Soltari’ and ‘Suhan’ were 18.18mm and 25.46mm, respectively. ‘Soltari’ was more resistant at high CO2 concentration than ‘Suhan’ and the color of pileus of ‘Soltari’ was kept dark gray at high temperature. Therefore, it is suggested that this new cultivar ‘Soltari’ be an alternative of ‘Suhan’ and contribute to energy saving effect in oyster mushroom farms.
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of moisture removal using a moisture condensation tube on the odor concentration, when sampling a malodorous substance from an odor discharge facility’s emission sites. For high-temperature and humid gas streams, the odor concentration was decreased through the use of a moisture condensation tube. The multiple odor concentration of the high-temperature and humid gas streams emitted from boiler-burning equipment decreased from a 3,000 to a 1,221 dilution factor when using one or two moisture condensation tube. This multiple odor concentration was further decreased to a 1,000 dilution factor by using two moisture condensation tubes and glass beads, and also was decreased to a 374 dilution factor by using two moisture condensation tubes and silicagel. Among the designated offensive odorous substances, ammonia, trimethylamine and acetaldehyde that have high solubility in water showed high reduction rate of their concentration. Compared to the result using a sampling tube only, the concentration was decreased by 94.8% ~ 97.7% for ammonia, by 87.5% ~ 95.9% for trimethylamine and by 100% for acetaldehyde. The findings of this study indicate that sampling using a moisture condensation tube affects the concentration of multiple odors. Therefore, it is considered that using a sampling tube only for emissions sampling enhances analytical accuracy and precision rather than using moisture condensation tube with sampling tube, even for the emissions containing moisture.
느타리 버섯류의 새로운 품종을 개발하기 위해 고품질 의 흑회색 느타리 신품종을 육성하였다. 2003년부터 2004년까지 느타리 유전자원의 특성을 검정하였고, 2008 년에 수한과 농기201호의 단핵체간 교잡하여 04-154 교 잡주를 육성하여 이를 이용해 구슬, 만추리, 야산을 육성 하였다. 2012년 구슬의 이핵체와 야산의 단핵체를 교잡하 여 몽돌을 육성하였고, 이 몽돌과 곤지7호를 교잡하여 갓 색깔이 우수한 Po 2012-706를 선발하여 특성검정, 확대 재배를 실시하여 농작물 직무육성 신품종 선정심의회에서 ‘고솔’로 명명하였다. 주요특성으로 균사 생장 적온이 25~30 o C이며 버섯 원기형성 및 발생온도는 12~18 o C이다. 자실체의 갓 색깔은 흑회색이며 자실체 형태는 옅은 깔때 기형이다. 대길이는 42.4±2.7 mm, 대굵기는 14.6±2.7 mm 로 수한에 비해 자실체 대가 가늘면서 긴 편이다. 자실체 수량은 병 당(850 mL) 124.2±35.2 g으로 수한이 100일 때 고솔은 116이었다. 가변특성으로는 감자배지와 버섯완전배지에서 균사를 배양한 결과 버섯완전배지에서 생장이 양호하였고 대조구 또한 같은 결과를 보였다. 4종류의 primer를 이용하여 새로운 품종 ‘고솔’과 모균주에 대한 DNA profile을 분석한 결과 primer URP1, primer URP2 에서 고솔이 양친의 주요 DNA 밴드를 갖고 있으며 대조 구인 ‘수한’과는 뚜렷하게 구분되었다. 신품종 느타리 ‘고 솔’은 소비자들이 선호하는 흑회색의 갓을 나타났고 저장 성이 좋아 고품질을 요구하는 소비자들을 만족시키는 데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
Oyster mushroom is one of mushrooms that are cultivated and consumed a lot in Korea. P. ostreatus 'Suhan(ASI2504)' is a popluar cultivar because of high quality. But it is difficult for farmers to cultivate, so an alternative cultivar of ‘Suhan’ is demanded continuously. To develop a new variety, parental strains were selected using cultivation characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus collected home and abroad. P. ostreatus 'Gosol' was developed by the method of Di-Mon crossing between dikaryotic strain P. ostreatus 'Mongdol(ASI0633)' and monokaryotic strain derived from P. ostreatus ‘Yasan(ASI0635)' in 2014. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new cultivar 'Gosol' showed a different DNA profile as that of the control strain, 'Suhan’ but a similar DNA profile as those of the parental strains, ‘Yasan’ and 'Mongdol’, when RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primer URP 3 was used. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 25°C for ‘Gosol’ and ‘Suhan’. 'Gosol' was appropriate for middle high temperature to grow, especially 13~18°C. Fruiting body production per bottle was about 124.2g. When compared to the control strain 'Suhan’, the stipe was longer and the individual weight was heavier. But the stipe and the pileus were a little thinner than those of the control strain. ‘Gosol’ was more resistant at high CO2 concentration than the control strain. This new cultivar ‘Gosol’ of Pleurotus ostreatus was characterized dark bluish gray cultivar of oyster mushroom in the color of pileus and higer yield compared to those of other cultivar ‘Suhan’. Therefore, it is suggested that this new cultivar ‘Gosol’ be substitute for ‘Suhan’ in oyster mushroom’s farms.
Hypsizigus marmoreus is commercially the most important edible mushroom in Japan. This mushroom is usually cultivatedfor a longer period (about 85~120 days) than other mushroom. In order to develop a new cultivar that has a shortened cultivationperiod, the genome analysis of this strain has been considered. This study aims to obtain parental monokaryotic strains reproducing‘Haemi’ cultivar in Hypsizigus marmoreus for reference genome sequencing. The mycelia were cultured in MCM and MYG media forvarious incubation periods. Homogenized mycelia were treated with commercial cell wall degrading enzymes to maximize protoplastsproduction yield from Hypsizigus marmoreus. The greatest number of protoplasts was obtained from mycelia cultured in MCM mediafor 3 days using Novozyme enzyme. The isolated protoplasts were grown in regeneration agar media after two weeks. Regeneratedcolonies were picked and moved on separated dishes for microscopic observation. Neohaplonts regenerated from dikayotic strainswere identified by the absence of clamp connections. We confirmed that one of monokaryotic strains is a parental strain by crossingwith an original compatible strain of ‘Haemi’ cultivar. This parental strain will be used for reference genome sequence analysis.
Agaricus bitorquis is an edible white mushroom of the genus that is cultivated at high temperature(25±1oC) unlikeA. bisporus is cultivate at 16±2oC. Unlike Agaricus bisporus, an edible white A. bitorquis mushroom is cultivated at hightemperature (25±1oC). Most farmers cultivate this mushroom for a long cultivation period in Korea. For this reason, we madeheterokayons to develop a new cultivar that generate fruitbodies for short cultivation period. Over one hundred SSIs(singlespores isolates) were collected from selected A. bitorquis ASI1151 and ASI1349 strains. Seventy-three SSIs were germinated onCDA(compost dextrose agar) media after 20 days (minimum) or 83 days (maximum) incubation under different mediacondition. The mycelial growth rate of germinated SSIs was different. 9 homokaryons in ASI 1151 and 11 homokaryons in ASI1349 from SSIs were selected by OPN-02 primer in RAPD analaysis. Also this primer was used to select heterokaryon thatcross among each homokaryon with compatible locus. Therefore 44 compatible matings were confirmed of 99 crossed lines.
A new commercial strain “Mongdol” of oyster mushroom was developed by hyphal anastomosis. It was improvedwith hybridization between monokaryotic strain derived from Pleurotus ostreatus ASI 0627 and dikaryotic strain derived from P.ostreatus ASI 2929. The optimum temperature of mycelial growth and fruiting body development were 25~30oC and 12~18oC,respectively. When two different media including PDA (potato dextrose agar medium) and MCM (mushroom complete medium)were compared, the mycelial growth of this mushroom was faster in MCM than in PDA. Similar result was observed with thecontrol strain P. ostreatus ASI 2504. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new cultivar “Mongdol” showed a different DNAprofile as that of the control strain ASI 2504, when RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primer URP3 and URP6 wereused. Fruiting body production per bottle was about 106 g using demonstration farms. The color of pileus was blackish gray andthe stipe was long. Therefore, we expect that this new strain “Mongdol” will satisfy the consumer’s demand for high qualitymushrooms.
‘Baekjung’ adaptable to high temperature was made by crossing between monokaryon derived from selfing of brownstrain and monokaryon derived from Korea white strain. In the condition that temperature is maintained at 10oC without lowtemperature of 4oC suppressing treatment and wrapping during cultivation period, it showed good productivity thanUri1ho(control). The optimum temperature of mycelial growth was 30oC and that of fruiting body initiation and developmentwere 14oC and 7oC, respectively. The days for the fruiting and yield were 7days and 277±11.2g per 1,100ml bottle,respectively. This variety needed high concentration of carbon dioxide up to 4,000 ppm for the good quality.
The efficiency of using 7 indoor plants, which were Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Ficus robusta, Sansevienria trifasciata, Rhapis excelsa, Scindapusus aureus, Anthurium andraeanum and Pachira aquatica, for B·T·E (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene) removal were assessed at 1200 Lux light intensity in airtight chambers (1.27 m3). Rhapis excelsa, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens and Ficus robusta were among the most effective plants, completely removing for B·T·E within 38 hours, wherease Scindapusus aureus and Sansevienria trifasciata were the lowest in terms of removal efficiency. But when the removal efficiency was measured per unit leaf area (μg·m−3·−2), it was found that Scindapusus aureus, Anthurium andraeanum and Sansevienria trifasciata removed higher amount than Rhapis excelsa, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens and Ficus robusta. Plants with wide leaves and a big leaf area including Rhapis excelsa and Chrysalidocarpus lutescens showed higher removal efficiencies of B·T·E than those with smaller leaves such as Scindapusus aureus. Among the plants tested over 120 hours, the species that emitted the highest levels of CO2, involved with photosynthesis and respiration in plants, Pachira aquatica (11,560 ppm) was emitting 10 times more CO2 than Scindapusus aureus (1,260 ppm).
The concerns about potential risks and hazards in children’s playgrounds are increasing and the restrictions for environmental harmful substances in playgrounds have been reinforced in many countries. In this study, the concentrations of heavy metals were analyzed in 142 samples including 105 of sand flooring and 37 playing equipment such as swing, slide, sporting equipment, bench and fence in 18 children’s playgrounds. Heavy metals in sand flooring were investigated and categorized by natural environmental factors such as season, rainfall, post-rainy day, and artificial factors as road, type, and material of nearby play equipment. The concentration of heavy metals such as Pb, Hg, Cu, and Zn were significantly higher in sand flooring near the play equipment than at places away from the playing equipment (p < 0.05). Spearman’s rank correlation analysis showed that play equipment had a positive correlation with the sand flooring with regard to the concentration of Pb (r = 0.42, p < 0.01) and Cu (r = 0.39, p < 0.01). The concentration of heavy metals in the sand flooring showed a statistically significant difference depending on the season, post-rainy day, the distance from a roadway, type of equipment, and the material. The play equipment’s heavy metal concentration and other environmental factors contributed to the heavy metal concentration in the sand flooring’s surface in playgrounds.
식중독 유발 바이러스인 HAV는 제 1군 감염병원으로 규정되면서 감염 시 원인식품을 빠르게 분석하게 되었으며 그로 인해 정확하면서 빠른 검출기술을 요구하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 HAV에 오염된 상추에서 신속하게 바이러스를 검사하기 위해서 IMS를 통하여 신속하게 HAV를 순수 분리 및 농축하였고, 형광물질인 quantum dot을 활용하여 형광검출을 실시하였다. 또한 일반적으로 바이러스 농축에 사용되는 PEG 농축방법과 비교하였을 때 검출능은 유사한 결과를 얻었으나, 농축시간 면에서는 IMS를 통한 방법이 효과적이었다. 또한 IMS 방법으로 확보된 항원을 Quantum dot을 활용하여 10분 이내에 바이러스를 검출할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 제시된 검출기반은 식품 유통 과정 중 다양한 식중독 바이러스로부터 소비자를 보호 할 수 있는 검사방법으로 활용될 수 있다고 기대된다.
There are many factors to influence the amount of terpene at the forest. However, it is poorly understood whether the amount is altered by meteorological factors. In order to study correlation analysis between terpene amount and meteorological(i.e., temperature, humidity, wind speed, solar radiation) and environmental factors(i.e., oxygen, carbonb dioxide) at the artificial coniferous forest of Chamaecyparis obtusa (site 1) and Cryptomeria japonica (site 2) nearby the 1st reservoir at Mt. Moodeung, the research was executed during April to November in 2011. Forest density at site 1 was 1,692 trees/ha, being occupied with 87.2% of Chamaecyparis obtusa, higher than 925 trees/ha at site 2. Carbon dioxide at site 1 was in the range of 385∼410 ppm in June, similar to at Anmyundo(395 ppm in 2010). Solar radiation has positive correlation with ambient temperature and inversely negative with relative humidity. Main species of terpene released were α -pinene, camphene, β-pinene, cymene, δ-limonene and camphor at two sites and terpene was more effluent at spring and summer than at fall. The large amount of terpene was emitted in the afternoon than in the morning under the influence of the wind speed and the topographical property. The terpene amount has positive correlation with relative humidity and oxygen, and negative with wind speed and soil temperature. Because correlations of α-pinene and other terpene materials showed statistically significant within p=0.01. α-pinene could be suggested as the basic material in explaining the amount of other terpene materials.